棒棒噠的Go Interface

棒棒噠的Go Interface

原文:Interface: the awesomesause of Go








加點推理:StudentEmployee實現了另外的方法Sing,同時Employee實現了方法SpendSalary, Student實現了方法BorrowMoney。總結下就是:Student實現了方法:SayHi, Sing, BorrowMoneyEmployee實現了方法SayHi, SingSpendSalary




type Human struct {
    name string
    age int
    phone string

type Student struct {
    Human //an anonymous field of type Human
    school string
    loan float32

type Employee struct {
    Human //an anonymous field of type Human
    company string
    money float32

// A human likes to stay... err... *say* hi
func (h *Human) SayHi() {
    fmt.Printf("Hi, I am %s you can call me on %s\n", h.name, h.phone)

// A human can sing a song, preferrably to a familiar tune!
func (h *Human) Sing(lyrics string) {
    fmt.Println("La la, la la la, la la la la la...", lyrics)

// A Human man likes to guzzle his beer!
func (h *Human) Guzzle(beerStein string) {
    fmt.Println("Guzzle Guzzle Guzzle...", beerStein)

// Employee's method for saying hi overrides a normal Human's one
func (e *Employee) SayHi() {
    fmt.Printf("Hi, I am %s, I work at %s. Call me on %s\n", e.name,
        e.company, e.phone) //Yes you can split into 2 lines here.

// A Student borrows some money
func (s *Student) BorrowMoney(amount float32) {
    loan += amount // (again and again and...)

// An Employee spends some of his salary
func (e *Employee) SpendSalary(amount float32) {
    e.money -= amount // More vodka please!!! Get me through the day!

type Men interface {
    Sing(lyrics string)
    Guzzle(beerStein string)

type YoungChap interface {
    Sing(song string)
    BorrowMoney(amount float32)

type ElderlyGent interface {
    Sing(song string)
    SpendSalary(amount float32)

正如你所看到的,一個Interface可以有任意的對象實現。上面示例中,StudentEmployee都實現了Men Interface。

反之,一個對象也可以實現任意的Interface。上面示例中,Student就實現了MenYoungChap Interface。同時Employee實現了MenElderlyGent

最後,所有類型都實現了empty Interface,你應該可以猜到,就是沒有方法的Interface,使用interface{}表示。



另外,我剛纔有提到empty interface還沒有方法嗎?



Tata!這裏有個驚天好消息:如果你聲明瞭interface 變量,它可以存儲任何實現了這個interface的數據類型。

就是說,如果你定義了一個Men類型的interface m,它可以存儲StudentEmployee或… …。這是因爲它們都實現了Men interface指定的方法。



package main
import "fmt"

type Human struct {
    name string
    age int
    phone string

type Student struct {
    Human //an anonymous field of type Human
    school string
    loan float32

type Employee struct {
    Human //an anonymous field of type Human
    company string
    money float32

//A human method to say hi
func (h Human) SayHi() {
    fmt.Printf("Hi, I am %s you can call me on %s\n", h.name, h.phone)

//A human can sing a song
func (h Human) Sing(lyrics string) {
    fmt.Println("La la la la...", lyrics)

//Employee's method overrides Human's one
func (e Employee) SayHi() {
    fmt.Printf("Hi, I am %s, I work at %s. Call me on %s\n", e.name,
        e.company, e.phone) //Yes you can split into 2 lines here.

// 爬蟲兇猛,譯文出處:[醬油蔡的醬油壇](http://blog.csdn.net/xingwangc2014)
// Interface Men is implemented by Human, Student and Employee
// because it contains methods implemented by them.
type Men interface {
    Sing(lyrics string)

func main() {
    mike := Student{Human{"Mike", 25, "222-222-XXX"}, "MIT", 0.00}
    paul := Student{Human{"Paul", 26, "111-222-XXX"}, "Harvard", 100}
    sam := Employee{Human{"Sam", 36, "444-222-XXX"}, "Golang Inc.", 1000}
    Tom := Employee{Human{"Sam", 36, "444-222-XXX"}, "Things Ltd.", 5000}

    //a variable of the interface type Men
    var i Men

    //i can store a Student
    i = mike
    fmt.Println("This is Mike, a Student:")
    i.Sing("November rain")

    //i can store an Employee too
    i = Tom
    fmt.Println("This is Tom, an Employee:")
    i.Sing("Born to be wild")

    //a slice of Men
    fmt.Println("Let's use a slice of Men and see what happens")
    x := make([]Men, 3)
    //These elements are of different types that satisfy the Men interface
    x[0], x[1], x[2] = paul, sam, mike

    for _, value := range x{


This is Mike, a Student:
Hi, I am Mike you can call me on 222-222-XXX
La la la la... November rain
This is Tom, an Employee:
Hi, I am Sam, I work at Things Ltd.. Call me on 444-222-XXX
La la la la... Born to be wild
Let’s use a slice of Men and see what happens
Hi, I am Paul you can call me on 111-222-XXX
Hi, I am Sam, I work at Golang Inc.. Call me on 444-222-XXX
Hi, I am Mike you can call me on 222-222-XXX



Empty Interface

Empty Interface interface{}一個方法也不包含,所以任何類型都實現了它所有的0個方法。

Empty Interface對於描述一個行爲並沒有什麼用(顯然,它是一個只有很少字符的實體)。但是當我們想要存儲任何類型的值時,它就顯得非常有用了(因爲所有類型都實現了empty interface)。

// a is an empty interface variable
var a interface{}
var i int = 5
s := "Hello world"
// These are legal statements
a = i
a = s





例如:現在你已經知道fmt.Print是一個可變參數函數,對吧?它可以接受任何數量的實參。但是你注意到了,有時候我們使用的是string,有時候是int,有時候又是float等類型的參數了嗎?事實上,如果你看過fmt package的源碼、文檔,你將發現有一個叫Stringer的Interface被定義了。

//The Stringer interface found in fmt package
type Stringer interface {
     String() string



package main
import (
    "strconv" //for conversions to and from string

type Human struct {
    name string
    age int
    phone string

//Returns a nice string representing a Human
//With this method, Human implements fmt.Stringer
func (h Human) String() string {
    //We called strconv.Itoa on h.age to make a string out of it.
    //Also, thank you, UNICODE!
    return "❰"+h.name+" - "+strconv.Itoa(h.age)+" years -  ✆ " +h.phone+"❱"

func main() {
    Bob := Human{"Bob", 39, "000-7777-XXX"}
    fmt.Println("This Human is : ", Bob)


This Human is : ❰Bob - 39 years - ✆ 000-7777-XXX❱


還能想起colored boxex example嗎?我們有一個Color類型,實現了一個String方法,讓我們回到那個示例,並替代fmt.Println直接使用這裏的方法打印color,你將看到它如你期望的一樣工作。

//These two lines do the same thing
fmt.Println("The biggest one is", boxes.BiggestsColor().String())
fmt.Println("The biggest one is", boxes.BiggestsColor())


另一個將你深愛interface的示例是sort packagesort package提供函數對int、float、string以及更多類型的slice進行排序。


package main

func main() {
    // list is a slice of ints. It is unsorted as you can see
    list := []int {1, 23, 65, 11, 0, 3, 233, 88, 99}
    fmt.Println("The list is: ", list)

    // let's use Ints function that comes in sort
    // Ints([]int) sorts its parameter in ibcreasing order. Go read its doc.
    fmt.Println("The sorted list is: ", list)


The list is: [1 23 65 11 0 3 233 88 99]
The sorted list is: [0 1 3 11 23 65 88 99 233]

用起來就是這麼簡單。但是我想給你看的遠不止如此。事實上,sort package定義了一個接口,該接口甚至就簡單的叫Interface,它包含三個方法:

type Interface interface {
    // Len is the number of elements in the collection.
    Len() int
    // Less returns whether the element with index i should sort
    // before the element with index j.
    Less(i, j int) bool
    // Swap swaps the elements with indexes i and j.
    Swap(i, j int)

截取部分sort package文檔:



package main
import (

type Human struct {
    name string
    age int
    phone string

func (h Human) String() string {
    return "(name: " + h.name + " - age: "+strconv.Itoa(h.age)+ " years)"

type HumanGroup []Human //HumanGroup is a type of slices that contain Humans

func (g HumanGroup) Len() int {
    return len(g)

func (g HumanGroup) Less(i, j int) bool {
    if g[i].age < g[j].age {
        return true
    return false

func (g HumanGroup) Swap(i, j int){
    g[i], g[j] = g[j], g[i]

func main(){
    group := HumanGroup{
        Human{name:"Bart", age:24},
        Human{name:"Bob", age:23},
        Human{name:"Gertrude", age:104},
        Human{name:"Paul", age:44},
        Human{name:"Sam", age:34},
        Human{name:"Jack", age:54},
        Human{name:"Martha", age:74},
        Human{name:"Leo", age:4},

    //Let's print this group as it is
    fmt.Println("The unsorted group is:")
    for _, v := range group{

    //Now let's sort it using the sort.Sort function

    //Print the sorted group
    fmt.Println("\nThe sorted group is:")
    for _, v := range group{


The unsorted group is:
(name: Bart - age: 24 years)
(name: Bob - age: 23 years)
(name: Gertrude - age: 104 years)
(name: Paul - age: 44 years)
(name: Sam - age: 34 years)
(name: Jack - age: 54 years)
(name: Martha - age: 74 years)
(name: Leo - age: 4 years)

The sorted group is:
(name: Leo - age: 4 years)
(name: Bob - age: 23 years)
(name: Bart - age: 24 years)
(name: Sam - age: 34 years)
(name: Paul - age: 44 years)
(name: Jack - age: 54 years)
(name: Martha - age: 74 years)
(name: Gertrude - age: 104 years)

成功!就像文檔中所描述的一樣工作。我們並沒有專門針對HumenGroup進行排序,只是實現了幾個sort的方法(len, less,swap)。Sort函數需要那個接口爲我們實現slice的排序。

我知道你肯定很好奇,想知道這個到底是怎麼工作的。其實很簡單,sort package中Sort函數的簽名是這樣的:func Sort(data Interface)。它接受任何實現了sort.Interface接口的類型,然後深入調用你爲你的類型定義的len, less, swap方法。

去看看sort package的源碼吧,你將很容易的看到這些。



你是否還記得我們前面看過了Max(s []int) int函數呢?還有Older(s []Person) Person。他們都有相同的功能。事實上檢索int、float slice或一組人中的older,其實都是在幹相同的事情:循環和比較大小。


package main
import (

//A basic Person struct
type Person struct {
    name string
    age int

//Some slices of ints, floats and Persons
type IntSlice []int
type Float32Slice []float32
type PersonSlice []Person

type MaxInterface interface {
    // Len is the number of elements in the collection.
    Len() int
    //Get returns the element with index i in the collection
    Get(i int) interface{}
    //Bigger returns whether the element at index i is bigger that the j one
    Bigger(i, j int) bool

//Len implementation for our three types
func (x IntSlice) Len() int {return len(x)}
func (x Float32Slice) Len() int {return len(x)}
func (x PersonSlice) Len() int {return len(x)}

//Get implementation for our three types
func(x IntSlice) Get(i int) interface{} {return x[i]}
func(x Float32Slice) Get(i int) interface{} {return x[i]}
func(x PersonSlice) Get(i int) interface{} {return x[i]}

//Bigger implementation for our three types
func (x IntSlice) Bigger(i, j int) bool {
    if x[i] > x[j] { //comparing two int
        return true
    return false

func (x Float32Slice) Bigger(i, j int) bool {
    if x[i] > x[j] { //comparing two float32
        return true
    return false

func (x PersonSlice) Bigger(i, j int) bool {
    if x[i].age > x[j].age { //comparing two Person ages
        return true
    return false

//Person implements fmt.Stringer interface
func (p Person) String() string {
    return "(name: " + p.name + " - age: "+strconv.Itoa(p.age)+ " years)"

 Returns a bool and a value
 - The bool is set to true if there is a MAX in the collection
 - The value is set to the MAX value or nil, if the bool is false
func Max(data MaxInterface) (ok bool, max interface{}) {
    if data.Len() == 0{
        return false, nil //no elements in the collection, no Max value
    if data.Len() == 1{ //Only one element, return it alongside with true
        return true, data.Get(1)
    max = data.Get(0)//the first element is the max for now
    m := 0
    for i:=1; i<data.Len(); i++ {
        if data.Bigger(i, m){ //we found a bigger value in our slice
            max = data.Get(i)
            m = i
    return true, max

func main() {
    islice := IntSlice {1, 2, 44, 6, 44, 222}
    fslice := Float32Slice{1.99, 3.14, 24.8}
    group := PersonSlice{
        Person{name:"Bart", age:24},
        Person{name:"Bob", age:23},
        Person{name:"Gertrude", age:104},
        Person{name:"Paul", age:44},
        Person{name:"Sam", age:34},
        Person{name:"Jack", age:54},
        Person{name:"Martha", age:74},
        Person{name:"Leo", age:4},

    //Use Max function with these different collections
    _, m := Max(islice)
    fmt.Println("The biggest integer in islice is :", m)
    _, m = Max(fslice)
    fmt.Println("The biggest float in fslice is :", m)
    _, m = Max(group)
    fmt.Println("The oldest person in the group is:", m)


The biggest integer in islice is : 222
The biggest float in fslice is : 24.8
The oldest person in the group is: (name: Gertrude - age: 104 years)

MaxInterface interface包含三個必須實現的接口:

  • Len() int:必須返回集合的長度
  • Get(int i) interface{}:返回集合中索引爲i的元素。注意,我們設計它返回的結果爲interface{}類型。這個集合可以是任何類型的集合,並能夠將集合中的值通過空interface返回。
  • Bigger(i, j int) bool:如果集合中索引爲i的值大於索引爲j的值則返回true,否則返回false。


  • Len() int:因爲沒有任何假設說集合必須是slice。想象一個複雜的數據結構可能有它自己的數據長度定義。
  • Get(int i) interface{}:同樣,沒有人說這是在處理slice集合。複雜的數據結構可能以更加複雜的方式存儲和檢索它們的元素。
  • Bigger(i, j int) bool:比較數字類型是顯而易見的,我們知道那一個更大。而且編程語言都有數值比較的操作符:<,>, =等。但是更大的值這個概念比較微妙。Person A比B更老(大的另一種表達方式),如果A的年紀比B大。


這段程序的核心是函數Max(data MaxInterface)(ok bool, max interface{}), 它接收實現MaxInterface接口的data,並返回兩個值得結果組合。一個返回時bool類型, true表示有最大值,否則表示collection是空的),另一個空接口用於返回集合的最大值。



C’mon, admit it! You’ve got a NERDON after this chapter!!!

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