原创 $ git push -u origin "master" [rejected]

$ git push -u origin "master"To https://gitee.com/ee/0523.git ! [rejected]        master -> master (non-fast-forward)err

原创 MinGW -- Minimalist GNU for Windows

MinGW,是Minimalist GNU for Windows的縮寫。它是一個可自由使用和自由發佈的Windows特定頭文件和使用GNU工具集導入庫的集合,允許你在GNU/Linux和Windows平臺生成本地的Windows程序而不需

原创 CMD 常見命令

cd change directory  改變目錄,切換目錄 cd .  到當前目錄 cd ..  到上一級目錄 cd \  到根目錄 cd 某一絕對路徑 cd 某一相對路徑   dir directory 顯示當前位置的文件或文件夾  

原创 power 740 p740 連接遠程管理模塊   The connection for this site is not secure uses an unsupported protocol.

原创 git remote add origin <http地址>

  使用“git remote add origin”指令,可以輕鬆地將本地項目連接到遠程Git倉庫. git remote add origin <遠程Git倉庫地址> 1. 更改默認的遠程倉庫在項目中可能存在多個遠程倉庫,如果你想更改默

原创 h28 HTML Javascript

A script is a small piece of program that can add interactivity to our websites. For example, a script could generate a

原创 h29 HTML Layouts

  The HTML Layouts specifies the arrangement of components on an HTML web page. A good layout structure of the webpage i

原创 h27 HTML Adding Favicon

  What is a HTML Favicon? A favicon is a small image that represents your website and helps users identify it among mult

原创 h30 HTML Layout Elements

  The Layout Elements of HTML In HTML, there are various semantic elements that are used to define different parts of a

原创 h31 HTML Layout using CSS

  Now we all have learned various techniques to design an HTML layout including tables and semantic elements. We are ver

原创 CSS Cascading Style Sheet

cs01 CSS Syntax cs02 CSS Selectors cs03 CSS Inclusion cs04 CSS Measurement Units cs05 CSS Paddings Property     REF http

原创 cs04 CSS Measurement Units

Values and units, in CSS, are significant as they determine the size, proportions, and positioning of elements on a web

原创 cs01 CSS Syntax

A CSS comprises of style rules that are interpreted by the browser and then applied to the corresponding elements in you

原创 cs03 CSS Inclusion

There are four ways to associate styles with your HTML document. Most commonly used methods are inline CSS and External

原创 cs02 CSS Selectors

CSS selectors are patterns used to select and style HTML elements on a web page. They allow you to target specific eleme