Eclipse RCP 項目綜合調研(2006年)(一)

 結合Sourceforge和Eclipse官方網站上Eclispe RCP項目進行調研,調研原則爲:

1、  以行業應用爲主,如生物、化學等應用

2、  以基於EclipseRCP開發爲主

3、  對決策支持系統有幫助有啓發的Plugin 項目

4、  圖形處理、科學運算項目優先

5、  活動率高的項目優先




1Applied Biosystems - Sequence Scanner Software <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

l       概述:

Sequence Scanner Software Homepage
Sequence Scanner Software is a freely available program for viewing, editing, printing, reporting, and exporting the DNA sequence data generated by Applied Biosystems&apos;s DNA sequencing instruments. The application is a Eclipse v3.1 RCP application which leverages many features of Eclipse including the preferences API, the forms API, drag-and-drop with the OS, and the underlying workbench framework. Prominent features include the ability to review multiple electropherogram traces in a thumbnail format, simultaneous viewing of raw and analyzed trace data, seven different reports for reviewing data quality, high-quality printing with print preview, and the ability to export trace data in several graphical formats, including jpg and pdf. Follow the link for a slide show of screen shots.

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BigBlogZoo Homepage
The BigBlogZoo is a Semantic Web Browser. Nearly 80,000 newsfeeds and blogs have been categorized and integrated into a collaborative framework we call the Zoo. We present to the user the channel concept, much like a television, except for a browser. Users can submit, browse, spider and reaggregate these channels. Future enhancements for collaboration will include the ability to reorganize and rate channels.

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3Market Contours

l       概述:

Market Contours Homepage
Market Contours is a trading strategy development tool for non-programmers. Visual editors and analysis tools make it easy for traders to express their ideas using familiar concepts. The Eclipse RCP was instrumental in creating an easy-to-use product. Perspectives, form-based editors and other features give Market Contours a valuable competitive advantage.

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Yoxos Install Manager Homepage

The Yoxos Eclipse Distribution enables Eclipse users to easily create and keep their Eclipse and plugin installations up-to-date and stable. The Yoxos Install Manager (YIM) is an RCP application built on the Eclipse Workbench that enables users to browse, search and select features from the contents of the Yoxos Eclipse Distribution and install them to an Eclipse installation. It also features Wizards, Cheatsheets and its own Update UI. The YIM is able to run from a CD-ROM and as a JNLP application from a website.

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