使用Pick来做起始活动[Using Pick as a Start Activity]

Using Pick as a Start Activity
This sample demonstrates how to use a BPEL pick activity to start a process when the message exchange involves different incoming messages or multiple partner links.
这个例子演示当消息交换包含不同的输入(incoming)消息或多个partner link的时候,如何使用一个BPEL的pick活动来开始一个流程。
In this example, two different types of messages are received over two different partner links. The process consists of the following:
在本例中,两个不同的partner link接收到两个不同数据的消息。流程包含:
  • A pick activity with the "createInstance" attribute set to yes
  • 一个“createInstance”属性为yes的pick活动。
  • OnMessage handlers for each of the message types being processed
  • 处理的每一个消息类型都有OnMessage handler
    • The two types of messages that the process handles are a custom order message and a UBL order message. UBL is the Universal Business Language, a "generic XML interchange format for business documents that can be extended to meet the requirements of particular industries." UBL is published by the same organization that publishes the BPEL specification, OASIS.
    • 流程控制的两个类型的消息是一个自定义定单消息和一个UBL定义消息。UBL是指Universal Bussness Language,一个“可扩展符合具体行业的产生业务文件的XML交换格式。”UBL和BPEL一样,都是由OASIS所发布的。
  • The first onMessage handler has an assign activity to create an acknowledgement response message corresponding to the received message. The response message includes data from the received message.
  • 第一个OnMessage handler有一个assign活动建立一个与接收消息相对应的确认响应消息。这响应消息含有所接收消息的数据。
  • Both onMessage handlers have a reply activity to send the response message back via the same partner link through which the received message arrived.
  • 两个onMessage handler都有一个reply活动,通过与所接收消息相同的partner link回传回应消息。
The following diagram represents the process. The onMessage handler on the left contains a sequence primary activity that contains the assign and reply activities. Note that onMessage handlers may directly contain only one activity. The onMessage handler on the right contains an implicit flow primary activity that contains the assign and reply activities. The flow activity is hidden (to save space) because ActiveBPEL Designer has added it automatically.
下面的图表现了这个流程。在左边的OnMessage handler包括一个Sequence的根活动,上面含有assign和reply活动。注意这个onMessage handler可以直接包含单一活动。右边的onMessage handler包含一个implicit流程根活运,上面含assign和reply活动。流程活动是隐藏的(节省空间),因为ActiveBPEL Designer会自动加上它。
Deploying the Process
Running the Process
The OASIS-provided sample ublOrderMessage.xml does not comply with their schema. Therefore, you must disable validation before simulating the process in ActiveBPEL Designer or running it in the ActiveBPEL Server. This is done by un-checking the "Validate Input/Output messages against schema" option:
OASIS提供的例子—ublOrderMessage.xml并没有遵循他们的schema。因此,你必须在ActiveBPEL Designer模拟或在ActiveBPEL Server运行前关闭校验。可以反选项“Validate Input/Output message against schema”选项达到这目的:
  • For ActiveBPEL Designer, visit "Window > Preferences > ActiveBPEL > Simulation".
  • 在ActiveBPEL Designer,选择 “Window> Proferences> ActiveBPEL> Simulation
  • For the ActiveBPEL Server, visit the administration console's "Configuration" page.
  • 在ActiveBPEL Server,访问管理平台(Administration console)中的“Configuration”页面。
See Running the Samples. There are two separate services, one for the order process message and one for the UBL order message. For the order process message, use the service name orderProcessPLTService and the sample data file orderMessage.xml. For the UBL order message, use the service name ublOrderPLTService and the sample data file ublOrderMessage117.xml (not ublOrderMessage.xml)
参考Running the Samples。这里有两个独立的服务,一个用于定单流程消息,另一个用于UBL定单消息。定单流程消息,使用名为orderProcessPLTService和样版数据orderMessage.xml。UBL定单消息,使用ublOrderPLTService和样版数据文件ublOrderMessage117.xml(不是ublOrderMessage.xml)。
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