
每天早上跑步上班會消耗了我一部分體力 Running to work every morning will consume some of my physical strength.
當得知高考落榜後,我感受到了絕望 When I learned that the college entrance examination was falling list, I felt desperate.
1是奇數,2是偶數 1 is odd and 2 is even          even偶數;甚至
汶川地震中倖存的小女孩,現在已經長大了 The little girl who survived the Wenchuan earthquake has grown up now.
母親在一個家庭中的地位無法被替代 The status of mother in a family cannot be replaced
日本在家用電器方面的科技很先進 Japan’s technology in household appliances is very advanced
數學上通過嚴密的推理得出結論 Mathematically draw conclusions through rigorous reasoning
去私立學校上學的人數在不斷增加 The number of people going to private schools is increasing
出版社今年有很多出版物 The publisher has many publications this year.
每個小孩都是獨一無二的,我們不應該抹殺他們的特性 Every child is unique and we should not obliterate their characteristics.
達爾文的進化論被稱爲十九世紀最偉大的發現之一 Darwin’s theory of evolution is known as one of the greatest discoveries of the nineteenth century.
在我們小鎮有好幾條商業街 There are several commercial streets in our town.
孟德爾通過豌豆雜交實驗得出了遺傳學定律 Mendel derives the laws of genetics through pea hybridization experiments
複習知識時需要參考書 Reference books are needed to review knowledge
抽樣調查和普查是統計的不同方法 Sampling surveys and censuses are different methods of statistics
這是一個樣品,不是真正的槍 This is a sample, not a real gun
議論文和記敘文是不同的文體 Argumentative papers and narratives are different styles
趙州橋的結構堪稱完美The structure of Zhaozhou Bridge is perfect
現在的小孩都不喜歡集體活動,而是成謎於電子遊戲 Today's children don't like group activities, but they are puzzled into video games.
西安電子科技大學 Xidian University of Electronic Technology
假設豬會飛 Assume that the pig will fly
這個假設不成立 This assumption is not true
白巖鬆是一名新聞工作者 Bai Yansong is a journalist
物種起源 Origin of species
報名的時候需要攜帶身份證原件和複印件 You must bring your original ID and photocopy when you sign up.
這個政策與你有關 This policy is related to you   警察police
不能粗魯的對待小貓 Can't treat kittens rudely
罪犯威脅人質的家人不能報警 The criminal threatened the hostages of the family can not report to the police
不知怎麼的就睡着了 I fell asleep somehow.
面對朋友的勸告,他又陷入了困惑之中 In the face of a friend’s advice, he fell into confusion.
終極挑戰  Ultimate challenge
我的手臂上出現了一個腫塊 There is a lump on my arm
他是一個可靠的人 He is a reliable person
增強體質 Enhance physical fitness   fist拳頭  strengthen加強  reinforce 加強、增援、接應
Gather 聚集 distribute 分散 contribute貢獻
詩歌是語文學習的一部分 Poetry is part of language learning

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