


1. 使用命令maven andromdapp:generate創建一個新項目目錄(這個命令調用了maven的app generator插件);
2. 配置這個項目來滿足你的需要;
3. 使用MagicDraw來編輯<projectDir>/mda/src/uml/<projectName>Model.xmi文件,這個文件就是我們應用的模型;
4. 在你的項目根目錄下,調用以下任何一個命令來產生代碼:
 maven mda 從模型(重新)產生代碼
 maven install從模型(重新)產生代碼,包含數據庫的schema文件,接着構建所有的源模塊
 maven create-schema 假如你正在使用AndroMDA來產生你的持久層(例如Hibernate或者Spring),這個命令將在數據庫中安裝SQL DDL。這個命令會假設你已經創建了DDL文件(使用maven install)
5 在<projectDir>/core/src/java目錄下,處理一下需要手動編寫的代碼;
6 編譯和測試你的代碼;
7 假如你的項目變化了,重新定義UML模型,重新從第三步開始;
要創建一個項目,首先把命令行的目錄切換到要創建項目的父目錄,執行命令maven andromdapp:generate,當被問到使用一個名稱(沒有任何空格)來作爲項目ID時,你輸入的名稱將作爲項目的名稱。例如假如在/myProjects目錄下,你產生一個項目,它的ID是myDemo,那麼你項目的根目錄將是/myProjects/myDemo
通過maven app generation 插件產生的項目目錄結構如下:
這個目錄是代碼生成器存放大部分代碼的地方,SQL Schema文件也存放在這裏。Java源文件存放在src/子目錄下,你可以學習這些代碼,但是你不能修改它們,因爲在下次重新生成代碼時,這些文件會被覆蓋。
AndroMDA最後是由andromda.xml中的配置信息來驅動的。假如使用maven app generator插件產生的項目,這個文件在<projectDir>/mda/conf/目錄下,這個文件包含UML模型文件的名字和不同的AndroMDA模塊的配置。(這些配置在namespaces中互相隔離)。
假如使用maven app generator插件產生的項目,andromda.xml文件中的許多配置值實際上都由Maven的構建屬性來代理。
在MDA中,一個主要的概念是PIM(Platform Independent Model)。許多UML工具被設計來產生Java代碼,因此它們在定義模型時,使用Java數據類型來作爲缺省類型,這破環了PIM概念。UMLMDA期望UML模型包含通用的數據類型(尤其是UML數據類型)。
爲了簡化建模(確保適當的UML數據類型和版型可以被使用)AndroMDA UML Profile已經被開發出來了,它能被當作你模型的一部分。這個Profile文件被命名爲 (XXX是你使用AndroMDA的版本號)。這個profile包含所有的UML數據類型,版型和AndroMDA的所有模塊。任何一個新的UML模型都應該首先把這個文件導入到你的項目中去(如果使用MagicDraw,可以通過菜單File_Use Profile/Module來導入)。
假如你的項目是通過Maven app generation插件產生的,預先產生的項目模型文件< projectDir >/mda/src/uml/< projectName >Model.xmi 已經包含了這個profile了。.
這個profile文件可以在 AndroMDA < sourceDir >/etc/profile/target 的子目錄下找到。 通常,使用MagicDraw 打開一個UML文件,它將讓你指定這個文件的位置。從 AndroMDA原目錄下,複製這個文件到MagicDraw's profile 目錄下 ( /Program Files/Magic Draw UML/profiles on a Windows XP installation) ,可以使MagicDraw 在本地找到這個profile文件。
接下來介紹通過AndroMDA 引擎產生代碼的過程。
Loading the Cartridges to use
在andromda.xml 配置文件中,通過引用它的命名空間被激活。
如果使用Maven插件,那麼把模塊放到引擎的 CLASSPATH中,修改 < projectDir >/mda/project.xml 文件,在<dependencies> 部分增加對模塊的 <dependency>。
如果使用Maven插件, andromda.xml配置文件在< projectDir >/mda/conf 目錄下。這個文件包含一個或者多個 <namespace>標籤來激活模塊。
導入 UML 模型
就像有一個標準的對象模型來解析XML文件(DOM)和這個DOM API的Java實現(例如Apache's Xerces), 也有個標準的對象模型來解析存貯在UML模型中的元數據。這個標準的解析UML元數據對象模型稱爲Meta Object Facility (MOF). Java對這個API的一個實現是Netbeans' MDR (MetaData Repository).AndroMDA引擎使用Netbeans MDR來解析UML模型。
The act of generating code from the UML model requires some computation not easily handled by the simple scripting capabilities found in the template engine used by AndroMDA. Things such as traversing the MDR looking for relationships among classes, testing for certain conditions in the model, formulating identifier names and package names based on attributes found in the UML model - these all require computation handled easier in Java code. To simplify the source code templates, the Facade design pattern is used to create helper classes that shield the complexities of the MDR from the template. These helper classes are called Metafacades (for meta data facades). Each cartridge used by the AndroMDA engine usually contains its own set of Metafacades to aid in platform specific code generation. It is the engine's responsibility to instantiate these Metafacades for use by the source code templates.
Matching Stereotypes to Cartridges
初始化之後, AndroMDA引擎解析UML模型,尋找特定版型的類.當它找到一個它可以識別的版型(或者更準確的說,是cartridge可以識別的版型),適當的cartridge(s)會被調用來產生代碼.
cartridge實際上是個JAR文件.在這個JAR文件中有一個文件/META-INF/andromda/cartridge.xml. 這個文件被稱爲Cartridge Descriptor. 在Cartridge Descriptor中, there are <template> tags that specify the code generation templates available from the Cartridge. Inside each <template> tag is a <modelElements> tag. This <modelElements> node will contain one or more <modelElement> nodes. Each <modelElement> is used to specify (among other things) the stereotype the template maps to. This specification is done in one of two ways:
直接用<modelElement>元素的stereotype屬性. The value of the stereotype attribute specifies the stereotype the template maps to.
間接地用<type>元素. The <type> node specifies the name of the Metafacade class the template uses. The Metafacade's definition, in turn, contains a definition of the stereotype the Metafacade maps to. The Metafacade's definition is found in the Metafacade Descriptor - a file in the cartridge .JAR file named /META-INF/andromda-metafacades.xml . The Metafacade Descriptor contains <metafacade> tags for each metafacade used by the cartridge. Each <metafacade> tag in turn contains a <stereotype> tag which defines the name of the stereotype the metafacade maps to.
Generating code from templates
一旦AndroMDA引擎從UML模型中識別出一個類並且和相應的cartridge匹配, 適當的templates會被調用來產生代碼.
缺省情況下, AndroMDA使用Velocity template引擎來產生代碼.當然也可以使用其它的template引擎,但是事實上, Velocity已經做了很多工作.
To see all of the templates available from a particular cartridge, examine the contents of the cartridge's Cartridge Descriptor file ( /META-INF/andromda/cartridge.xml) . This file can be found in one of two places:
inside of the cartridge .JAR file itself
if it is part of the default AndroMDA source distribution, in the /src/META-INF/andromda sub-directory of the cartridge's source directory ( < androMDASourceDir >/cartridges/< nameOfCartridge > )
Each template available for use in the cartridge is defined in a <template> node inside the Cartridge Descriptor. The <template> node contains several pieces of important information:
path屬性指定template文件在cartridge .jar文件中的完整路徑
The outlet attribute specifies (indirectly) the sub-directory where the source file will be written to. An outlet is a conceptual name assigned to a sub-directory. It is actually the name of a property found in the cartridge's namespace in the andromda.xml configuration file. For example, an outlet named config-files would mean there is a namespace property named config-files in andromda.xml that specifies the sub-directory where all configuration files are to be written to.
overwrite屬性指定template在生成代碼時是否會覆蓋以前生成的代碼. 一般的,需要手動修改的代碼這個屬性設置爲false and will have a different outlet than code that does not require hand modification.
<modelElements>標籤定義了template使用的Metafacade. The variable attribute of the <modelElements> tag defines the name of the instance variable to be used by the template. That template variable will be an instance of the specified Metafacade.
The <modelElements> tag of a <template> definition contains a <modelElement> tag, which may in turn contain a <type> tag. The <type> tag specifies the Metafacade class that the template will use. The <type> tag may optionally contain <property> tags. These <property> tags are used for conditional code generation. If a value is specified for a property, that property must match that value for template code to be saved to disk. If the <property> tag does not contain a value, then that property simply must be defined. The property might be a namespace property defined in the andromda.xml config file (to allow for the code generation to be defined at configuration time). The property may instead be a property set by the template after it has run. This allows the template itself to determine if code should be generated at run-time.
For more information on how cartridges work in general, see the cartridge index page
Override a template from a pre-existing cartridge with a custom version
Customize the entire cartridge, re-compiling the .JAR file
Write your own cartridge from scratch.
Overriding a cartridge's default template(s)
The simplest way to customize code generation is to slightly modify or simply re-write one or two templates in an existing cartridge. Assuming a particular cartridge does mostly what you are looking for, but you need to change or extend its functionality, you can instruct the AndroMDA engine to use your template rather than the one from the cartridge's .JAR file.
locate the original template file you wish to modify. These files can be found in the /templates sub-directory of the cartridge's .JAR file. If you have the AndroMDA source distribution installed on your machine, you can also find them in the /src/templates sub-directory of the of the cartridge's source directory ( < androMDASourceDir >/cartridges/< nameOfCartridge > ).
Copy the desired files to your project directory. If your project conforms to the standard project structure using the Maven plug-ins, the best place to put your copy is in the /mda/src directory of your project (such as < projectDir >/mda/src/customTemplates /). Since you may override templates from more than one cartridge, it is also a good idea to further segregate each cartridge into its own sub-directory. Finally, it is important you honor the template structure found in the cartridge. So, to override the hibernate.hbm.xml.vsl template for version 3, place a copy of that file in the sub-directory < projectDir >mda/src/customTemplates/andromda-hibernate/templates/hibernate3 .
In the cartridge's <namespace> entry in the andromda.xml configuration file, specify a mergeLocation property. For our example Hibernate template overwrite, we would make the following addition in the andromda.xml file:
<namespace name="hibernate">
      <property name= "mergeLocation">${maven.src.dir}/customTemplates/andromda-hibernate </property>
</namespace>When you specify a mergeLocation property, the AndroMDA engine will first look in your mergeLocation directory when looking for a particular template file. If it does not find it, it will fall back on the cartridge's .JAR file.
See Overriding cartridge resources at overriding cartridge resources for more details.
AndroMDA標準的cartridges可以被修改和擴展 if you need more control than a simple template override can provide. The source directory for a cartridge comes with the AndroMDA source distribution. The cartridge's root directory is < androMDASourceDir >/cartridges/< nameOfCartridge > . All the source files are located under that directory. From the cartridge root directory, the command maven install will re-build and re-package the cartridge.
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