LearnNode 第三章 部分翻譯 附 原文

第三章   Node核心代碼






全局的:Global, Process, Buffer













> console.log(global)






Ø       var test = "This really isn't global, as we knowglobal";

Ø      然後打印global

Ø      Console.log(global);


gl =global;








證明,接下來的代碼包含了一些簡單的模塊擁有一個頂層變量 globalValue,而且函數設置並返回這個變量,在函數中,返回這個值,這個全局得對象用console.log方法打印


var globalValue;

exports.setGlobal= function(val) {

globalValue =val;


exports.returnGlobal= function() {







Ø       var mod1 = require('/mod1.js');

Ø      設置變量的值然後獲取變量

> mod1.setGlobal(34);

> var val = mod1.returnGlobal();



mod1: { setGlobal:[Function], returnGlobal: [Function] },

_: undefined,

val: 34 }
























Process.stdin.on(‘data’,function(chunk) {

       Process.stdout.write(‘data:’ + chunk);




{ rss: 7450624, heapTotal: 2783520,heapUsed: 1375720 }







FunctionasyncFunction = function (data, callback) {

       Process.nextTick(function() {

       Callback (val);









}, 0);









Var vuf =new Buffer(string);


Ascii – 7字節的ASCII


Usc2 – 兩個字節的unicode編碼

Base64- 基礎的64字節編碼



Buf.write(string);//偏移默認爲0, 寬度默認爲buffer的寬度 – offset,編碼爲utf8


數據在socket之間傳輸是默認要轉換爲二進制數據的,爲了發送一個字符串,你需要在socket中明確的使用setEncoding,或者你可以在socket的函數中寫明編碼方式,默認的,TCP socket.write方法設置第二個參數爲“utf8”,但是socket返回connectionListener回調TcPcreateServer發送流數據而不是字符串



定時器: setTimerout,clearTimeout,setInterbal, clearInterval





//time toopen file and read content to http response object

Functionon_OpenAndReadFile(filename, res) {

       Console.log(‘opening’ + filename);


//open and read in file contents

       Fs.readFile(filename, ‘utf8’,function(err, data) {


              Res.write(‘Couldnot find or open file for reading\n’);





//response is done




setTimeout(openAndReadFile,2000, filename, res);




函數clearTimeout清空setTimeout的設置,如果你需要一個重複地計時器,你可以用setInterval來運行一個函數每n ms,n是第二個參數傳遞給函數,清空這個間隔請使用clearInterval





一個socket的節點在通信端,而另一個network skocket的節點在另一個不同電腦上運行的網絡應用,數據傳送是以流的形式。數據可以以二進制的形式傳輸,在一個緩衝區中,在unicode中或者字符串中。所有形式的數據都是以包的形式傳輸。部分數據被分在不同的快中。這裏有一個特殊的包,fin,或者finish包,這個包是socket發送標誌着數據發送結束了。這個會話是怎樣管理的,怎樣意識到流,是socket創建時應該考慮的



我們可以用Net模塊創建一個基礎的TCP服務端和客戶端,Tcp 對於大部分的網絡程序是基礎形式,比如web服務和email,他提供了一種在服務器和客戶端傳遞數據的形式




Example3-2 一個創建TCP服務的例子,有一個監聽8124會話端口的監聽器

Var net =require(‘net’);


Varserver = net.createServer(function (conn) {



                     Conn.on(‘data’,function(data) {

       Console.log(data+ ‘from’ + conn.remoteAddress + ‘ ’ +


       Conn.write(‘Repeating:’ + data);


Conn.on(‘close’, function() {

       Console.log(‘client closed connection’);





Console.log(‘listening on port8124);’






Example3-3 客戶端socket發送數據給Tcp服務端

Var net =require(‘net’);

Varclient = new net.Socket();



//connectto server

Client.connect(‘8124’,‘localhost’, function () {

       Console.log(‘connected to server’);

Client.write(‘whoneeds a broser to communicate?’);



//preaparefor input from terminal



//whenreceive data, send to server

Process.stdin.on(‘data’,function(data) {




//whenreceive data back, print to console

Client.on(‘data’,function(data) {




//whenserver closed

Client.on(‘close’,function() {

       Console.log(‘connection is closed’);




客戶端和服務器端之間的連接直到CTRL +C纔會停止,無論哪個socket在接收close事件之前都是開着的。服務器端也可以保持多個客戶端,所有相關的函數都是不同步的



The Node Core
Chapter 1 provided a first look at a Node application with the traditional (and always entertaining) Hello,
World application. The examples in the chapter made use of a couple of modules from what is known as
the Node Core: the API providing much of the functionality necessary for building Node applications.
In this chapter, I'm going to provide more detail on the Node core system. It's not an exhaustive overview,
since the API is quite large and dynamic in nature. Instead, I'm focusing on key elements of the API, and
taking a closer look at those that we'll use in later chapters, and/or are complex enough to need a more indepth
Node.js documentation for current stable release can be found at http://nodejs.org/api/.
Globals: Global, Process, and Buffer
There are several objects available to all node applications without having to incorporate any module. The
Node.js web site groups these items under the descriptive label of "Globals".
We've been using one global, require, to include modules into our applications. We've also made
extensive use of another global, console, to log messages to the console. Others are essential to the
underlying implementation of Node, but aren't necessarily anything we'd access or need to know about
directly. Some, though, are important enough taking a closer look at., because they help define key aspects
of how Node works.
In particular, we're going to take a closer look at:
• The Global object: the global namespace
• Process: provides essential functionality, such as wrappers for the three STDIO streams, and
functionality to transform a synchronous function into a asynchronous callback
• Buffer: Provides raw data storage and manipulation
Global is the global namespace object. In some ways, it's similar to windows in a browser environment, in
that it provides access to global properties and methods and doesn't have to be explicitly referenced by
From REPL, you can print out the global object to the console:
> console.log(global)
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What prints out is the interface for all of the other global objects, as well as a good deal of information
about the system in which you're running.
I mentioned that Global is like the windows object in a browser, but there are key differences—and not
just the methods and properties available. The windows object in a browser is truly global in nature. If
you define a global variable in client-side JavaScript, it's accessible by the web page, and every single
library. However, if you create a variable at the top level scope in a Node module (a variable outside a
function), it only becomes global to the module, not to all of the modules, as we discovered with Examples
1-3 and 1-4 in Chapter 1.
You can actually see what happens to the Global object when you define a module/global variable in
REPL. First, define the top-level variable:
> var test = "This really isn't global, as we know global";
Then print out Global:
> console.log(global);
You should see your variable, as a new property of global, at the bottom. For another interesting
perspective, assign global to a variable, but don't use the var keyword:
gl = global;
The global object interface is printed out to the console, and at the bottom you'll see the local variable
assigned as a circular reference:
> gl = global;
gl: [Circular],
_: [Circular] }
Any other global object or method, including require, is part of the Global object's interface.
When Node developers discuss context, they're really referring to the Global object. In Example 2-1 in
Chapter 2, the code accessed the context object when creating a custom REPL object. The context object
is a Global object. When an application creates a custom REPL, it exists within a new context, which in
this case means, has its own Global object. The way to override this and use the existing Global object is to
create a custom REPL and set the useGlobal flag to true, rather than the default false.
Modules exist in their own global namespace, which means that if you define a top-level variable in one
module it is not available in other modules. More importantly, it means that only what is explicitly
exported from the module becomes part of whatever application includes the module. Point of fact: you
can't access a top-level module variable in an application or other module, even if you deliberately tried.
To demonstrate, the following code contains a very simple module that has a top-level variable named
globalValue, and functions to set and return the value. In the function that returns the value, the Global
object is printed out using a console.log method call.
var globalValue;
exports.setGlobal = function(val) {
globalValue = val;
exports.returnGlobal = function() {
return globalValue;
We might expect that in the print out of the Global object we'll see globalValue, as we do when we set
a variable in our applications. This doesn't happen, though.
Start a REPL session and issue a require call to include the new module:
> var mod1 = require('/mod1.js');
Set the value and then ask for the value back:
> mod1.setGlobal(34);
> var val = mod1.returnGlobal();
The console.log method prints out the global object before returning its globally defined value. We
can see at the bottom, the new variable holding a reference to the imported module, and the new variable
assigned the returned value...but no reference to that module's own top-level globalValue:
mod1: { setGlobal: [Function], returnGlobal: [Function] },
_: undefined,
val: 34 }
Even when the exported Module object prints out the Global object, we don't see the module's own global
data. The only access we have to it, is by whatever means the module provides. For JavaScript developers,
this means no more unexpected and harmful name collisions because of accidental or intentional global
variables in libraries.
Each Node application is an instance of a Node Process object, and as such, comes with certain built-in
Many of the Process object's methods and properties provide identification or information about the
application and its environment. The process.execPath method returns the execution path for the
Node application, process.version, provides Node version, and process.platform identifies
the server platform:
This code returns the following in my system (at the time when this was written):
The Process object also wraps the STDIO (Standard IO) streams stdin, stdout, and stderr. Both stdin and
stdout are asynchronous, and are readable and writable, respectively. The stderr stream is a synchronous,
blocking stream.
To demonstrate how to read and write data from stdin and stdout, in Example 3-1 the Node application
listens for data in stdin, and repeats the data to stdout. The stdin stream is paused by default, so we have to
issue a resume call before sending data.
Example 3-1. Reading and writing data to stdin and stdout, respectively
process.stdin.on('data', function (chunk) {
process.stdout.write('data: ' + chunk);
Run the application using Node, and then, start typing into the terminal. Every time you type something
and hit ENTER, what you typed is reflected back to you.
Another useful Process method is memoryUsage, which tells us how much memory the Node application
is using. This could be helpful for performance tuning, and just general curiosity about the application. The
response has the following structure:
{ rss: 7450624, heapTotal: 2783520, heapUsed: 1375720 }
The heapTotal and heapUsed properties refer to the V8 engine's memory usage.
A last Process method I'm going to cover is process.nextTick. This method attaches a callback
function that's fired during the next tick (loop) in the Node event loop.
The reason you would use process.nextTick is if you want to delay a function for some reason, but
you want to delay it asynchronously. A good example would be if you're creating a new function that has a
callback function as parameter and you want to ensure that the callback is truly asynchronous. The
following code is a demonstration:
function asynchFunction = function (data, callback) {
process.nextTick(function() {
If we just called the callback function, then the action would be synchronous. Now, the callback function
won't be called until the next tick in the event loop, rather than right away.
You could use setTimeout with a zero (0) millisecond delay instead of process.nextTick:
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
However, setTimeout isn't as efficient as process.nextTick. When both were tested against each
other, process.nextTick was called far more quickly than setTimeout with a zero (0) millisecond
Another reason you could use process.nextTick is if you're running an application that has a function
performing some computationally complex, and time consuming, operation. You could break the process
into sections, each called via process.nextTick, to allow other requests to the Node application to be
processed without waiting for the time consuming process to finish.
Of course, the converse of this is you don't want to break up a process where you need to ensure that the
process is processed sequentially, because you may end up with unexpected results.
The Buffer class is a way of handling binary data in Node. In the Streams, Servers, and Sockets section
later in the chapter, we'll cover the fact that streams are oftentimes binary data rather than strings. To
convert the binary data to a string, the data encoding for the stream socket is changed using
setEncoding. To create a buffer from a string, we typically create a new buffer:
var buf = new Buffer(strng);
If you create a buffer to hold a string, you can pass in an optional second parameter with the encoding.
Possible encodings are:
• ascii - 7 bit ASCII
• utf8 - multibyte encoded Unicode characters
• usc2 - 2 bytes, little endian encoded Unicode characters
• base64 - Base64 encoding
• hex - Encodes each byte as two hexadecimal characters
We can also write a string to an existing buffer, providing an optional offset, length, and encoding:
buf.write(strng); // offset defaults to 0, length defaults to
buffer.length - offset, encoding is utf8
Data sent between sockets is transmitted as a buffer (in binary format), by default. To send a string instead,
you either need to call setEncoding directly on the socket, or specify the encoding in the function that
writes to the socket. By default, the TCP socket.write method does set the second parameter to 'utf8'
by default, but the socket returned in the connectionListener callback to the TCP createServer
function sends the data as a buffer, not a string.
There are several methods for reading and writing various types of data to the buffer, such as buffer.
readInt8, and buffer.writeUInt8.
The Timers: setTimeout, clearTimeout, setInterval,
The timer functions in client-side JavaScript are part of the global windows object. They're not part of
JavaScript, but have become such an ubiquitous part of JavaScript development that the Node developers
incorporated them into the Node core API.
The timer functions operate in Node just like they operate in the browser. In fact, they operate in Node
exactly the same as they would in Chrome, since Node is based on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
The Node setTimeout function takes a callback function as first parameter, the delay time (in
milliseconds) as second parameter, and an optional list of arguments:
// timer to open file and read contents to HTTP response object
function on_OpenAndReadFile(filename, res) {
console.log('opening ' + filename);
// open and read in file contents
fs.readFile(filename, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
if (err)
res.write('Could not find or open file for reading\n');
else {
// reponse is done
setTimeout(openAndReadFile, 2000, filename, res);
In the code, the callback function on_OpenAndReadFile opens and reads a file to the HTTP response
when the function is called after approximately 2000 milliseconds have passed.
As the Node documentation carefully notes, there's no guarantee that the callback
function will be invoked in exactly n milliseconds (whatever n is). This is no different
than the use of setTimeout in a browser--we don't have absolute control over the
environment, and factors could slightly delay the timer.
The function clearTimeout clears a preset setTimeout. If you need to have a repeating timer, you
can use setInterval to call a function for every n milliseconds, n being the second parameter passed to
the function. Clear the interval with clearInterval.
Servers, Streams, and Sockets
Much of the Node core API has to do with creating services that listen to specific types of communications.
In the examples in Chapter 1, we used the HTTP module to create an HTTP web server. Other methods can
create a TCP server, a TLS (Transport Layer Security) server, and a UDP/datagram socket. I'll cover TLS
later, in Chapter 13 covering security, but in this section I want to introduce the TCP and UDP Node core
functionality. First, though, a brief introduction to the terms used in this section.
A socket is an end point in a communication, and a network socket is an end point in a communication
between applications running on two different computers running on the network. The data that flows
between the sockets is known as the stream. The data in the stream can be transmitted as binary data, in a
buffer, or in Unicode, as a string. Both types of data are transmitted as packets: parts of the data split off
into specifically sized pieces. There is a special kind of packet, a FIN, or finish packet, that is sent by a
socket to signal that it is done. How the communication is managed, and how reliable the stream, is a
consideration of the type of socket created.
TCP Sockets and Servers
We can create a basic TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) server and client with the Net module. TCP
forms the basis for most internet applications, such as web service and email. It provides a way of reliably
transmitting data between client and server sockets.
Creating the TCP server is little different than creating the HTTP server in Example 1-1 in Chapter 1. We
create the server, passing in a callback function. The TCP server differs from the HTTP server, in that
rather than passing a requestListener, the TCP callback function's sole argument is an instance of a socket,
listening for incoming connections.
Example 3-2 contains the code to create a TCP server. Once the server socket is created, it listens for two
events: when data is received, and when the client closes the connection.
Example 3-2. A simple TCP server, with a socket listening for client communication on port 8124
var net = require('net');
var server = net.createServer(function(conn) {
conn.on('data', function (data) {
console.log(data + ' from ' + conn.remoteAddress + ' ' +
conn.write('Repeating: ' + data);
conn.on('close', function() {
console.log('client closed connection');
console.log('listening on port 8124');
There is an optional parameter for createServer: allowHalfOpen. Setting this parameter to true
instructs the socket not to send a FIN when it receives a FIN packet from the client. Doing this keeps the
socket open for writing (not reading). To close the socket, you'd then need to explicitly use the end
method. By default, allowHalfOpen is false.
Notice how a callback function is attached to the two events via the on method. Many objects in Node that
emit events provide a way to attach a function as event listener via the use of the on method. This method
takes the name of the event as first parameter, and the function listener, as the second.
The TCP client is just as simple to create as the server, as shown in Example 3-3. The call to the
setEncoding method on the client changes the encoding for the received data. As discussed in the
section earlier in the chapter on the Buffer object, data is transmitted as a non-humanly readable buffer, but
we can use setEncoding to read it as a string. The socket's write method is used to transmit the data.
It also attaches listener functions to two events: data, for received data, and close, in case the server
closes the connection.
Example 3-3. Client Socket sending data to TCP server
var net = require('net');
var client = new net.Socket();
// connect to server
client.connect ('8124','localhost', function () {
console.log('connected to server');
client.write('Who needs a browser to communicate?');
// prepare for input from terminal
// when receive data, send to server
process.stdin.on('data', function (data) {
// when receive data back, print to console
client.on('data',function(data) {
// when server closed
client.on('close',function() {
console.log('connection is closed');
The data being transmitted between the two sockets is typed in at the terminal, and transmitted when you
hit ENTER. The client application first sends the a string you just typed, which the TCP server writes out
to the console. The server repeats the message back to the client, which in turn writes the message out to
the console. The server also prints out the IP address and port for the client using the socket's
remoteAddress and remotePort properties. Following is the console output for the server after
several strings were sent from the client (with IP address edited out for the book):
Hey, hey, hey, hey-now.
from #ipaddress 57251
Don't be mean, we don't have to be mean.
from #ipaddress 57251
Cuz remember, no matter where you go,
from #ipaddress 57251
there you are.
from #ipaddress 57251
The connection between the client and server is maintained until one or the other is killed using CTRL-C.
Whichever socket is still open receives a close event that's printed out to the console. The server can also
serve more than one connection from more than one client, since all the relevant functions are
As I mentioned earlier, TCP is the underlying

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