Put a CComboBox control on CToolBar

    This tutiual is about how to put a CComboBox control on CToolBar.look at the next description.

First of all,you should create a CcomboBoxBar class derived from CToolBar like this:


     class CComboToolBar : public CToolBar// CToolBar----->you must use CToolBar instead of CToolBarCtrl by yourself.
// Construction

// Attributes
 CComboBox m_comboBox;//define CComboBox object

// Operations

// Overrides
 // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides

// Implementation
 virtual ~CComboToolBar();

 // Generated message map functions
  // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here.
 afx_msg void OnSelChange();// Add response function while you select an item in list box.



  you must contain header file MainFrm.h in order to use main frame window pointer.

 #include "MainFrm.h"

   BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CComboToolBar, CToolBar)
  // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.

// CComboToolBar message handlers

void CComboToolBar::OnSelChange()
 CMainFrame *pFrame = (CMainFrame* )AfxGetMainWnd();//Get the main window for the child window
 int sel = pFrame->m_wndToolBar.m_comboBox.GetCurSel();
 CString text;
 AfxMessageBox(_T("you have selected ") + text);

In the CFrame  head file,you define a CComboToolBar class object like this:

 CComboToolBar m_wndToolBar;    // define my custom toolbar,use m_wndToolBar instead of default m_wndToolBar.
And then ,renturn CFrame::OnCreate function and add the following code like this:

 //Set the ComboBox list information on tool bar as following description:
 CRect rect;
 //Set the height of list box while the list box will be drag down(拉下)
 //this is the key step,you must do it correctly otherwise you will not get what you want.
 rect.bottom += 100;                                 // add 100 pixels as list height
 BOOL IsCreate = m_wndToolBar.m_comboBox.Create(CBS_DROPDOWN|WS_VISIBLE| //create list box control like this
 if (!IsCreate)
  return -1;
 //initialize list box datas
 CString item;
 for (int i=0; i<10 ; i++)
  item.Format("list item:%d",i);
 //set the current item

In the end,you have finished it.

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