


       (1)DLMS User Association , COSEM Identification System andInterface Objects , Third Edition

       (2)IEC62056 -53 Electricitymetering - Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load                                                        control -Part 53: COSEM applicationlayer

       (3)IEC62056 -46Electricity metering - Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load                                                             control -Part 46: Data link layerusing HDLC protocol

       (4)IEC62056 -42 Electricity metering - Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load                                                            control -Part 42: Physical layer servicesand procedures for                                                                     connection-orientedasynchronous data exchange

       (5)IEC62056 -61 Electricity metering - Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load                                                            control -Part 61: Object identificationsystem (OBIS)

       (6)Amber Management logical device-FR:AMBER/FW TECH_SPEC                                                                                          MANAGEMENT_LOGICAL_DEVICE

         (7)Amber Electricity Logical Device - FR:AMBER/FWTECH_SPEC                                                                                           ELECTRICITY_LOGICAL_DEVICE

     (8)A Layman's Guide to a Subset of ASN.1, BER, and DER-

                                   AnRSA Laboratories Technical Note

                                   Burton S. KaliskiJr.Revised November 1, 1993








       四、DLMS應用層協議:講述DLMS應用層協議在整個協議族中的作用。這一部分又                 包括如下幾部分內容。



              (三、)AARQ與AARE數據幀:這是兩個特殊的數據幀,它用來構築DLMS協                                議中的client端與server端的應用層連接。



1、  請求電量

2、  請求瞬時量(電壓、電流、功率)

3、  請求負荷曲線

4、  請求時間










(一)   建立物理層連接

    物理層位於通訊模型的最底層。DLMS規約可以建立在多種物理層之上,物理 層的做用主要是對底層通訊硬件的操做(如對PSTN MODEM的初始化,打開,   關閉。)

(二)   建立鏈路層連接

                     物理層連接建立之後,數據通訊的第一步是建立鏈路層的連接,鏈路層主要負            責數據傳輸的可靠性,包括以下幾個方面,地址校驗,幀長校驗,數據的CRC校                驗。長數據幀的拆包組包。同時嚮應用層提供鏈路傳輸的服務。

(三)   建立應用層連接



              這個過程是爲數據通訊提供一些配置參數。應用層連接請求由Client端發起,Client      端發aarq幀,Server端響應aare幀

(四)   進行數據通訊

       當連接建立起後,就可進行數據通訊了。Client端發送數據請求幀Server端以數據響應。Client在請求不同的數據時,要使用特定數據的獨有的class id和OBIS,用以標識不同類型的數據。

(五)   數據通訊結束,釋放鏈路,解除連接。


(六)   解除物理層連接














       (一) 、LLC子層(邏輯鏈路控制子層)


       具體到數據通訊時,對於client端應用層發送的數據,要加上LLC幀頭(0xe6 , 0xe6, 0x00),server端應用層發送的數據,要加上LLC幀頭 ( 0xe6  ,  0xe7 , 0x00)。




1          HDLC幀格式

(1)       不包含應用層數據信息










(2)       包含應用層數據信息














幀頭校驗:爲增強通訊的可靠性,對幀頭的數據也加上CRC校驗。幀頭包括如下                       字段:幀類型與幀長、目的地址域、源地址域、和控制域

LLC幀頭:用戶數據信息前要加0xe6 , 0xe6, 0x000xe6 , 0xe7, 0x00



2          幀類型字段與‘S’位


       FrameType :用於指出當前數據幀的類型。HDLC有多種數據幀類型,DLMS使                               用Frame Type 3。FrameType恆爲A(1010)。

       S:(segmentation Bit)這個字段只有一位,它用於說明數據幀是否被分割。在長數                      據幀傳輸時要使用到這一位。長數據幀的傳輸將在後面解釋。

       FrameLength Sub-field :這個字段用於說明當前數據幀的長度,(以字節爲單位,                           不包括兩個0x7e)

3          地址解析





              Client端的地址永遠是一個字節,由於擴展編址技術的使用,最低位置1,所以client       端的地址只能有128個。

       Server端爲了實現一個物理地址對應多個邏輯地址,將地址分成了兩部分upper HDLCAddress 用於表述邏輯地址,lower HDLC address用於表述物理地址。Upper address總是應當有的,lower address在確認不需要的情況下,可以不出現。(sl7000 電錶這兩部分地址都是需要的)。


       Onebyte: only the upper HDLC address is present.












4          幀控制字







                     在鏈路層連接建立之後,第一次請求數據時(在client端,包括髮送AARQ)                 RRR置爲0,SSS置爲0。Server端收到這一幀數據後,返回數據響應RRR爲1,                 SSS爲0。Client再次請求數據時RRR加1,SSS加1。Server端收到這一幀數據後,              返回數據響應RRR加1(成爲2),SSS加1。如此反覆直到client得到所有的數據                爲止。整個數據傳輸過程以I數據幀請求和響應。這裏要說明的是在請求數據結束                 後還要再發送RR幀,收到確認後。纔可以再發送DISC幀結束鏈路。其中Client端                的RR幀中的幀計數位RRR只需將client的幀計數位RRR加1得到。


P/F:poll/final bit。

        Poll bit :由client發送,置1時表示server端迴應,置0時表示不允許迴應。

        final bit:由server發送,置1時表示一次數據幀的發送結束,置0時表示還未                         發送完。final bit只有在通訊窗口(window size)大於1的情況下才有意               義。在window size = 1時,由server端返回的數據幀中的這一位總是                     置1。(關於window size將會在“建立鏈路層連接”時解釋)






       I      :信息傳輸幀

RR   :準備接收數據幀(用來表示準備接收下一幀數據)

RNR:接收沒有準備好(receive not ready)。相當於別的通訊協議中的忙幀。




DM:對DISC的響應幀。(Disconnected mode)


FRMR:拒絕接收幀(Frame reject),由於不確定的某種原因拒絕接收到的數據幀。


5          長數據幀的傳輸







6          數據幀校驗


       具體的實現程序,可參照英文參考文獻IEC62056 - 46的附錄A。





WINDOW_SIZE parameter;         這個參數描述通訊時,通訊的雙方一次發送數據幀的數目。                                                 HDLC允許一次發送多幀數據。

MAXIMUM_INFORMATION_FIELD_LENGTHparameter . 最大信息域長度,這個參數用於描                                             述一個鏈路數據幀中用戶數據的長度。


default WINDOW_SIZE = 1;



transmit maximum information field length 

receive maximum information field length 

transmit window size

receive window size







S: 7e a021 00 22 00 23 03 93 0b 14 81 80 12 05 01 80 06 01 80 07 04 00 00 00 01 08 0400 00 00 07 65 5e 7e



a0 21      幀類型與幀長

00 22 0023    目的地址

03          源地址

93           控制字

0b 14     幀頭校驗

81 80   SNRM 標識

12          group lenth.

05Hparameter identifier (maximum information field length transmit)

              01H parameter length (1 octet)

              80H parameter value(128 bytes)


06Hparameter identifier (maximum information field length receive)

              01H parameter length (1 octet)

              80H parameter value  (128 bytes)


07Hparameter identifier (window size, transmit)

              04H parameter length (4 octets)

              00H parameter value  (high byte of value)

              00H parameter value

              00H parameter value

              01Hparameter value  (low byte of value)


08Hparameter identifier (window size, receive)

              04H parameter length (4 octets)

              00H parameter value  (high byte of value)

              00H parameter value

              00H parameter value

              07H parameter value  (low byte of value)

65 5e      數據幀校驗(CRC校驗)




R: 7E A021 03 00 22 00 23 73 28 F0 81 80 12 05 01 80 06 01 80 07 04 00 00 00 01 08 0400 00 00 01 53 3B 7E



       0xA0 21//(type=a :frame type 3 , s=0 :end of frame , len=021 : 33 bytes)

       03//source address

       00 22

       00 23 //destination address

       73 //control UA

       28 F0 //hcs

       81 80 12 05 01 80 06 01 80 07 04 00 00 0001 08 04 00 00 00 01

       //information field

       //parameter negotiation




       //05  0180                           :maximuminformation field length  transmit (128BYTEs)

       //06  0180                           :maximuminformation field length  receive  (128 BYTEs)

       //07  0400 00 00 01              :window size,transmit (1)

       //08  0400 00 00 01              :window size,receive  (1)

       53 3B//fcs





S: 7e a0 0a 00 22 00 23 03 53 06 c7 7e


7e a0 0a 00 22 00 23 03

53 // 幀類型Disc

06 c7 7e

R: 7E A0 0A 03 00 22 00 23 1F 43 4C 7E


7E A0 0A 03 00 22 00 23


43 4C 7E






















       Name  ::=  [tag]        IMPLICIT/ EXPLICIT         Data type


       null-data           [0] IMPLICIT NULL,

       item1             [1] IMPLICIT/ EXPLICIT    Data type  A1 OPTIONAL

       item2             [2] IMPLICIT/ EXPLICIT     Data type  A2 OPTIONAL

       item3             [3] Data type            




Name    -    是這個數據幀的名字。

Tag         -    tag包含兩部分classtype 和一個數字

                     Class type有以下四種:

                            1)Universal  表明name定義的數據幀在所有的DLMS應用中的含義是唯                      一的。

                            2)Application 表明name定義的數據幀的含義同具體的應用有關。

                            3)Private      表明name定義的數據幀只在某一廠家的自定義範圍之內。

                            4)Context-specific 表明name定義的數據幀同上下文數據項的含義有關。                            這種類型的數據,在不同的結構中可能有不同的含義。

                     Tag中的數字,是作爲這個數據幀的標號存在的,它做爲該數據幀的句柄出現               在應用數據單元中。


IMPLICIT/ EXPLICIT -     當前數據幀(稱爲子數據幀)可能派生於某一數據幀(稱爲父數                                          據幀),這個字段用來描述子數據幀同父數據幀的關係。

                            IMPLICIT  :     改變了父數據幀的Tag。

                            EXPLICIT :   不改變父數據幀的Tag。


Data type -     描述數據幀的數據類型。數據類型分爲簡單型和複合型。多數數據類型可以從               名字看出其類型。以下列出了幾種,完整的數據類型集合請參見附錄。

        Type                     Tag number     Tag number
                             (decimal)      (hexadecimal)
    INTEGER                  2              02
    BIT STRING               3              03
    OCTET STRING             4              04
    NULL                     5              05
    OBJECT IDENTIFIER        6              06
    SEQUENCE and SEQUENCE OF 16             10
    SET and SET OF           17             11
    PrintableString          19             13
    T61String                20             14
    IA5String                22             16
    UTCTime                  23             17

“{}”-        大括號中的內容,即爲數據幀中的數據項。每一數據項後的數字序號,即爲該                     數據項的標識(tag)。每一數據項可以是對另一數據幀的複合。即一個數據                       幀通常是對其它數據幀的一種組合。

OPTIONAL - 這個關鍵字描述的數據項,在用戶認爲需要的場合可以省略。



比較重要的兩種複合類型SEQUENCE和CHOICE 下面舉例解釋:

       1)SEQUENCE : 數據幀中的內容是順序排列的。下面以舉例說明SEQUENCE類型。

              Get-Request-Normal ::= SEQUENCE


              invoke-id-and-priority           Invoke-Id-And-Priority,

              cosem-attribute-descriptor   Cosem-Attribute-Descriptor,

              access-selection-parameters Selective-Access-DescriptorOPTIONAL



       2)CHOICE :即選則類型,它表明當前數據幀是從幾個數據幀中選擇一種做爲當前數                 據幀的類型。下面以舉例說明CHOICE類型。

              GET-Request ::= CHOICE


                   get-request-normal         [1] IMPLICIT Get-Request-Normal,

                   get-request-next                [2]IMPLICIT Get-Request-Next,

                   get-request-with-list           [3] IMPLICIT Get-Request-With-List






















bit15                                                                                                                      bit0

datatype classes(bit15、14)

Data type(bit13)

data length(bit12-bit0)

1)datatype classes 字段:這一字段用於對ASN.1語法中的class type編碼

     Universal    (00)

     Application  (01)


     Context-specific  (10)

     Private            (11)


     Primitive          (0)     簡單類型

     Constructed        (1)      複合類型(數組或結構)







                                               ――[APPLICATION 1] == [ 61H ] = [ 97 ]


protocol-version                           [0] IMPLICIT BITSTRING {version1 (0) } DEFAULT{version1},

application-context-name          [1]Application-context-name,

result                                              [2] Association-result,

result-source-diagnostic            [3] Associate-source-diagnostic,

responding-AP-title                     [4] AP-title OPTIONAL,

responding-AE-qualifier            [5] AE-qualifier OPTIONAL,

responding-AP-invocation-id    [6] AP-invocation-identifier OPTIONAL,

responding-AE-invocation-id    [7] AE-invocation-identifier OPTIONAL,

-- The following field shall not be presentif only the kernel is used.

responder-acse-requirements  [8] IMPLICIT ACSE-requirements OPTIONAL,

-- The following field shall only be presentif the authentication functional unit is selected.

mechanism-name                              [9] IMPLICITmechanism-name OPTIONAL,

-- The following field shall only be presentif the authentication functional unit is selected.

responding-authentication-value     [10] EXPLICIT authentication-value OPTIONAL,

implementation-information              [29] IMPLICIT implementation-dataOPTIONAL,

user-information                                   [30]IMPLICIT association-information OPTIONAL



61 //AARE tag

42 //AARE len


A1 //tag of COSEM_Application_Context_Name

              09                        //數據長度

              06                        //(OBJECTIDENTIFIER, Universal)OBJECT IDENTIFIER是一種                                          //ASN.1數據類型.

              07                         //數據長度

              6085 74 05 08 01 01 //數據內容


A2 //Tag of Association-result,

03 02 01 00

A3 //Tag of Associate-source-diagnostic

05 A1 03 02 0100

88 //IMPLICIT ACSE-requirements OPTIONA

02 07 80

89 //IMPLICIT mechanism-name OPTIONAL

07 60 85 74 0508 02 01

AA //EXPLICIT authentication-value OPTIONAL

0A 80 08 41 4243 44 45 46 47 48


04 // encoding the choice for user-information (OCTET STRING,Universal)

0E // encoding of the length of the OCTET STRING’s value field (14 octets)


08 //encoding the tag (explicit tag) of the DLMS PDU CHOICE(InitiateResponse)

00 // usage flag for the proposed-quality-of-service component(FALSE, not present)

06 //negotiated-dlms-version-number

5F 1F // encoding the [APPLICATION 31] tag (ASN.1 explicit tag)

04 // encoding the length of the 'contents' field in octet (4)

00 // encoding of the number of unused bits in the final octet ofthe bitstring

00 08 1D// encoding of the fixed length BITSTRING value                    

21 34 // the A-XDR encoding of an Unsigned16 is its value

  0007 // the A-XDR encoding of an Unsigned16 is its value . 00 07 == LN  

2  A-XDR:


3     兩種編碼的比較:



1) 用BER編碼






















2) 用AXDR編碼














xDLMS-Initiate.request ::= SEQUENCE



response-allowed BOOLEANDEFAULT TRUE,

proposed-quality-of-service[0] IMPLICIT Integer8 OPTIONAL,








00 ----------------------------------//usageflag for the dedicated-key component (FALSE, not present)

00--------------- //usage flag for theresponse-allowed component (FALSE, default value conveyed)

00-------------- //usage flag for theproposed-quality-of-service component (FALSE, not present)

06-------------- //the A-XDR encoding of anUnsigned8 is its value

5f ---------- //encoding the [APPLICATION31] tag (ASN.1 explicit tag)

 04---------- //encoding the length of the'contents' field in octet (4)

       00-----//encoding of the number of unused bits in the final octet of the BITSTRING

        00 00 10------- // encoding of the fixedlength bitstring value.(LN/SN)

00 80 // client-max-receive-pdu-size(128 bytes)






在標準的面向連接的應用層服務控制(ACSE)中,爲了同服務的使用者進行交互,ACSE提供了很多功能單元。在COSEM中只使用了其中的兩個:the kernel and theauthentication functional units.

(一) AARQ , AARE數據幀的具體描述(ASN.1語法描述):



protocol-version                          [0] IMPLICIT BIT STRING{version1 (0) } DEFAULT{version1},

application-context-name         [1] Application-context-name,

called-AP-title                               [2] AP-title OPTIONAL,

called-AE-qualifier                      [3] AE-qualifier OPTIONAL,

called-AP-invocation-id              [4] AP-invocation-identifier OPTIONAL,

called-AE-invocation-id             [5] AE-invocation-identifier OPTIONAL,

calling-AP-title                              [6] AP-title OPTIONAL,

calling-AE-qualifier                    [7] AE-qualifier OPTIONAL,

calling-AP-invocation-id            [8] AP-invocation-identifier OPTIONAL,

calling-AE-invocation-id             [9] AE-invocation-identifier OPTIONAL,

Thefollowing field shall not be present if only the kernel is used.

. sender-acse-requirements     [10]IMPLICIT ACSE-requirements OPTIONAL,

-- The following field shall only be presentif the authentication functional unit is selected.

mechanism-name                     [11] IMPLICIT mechanism-nameOPTIONAL,

-- The following field shall only be presentif the authentication functional unit is selected.

calling-authentication-value      [12] EXPLICIT authentication-value OPTIONAL,

implementation-information   [29] IMPLICIT implementation-data OPTIONAL,

user-information                         [30] IMPLICITassociation-information OPTIONAL




protocol-version                           [0] IMPLICIT BITSTRING {version1 (0) } DEFAULT{version1},

application-context-name          [1]Application-context-name,

result                                              [2] Association-result,

result-source-diagnostic            [3] Associate-source-diagnostic,

responding-AP-title                     [4] AP-title OPTIONAL,

responding-AE-qualifier            [5] AE-qualifier OPTIONAL,

responding-AP-invocation-id    [6] AP-invocation-identifier OPTIONAL,

responding-AE-invocation-id    [7] AE-invocation-identifier OPTIONAL,

-- The following field shall not be presentif only the kernel is used.

responder-acse-requirements  [8] IMPLICIT ACSE-requirements OPTIONAL,

-- The following field shall only be presentif the authentication functional unit is selected.

mechanism-name                              [9] IMPLICITmechanism-name OPTIONAL,

-- The following field shall only be presentif the authentication functional unit is selected.

responding-authentication-value     [10] EXPLICIT authentication-value OPTIONAL,

implementation-information              [29] IMPLICIT implementation-dataOPTIONAL,

user-information                                   [30]IMPLICIT association-information OPTIONAL



(1)    user-information攜帶着XDLMS信息(XDLMS將在稍後解釋),是永遠不能被省略的。

(2)      如Server端聲明瞭身份校驗(要求提供密碼登陸),則AARQ中的sender-acse-requirements,mechanism-name,calling-authentication-value,AARE中的responder-acse-requirement,mechanism-name ,responding-authentication-value 都是不能被省略的。如果省略這些項,則請求數據將被拒絕。

(二)AARQ , AARE數據幀中各項的解釋:

1     AARQ

 protocol-version: 即 ACSE protocol-version. 使用默認值在數據幀中不出現。

application-contex-name:這項是必須項,對於目前的使用情況這個值是唯一的。(0x60 0x85     0x74 0x050x08 0x01 0x01,具體含義不解釋了,可參見IEC62056-53 的7.3.7.1)

sender and responder acse requirements: 指明是否使用ACSE authentication功能(請求數據等),       使用BER位串編碼,只使用BIT0位。該位置位時表明使用authentication功能


       8a // the tag for the acse-requirements field component ([10],IMPLICIT, Context-specific )

       02 //Len

       //the sender-acse-requirements component (ACSE-requirements::= BIT STRING)

       07 //the number of unused bits in the last byte of the BITSTRING

       80 //encoding of the authentication functional unit (0)。最高位置1其餘的爲unused bits。


calling and authentication value: 指出Authentication的值(即密碼)。

user-information: 內容即爲xDLMS-Initiate.requestPDU,xDLMS-Initiate.request的內容如            下。

       xDLMS-Initiate.request :: = SEQUENCE


       dedicated-key OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

       response-allowed BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE,

       proposed-quality-of-service [0] IMPLICIT Integer8 OPTIONAL,

       proposed-dlms-version-number Unsigned8,

       proposed-conformance Conformance,

       client-max-receive-pdu-size Unsigned16



dedicated-key :指出數據是否被加密(ciphering)。通常不用。

response-allowed :是否允許迴應。通常允許。



proposed-conformance :這是主體部分,主要描述需要server端提供的XDLMS服務類型和種類。


Attibute_0 referencingwith SET is not supported (Bit_08)

Priority Management issupported (Bit_09)

Attibute_0 referencingwith GET is supported (Bit_10)

Block Transfer with theGET service is supported (Bit_11)

Block Transfer with theSET service is supported (Bit_12)

Block Transfer with theACTION service is supported (Bit_13)

Multiple references aresupported (Bit_14)

 All LNservices (GET, SET, ACTION,EVENT NOTIFICATION) are supported (Bit_19, 20, 22,23)

Selective Access featureis supported (Bit_21)

這裏提供的多種服務,對於採集器抄表來說,對於採集器最重要的服務是GET service,即讀取數據的功能。通常這個24位的位串被定義爲0x00,0x00,0x10即可。即只使用LN services的GET service。


client-max-receive-pdu-size:client端接受數據的最大限制。設爲0x0000 表明使用默認設置,則應用層數據單元最長爲128字節。



7E A8 8C 03 00 22 00 23 BA88 4D    //HDLC 幀頭

00 00 00 02 02 0F 00 16 1E02 03 09 06 01 01 3E 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 00 02 02 0F 00 16 1E

02 03 09 06 01 01 02 08 00FF 06 00 4B 09 74 02 02 0F 00 16 1E 02 03 09 06 01 01 17 08 00 FF 06 00 00 7E72 02 02 0F 00 16 20 02 03 09 06 01 01 2B 08 00 FF 06 00 00 01 2C 02 02 0F 0016 20 02 03 09 06 01 01 3F 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 00 02 02 0F 00 16 20 02 03 0906 01 01 03 08 00 FF 06 00 00 7F                    //應用層數據單元128字節

2A EA 7E                                          //HDLC幀尾


IMPORTANT For compliance with existing implementations, encoding ofthe [Application 31] tag on one byte (5F)

instead of two bytes (5F1F) is accepted when the 3-layer, connection-oriented, HDLC based profile isused.)


2          AARE

 protocol-version: 即 ACSE protocol-version. 使用默認值在數據幀中不出現。

result: Server端對於Client端的連接請求回覆的結果

result-source-diagnostics: Server端拒絕Client端的連接請求,在這裏給出原因。

application-context-name: 同AARQ

responding authentication value: 同AARQ

user-information: 內容即爲xDLMS-Initiate.responsePDU,xDLMS-Initiate.response的內容          如下。

         xDLMS-Initiate.response :: = SEQUENCE


         negotiated-quality-of-service                               [0] IMPLICIT Integer8 OPTIONAL,

         negotiated-dlms-version-number Unsigned8,

         negotiated-conformance Conformance,

         server-max-receive-pdu-size Unsigned16,

         vaa-name ObjectName


下面分別解釋xDLMS-Initiate. response的各項內容:

negotiated-quality-of-service: 對應於xDLMS-Initiate.request的proposed-quality-of-service, 通                                               常不用。

negotiated-dlms-version-number:對應於xDLMS-Initiate.request 的


negotiated-conformance :這裏是server端對client端請求的XDLMS服務的迴應。如果允許client                                              端的請求,就對相應的位置1。位串的模式與                                                                 xDLMS-Initiate.request 的conformance相同

server-max-receive-pdu-size: server端可以接收的應用數據單元的最大限制。對於採集器而                                                  言,通常不會向server端發送很長的數據幀。

vaa-name : 目前此項沒有什麼用處,server端只是迴應一默認值0x0007。


3 其它項


4 實例





S: 7e a047 00 22 00 23 03 10 d0 5e e6 e6 00 60 36 a1 09 06 07 60 85 74 05 08 01 01 8a02 07 80 8b 07 60 85 74 05 08 02 01 ac 0a 80 08 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 be 1004 0e 01 00 00 00 06 5f 1f 04 00 00 08 1d 00 00 9a 7a 7e




       a0 47 //

       00 22 00 23 //



       d0 5e

       e6 e6 00 //LLC


              60 // AARQ tag

              36 // length

              //     Theapplication-context-name must be in.   

              a1 //tag for theapplication-context-name component

              09 //the length of the taggedcomponent value field

06 // data type choice forapplication-context-name (OBJECT IDENTIFIER,


                     07 // Len

                     60 85 74 05 08 01 01//(context_id = 1 ; means LN referncing);

//COMMENT by DL : The most important part of thisapplication-context-name //is that it chooses LN referencing or SN referencing.


              //encoding the sender-acse-requirementsfield component (tagged component, [10]

8a //encoding the tag for theacse-requirements field component

([10], IMPLICIT,Context-specific )

              02 //Len

                     //thesender-acse-requirements component (ACSE-requirements ::= BIT STRING)

                     07 //the number of unusedbits in the last byte of the BIT STRING

                     80 //encoding of theauthentication functional unit (0)


                     //encoding themechanism-name component (tagged component [11])

              8b //the tag for the mechanism-name component ([11], IMPLICIT,Context-specific)

              07 //the length of the tagged component's value field

                     60 85 74 05 08 02 01 //thevalue of the Object Identifier


              ac //the tag for the mechanism-name component ([12], Context-specific)

              0a //Len

              80 //the choice forAuthentication-information (charstring [0] IMPLICIT GraphicString)

                     08 //Len

                     41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

              /* User information can't beignored. */

              be //user information(x-DLMS context)

              10 //Len (according to bytes)


                     04 //data type choice foruser-information (OCTET STRING, Universal)

                     0e //Len = 14 bytes

01 00 00 00 06 5f 1f 04 00 00 08 1d 00 00

//the octet sequence of the xDLMS-Initiate.requestPDU.


                                   xDLMS-Initiate.request:: = SEQUENCE


                                   dedicated-key                                   OCTETSTRING OPTIONAL,

                                   response-allowed                       BOOLEAN DEFAULTTRUE,

                                   proposed-quality-of-service          [0] IMPLICIT Integer8 OPTIONAL,

                                   proposed-dlms-version-number   Unsigned8,

                                   proposed-conformance               Conformance,

                                   client-max-receive-pdu-size Unsigned16


                                   Theclient-max-receive-pdu-size is 1200D = 0x4B0.



                     01 //the tag (explicit tag)of the DLMS PDU CHOICE


                     00 //usage flag for thededicated-key component (FALSE, not present)


00 //usage flag for the response-allowedcomponent (FALSE, default value conveyed)


00 //usage flag for theproposed-quality-of-service component (FALSE, not present)


                     06 //the A-XDR encoding ofan Unsigned8 is its value


                     5f 1f //encoding the[APPLICATION 31] tag (ASN.1 explicit tag)

                        04 //encoding the length of the 'contents'field in octet (4)

00 //encoding of the number ofunused bits in the final octet of the BITSTRING

                        00 08 1d // encoding of the fixed lengthbitstring value.(LN/SN)


                            00 00 //the A-XDRencoding of an Unsigned16 is its value.




       9a 7a





R: 7E A053 03 00 22 00 23 30 40 A6 E6 E7 00 61 42 A1 09 06 07 60 85 74 05 08 01 01 A203 02 01 00 A3 05 A1 03 02 01

         00 88 02 07 80 89 07 60 85 74 05 08 02 01 AA 0A 80 08 41 42 43 44 45 4647 48 BE 10 04 0E 08 00 06 5F 1F 04

         00 00 08 1D 21 34 00 07 72 A4 7E



       A0 53


       00 22 00 23


       40 A6

       E6 E7 00

       61 //AARE tag

       42 //AARE len




                     06 //type = Objectidentifier

                     07 //length = 07

                            60 85 74 05 08 01 01


              A2 //Tag of Association-result,

              03 //Len of Association-result,

                     02 //type = structure

                     01 //length = 1

                     00 //


              Association-result ::= INTEGER


                     accepted (0),

                     rejected-permanent (1),

                     rejected-transient (2)


              encoding the result component(tagged component [2])

              A2 // encoding the tag &length for the result component ([2], Context-specific )

                03 // encoding of the length of the tagged component¡¯s value field

              -- encoding the result-component(INTEGER)

                   02 // encoding the choice for result(INTEGER, Universal)

                      01 // encoding of the length of theresult¡¯s value field (1 octets)

                         00 // encoding of the value of theResult (0, accepted)



              A3 //Tag ofAssociate-source-diagnostic,

              05 //Len ofAssociate-source-diagnostic



                     0201 00


              Associate-source-diagnostic ::=CHOICE


                     acse-service-user                  [1] INTEGER


                            null (0),

                            no-reason-given (1),







                     acse-service-provider            [2] INTEGER


                            null (0),

                            no-reason-given (1),




              -- encoding theresult-source-diagnostic (tagged component [3])

A3 //encoding the tag for the result-source-diagnostic component ([3],Context-specific )

05 //encoding of the length of the tagged component¡¯s value field

A1 //encoding the tag for the acse-service-user CHOICE (1)

03 //encoding of the length of the tagged component's value field

--encoding the result-source-diagnostics component (INTEGER)

02 //encoding the choice for result-source-diagnostics (INTEGER, Universal)

01 //encoding of the length of the value field (1 octets)

00 //encoding of the value: 0, no diagnostics provided.


              //Contents below can be ignored.

              88 //IMPLICIT ACSE-requirementsOPTIONAL




              89 //IMPLICIT mechanism-nameOPTIONAL


                     60 85 74 05 08 02 01


              AA //EXPLICIT authentication-valueOPTIONAL




                     41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48


              //User information must be exist.


              xDLMS-Initiate.response :: =SEQUENCE


              negotiated-quality-of-service                             [0] IMPLICITInteger8 OPTIONAL,

              negotiated-dlms-version-number                               Unsigned8,

              negotiated-conformance                                           Conformance,

              server-max-receive-pdu-size                                     Unsigned16,

              vaa-name                                                                ObjectName



              BE //User information (x-DLMScontext)



                     04 // encoding the choicefor user-information (OCTET STRING, Universal)

                     0E // encoding of thelength of the OCTET STRING¡¯s value field (14 octets)

                        //-- A-XDR encoding thexDLMS-Initiate.response PDU

                        08 //encoding the tag (explicit tag) of theDLMS PDU CHOICE (InitiateResponse)

                        //-- encoding the negotiated-quality-of-servicecomponent (OPTIONAL, not present)

                        00 // usage flag for theproposed-quality-of-service component (FALSE, not present)

                        //-- encoding of thenegotiated-dlms-version-number component (Unsigned8, value=6)

                        06 //negotiated-dlms-version-number

                        //-- encoding the conformance block[APPLICATION 31] IMPLICIT BITSTRING (SIZE(24))

                        5F 1F // encoding the [APPLICATION 31] tag(ASN.1 explicit tag)

                           04 // encoding the length of the'contents' field in octet (4)

                                00 // encoding of the number of unused bitsin the final octet of the bitstring

                                   // encodingof the fixed length BITSTRING value

                                   00 08 1D

                            //-- encoding theserver-max-receive-pdu-size component (Unsigned16, value=0x01F4)

                        21 34 // the A-XDR encoding of an Unsigned16is its value

                        //-- encoding the VAA-Name component(Unsigned16, value=0x0007 for LN and FA 00 for SN)

                        00 07 // the A-XDR encoding of an Unsigned16is its value . 00 07 == LN                   



       72 A4







-- standardized DLMS PDUs used in COSEM

-- DLMS PDUs (no encryption selected30)

initiateRequest                           [1] IMPLICIT InitiateRequest,

readRequest                              [5] IMPLICIT ReadRequest,

writeRequest                       [6] IMPLICIT WriteRequest,

initiateResponse                        [8] IMPLICIT InitiateResponse,

readResponse                           [12] IMPLICIT ReadResponse,

writeResponse                           [13] IMPLICIT WriteResponse,

confirmedServiceError               [14] ConfirmedServiceError,

unconfirmedWriteRequest          [22] IMPLICIT UnconfirmedWriteRequest,

informationReportRequest          [24] IMPLICIT InformationReportRequest,

-- the two ACSE APDUs

aarq AARQ-apdu

aare AARE-apdu,

-- APDUs used for data communication servicesusing LN referencing

get-request                                [192] IMPLICIT GET-Request,

set-request                                [193] IMPLICIT SET-Request,

event-notification-request          [194] IMPLICIT EVENT-NOTIFICATION-Request,

action-request                            [195] IMPLICIT ACTION-Request,

get-response                             [196] IMPLICIT GET-Response,

set-response                             [197] IMPLICIT SET-Response,

action-response                         [199] IMPLICIT ACTION-Response,

-- global ciphered pdus

glo-get-request                          [200] IMPLICITOCTET STRING,

glo-set-request                          [201] IMPLICITOCTET STRING,

glo-event-notification-request    [202] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING,

glo-action-request                      [203] IMPLICITOCTET STRING,

glo-get-response                       [204] IMPLICITOCTET STRING,

glo-set-response                        [205] IMPLICITOCTET STRING,

glo-action-response                   [207] IMPLICITOCTET STRING,

-- dedicated ciphered pdus

ded-get-request                         [208] IMPLICITOCTET STRING,

ded-set-request                         [209] IMPLICITOCTET STRING,

ded-event-notification-request   [210] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING,

ded-actionRequest                     [211] IMPLICITOCTET STRING,

ded-get-response                      [212] IMPLICITOCTET STRING,

ded-set-response                       [213] IMPLICITOCTET STRING,

ded-action-response                  [215] IMPLICITOCTET STRING





Cosem-Attribute-Descriptor ::= SEQUENCE


class-id Cosem-Class-Id,

instance-id Cosem-Object-Instance-Id,

attribute-id Cosem-Object-Attribute-Id


其中的class-id  attribute-id由本文參考文獻【1】定義。



1)    數據請求幀

GET-Request ::= CHOICE


get-request-normal        [1] IMPLICIT Get-Request-Normal,

get-request-next            [2] IMPLICIT Get-Request-Next,

get-request-with-list       [3] IMPLICIT Get-Request-With-List



Get-Request-Normal ::= SEQUENCE


invoke-id-and-priority                 Invoke-Id-And-Priority,

cosem-attribute-descriptor            Cosem-Attribute-Descriptor,

access-selection-parameters           Selective-Access-Descriptor OPTIONAL



Cosem-Attribute-Descriptor ::= SEQUENCE


class-id Cosem-Class-Id,

instance-id Cosem-Object-Instance-Id,

attribute-id Cosem-Object-Attribute-Id



Cosem-Object-Instance-Id ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(6))


Cosem-Object-Attribute-Id ::= Integer8



S: 7e a0 1c 00 22 00 23 03 54 bd 5e e6 e6 00c0 01 81 00 03 01 01 02 08 00 ff 02 00 9f 36 7e 


7e a0 1c 00 22 00 23 03 54 bd 5e e6 e6 00 //Hdlchead

c0 // get-request                                Cosemapdu[192]

01 //Request Nomal

81 // invoke-id(000 0001) and priority(1)

00 // Get-Data-Result = data

03//Class id

01 01 02 08 00 ff //反向總有功 OBIS

02 00 //反向總有功的第二屬性,值域。

9f 36 7e //HDLC Tail

2)    數據響應幀

       GET-Response ::= CHOICE


       get-response-normal                  [1]IMPLICIT Get-Response-Normal,

       get-response-with-datablock              [2]IMPLICIT Get-Response-With-Datablock,

       get-response-with-list                 [3]IMPLICIT Get-Response-With-List


       Get-Response-Normal ::= SEQUENCE


       invoke-id-and-priority                 Invoke-Id-And-Priority,

       result                                         Get-Data-Result



       Get-Data-Result ::= CHOICE


       data [0] Data,

       data-access-result [1] IMPLICIT Data-Access-Result


       Data ::= CHOICE


       null-data                       [0]IMPLICIT NULL,

       array                            [1]IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF Data,

       structure                      [2]IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF Data,

       boolean                       [3]IMPLICIT BOOLEAN,

       bit-string                      [4]IMPLICIT BIT STRING,

       double-long                 [5]IMPLICIT Integer32,

       double-long-unsigned   [6]IMPLICIT Unsigned32,

       floating-point               [7]IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(4))33,

       octet-string                  [9]IMPLICIT OCTET STRING,

       visible-string                [10]IMPLICIT VisibleString,

       time                             [11]IMPLICIT GeneralizedTime,

       bcd                             [13]IMPLICIT Integer8,

       integer                         [15]IMPLICIT Integer8,

       long                             [16]IMPLICIT Integer16,

       unsigned                      [17]IMPLICIT Unsigned8,

       long-unsigned                     [18]IMPLICIT Unsigned16,


       compact-array              [19]IMPLICIT SEQUENCE


       contents-description    [0]TypeDescription,

       array-contents              [1]IMPLICIT OCTET STRING



       long64                                [20]IMPLICIT Integer64,

       long64-unsigned                  [21]IMPLICIT Unsigned64,

       enum                                  [22]IMPLICIT ENUMERATED,

       float32                                [23]IMPLICIT OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)),

       float64                                [24]IMPLICIT OCTET STRING (SIZE(8)),

       don’t-care                           [255]IMPLICIT NULL



       Data-Access-Result ::= ENUMERATED


       success                              (0),

       hardware-fault              (1),

       temporary-failure                 (2),

       read-write-denied                 (3),

       object-undefined                 (4),

       object-class-inconsistent     (9),

       object-unavailable               (11),

       type-unmatched                  (12),

       scope-of-access-violated    (13),

       data-block-unavailable         (14),

       long-get-aborted                 (15),

       no-long-get-in-progress       (16),

       long-set-aborted                  (17),

       no-long-set-in-progress        (18),

       other-reason                        (250)



R: 7E A0 18 03 00 22 00 23 74 E4 13 E6 E7 00C4 01 81 00 06 00 35 7B 18 CD E8 7E


7E A0 18 03 00 22 00 23 74 E4 13 E6 E700  //Hdlc head

C4 01 //Response Normal

81 // invoke-id(000 0001) and priority(1)

00 //by data

06 //數據長度

00 35 7B 18 //反向有功值

CD E8 7E//HDLC Tail








S: 7e a021 00 22 00 23 03 93 0b 14 81 80 12 05 01 80 06 01 80 07 04 00 00 00 01 08 0400 00 00 07 65 5e 7e



R: 7E A021 03 00 22 00 23 73 28 F0 81 80 12 05 01 80 06 01 80 07 04 00 00 00 01 08 0400 00 00 01 53 3B 7E



S: 7e a047 00 22 00 23 03 10 d0 5e e6 e6 00 60 36 a1 09 06 07 60 85 74 05 08 01 01 8a02 07 80 8b 07 60 85 74 05 08 02 01 ac 0a 80 08 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 be 1004 0e 01 00 00 00 06 5f 1f 04 00 00 08 1d 00 00 9a 7a 7e



R: 7E A053 03 00 22 00 23 30 40 A6 E6 E7 00 61 42 A1 09 06 07 60 85 74 05 08 01 01 A203 02 01 00 A3 05 A1 03 02 01 00 88 02 07 80 89 07 60 85 74 05 08 02 01 AA 0A80 08 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 BE 10 04 0E 08 00 06 5F 1F 04 00 00 08 1D 21 3400 07 72 A4 7E



S: 7e a00a 00 22 00 23 03 31 12 87 7e


R: 7E A00A 03 00 22 00 23 31 3F 84 7E


S: 7e a00a 00 22 00 23 03 31 12 87 7e


R: 7E A00A 03 00 22 00 23 31 3F 84 7E



S: 7e a01c 00 22 00 23 03 32 8d 58 e6 e6 00 c0 01 81 

   00 07 0000 63 80 01 ff   02 00

   44 58 7e


R: 7E A04F 03 00 22 00 23 52 07 E2 E6 E7 00 C4 01 81 00

   01 01 //1 array

   02 06 //6 strures

   09 06 01 01 01 1B 00 FF //1

   02 02 0F 03 16 1B          //2

   09 06 01 01 02 1B 00 FF //3

   02 02 0F 03 16 1B          //4

   09 0C 07 D3 05 08 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF     //5

   09 0C 07 D3 05 17 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF     //6

   F6 CE 7E 


S: 7e a00a 00 22 00 23 03 51 14 e4 7e


R: 7E A00A 03 00 22 00 23 51 39 E7 7E


S: 7e a01c 00 22 00 23 03 54 bd 5e e6 e6 00 c0 01 81 00 07

   ff ff 62 85 02 ff

   02 00

   7a 23 7e


R: 7E A88C 03 00 22 00 23 74 FA 62 E6 E7 00 C4 01 81 00

   01 //arry

    01 //total 1 array

   02 //structure

    34 //total 52 structure

   02 03 //3 structure

              09 06             01 01 15 08 00 FF         //octetstring , 6 bytes long ,obiscode(01 01 15 08 00 FF)

              06                  0000 00 00                         //Unsigned32(0x06),data (00 00 00 00)

              02 02      //scal and unit.02 typ=strcture, 02 num = 2 strctures.        

                     0F 00      // scal :Êý¾ÝÀàÐÍInteger8(0x0f),Êý¾ÝÄÚÈÝdata (0x00)   //¼û62056µÄpdf

                     16 1E      // unit :ENUMERATED(0x16) , data(0x1e =wh)

                                   //unit:enum.Thiscan be founded in Blue book 3rd edition.

   //attention (By DL): according to XDR ,whena datatype(Such as octet string,array ,stucture)

   //can't express the data length ,a datalength byte should exist.On the other hand ,when the length can be expressed by

   //the data type(such asInteger8,Unsigned32,and ENUMERATED),the length byte arnn't exist.



   02 03

              09 06 01 01 29 08 00 FF              06 00 00 00 00 02 02     0F 00 16 1E

   02 03

              09 06 01 01 3D 08 00 FF             06 00 00 00 00 02 02     0F 00 16 1E

   02 03

              09 06 01 01 01 08 00 FF              06 00 00 00 00 02 02     0F 00 16 1E

   02 03

              09 06 01 01 16 08 00 FF              06 00 2E 6E FE 02 02   0F 00 16 1E

   02 03

              09 06 01 01 2A 08 00 FF             06 00

   9E 5D 7E


S: 7e a00a 00 22 00 23 03 71 16 c5 7e


R: 7E A88C 03 00 22 00 23 76 E8 41

                                                                 00 00 00 02 02   0F 00 16 1E          02 03

   09 06 0101 3E 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 00 02 02     0F 00 16 1E          0203

   09 06 0101 02 08 00 FF  06 00 2E 6E FE 02 02   0F 00 16 1E          0203

   09 06 0101 17 08 00 FF  06 00 00 00 00 02 02     0F 00 16 20           0203

   09 06 0101 2B 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 82 02 02     0F 00 16 20           0203

   09 06 0101 3F 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 00 02 02     0F 00 16 20           0203

   09 06 0101 03 08 00 FF  06 00 00 00

   CB 00 7E


S: 7e a00a 00 22 00 23 03 91 18 22 7e


R: 7E A88C 03 00 22 00 23 78 96 A8

                                                                          82 02 02  0F00 16 20           02 03

   09 06 0101 18 08 00 FF  06 00 03 C2 EE 02 02   0F 00 16 20           0203

   09 06 0101 2C 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 82 02 02     0F 00 16 20           0203

   09 06 0101 40 08 00 FF  06 00 00 00 00 02 02     0F 00 16 20           0203

   09 06 0101 04 08 00 FF  06 00 03 C3 70 02 02    0F 00 16 20           0203

   09 06 0101 19 08 00 FF  06 00 00 00 00 02 02     0F 00 16 20           0203

   09 06 0101 2D 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 50 02

   88 CB7E


S: 7e a00a 00 22 00 23 03 b1 1a 03 7e


R: 7E A88C 03 00 22 00 23 7A 84 8B

                                                                                      02       0F00 16 20           02 03

   09 06 0101 41 08 00 FF  06 00 00 00 00 02 02     0F 00 16 20           0203

   09 06 0101 05 08 00 FF  06 00 00 00 50 02 02     0F 00 16 20           0203

   09 06 0101 1A 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 00 02 02     0F 00 16 20           0203

   09 06 0101 2E 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 32 02 02     0F 00 16 20           0203

   09 06 0101 42 08 00 FF  06 00 00 00 00 02 02     0F 00 16 20           0203

   09 06 0101 06 08 00 FF  06 00 00 00 32 02 02     0F

   B9 E0 7E


S: 7e a00a 00 22 00 23 03 d1 1c 60 7e


R: 7E A88C 03 00 22 00 23 7C B2 EE

                                                                                                     00 16 20          0203

   09 06 0101 1B 08 00 FF 06 00 03 C2 EE 02 02   0F 00 16 20           0203

   09 06 0101 2F 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 64 02 02     0F 00 16 20           0203

   09 06 0101 43 08 00 FF  06 00 00 00 00 02 02     0F 00 16 20           0203

   09 06 0101 07 08 00 FF  06 00 03 C3 52 02 02    0F 00 16 20           0203

   09 06 0101 1C 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 00 02 02     0F 00 16 20           0203

   09 06 0101 30 08 00 FF  06 00 00 00 1E 02 02    0F 00 16

   A8 C8 7E


S: 7e a00a 00 22 00 23 03 f1 1e 41 7e


R: 7E A88C 03 00 22 00 23 7E A0 CD

                                                                                                                 20         0203

   09 06 0101 44 08 00 FF  06 00 00 00 00 02 02     0F 00 16 20           0203

   09 06 0101 08 08 00 FF  06 00 00 00 1E 02 02    0F 00 16 20           0203

   09 06 0101 1D 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 00 02 02     0F 00 16 1F           0203

   09 06 0101 31 08 00 FF  06 00 00 02 62 02 02     0F 00 16 1F           0203

   09 06 0101 45 08 00 FF  06 00 00 00 00 02 02     0F 00 16 1F           0203

   09 06 0101 09 08 00 FF  06 00 00 02 62 02 02     0F 00 16 1F           02

   5B 0C 7E


S: 7e a00a 00 22 00 23 03 11 10 a6 7e


R: 7E A88C 03 00 22 00 23 70 DE 24


   09 06 01 01 1E 08 00 FF 06 00 2E 8D B2 02 020F 00 16 1F 02 03

   09 06 01 01 32 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 00 02 020F 00 16 1F 02 03

   09 06 01 01 46 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 00 02 020F 00 16 1F 02 03

   09 06 01 01 0A 08 00 FF 06 00 2E 8D B2 02 020F 00 16 1F 02 03

   09 06 FF 02 FF 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 00 02 020F 00 16 FF 02 03

   09 06 FF 03 FF 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 00 02 020F 00 16 FF 02 03


   1C EB 7E


S: 7e a00a 00 22 00 23 03 31 12 87 7e


R: 7E A88C 03 00 22 00 23 72 CC 07

        06 FF 04 FF 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 00 02 02 0F 00 16 FF 02 03

   09 06 FF 05 FF 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 00 02 020F 00 16 FF 02 03

   09 06 FF 02 FF 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 00 02 020F 00 16 FF 02 03

   09 06 FF 03 FF 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 00 02 020F 00 16 FF 02 03

   09 06 FF 04 FF 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 00 02 020F 00 16 FF 02 03

   09 06 FF 05 FF 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 00 02 020F 00 16 FF 02 03

   09 06 FF

   29 95 7E


S: 7e a00a 00 22 00 23 03 51 14 e4 7e


R: 7E A05B 03 00 22 00 23 74 8C 7C 06 FF 08 00

                        FF 06 00 00 00 00 02 020F 00 16 FF 02 03

   09 06 FF 07 FF 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 00 02 020F 00 16 FF 02 03

   09 06 FF 08 FF 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 00 02 020F 00 16 FF 02 03

   09 06 FF 09 FF 08 00 FF 06 00 00 00 00 02 020F 00 16 FF

   0B 2E 7E


S: 7e a00a 00 22 00 23 03 71 16 c5 7e


R: 7E A00A 03 00 22 00 23 71 3B C6 7E


S: 7e a00a 00 22 00 23 03 71 16 c5 7e


R: 7E A00A 03 00 22 00 23 71 3B C6 7E


S: 7e a00a 00 22 00 23 03 71 16 c5 7e


R: 7E A00A 03 00 22 00 23 71 3B C6 7E


S: 7e a00a 00 22 00 23 03 71 16 c5 7e


R: 7E A00A 03 00 22 00 23 71 3B C6 7E


S: 7e a00a 00 22 00 23 03 71 16 c5 7e


R: 7E A00A 03 00 22 00 23 71 3B C6 7E


S: 7e a00a 00 22 00 23 03 71 16 c5 7e


R: 7E A00A 03 00 22 00 23 71 3B C6 7E




S: 7e a00a 00 22 00 23 03 53 06 c7 7e


R: 7E A00A 03 00 22 00 23 1F 43 4C 7E




1、    請求電量


S:7E A0 0A 00 22 0023 03 93 0A 01 7E

R:7E A0 21 03 00 2200 23 73 28 F0 81 80 12 05 01 80 06 01 80 07 04 00 00 00 01 08 04 00 00 00 0153 3B 7E

S:7E A0 46 00 22 0023 03 10 05 C1 E6 E6 00 60 35 A1 09 06 07 60 85 74 05 08 01 01 8A 02 07 80 8B07 60 85 74 05 08 02 01 AC 0A 80 08 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 BE 10 04 0E 01 0000 00 06 5F 04 00 00 00 14 00 00 BD BF 7E

R:7E A0 52 03 00 2200 23 30 95 39 E6 E7 00 61 41 A1 09 06 07 60 85 74 05 08 01 01 A2 03 02 01 00A3 05 A1 03 02 01 00 88 02 07 80 89 07 60 85 74 05 08 02 01 AA 0A 80 08 41 4243 44 45 46 47 48 BE 0F 04 0D 08 00 06 5F 04 00 00 00 14 21 34 00 07 14 53 7E

S:7E A0 1B 00 22 0023 03 32 95 9F E6 E6 00 C0 01 81 00 03 01 01 01 08 00 FF 02 0C F6 7E

R:7E A0 18 03 00 2200 23 52 D0 57 E6 E7 00 C4 01 81 00 06 00 06 1B 98 5A 60 7E

S:7E A0 1B 00 22 0023 03 54 A5 99 E6 E6 00 C0 01 81 00 04 01 01 01 08 01 FF 02 DE 30 7E

R:7E A0 18 03 00 2200 23 74 E4 13 E6 E7 00 C4 01 81 00 06 00 01 C7 14 A0 54 7E

S:7E A0 1B 00 22 0023 03 76 B5 9B E6 E6 00 C0 01 81 00 04 01 01 01 08 02 FF 02 BA DF 7E

R:7E A0 18 03 00 2200 23 96 F8 D7 E6 E7 00 C4 01 81 00 06 00 03 17 5E 7D 53 7E

S:7E A0 1B 00 22 0023 03 98 C5 95 E6 E6 00 C0 01 81 00 04 01 01 01 08 03 FF 02 66 85 7E

R:7E A0 18 03 00 2200 23 B8 84 1F E6 E7 00 C4 01 81 00 06 00 01 3D 26 49 C7 7E

S:7E A0 1B 00 22 0023 03 BA D5 97 E6 E6 00 C0 01 81 00 04 01 01 01 08 04 FF 02 63 09 7E

R:7E A0 18 03 00 2200 23 DA 90 5F E6 E7 00 C4 01 81 00 06 00 00 00 00 7B DF 7E

S:7E A0 0A 00 22 0023 03 D1 1C 60 7E

R:7E A0 0A 03 00 2200 23 D1 31 63 7E

S:7E A0 0A 00 22 0023 03 53 06 C7 7E

R:7E A0 0A 03 00 2200 23 73 29 E5 7E


S:7E A0 0A 00 22 0023 03 93 0A 01 7E

R:7E A0 21 03 00 2200 23 73 28 F0 81 80 12 05 01 80 06 01 80 07 04 00 00 00 01 08 04 00 00 00 0153 3B 7E

S:7E A0 46 00 22 0023 03 10 05 C1 E6 E6 00 60 35 A1 09 06 07 60 85 74 05 08 01 01 8A 02 07 80 8B07 60 85 74 05 08 02 01 AC 0A 80 08 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 BE 10 04 0E 01 0000 00 06 5F 04 00 00 00 14 00 00 BD BF 7E

R:7E A0 52 03 00 2200 23 30 95 39 E6 E7 00 61 41 A1 09 06 07 60 85 74 05 08 01 01 A2 03 02 01 00A3 05 A1 03 02 01 00 88 02 07 80 89 07 60 85 74 05 08 02 01 AA 0A 80 08 41 4243 44 45 46 47 48 BE 0F 04 0D 08 00 06 5F 04 00 00 00 14 21 34 00 07 14 53 7E

S:7E A0 1B 00 22 0023 03 32 95 9F E6 E6 00 C0 01 81 00 03 01 01 1F 07 00 FF 02 0D 91 7E

R:7E A0 16 03 00 2200 23 52 F1 D1 E6 E7 00 C4 01 81 00 12 00 02 33 53 7E

S:7E A0 1B 00 22 0023 03 54 A5 99 E6 E6 00 C0 01 81 00 03 01 01 33 07 00 FF 02 AC 86 7E

R:7E A0 16 03 00 2200 23 74 C5 95 E6 E7 00 C4 01 81 00 12 00 02 33 53 7E

S:7E A0 1B 00 22 0023 03 76 B5 9B E6 E6 00 C0 01 81 00 03 01 01 47 07 00 FF 02 4F BE 7E

R:7E A0 16 03 00 2200 23 96 D9 51 E6 E7 00 C4 01 81 00 12 00 02 33 53 7E

S:7E A0 1B 00 22 0023 03 98 C5 95 E6 E6 00 C0 01 81 00 03 01 01 20 07 00 FF 02 20 2F 7E

R:7E A0 16 03 00 2200 23 B8 A5 99 E6 E7 00 C4 01 81 00 12 00 01 A8 61 7E

S:7E A0 1B 00 22 0023 03 BA D5 97 E6 E6 00 C0 01 81 00 03 01 01 34 07 00 FF 02 70 B6 7E

R:7E A0 16 03 00 2200 23 DA B1 D9 E6 E7 00 C4 01 81 00 12 00 01 A8 61 7E

S:7E A0 1B 00 22 0023 03 DC E5 91 E6 E6 00 C0 01 81 00 03 01 01 48 07 00 FF 02 B3 D4 7E

R:7E A0 16 03 00 2200 23 FC 85 9D E6 E7 00 C4 01 81 00 12 00 01 A8 61 7E

S:7E A0 0A 00 22 0023 03 F1 1E 41 7E

R:7E A0 0A 03 00 2200 23 F1 33 42 7E

S:7E A0 0A 00 22 0023 03 53 06 C7 7E

R:7E A0 0A 03 00 2200 23 73 29 E5 7E


S:7E A0 0A 00 22 0023 03 93 0A 01 7E

R:7E A0 21 03 00 2200 23 73 28 F0 81 80 12 05 01 80 06 01 80 07 04 00 00 00 01 08 04 00 00 00 0153 3B 7E

S:7E A0 46 00 22 0023 03 10 05 C1 E6 E6 00 60 35 A1 09 06 07 60 85 74 05 08 01 01 8A 02 07 80 8B07 60 85 74 05 08 02 01 AC 0A 80 08 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 BE 10 04 0E 01 0000 00 06 5F 04 00 00 00 14 00 00 BD BF 7E

R:7E A0 52 03 00 2200 23 30 95 39 E6 E7 00 61 41 A1 09 06 07 60 85 74 05 08 01 01 A2 03 02 01 00A3 05 A1 03 02 01 00 88 02 07 80 89 07 60 85 74 05 08 02 01 AA 0A 80 08 41 4243 44 45 46 47 48 BE 0F 04 0D 08 00 06 5F 04 00 00 00 14 21 34 00 07 14 53 7E

S:7E A0 3C 00 22 0023 03 32 0E 3B E6 E6 00 C0 01 81 00 07 00 00 63 01 00 FF 02 01 01 02 04 00 090C 07 D3 06 09 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 09 0C 07 D3 06 0A FF FF FF FF FF FF FFFF DE 82 7E

R:7E A8 8C 03 00 2200 23 52 CE 26 E6 E7 00 C4 01 81 00 01 22 02 06 02 02 09 0C 07 D3 06 09 FF 091D 0D FF FF FF FF 04 06 40 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 0000 10 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 1000 00 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 0002 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 02 0600 00 00 83 9E 7E

S:7E A0 0A 00 22 0023 03 51 14 E4 7E

R:7E A8 8C 03 00 2200 23 54 F8 43 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 02 0600 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 00 0000 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 0010 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 0000 10 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 0000 02 F9 31 7E

S:7E A0 0A 00 22 0023 03 71 16 C5 7E

R:7E A8 8C 03 00 2200 23 56 EA 60 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 1000 00 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 0002 06 00 00 02 02 09 0C FF FF FF FF FF 0F 08 34 FF FF FF FF 04 06 40 02 02 090C FF FF FF FF FF 0F 0E 1F FF FF FF FF 04 06 40 10 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 00 0000 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 0010 00 00 14 24 7E

S:7E A0 0A 00 22 0023 03 91 18 22 7E

R:7E A0 75 03 00 2200 23 58 40 72 10 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 0010 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 0000 10 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 02 06 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 1000 00 02 06 00 02 02 09 0C FF FF FF FF FF 11 23 0C FF FF FF FF 04 06 40 00 0010 00 00 10 00 00 A2 1B 7E

S:7E A0 0A 00 22 0023 03 B1 1A 03 7E

R:7E A0 0A 03 00 2200 23 51 39 E7 7E

S:7E A0 0A 00 22 0023 03 53 06 C7 7E

R:7E A0 0A 03 00 2200 23 73 29 E5 7E


S:7E A0 0A 00 22 0023 03 93 0A 01 7E

R:7E A0 21 03 00 2200 23 73 28 F0 81 80 12 05 01 80 06 01 80 07 04 00 00 00 01 08 04 00 00 00 0153 3B 7E

S:7E A0 46 00 22 0023 03 10 05 C1 E6 E6 00 60 35 A1 09 06 07 60 85 74 05 08 01 01 8A 02 07 80 8B07 60 85 74 05 08 02 01 AC 0A 80 08 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 BE 10 04 0E 01 0000 00 06 5F 04 00 00 00 14 00 00 BD BF 7E

R:7E A0 52 03 00 2200 23 30 95 39 E6 E7 00 61 41 A1 09 06 07 60 85 74 05 08 01 01 A2 03 02 01 00A3 05 A1 03 02 01 00 88 02 07 80 89 07 60 85 74 05 08 02 01 AA 0A 80 08 41 4243 44 45 46 47 48 BE 0F 04 0D 08 00 06 5F 04 00 00 00 14 21 34 00 07 14 53 7E

S:7E A0 1B 00 22 0023 03 32 95 9F E6 E6 00 C0 01 81 00 08 00 00 01 00 00 FF 02 46 2F 7E

R:7E A0 21 03 00 2200 23 52 A3 C0 E6 E7 00 C4 01 81 00 09 0C 07 D3 06 0E 06 0E 0D 03 FF FF FF 0010 38 7E

S:7E A0 0A 00 22 0023 03 51 14 E4 7E

R:7E A0 0A 03 00 2200 23 51 39 E7 7E

S:7E A0 0A 00 22 0023 03 53 06 C7 7E

R:7E A0 0A 03 00 2200 23 73 29 E5 7E





       When SN referencing is used, the attributes and methodsof each interface object are mapped to DLMS named variables. This isdone during the design of the meter.Each named variable is identified with a short name, which is a 16 bitunsigned integer.Attribute 1, the logical name of the object is mapped to aDLMS named variable identified by a base name. Except in the case of afew special objects, there are no general rules defined for assigning base names.All other attributes and methods of the object are then also mapped to DLMSnamed variables. The offsets between the base name and the short nameidentifying the other attributes and methods are defined in the definition ofeach interface class. The actual values of the short names thus depend on thenumber and kind of objects instantiated and the mapping strategy used. The basenames allocated in the metering equipment can be retrieved by reading theobject_list attribute of the SN Association object. When SN referencing is used,the DLMS named variables are accessed by the standard DLMS READ and WRITE services.

       When LN referencing is used, attributesand methods are accessed via the logical name of the object, specifying theindex(es) of the attribute(s) and/or the method(s). Logical names are definedby OBIS. When LN referencing is used, the attributes and methods are accessedby the xDLMS GET/SET and ACTION services.

(Referencingfrom “DLMS User Association Frequently Asked Questions”)

SNReferencing 不同於LN Referencing 它使用一個整型數(WORD)即ShortName,來取代LN Referencing中的OBIS . Short Name 由廠家自定義.對於西門子D型表使用了SN . 因此只有在廠家提供SN的情況下,纔可以使用SN的application-context-name 訪問表內的數據.


S:7E A011 03 21 32 B7 3D E6 E6 00 05 01 02 FF 08 A0 E0 7E


7E A0 1103 21 32 B7 3D E6 E6 00

05//SN application-context-name  ReadRequest

01 02 FF08 //short name and attribute ???

A0 E0 7E

補充二:   目前DLMS規約中用到的CLASS ID 和OBIS    






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還沒有人評論,想成為第一個評論的人麼? 請在上方評論欄輸入並且點擊發布.