
從《Thinking in Java》(中文第四版)中第4章的練習10看到“吸血鬼數字”,特編程實現,以下爲3種算法(針對四位數的)及其對比:





本方法是《Thinking in Java》的官方答案,由於所處章節很靠前,所以採用的遍歷四位數方法,正向思維,即先有四位數,再拆分,四個數字組合相乘,若乘積與原數相等,則輸出,並計算爲一個吸血鬼數字。

public class SearchforVampireThinkinginJava {

	// control/
	// TIJ4 Chapter Control, Exercise 10, page 154
	/* A vampire number has an even number of digits and is formed by multiplying a
	* pair of numbers containing half the number of digits of the result. The
	* digits are taken from the original number in any order. Pairs of trailing
	* zeroes are not allowed. Examples include: 1260 = 21 * 60, 1827 = 21 * 87,
	* 2187 = 27  * 81. Write a program that finds all the 4-digit vampire numbers.
	* (Suggested by Dan Forhan.)
//	本方法是順向思維,即先有四位數,再拆分,四個數字組合相乘,若乘積與原數相等,則輸出,並計算爲一個吸血鬼數字。TMJG添加此行並註釋
//	其實sum的結果爲107976次,非常大,算法效率很低,並且出現了重複(6880 = 86 * 80,6880 = 80 * 86)。TMJG添加此行並註釋
			static int sum=0;//記錄調用判斷的次數,TMJG添加此行並註釋
			static int a(int i) {
				return i/1000;    //求千位數字,下同,TMJG添加此行並註釋
			static int b(int i) {
				return (i%1000)/100;
			static int c(int i) {
				return ((i%1000)%100)/10;
			static int d(int i) {
				return ((i%1000)%100)%10;
			static int com(int i, int j) {   //形成10~99的兩位數,TMJG添加此行並註釋
				return (i * 10) + j;
			static void productTest (int i, int m, int n) {
				if(m * n == i) System.out.println(i + " = " + m + " * " + n);
		public static void main(String[] args) {		
			for(int i = 1001; i < 9999; i++) {			
				productTest(i, com(a(i), b(i)), com(c(i), d(i)));
				productTest(i, com(a(i), b(i)), com(d(i), c(i)));
				productTest(i, com(a(i), c(i)), com(b(i), d(i)));
				productTest(i, com(a(i), c(i)), com(d(i), b(i)));
				productTest(i, com(a(i), d(i)), com(b(i), c(i)));
				productTest(i, com(a(i), d(i)), com(c(i), b(i)));
				productTest(i, com(b(i), a(i)), com(c(i), d(i)));
				productTest(i, com(b(i), a(i)), com(d(i), c(i)));
				productTest(i, com(b(i), c(i)), com(d(i), a(i)));
				productTest(i, com(b(i), d(i)), com(c(i), a(i)));
				productTest(i, com(c(i), a(i)), com(d(i), b(i)));
				productTest(i, com(c(i), b(i)), com(d(i), a(i)));



public class SearchforVampireNumbersLJ {
	public static int count = 0;// 記錄一共有多少個吸血鬼數字
	public static int k=0;//記錄調用判斷多少次
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		for (int i = 1001; i < 10000; i++) {
			// 如果數字是像1100這種末尾至少有2個0的,則跳過
			if (i % 100 == 0) {
			// 獲得數字四個數值位上的數字,這裏我們假定四位數表示爲abcd
			int a = i / 1000;
			int b = (i - a * 1000) / 100;
			int c = (i - a * 1000 - b * 100) / 10;
			int d = i - a * 1000 - b * 100 - c * 10;
			// 判斷四個位置上是否有兩個0存在的情況,如1010,並跳過這些數,由於千位不可能爲0,因此只需要判斷另外三位是否有2個0的情況
			// 當3個數中有2個0時,必然存在“3個數之和等於其中某一個數”,以此作爲判斷依據,而後兩位爲0的也已經排除,其實只需要判斷如1001,和1010這種情況即可
			if (b + c + d == c || b + c + d == d) {
			// 排除掉各種情況後,可以開始真正的吸血鬼數字篩選了
			// 那麼一共有12種情況:abcd,abdc,acbd,acdb,adbc,adcb,bacd,badc,bcda,bdca,cadb,cbda
			if (search(i, a, b, c, d)) {
			} else if (search(i, a, b, d, c)) {
			} else if (search(i, a, c, b, d)) {
			} else if (search(i, a, c, d, b)) {
			} else if (search(i, a, d, b, c)) {
			} else if (search(i, a, d, c, b)) {
			} else if (search(i, b, a, c, d)) {
			} else if (search(i, b, a, d, c)) {
			} else if (search(i, b, c, d, a)) {
			} else if (search(i, b, d, c, a)) {
			} else if (search(i, c, a, d, b)) {
			} else if (search(i, c, b, d, a)) {
		System.out.println("四位數的吸血鬼數字一共有" + count + "個。");
		System.out.println("一共調用判斷次數爲" + k);

	static  boolean search(int i, int a, int b, int c, int d) {
		if ((a * 10 + b) * (c * 10 + d) == i) {
			return true;
			return false;

	static void searchfor(int i, int a, int b, int c, int d) {
		System.out.println(i + "=" + (a * 10 + b) + "*" + (c * 10 + d));



public class SearchforVampireFromInternet {
	     * 代碼來自網絡,略作修改並添加了註釋
	     * 該算法只需要執行3721次
	    public static void main(String[] args) {   
	        String[] targetNum = null;
	        String[] gunNum=null;   //目標數字和槍數字(即對比數字)
	        int sum = 0;   //吸血鬼數字的總個數
	        int count=0;   //有效判斷次數,那些乘積不是4位數的就排除了
	        for (int i = 10; i < 100; i++) {   
	            for (int j = i+1; j < 100; j++) {   //沒有哪個兩位數滿足ab*ab=abab(不信可以編程驗證),所以這裏j從i+1開始就可以了
	                int i_target = i * j;   
	                if (i_target < 1000 || i_target > 9999)   
	                    continue; // 積不是4位數則跳過 
	                targetNum = String.valueOf(i_target).split("");  //將其轉換爲一個字符串數組
	                gunNum = (String.valueOf(i) + String.valueOf(j)).split("");   
	                java.util.Arrays.sort(targetNum);   //升序排列,因爲只有排列了再比較才能保證不遺漏abcd=ba*dc這樣的情況
	                if (java.util.Arrays.equals(targetNum, gunNum)) {   
	                    // 排序後比較,爲真則找到一組   
	                    System.out.println("第" + sum + "個: " +  i_target+"="+i + "*" + j);   
	        System.out.println("共進行了"+count+"次判斷,找到" + sum + "個吸血鬼數字。");

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