Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Firestarter Note


SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)
-It is not a product. It is an architecture and design paradigm

Problem in Procedural Programming (application were developed by continuously calling functions that housed various areas of functionality)
-No reuse outside of application
-No design analogy to real-world made for cumbersome deverlopment process

Problem in Object Oriented Architecture (Applications were built by working with various that resembled real-world counterparts, housing both data and behavior)
-No reuse outside of application
-Required lots of plumbing for manaing ancillary functionality
-good in single application

Problem in Component Oriented Programming (Objects could now be encapsulated and managed by a common abstraction layer(COM) and housed in separate libraries (Dlls))
-Ancillary functionality typically required external service management
-good in with same binary assembly system, e.g.: Windows

Problem in Service Oriented Programming
-Requires a technology

**WCF is the technology for Service Oriented Programming

` -Encapsulated units of responsiblity
-Durable (maintain state)
-Always leave a system in a consistent state (transaction)

**Decouple System - base on area not only delete, update, add single operation

WCF (Start from 2006 with .Net 3.0)
WCF Breakdown
-Data Contracts
-Service Contracts
-Service Host
-Client Proxy

Service Contracts: Between Client and Service
-Interface decorated with [ServiceContract]
-Operations decorated with [OperationContract]

Data Contracts
-Must be serializable using the new [DataContract]

*DONT NOT USE Business object as Data Contract sicne service may use in different applications
*Data Contract as limit as possible since need to pass via network

Service Classes
-Implementation of service contract

Service Hosting
-IIS : Can host only HTTP services
-Self-Hosting: Can be Any application
-WAS acn host nay protocal
-uses IIS for administration
-available in Vista and Server 2008, Windows 7

Configuring Your Service
<service name="{service type}">
{endpoint goes here}

-Address: url
-Binding: transport mechanism
-Contract: service contract

Client Proxy (usually naming as "XXXClient")
-Proxy Class: ClientBase<ServiceInterface>,ServiceInterface
-Channel.XXXX(xxx) : delegate the call to channel

Configuration Your Client
{endpoint goes here}

Binding Configuration Options
-tweak of communication between client and service

Service Behaviors
-specific to service
-how a service gets instantiated and how long the instance lasts
-how WCF will handle locking on service instances
Binding Configuration Options
-set characteristics of transport
-set both the client and service
-set on the endpoint itself
-potential settings

<binding name="binding1" additional attributes>
<additonal tagas here/>
<binding name="binding2" additional attributes>
<additonal tagas here/>

-Can be used with NetTcpBinding or WsHttpBinding
-Enables communication retries (automatically retry)
-Also enforces message ordering
(e.g.: from the same client, make 4 continous calls, every message call start client to server, for whatever reason, the order is not guarantee)

<binding name="binding1">
<reliableSession enabled="true" ordered="true"/>

"Message Size"
-Can be used with any binding
-Increase or decrease total message size
-Default is 64KB
-Useful when returning lists(or steams)

<binding name="binding1"

"Transmission Timeout"
-Can be used with any binding
-Set the maxmum time WCF will wait for a message to be transmitted
-Throws exception when exceeded

<binding name="binding1"

Best Practices
-Always set reliability to true
-Increase message size to about one meg to account for lists
-Default timeouts are usually fine

-Change the way service behavior
-Do not affect transport(bindding)
-Typically unknow to client
-Two types of setting(not always both)
-Attribute decoration

<service name="MyService" behaviorConfiguration="behavior1">
<behavior name="behavior1">
<additional tags here/>

Attribute decoration
public class MyService:IMyService

Service Debbugging
-By default, service does not pass error details to client
<behavior name="behavior1">
<serviceDebug IncludeExceptionDetailsInFaults="true"/>


public class MyService:IMyService

-Controls how a service is served up
-Three different modes
-Per-call: every call get differet instance of service, constructor called every time, not memory state
-Per-Session: (Default) every proxy gets a new instance, constructor called on first operation, same proxy, same instance
-Singleton: Once instance serves all proxies for all clients,constructor called on first call

-Controls how a service handles locking during multiple calls
-Three different modes
-Single: (Default)service instance allows only one caller in at a time, it is lock, lock, lock
-Multiple:Calls allowed on same instance(e.g.:make two calls in two threads).
You must perform manual Locking:

-Reentrant: Variation of single concurrency mode, remembers a caller.
-allows caller back into service: while caller is away, other calls allowed in, but when caller comes back, may wait

(related to Instancing, e.g.: per-call, then very time is new instance, it does not be affect by concurrency is single or multiple)

Best Practices
-Set to include exception details during development
-Use Per-Call for all services
-Introduce Per-Session (state handling) or  Singleton for specific scenarios
-Use Single-Concurrency for all service
-Performance increase when threads exceed cores
-Remeber synchronization locking
-Use Reentrant for callback only
-Avoid circular service calling

More binding configuration
-transactionFlow (on the service contract level)
-OperationBehavior(on the Service Operation level)
-(TransactionScopeRequired=true), commit will automatically if not exception

<binding name="binding1" 

public interface IMyContract
void UpdateContact(int id, string name);

public class Myservice: IMyContract
public void UpdateContact(int id,string name)

WCF not transaction coordinator is transaction mangaer. there 3 transaction coordinator in your system
Lightweight transaction coordinator(LTC)
Kernel transaction coordinator(KTC)
Distributor transaction coordinator(DTC)
**make sure DTC service open when you need distriubtor transaction

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