Installation of postgre on RHEL4U2

To install PostgreSql with RHEL is easy.

1. select PostgreSql(7.4.8) package shiped with RHEL to install.

2. The RHEL will create a user and a group named postgres.

3. The defalut path of postgre sql is /var/lib/pgsql, the database path is /var/ib/pgsql/data

4. modify postgresql.conf: tcpip_socket = true  and port = 5432.  modify pg_hba.conf  to add following line: host all all  trust

5. to make postgresql bootable to run command: chkconfig --level 345 postgresql on.  And check it with command that chkconfig --list postgresql

6. to start postgre sql with command: service postgresql start.

7. su - postgres

8. $ createdb test, $ createuser mutsu,

BTW, you have to change strategy of firewall on the RHEL.

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