xutils 2.x(2.6)中的session獲得和cookieStore使用







import com.lidroid.xutils.util.PreferencesCookieStore;
import android.app.Application;
public class MyApplication extends Application{
	 * 用PreferencesCookieStore 持久化cookie到本地 
	 *   類的定義:public class PreferencesCookieStore implements CookieStore
	 *   其內部用SharedPreferences保存,操作內部已封裝
	 * 位置:com.lidroid.xutils.util.PreferencesCookieStore;
	 * 特別注意:PreferencesCookieStore 這個類在xutils 2.6中才出現,以前的版本沒有
	 *          xutils 3.x 版本中也沒有這個類
	 *          在xutils 2.6 以前版本要麼自己參照PreferencesCookieStore源碼,保存cookie到本地
	 *          或者自己用SharedPreferences保存sessionid 到本地,sessionid就是一個字符串,用
	 *          SharedPreferences保存很簡單,就不介紹了
	 * 注:sessionid  實際是保存在cookie中
	 *       向服務器可以提交cookie 或 sessionid
	 *       提交cookie :調用方法 public HttpUtils configCookieStore(CookieStore cookieStore); 
	 *       提交sessionid : RequestParams public void addHeader(String name, String value);
	 *                       或setHeader(String name, String value);
	public static PreferencesCookieStore presCookieStore;
    public static String jsessionid = ""; //保存sessionid

	public void onCreate() {		
		 * 程序啓動,調用這個構造函數
		 * 在構造函數中 PreferencesCookieStore內部從本地
		 * 取出cookie,保存在PreferencesCookieStore 中的隊列中
		 * 如果本地沒有,PreferencesCookieStore  public List<Cookie> getCookies();
		 * 返回的 List<Cookie> 長度爲0
		presCookieStore = new PreferencesCookieStore(getApplicationContext());



import java.util.List;
import org.apache.http.client.CookieStore;
import org.apache.http.cookie.Cookie;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import com.lidroid.xutils.HttpUtils;
import com.lidroid.xutils.exception.HttpException;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.RequestParams;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.ResponseInfo;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.callback.RequestCallBack;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.client.HttpRequest.HttpMethod;

public class LoginActivity {	
	 * 登陸 後獲得cookie sessionid
	 * 這兒只是演示如何獲得cookie和seesionid
	 * 因此 url,RequestParams 直接用null,大家注意
	public void login(){		
		final HttpUtils http = new HttpUtils();
		String url = null;
		RequestParams params = null;		
		http.send(HttpMethod.POST, url,params, new RequestCallBack<String>() {
			public void onFailure(HttpException arg0, String arg1) {

			public void onSuccess(ResponseInfo<String> arg0) {				
				 * 得到cookie seesionid 並持久化到本地的核心代碼
				DefaultHttpClient defaultHttpClient = (DefaultHttpClient) http.getHttpClient();
				CookieStore cookieStore = defaultHttpClient.getCookieStore();
				List<Cookie> cookies = cookieStore.getCookies();
				for (Cookie cookie : cookies) {
					if ("JSESSIONID".equals(cookie.getName())) {
						MyApplication.jsessionid = cookie.getValue(); //得到sessionid
					MyApplication.presCookieStore.addCookie(cookie); //將cookie保存在本地


import com.lidroid.xutils.HttpUtils;
import com.lidroid.xutils.exception.HttpException;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.RequestParams;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.ResponseInfo;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.callback.RequestCallBack;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.client.HttpRequest.HttpMethod;

 * 從服務器獲取數據前 添加cookie
 * 或sessionid
 * @author Administrator
public class GetDataActivity {
	public void getData() {
		final HttpUtils http = new HttpUtils();
		String url = null;	
		 * get無參請求添加cookie
		 * get 含參請求可以添加cookie或session
		 * post請求可以添加cookie或session
		http.send(HttpMethod.GET, url,  new RequestCallBack<String>() {
			public void onFailure(HttpException arg0, String arg1) {}
			public void onSuccess(ResponseInfo<String> arg0) {}

		 * seesionid字段在不同服務器開發語言中不同
		 * java中“JSESSIONID”,php中“PSESSIONID” 其他請自己查閱資料
		 * 這兒用java示例
		 * setHeader 和addHeader的區別:
		 *   setHeader 未設置時,添加;已設置,重新賦值
		 *   addHeader 未設置時,添加;已設置,仍保持以前的值不變
        RequestParams params = new RequestParams();
        params.setHeader("Cookie", "JSESSIONID="+MyApplication.jsessionid); //設置頭信息
		http.send(HttpMethod.GET, url,  new RequestCallBack<String>() {
			public void onFailure(HttpException arg0, String arg1) {}
			public void onSuccess(ResponseInfo<String> arg0) {}





package com.lidroid.xutils;

import android.text.TextUtils;
import com.lidroid.xutils.exception.HttpException;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.*;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.callback.HttpRedirectHandler;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.callback.RequestCallBack;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.client.DefaultSSLSocketFactory;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.client.HttpRequest;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.client.RetryHandler;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.client.entity.GZipDecompressingEntity;
import com.lidroid.xutils.task.PriorityExecutor;
import com.lidroid.xutils.util.OtherUtils;
import org.apache.http.*;
import org.apache.http.client.CookieStore;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.protocol.ClientContext;
import org.apache.http.conn.params.ConnManagerParams;
import org.apache.http.conn.params.ConnPerRouteBean;
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory;
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.Scheme;
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.SchemeRegistry;
import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.ThreadSafeClientConnManager;
import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams;
import org.apache.http.params.HttpConnectionParams;
import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams;
import org.apache.http.params.HttpProtocolParams;
import org.apache.http.protocol.BasicHttpContext;
import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP;
import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;

public class HttpUtils {

    public final static HttpCache sHttpCache = new HttpCache();

    private final DefaultHttpClient httpClient;
    private final HttpContext httpContext = new BasicHttpContext();

    private HttpRedirectHandler httpRedirectHandler;

    public HttpUtils() {
        this(HttpUtils.DEFAULT_CONN_TIMEOUT, null);

    public HttpUtils(int connTimeout) {
        this(connTimeout, null);

    public HttpUtils(String userAgent) {
        this(HttpUtils.DEFAULT_CONN_TIMEOUT, userAgent);

    public HttpUtils(int connTimeout, String userAgent) {
        HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();

        ConnManagerParams.setTimeout(params, connTimeout);
        HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(params, connTimeout);
        HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(params, connTimeout);

        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(userAgent)) {
            userAgent = OtherUtils.getUserAgent(null);
        HttpProtocolParams.setUserAgent(params, userAgent);

        ConnManagerParams.setMaxConnectionsPerRoute(params, new ConnPerRouteBean(10));
        ConnManagerParams.setMaxTotalConnections(params, 10);

        HttpConnectionParams.setTcpNoDelay(params, true);
        HttpConnectionParams.setSocketBufferSize(params, 1024 * 8);
        HttpProtocolParams.setVersion(params, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1);

        SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry = new SchemeRegistry();
        schemeRegistry.register(new Scheme("http", PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 80));
        schemeRegistry.register(new Scheme("https", DefaultSSLSocketFactory.getSocketFactory(), 443));

        httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(params, schemeRegistry), params);

        httpClient.setHttpRequestRetryHandler(new RetryHandler(DEFAULT_RETRY_TIMES));

        httpClient.addRequestInterceptor(new HttpRequestInterceptor() {
            public void process(org.apache.http.HttpRequest httpRequest, HttpContext httpContext) throws org.apache.http.HttpException, IOException {
                if (!httpRequest.containsHeader(HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODING)) {
                    httpRequest.addHeader(HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODING, ENCODING_GZIP);

        httpClient.addResponseInterceptor(new HttpResponseInterceptor() {
            public void process(HttpResponse response, HttpContext httpContext) throws org.apache.http.HttpException, IOException {
                final HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
                if (entity == null) {
                final Header encoding = entity.getContentEncoding();
                if (encoding != null) {
                    for (HeaderElement element : encoding.getElements()) {
                        if (element.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("gzip")) {
                            response.setEntity(new GZipDecompressingEntity(response.getEntity()));

    // ************************************    default settings & fields ****************************

    private String responseTextCharset = HTTP.UTF_8;

    private long currentRequestExpiry = HttpCache.getDefaultExpiryTime();

    private final static int DEFAULT_CONN_TIMEOUT = 1000 * 15; // 15s

    private final static int DEFAULT_RETRY_TIMES = 3;

    private static final String HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODING = "Accept-Encoding";
    private static final String ENCODING_GZIP = "gzip";

    private final static int DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 3;
    private final static PriorityExecutor EXECUTOR = new PriorityExecutor(DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE);

    public HttpClient getHttpClient() {
        return this.httpClient;

    // ***************************************** config *******************************************

    public HttpUtils configResponseTextCharset(String charSet) {
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(charSet)) {
            this.responseTextCharset = charSet;
        return this;

    public HttpUtils configHttpRedirectHandler(HttpRedirectHandler httpRedirectHandler) {
        this.httpRedirectHandler = httpRedirectHandler;
        return this;

    public HttpUtils configHttpCacheSize(int httpCacheSize) {
        return this;

    public HttpUtils configDefaultHttpCacheExpiry(long defaultExpiry) {
        currentRequestExpiry = HttpCache.getDefaultExpiryTime();
        return this;

    public HttpUtils configCurrentHttpCacheExpiry(long currRequestExpiry) {
        this.currentRequestExpiry = currRequestExpiry;
        return this;

    public HttpUtils configCookieStore(CookieStore cookieStore) {
        httpContext.setAttribute(ClientContext.COOKIE_STORE, cookieStore);
        return this;

    public HttpUtils configUserAgent(String userAgent) {
        HttpProtocolParams.setUserAgent(this.httpClient.getParams(), userAgent);
        return this;

    public HttpUtils configTimeout(int timeout) {
        final HttpParams httpParams = this.httpClient.getParams();
        ConnManagerParams.setTimeout(httpParams, timeout);
        HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(httpParams, timeout);
        return this;

    public HttpUtils configSoTimeout(int timeout) {
        final HttpParams httpParams = this.httpClient.getParams();
        HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(httpParams, timeout);
        return this;

    public HttpUtils configRegisterScheme(Scheme scheme) {
        return this;

    public HttpUtils configSSLSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory) {
        Scheme scheme = new Scheme("https", sslSocketFactory, 443);
        return this;

    public HttpUtils configRequestRetryCount(int count) {
        this.httpClient.setHttpRequestRetryHandler(new RetryHandler(count));
        return this;

    public HttpUtils configRequestThreadPoolSize(int threadPoolSize) {
        return this;

    // ***************************************** send request *******************************************

    public <T> HttpHandler<T> send(HttpRequest.HttpMethod method, String url,
                                   RequestCallBack<T> callBack) {
        return send(method, url, null, callBack);

    public <T> HttpHandler<T> send(HttpRequest.HttpMethod method, String url, RequestParams params,
                                   RequestCallBack<T> callBack) {
        if (url == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("url may not be null");

        HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(method, url);
        return sendRequest(request, params, callBack);

    public ResponseStream sendSync(HttpRequest.HttpMethod method, String url) throws HttpException {
        return sendSync(method, url, null);

    public ResponseStream sendSync(HttpRequest.HttpMethod method, String url, RequestParams params) throws HttpException {
        if (url == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("url may not be null");

        HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(method, url);
        return sendSyncRequest(request, params);

    // ***************************************** download *******************************************

    public HttpHandler<File> download(String url, String target,
                                      RequestCallBack<File> callback) {
        return download(HttpRequest.HttpMethod.GET, url, target, null, false, false, callback);

    public HttpHandler<File> download(String url, String target,
                                      boolean autoResume, RequestCallBack<File> callback) {
        return download(HttpRequest.HttpMethod.GET, url, target, null, autoResume, false, callback);

    public HttpHandler<File> download(String url, String target,
                                      boolean autoResume, boolean autoRename, RequestCallBack<File> callback) {
        return download(HttpRequest.HttpMethod.GET, url, target, null, autoResume, autoRename, callback);

    public HttpHandler<File> download(String url, String target,
                                      RequestParams params, RequestCallBack<File> callback) {
        return download(HttpRequest.HttpMethod.GET, url, target, params, false, false, callback);

    public HttpHandler<File> download(String url, String target,
                                      RequestParams params, boolean autoResume, RequestCallBack<File> callback) {
        return download(HttpRequest.HttpMethod.GET, url, target, params, autoResume, false, callback);

    public HttpHandler<File> download(String url, String target,
                                      RequestParams params, boolean autoResume, boolean autoRename, RequestCallBack<File> callback) {
        return download(HttpRequest.HttpMethod.GET, url, target, params, autoResume, autoRename, callback);

    public HttpHandler<File> download(HttpRequest.HttpMethod method, String url, String target,
                                      RequestParams params, RequestCallBack<File> callback) {
        return download(method, url, target, params, false, false, callback);

    public HttpHandler<File> download(HttpRequest.HttpMethod method, String url, String target,
                                      RequestParams params, boolean autoResume, RequestCallBack<File> callback) {
        return download(method, url, target, params, autoResume, false, callback);

    public HttpHandler<File> download(HttpRequest.HttpMethod method, String url, String target,
                                      RequestParams params, boolean autoResume, boolean autoRename, RequestCallBack<File> callback) {

        if (url == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("url may not be null");
        if (target == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("target may not be null");

        HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(method, url);

        HttpHandler<File> handler = new HttpHandler<File>(httpClient, httpContext, responseTextCharset, callback);


        if (params != null) {
            request.setRequestParams(params, handler);
        handler.executeOnExecutor(EXECUTOR, request, target, autoResume, autoRename);
        return handler;

    private <T> HttpHandler<T> sendRequest(HttpRequest request, RequestParams params, RequestCallBack<T> callBack) {

        HttpHandler<T> handler = new HttpHandler<T>(httpClient, httpContext, responseTextCharset, callBack);

        request.setRequestParams(params, handler);

        if (params != null) {
        handler.executeOnExecutor(EXECUTOR, request);
        return handler;

    private ResponseStream sendSyncRequest(HttpRequest request, RequestParams params) throws HttpException {

        SyncHttpHandler handler = new SyncHttpHandler(httpClient, httpContext, responseTextCharset);


        return handler.sendRequest(request);


package com.lidroid.xutils.util;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import org.apache.http.client.CookieStore;
import org.apache.http.cookie.Cookie;
import org.apache.http.impl.cookie.BasicClientCookie;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

 * A CookieStore impl, it's save cookie to SharedPreferences.
 * @author michael yang
public class PreferencesCookieStore implements CookieStore {

    private static final String COOKIE_PREFS = "CookiePrefsFile";
    private static final String COOKIE_NAME_STORE = "names";
    private static final String COOKIE_NAME_PREFIX = "cookie_";

    private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Cookie> cookies;
    private final SharedPreferences cookiePrefs;

     * Construct a persistent cookie store.
    public PreferencesCookieStore(Context context) {
        cookiePrefs = context.getSharedPreferences(COOKIE_PREFS, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
        cookies = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Cookie>();

        // Load any previously stored cookies into the store
        String storedCookieNames = cookiePrefs.getString(COOKIE_NAME_STORE, null);
        if (storedCookieNames != null) {
            String[] cookieNames = TextUtils.split(storedCookieNames, ",");
            for (String name : cookieNames) {
                String encodedCookie = cookiePrefs.getString(COOKIE_NAME_PREFIX + name, null);
                if (encodedCookie != null) {
                    Cookie decodedCookie = decodeCookie(encodedCookie);
                    if (decodedCookie != null) {
                        cookies.put(name, decodedCookie);

            // Clear out expired cookies
            clearExpired(new Date());

    public void addCookie(Cookie cookie) {
        String name = cookie.getName();

        // Save cookie into local store, or remove if expired
        if (!cookie.isExpired(new Date())) {
            cookies.put(name, cookie);
        } else {

        // Save cookie into persistent store
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = cookiePrefs.edit();
        editor.putString(COOKIE_NAME_STORE, TextUtils.join(",", cookies.keySet()));
        editor.putString(COOKIE_NAME_PREFIX + name, encodeCookie(new SerializableCookie(cookie)));

    public void clear() {
        // Clear cookies from persistent store
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = cookiePrefs.edit();
        for (String name : cookies.keySet()) {
            editor.remove(COOKIE_NAME_PREFIX + name);

        // Clear cookies from local store

    public boolean clearExpired(Date date) {
        boolean clearedAny = false;
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = cookiePrefs.edit();

        for (ConcurrentHashMap.Entry<String, Cookie> entry : cookies.entrySet()) {
            String name = entry.getKey();
            Cookie cookie = entry.getValue();
            if (cookie.getExpiryDate() == null || cookie.isExpired(date)) {
                // Remove the cookie by name

                // Clear cookies from persistent store
                editor.remove(COOKIE_NAME_PREFIX + name);

                // We've cleared at least one
                clearedAny = true;

        // Update names in persistent store
        if (clearedAny) {
            editor.putString(COOKIE_NAME_STORE, TextUtils.join(",", cookies.keySet()));

        return clearedAny;

    public List<Cookie> getCookies() {
        return new ArrayList<Cookie>(cookies.values());

    public Cookie getCookie(String name) {
        return cookies.get(name);

    protected String encodeCookie(SerializableCookie cookie) {
        ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        try {
            ObjectOutputStream outputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(os);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            return null;

        return byteArrayToHexString(os.toByteArray());

    protected Cookie decodeCookie(String cookieStr) {
        byte[] bytes = hexStringToByteArray(cookieStr);
        ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
        Cookie cookie = null;
        try {
            ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(is);
            cookie = ((SerializableCookie) ois.readObject()).getCookie();
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            LogUtils.e(e.getMessage(), e);

        return cookie;

    // Using some super basic byte array <-> hex conversions so we don't have
    // to rely on any large Base64 libraries. Can be overridden if you like!
    protected String byteArrayToHexString(byte[] b) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(b.length * 2);
        for (byte element : b) {
            int v = element & 0xff;
            if (v < 16) {
        return sb.toString().toUpperCase();

    protected byte[] hexStringToByteArray(String s) {
        int len = s.length();
        byte[] data = new byte[len / 2];
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
            data[i / 2] = (byte) ((Character.digit(s.charAt(i), 16) << 4) + Character.digit(s.charAt(i + 1), 16));
        return data;

    public class SerializableCookie implements Serializable {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 6374381828722046732L;

        private transient final Cookie cookie;
        private transient BasicClientCookie clientCookie;

        public SerializableCookie(Cookie cookie) {
            this.cookie = cookie;

        public Cookie getCookie() {
            Cookie bestCookie = cookie;
            if (clientCookie != null) {
                bestCookie = clientCookie;
            return bestCookie;

        private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {

        private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
            String name = (String) in.readObject();
            String value = (String) in.readObject();
            clientCookie = new BasicClientCookie(name, value);
            clientCookie.setComment((String) in.readObject());
            clientCookie.setDomain((String) in.readObject());
            clientCookie.setExpiryDate((Date) in.readObject());
            clientCookie.setPath((String) in.readObject());


package com.lidroid.xutils.http;

import android.text.TextUtils;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.client.entity.BodyParamsEntity;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.client.multipart.HttpMultipartMode;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.client.multipart.MultipartEntity;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.client.multipart.content.ContentBody;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.client.multipart.content.FileBody;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.client.multipart.content.InputStreamBody;
import com.lidroid.xutils.http.client.multipart.content.StringBody;
import com.lidroid.xutils.util.LogUtils;
import com.lidroid.xutils.task.Priority;
import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

public class RequestParams {

    private String charset = HTTP.UTF_8;

    private List<HeaderItem> headers;
    private List<NameValuePair> queryStringParams;
    private HttpEntity bodyEntity;
    private List<NameValuePair> bodyParams;
    private HashMap<String, ContentBody> fileParams;

    private Priority priority;

    public RequestParams() {

    public RequestParams(String charset) {
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(charset)) {
            this.charset = charset;

    public Priority getPriority() {
        return priority;

    public void setPriority(Priority priority) {
        this.priority = priority;

    public String getCharset() {
        return charset;

    public void setContentType(String contentType) {
        this.setHeader("Content-Type", contentType);

     * Adds a header to this message. The header will be appended to the end of the list.
     * @param header
    public void addHeader(Header header) {
        if (this.headers == null) {
            this.headers = new ArrayList<HeaderItem>();
        this.headers.add(new HeaderItem(header));

     * Adds a header to this message. The header will be appended to the end of the list.
     * @param name
     * @param value
    public void addHeader(String name, String value) {
        if (this.headers == null) {
            this.headers = new ArrayList<HeaderItem>();
        this.headers.add(new HeaderItem(name, value));

     * Adds all the headers to this message.
     * @param headers
    public void addHeaders(List<Header> headers) {
        if (this.headers == null) {
            this.headers = new ArrayList<HeaderItem>();
        for (Header header : headers) {
            this.headers.add(new HeaderItem(header));

     * Overwrites the first header with the same name.
     * The new header will be appended to the end of the list, if no header with the given name can be found.
     * @param header
    public void setHeader(Header header) {
        if (this.headers == null) {
            this.headers = new ArrayList<HeaderItem>();
        this.headers.add(new HeaderItem(header, true));

     * Overwrites the first header with the same name.
     * The new header will be appended to the end of the list, if no header with the given name can be found.
     * @param name
     * @param value
    public void setHeader(String name, String value) {
        if (this.headers == null) {
            this.headers = new ArrayList<HeaderItem>();
        this.headers.add(new HeaderItem(name, value, true));

     * Overwrites all the headers in the message.
     * @param headers
    public void setHeaders(List<Header> headers) {
        if (this.headers == null) {
            this.headers = new ArrayList<HeaderItem>();
        for (Header header : headers) {
            this.headers.add(new HeaderItem(header, true));

    public void addQueryStringParameter(String name, String value) {
        if (queryStringParams == null) {
            queryStringParams = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
        queryStringParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair(name, value));

    public void addQueryStringParameter(NameValuePair nameValuePair) {
        if (queryStringParams == null) {
            queryStringParams = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();

    public void addQueryStringParameter(List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs) {
        if (queryStringParams == null) {
            queryStringParams = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
        if (nameValuePairs != null && nameValuePairs.size() > 0) {
            for (NameValuePair pair : nameValuePairs) {

    public void addBodyParameter(String name, String value) {
        if (bodyParams == null) {
            bodyParams = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
        bodyParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair(name, value));

    public void addBodyParameter(NameValuePair nameValuePair) {
        if (bodyParams == null) {
            bodyParams = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();

    public void addBodyParameter(List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs) {
        if (bodyParams == null) {
            bodyParams = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
        if (nameValuePairs != null && nameValuePairs.size() > 0) {
            for (NameValuePair pair : nameValuePairs) {

    public void addBodyParameter(String key, File file) {
        if (fileParams == null) {
            fileParams = new HashMap<String, ContentBody>();
        fileParams.put(key, new FileBody(file));

    public void addBodyParameter(String key, File file, String mimeType) {
        if (fileParams == null) {
            fileParams = new HashMap<String, ContentBody>();
        fileParams.put(key, new FileBody(file, mimeType));

    public void addBodyParameter(String key, File file, String mimeType, String charset) {
        if (fileParams == null) {
            fileParams = new HashMap<String, ContentBody>();
        fileParams.put(key, new FileBody(file, mimeType, charset));

    public void addBodyParameter(String key, File file, String fileName, String mimeType, String charset) {
        if (fileParams == null) {
            fileParams = new HashMap<String, ContentBody>();
        fileParams.put(key, new FileBody(file, fileName, mimeType, charset));

    public void addBodyParameter(String key, InputStream stream, long length) {
        if (fileParams == null) {
            fileParams = new HashMap<String, ContentBody>();
        fileParams.put(key, new InputStreamBody(stream, length));

    public void addBodyParameter(String key, InputStream stream, long length, String fileName) {
        if (fileParams == null) {
            fileParams = new HashMap<String, ContentBody>();
        fileParams.put(key, new InputStreamBody(stream, length, fileName));

    public void addBodyParameter(String key, InputStream stream, long length, String fileName, String mimeType) {
        if (fileParams == null) {
            fileParams = new HashMap<String, ContentBody>();
        fileParams.put(key, new InputStreamBody(stream, length, fileName, mimeType));

    public void setBodyEntity(HttpEntity bodyEntity) {
        this.bodyEntity = bodyEntity;
        if (bodyParams != null) {
            bodyParams = null;
        if (fileParams != null) {
            fileParams = null;

     * Returns an HttpEntity containing all request parameters
    public HttpEntity getEntity() {

        if (bodyEntity != null) {
            return bodyEntity;

        HttpEntity result = null;

        if (fileParams != null && !fileParams.isEmpty()) {

            MultipartEntity multipartEntity = new MultipartEntity(HttpMultipartMode.STRICT, null, Charset.forName(charset));

            if (bodyParams != null && !bodyParams.isEmpty()) {
                for (NameValuePair param : bodyParams) {
                    try {
                        multipartEntity.addPart(param.getName(), new StringBody(param.getValue()));
                    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                        LogUtils.e(e.getMessage(), e);

            for (ConcurrentHashMap.Entry<String, ContentBody> entry : fileParams.entrySet()) {
                multipartEntity.addPart(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

            result = multipartEntity;
        } else if (bodyParams != null && !bodyParams.isEmpty()) {
            result = new BodyParamsEntity(bodyParams, charset);

        return result;

    public List<NameValuePair> getQueryStringParams() {
        return queryStringParams;

    public List<HeaderItem> getHeaders() {
        return headers;

    public class HeaderItem {
        public final boolean overwrite;
        public final Header header;

        public HeaderItem(Header header) {
            this.overwrite = false;
            this.header = header;

        public HeaderItem(Header header, boolean overwrite) {
            this.overwrite = overwrite;
            this.header = header;

        public HeaderItem(String name, String value) {
            this.overwrite = false;
            this.header = new BasicHeader(name, value);

        public HeaderItem(String name, String value, boolean overwrite) {
            this.overwrite = overwrite;
            this.header = new BasicHeader(name, value);

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