




Jump for the sun, at least you land on the moon. 目標定的高一點有好處。


我喜歡這裏: I like here.    Right: I like it here.

I can succeed.    Right: I can do it.   I can make it.

注意生活中的英語: Nike勝利女神。 Just do it.

生活中的英語: Did you have a pleasant journey? (這時要用降調)

I am very much frightened because a girl named Monika stands beside me. Oh, thank god! He’s not the president now. (我很害怕)

I was just screwed up. (我一團糟)


I 押韻題型(押頭韻、押尾韻);


54. The rain was heavy and _A_ the land was flooded.

A consequently   B continuously   C constantly   D consistently

continue v. 繼續,連續; continually adv. 時斷時續地; continuously adv. 連續不斷地。


consequently adv. 因此,所以;(heavy rain大雨, light rain小雨)

constantly adv. 始終如一地,連續發生地;constant temperature 恆溫

consistently adv. 一貫地,一致地; consistent adj.  consistent policy 一貫的政策。

36. I hate people who _C_ the end of a film that you haven't seen before.

A revise   B rewrite   C reveal   D reverse

rewrite v. 重寫,改寫; revise vt. 修改,修正; reveal vt. 揭示,揭露;

reverse vt. 顛倒,使反轉,使反向。(vers是詞根,表示轉動;re是前綴,表示向相反方向)

42. There were no tickets _D_ for Friday’s performance.

A preferable   B considerable   C possible   D available

performance n. 表演,演出,演奏; perform vt.  possible adj. 可能的

動詞後加able構成形容詞通常表示“可…的” read -> readable  accept -> acceptable

consider vt. 考慮; considerable adj. (數量或尺寸)相當大(或多)的。

preferable adj. 更好的,更可取的;

available* adj. 可獲得的,可利用的,可支配的。(重點詞)

33. In general, the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifth of the total _D_ for living expenses.

A acceptable   B applicable   C advisable   D available

living expenses 生活費; acceptable adj. 可接受的;

apply vt. 申請,應用; applicable adj. 可應用的,適當的,合適的;

advise vt. 建議; advice n. 建議; advisable adj. 明智的,可取的。

54. It is our _A_ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.

A consistent   B continuous   C considerate   D continual

achieve unity through peaceful means 通過和平手段取得統一; consistent policy 一貫政策

II 構詞法題型(詞的轉化,合成,派生);


31. Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot the _B_ movie could not hold our attention.

A three-hours   B three-hour   C three-hours’   D three-hour’s

267. Professor White wrote a _C_ report yesterday.

A two-thousand-words   B two-thousands-word

C two-thousand-word    D two-thousands-words

以ly結尾的不全是副詞; friendly, lonely, lovely, likely, lively adj.

考試中常見的否定前綴: un-、dis-、in-、im-

56. _B_ his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others.

A Dislike   B Unlike   C Alike   D Liking

like vt. 喜歡; dislike vt. 不喜歡,厭惡; unlike prep. 不象…;

alike adj. & adv. 同樣的(地),相象的(地); liking n. 愛好,嗜好;

take a liking for喜歡…,對…產生好感。

III 近義詞含義比較;

44. There were some _A_ flowers on the table.

A artificial   B unnatural   C false   D unreal

unreal adj. 不真實的(不是真實世界所擁有的,虛幻的); Ends justify means 不擇手段;

false adj. 具有欺騙性的,假的,僞造的; false coin/passport/hair,a false tooth/false teeth

unnatural adj. 不自然的,經常用來修飾人的行爲舉止,表示做作的,矯揉造作的。

artificial adj. 人造人爲的 artificial leg 假肢artificial leather 人造皮 genuine leather 真皮

54. When people become unemployed, it is _C_ which is often worse than lack of wages.

A laziness   B poverty   C idleness   D inability

laziness n. 懶惰; poverty n. 貧窮; poor adj. 貧窮的;

idleness n. 無事可做(中性,有時也有貶義含義); inability n. 沒有能力,沒有辦法。

69. A lot of ants are always invading my kitchen. They are a thorough _A_.

A nuisance   B trouble   C worry   D anxiety

invade 進攻,侵略; nuisance n. (具體的)令人討厭的東西; trouble n. 煩惱,麻煩,問題;

worry n. 擔心,發愁; anxiety n. 焦慮。 What a nuisance. 真是煩。

IV 搭配關係問題;

extent n. 程度; to... extent 到達…程度,在…程度之上; extent 只能和to搭配。

object vi. 反對; object + to + 動名詞(動詞的ing形式)。

objection n. 反對; objection + to + 動名詞(動詞的ing形式)。

V 形相近,意相遠;

65. In Britain, the best season of the year is probably _A_ spring.

A late   B last   C latter   D later

late adj. 晚的,晚於通常時間的; late spring 晚春、暮春; last adj. 最後的,最終的;

later adj. 更晚的(late的比較級)、時間概念後一半的;只適用於表示某個世紀的後半期;

  The later twentieth century. 二十世紀的後一半。

latter adj. (兩者中)後者的; former adj. (兩者中)前者的;

59. Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up wonderful _B_ in the market.

A batteries   B bargains   C baskets   D barrels

battery n. 電池; bargain n. 特價商品; It’s really a bargain. 你真會買東西,不是說真便宜。

basket n. 籃子; barrel n. 桶; wonderful bargain 物美價廉的商品;bargain v. 討價還價;

53. Remember that customers don’t _D_ about prices in that city.

A debate   B consult   C dispute   D bargain


41. The bridge was named _A_ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.

A after   B with   C by   D from

  cause 事業; be named after 以…的名字命名;

42. There were no tickets _D_ for Friday’s performance.

A preferable   B considerable   C possible   D available

  preferable adj. 更好的,更可取的;

358. _C_ the Revolutionary War, the United States was an English colony.

A Inferior to   B Superior to   C Prior to   D Preferable to

  具有比較意味的形容詞只要與介詞to搭配即可表示其比較級。 super- 表示在…上方,超過…

inferior adj. 低於…的,劣於…的; superior adj. 高於…的,優於…的; prior adj. 在…之前的

Revolutionary War 特指美國獨立戰爭;second adj. 第二的(含有比較意味,也與to搭配)

He is second to none. 首屈一指,無與倫比;

30. Cancer is second only _B_ heart disease as a cause of death.

A of   B to   C with   D from

43. It wasn't such a good dinner _C_ she had promised us.

A that   B which   C as   D what

  such … that … 如此… 以至於… ; sb + be + ___ + sth 空格處應爲能加雙賓語的動詞;

  加雙賓語的動詞的用法:動詞 + sb + sth(主動形式); sb + be + pp + sth(被動形式);

59. American women were _D_ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard   struggle. [the right to vote 選舉權]

A ignored   B neglected   C refused   D denied

deny v. 否認,拒絕;deny sb sth 拒絕給予某人某物;

44. They decided to chase the cow away _C_ it did more damage.

A unless   B until   C before   D although

45. _B_ student with a little common sense should be able to answer the question.

A Each   B Any   C Either   D One

  common sense 常識; each 這個詞在英語中強調的是個體與衆不同的特點;

  any 這個詞強調的是很多東西在一起的共性; either 兩者之間任何一個;

31. The medicine is on sale everywhere. You can get it at _C_ chemist’s.

A each   B some   C any   D certain

46. All _D_ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.

A what is needed   B for our needs   C the thing needed   D that is needed

  當all作定語從句的先行詞時,從句只能用that來引導; all that = what

47. _A_ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.

A When compared   B Compare   C While comparing   D Comparing

本題的關鍵是弄清compare與mountain的關係; when 可以直接加過去分詞;

before(after) + being + 過去分詞;

44. After _A_ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.

A being interviewed   B interviewed   C interviewing   D having interviewed

They lose their health to make money, and they lose their money to restore health.

48. _C_ she first heard of the man referred to as a specialist. [專家]

A That was from Stephen   B It was Stephen whom

C It was from Stephen that   D It was Stephen that

本題重點是強調句式; 當被強調部分指人且在句子中作賓語時,其餘部分可用whom引導;

49. If these shoes are too big, ask the clerk to bring you a smaller _D_.

A suit   B set   C one   D pair

50. Many new _A_ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.

A opportunities   B necessities   C realities   D probabilities

51. He must have had an accident, or he _A_ then.

A would have been here   B had to be here   C should be here   D would be here

must have + 過去分詞 表示對過去行爲的肯定推測;

與過去事態相反用:情態動詞 + have + 過去分詞 來體現虛擬語氣;

must 一定,必須; needn't, don't have to 不必;

53. You _A_ all those calculations! We have a computer to do that sort of thing.

A needn’t have done   B must not have done

C shouldn’t have done   D can not have done

should have + 過去分詞 本應該,本應當; shouldn't have done本不應該,本不應當;

44. It was very kind of you to do the washing-up, but you _D_ it.

A mustn’t have done   B wouldn’t have done

C mightn’t have done   D didn’t have to do

52. It was essential that the applications forms _C_ back before the deadline.

A must be sent   B would be sent   C be sent   D were sent

It be essential that 後面一定用虛擬語氣,且句子謂語動詞固定爲(should) + 動詞原型;

It was essential that the applications forms send back before the deadline.

53. We _D_ our breakfast when an old man came to the door.

A just have had   B have just had   C just had   D had just had

when 還可以表示①剛..就… (有動作先後關係)、②恰在此時;

44. I had just started back for the house to change my clothes _D_ I heard voices.

A as   B while   C after   D when

45. I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave, _C_ something occurred which attracted my attention.

A unless   B until   C when   D while

64. It was essential that these application forms _D_ back as early as possible.

A must be sent   B will be sent   C are sent   D be sent






獨立主格的結構1:名詞(代詞)+ 分詞 [現在分詞、過去分詞]

現在分詞表示主動的,正在進行的行爲;過去分詞表示被動的,已經完成的行爲。 作題時要通過判斷動作與名詞(代詞)之間的關係來確定是使用現在分詞還是過去分詞。當動作由名詞(代詞)發出時使用現在分詞,而名詞(代詞)是受動者時則用過去分詞。

54. Silver is the best conductor of electricity, copper _B_ it closely.

A followed   B following   C to follow   D being followed

49. All things _A_, the planned trip will have to be called off.

A considered   B be considered   C considering   D having considered

call off     取消; cancel vt. 取消; 四級中的考點就是現在分詞和過去分詞的區別。

獨立主格的結構2:with + 名詞(代詞)+ 分詞 [句子當中作狀語]

36. After the Arab states won independence, great emphasis was laid on expanding education, with girls as well as boys _C_ to go to school.

A to be encouraged   B been encouraged   C being encouraged   D be encouraged

as well as 和(相當於and); be encouraged不會考。

動詞不定式有預示將來行爲的含義。to be encouraged 將要被鼓勵;

been encouraged 已經被鼓勵完了,與主句的謂語動詞相對;being encouraged 正在被鼓勵




43.No matter how frequently _A_, the works of Beethoven always attract large audiences.

A performed   B performing   C to be performed   D being performed

perform vt. 表演,演出,演奏;

to be performed 將要被演奏; being performed 正在被演奏;


第一點:forget 忘記; [反義] remember 記得;



forget to do sth. 忘記要去做某事; forget doing sth. 忘記做過某事;

remember to do sth. 記得要去做某事; remember doing sth. 記得做過某事;

62. I remember _B_ to help us if we ever got into trouble.

A once offering   B him once offering   C him to offer   D to offer him

offer vt. 提出,提供; offer sb. sth. / offer to do sth.

him once offering 如果改成 his once offering 也正確。


動作發出者 + 動名詞;當動作發出者名字給出時:名詞所有格 + 動名詞;當動名詞的複合結構在文章中出現,且動作發出者在前文中提過時:形容詞物主代詞(賓格)+ 動名詞

形容詞物主代詞:his, her, my, your, their, our。代詞賓格:him, her, me, you, us, them。

第二點:want 想要; want to do sth. 想做某事; want doing 客觀需要或缺乏。

48. Your hair wants _B_. You'd better have it done tomorrow.

A cut   B cutting   C to cut   D being cut

注意:want doing 中doing表示的是被動含義。

18. This room is so dirty that it wants _A_.

A cleaning   B to clean   C being cleaned   D cleaned

第三點:mean 意味; mean to do sth. 打算做某事,意欲… ;mean doing 意味着,…的意思是…

25. There's a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means _B_ trouble.  [reception desk 接待臺]

A making   B to make   C to have made   D having made


55. The children went there to watch the iron tower _D_.

A to erect   B be erected   C erecting   D being erected

watch 看電視用,看比賽用; see 看電影用;

感官動詞watch, see, hear; 感官動詞 + 名詞(代詞)+ do

be erected 強調的是動作的結果; being erected 強調的是動作的過程。

56. The engine _D_ smoke and steam.

A gives up   B gives in   C gives away   D gives off

give up 放棄; give in 屈服,讓步; give off 釋放,放出(煙和氣體);

give away 泄露,走漏風聲;婚禮中新郎的父親把新娘的手交給新郎的過程;贈送禮品。

57. The manager promised to keep me _C_ of how our business was going on.

A to be informed   B on informing   C informed   D informing

keep sb. + 分詞; inform v. 通知,告知; inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某件事情

keep me informed 使我被告知。

60. The goals _B_ he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.

A after which   B for which   C with which   D at which

fight with sb. (注意要看整個句子); fight with + 工具 用該工具來打仗。 fight for 爲…而戰。

I fight with him. 我和他打起來了。 I fight with him against her. 我和他並肩對付她。

61. I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and _B_ in a quiet neighborhood.

A all in all   B above all   C after all   D over all

all in all 總而言之;above all 首先,尤其是;after all 畢竟,終究;overall 全面的,總體的

in a word 總之,in short 簡而言之,in conclusion 最後,總之,to sum up總之,總而言之。

62. _B_ we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.

A For now   B Now that   C Ever since   D By now

now that 既然,由於(相當於since); ever since 自從…以來。


now that 既然,由於; in that 因爲; except that 除…之外。

except後面加名詞或代詞;except that後面加句子。

63. What you have done is _D_ the doctor’s orders.

A attached to   B responsible to   C resistant to   D contrary to

be attached to 連接,附屬; This school is attached to Beida. 這所學校附屬於北大。

responsible to 對…負有責任; resistant adj. 反抗的,抵抗的; water resistant 防水的。

be contrary to 與..相反(相違背)。

64. John regretted _A_ to the meeting last week.

A not going   B not to go   C not having been going   D not to be going

regret doing 後悔做過某事; regret to do sth. 遺憾的做某事(應用語境非常有限)。

63. We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are _B_.

A out of work   B out of stock   C out of reach   D out of practice

out of work 失業; out of reach 夠不着 within reach 夠得着; out of practice 缺乏練習。

65. They _C_ in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.

A carried out   B carried off   C carried on   D carried forward

in spite of 儘管; carry on 堅持,繼續。

66. Mrs. Brown is supposed _A_ for Italy last week.

A to have left   B to be leaving   C to leave   D to have been left

be supposed to do sth. 應該(理應)做某事。

37. He’s watching TV? He’s _D_ to be cleaning his room.

A known   B considered   C regarded   D supposed

  regard as 把…認作

67. My camera can be _B_ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.

A treated   B adjusted   C adopted   D remedied

  treat 對待,處理; I’ll treat you. 我請客,應用於真正請客之前。It’s on me. 應用於結帳時。

  adjust vt. 調整,調節; adopt vt. 收養,領養; remedy vt. 彌補,補救,修正;

68. A new technique _C_, the yields as a whole increased by 20 percent.

A working out   B having worked out

C having been worked out   D to have been worded out

yields 產量; work out 作出,推出


increase to 80 percent 增加到80% (增加到用to)

increase by 60 percent增加了60% (表示增加的幅度用by)

55. Between 1974 and 1997, the number of overseas visitors expanded _A_ 27%.

A by   B for   C to   D in

69. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become _C_.

A hurt   B damaged   C spoiled   D harmed

spoil vt. 寵壞,溺愛

70. When Mr. Jones gets old, he will _B_ over his business to his son.

A take   B hand   C think   D get

take over 接管接收; hand over 移交,交出; think over 仔細考慮; get over 克服,戰勝。


41. We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let’s have _A_ one this month.

A another   B more   C the other   D other

不定代詞:1 兩者中的一個用one;另一個則用the other; 2 很多東西中的一個用one;

剩下的所有叫the others; 3 很多東西中的一個用one;剩下的所有裏面再拿一個叫another;

在剩下的裏面再拿一個還叫another(單數概念); 4 很多東西中拿了若干出來用some;

剩下所有叫others; other 後通常要加可數名詞的複數形式; more 要用在數詞的後面

once more 再來一個(用於很不正式的場合) vravo 再來一個(用於正式場合)

44. No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to _A_.

A the other   B any other   C another   D other

neither 兩者中任意一者都不

42. It was difficult to guess what her _B_ to the news would be.

A impression   B reaction   C comment   D opinion

reaction n. 反應; reaction to 對…作出反應。

43. I decided to go to the library as soon as I _D_.

A finish what I did   B finished what I did

C would finish what I was doing   D finished what I was doing

  as soon as所引導的時間狀語從句與主句的時態搭配有一種情況是主從句都用一般過去時。

45. We are interested in the weather because it _B_ us so directly what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.

A benefits   B affects   C guides   D effects

  affect vt. 影響; effect n. 影響。

46. Will all those _D_ the proposal raise their hands?

A in relation to   B in contrast to   C in excess of   D in favor of

in relation to 與…相比; in contrast to 與…形成對照;

in excess of 超過,超出(一定的限定範圍); in favor of 贊同,支持。

47. Children are very curious _D_.

A at heart   B in person   C on purpose   D by nature

at heart 在心理,在內心; heart 強調的是內心的感情,mind 強調的是思維,頭腦,soul 靈魂

in person 親自,本人; on purpose 有意的,故意的; by nature 生性(天性)使然。

48. The match was cancelled because most of the members _A_ a match without a standard court.

A objected to having   B were objected to have

C objected to have   D were objected to having

58. The man in the corner confessed to _B_ a lie to the manager of the company.

A have told   B having told   C being told   D be told

confess v. 懺悔; confess to 承認,坦白。

49. The teacher doesn’t permit _C_ in class.

A smoke   B to smoke   C smoking   D to have a smoke

permit v. 允許,准許; permit sb. to do sth. 允許某人做某事; permit doing 允許做某事。


21. As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our order, we have to _D_ it.

A postpone   B refuse   C delay   D cancel

22. These books, which you can get at any bookshop, will give you _A_ you need.

A all the information   B all the informations

C all of information   D all of the informations

23. Not until the game had begun _C_ at the sports ground.

A had he arrived   B would he have arrived   C did he arrive   D should he have arrived

24. Young people are not _B_ to stand and look at works of art; they want art they can participate in. [參與,參加]

A conservative   B content   C confident   D generous

conservative adj. 保守的; conservative party 保守黨; content adj. 甘願的,滿足的;

confident adj. 自信的,有信心的; generous adj. 慷慨的,大方的。

25. Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is _C_.

A granted   B implied   C exaggerated   D remedied

maintain 堅持認爲; medium n. 媒體單數,media n. 媒體複數;

grant vt. 授予,給予; imply vt. 隱含,暗示; exaggerate v. 誇大,誇張,高估;

remedy vt. 彌補,補救,修正。

26. These surveys indicate that many crimes go _A_ by the police, mainly because not all victims report them. [victims 受害人]

A unrecorded   B to be unrecorded   C unrecording   D to have been unrecorded

27. I have no objection _B_ your story again. [object to + 動名詞]

A to hear   B to hearing   C to having heard   D to have heard

28. The clothes a person wears may express his _B_ or social position.

A curiosity   B status   C determination   D significance

status n. 身份,地位; significance n. 意義,重要性;

29. By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have _D_ opportunity to change his mind.

A accurate   B urgent   C excessive   D adequate

  accurate adj. 精確的; urgent adj. 緊急的,緊迫的; excessive adj. 過多的,過度的;

adequate adj. 充足的,足夠的。

30. You will see this product _B_ wherever you go.

A to be advertised   B advertised   C advertise   D advertising

31. The early pioneers had to _C_ many hardships to settle on the new land.

A go along with   B go back on   C go through   D go into

go through 經歷

32. The suggestion that the major _B_ the prizes was accepted by everyone.

A would present   B present   C presents   D ought to present

suggestion, suggest 所引導的句子都用虛擬語氣。 should + (動詞原形)

34. Peter, who had been driving all day, suggested _B_ at the next town.

A to stop   B stopping   C stop   D having stopped

suggest  + doing也可以

33. Beer is the most popular drink among male drinkers, _A_ overall consumption is significantly higher than that of women.

A whose   B which   C that   D what

whose指代的就是他前面的male drinkers.

35. I didn't know the word. I had to _C_ a dictionary.

A look out   B make out   C refer to   D go over

look up 查閱; look up a word in a dictionary 在字典中查單詞;

reference n. 參考書目; reference room 資料室;

36. The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds _D_ his arguments in favour of the new theory. [sufficient 充足的,足夠的;grounds 論據;arguments 論點]

A to be based on   B to base on   C which to base on   D on which to base

base vt. 以…作基礎,基於…  which引導從句時,如果從句是介詞結尾則介詞應在which之前。

on which (he is) to base

37. There are signs _A_ restaurants are becoming more popular with families.

A that   B which   C in which   D whose

sign n. 跡象; fact n. 事實; evidence n. 證據;後面常加同位語從句來說明具體內容。


38. I think I was at school, _A_ I was staying with a friend during the vacation when I heard the news. [or else 否則,要不然]

A or else   B and then   C or so   D even so

39. It is said that the math teacher seems _A_ towards bright students.

A partial   B beneficial   C preferable   D liable

partial adj. 偏袒的,偏愛的(經常與to或towards搭配)

40. In order to show his boss what a careful worker he was, he took _C_ trouble over the figures. [figures 數目,數據;extra 額外的,附加的]

A extensive   B spare   C extra   D supreme

41. - "May I speak to your manager Mr. Williams at five o'clock tonight?"

    - "I'm sorry. Mr. Williams _A_ to a conference long before then."

A will have gone   B had gone   C would have gone   D has gone

當要表達將來的行爲在將來的某時間之前完成用將來完成時,將來完成時結構:will have + p.p.

42. You _D_ him so closely; you should have kept your distance.

A shouldn't follow   B mustn't follow

C couldn't' have been following   D shouldn't have been following

should have + p.p. 本應該; shouldn’t have + p.p. 本不應該

43. The growth of part-time and flexible working patterns, and of training and retraining schemes, _D_ more women to take advantage of employment opportunities.

A have allowed   B allow   C allowing   D allows

part-time 兼職; full-time 全職; flexible working patterns 彈性工作制; training 培訓;

retraining 再培訓; take advantage 利用;

44. Everybody _A_ in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.

A assembled   B accumulated   C piled   D joined

assembled 聚集; secretary 書記。

45. Putting in a new window will _B_ cutting away part of the roof.

A include   B involve   C contain   D comprise

involve 引起,與…直接有關

46. Living in the western part of the country has its problems, _C_ obtaining fresh water is not the least. [the least 最高級]

A with which   B for which   C of which   D which

42. Living in the central Australian desert has its problems, _C_ obtaining water is not the least. [the least 最高級]

A for which   B to which   C of which   D in which

47. In the _C_ of the project not being a success, the investors stand to lose up to $30 million. [in the event of 萬一,如果]

A face   B time   C event   D course

in the face of 面對; in the time of 在…時期; in the course of 在…期間。

48. The manager would rather his daughter _D_ in the same office.

A had not worked   B not to work   C does not work   D did not work

would rather + 動詞原形; would rather + 句子(用虛擬語氣,句子謂語動詞用一般過去時)

49. _D_, he does get annoyed with her sometimes.

A Although much he likes her   B Much although he likes her

C As he likes her much   D Much as he likes her

如果用although引導則應改成:Although he likes her very much, …

50. The British constitution is _B_ a large extent a product of the historical events described above. [無論是在空格前還是後,如果出現了名詞extent要找介詞就着to]

A within   B to   C by   D at

to a large extent 在很大程度上。








1. There be句型(表示有);

2. 以There或now開頭的句子,且句子謂語動詞爲come或go;

There you go again. 你又去那裏了。

3. 以Here開頭的句子,且句子謂語動詞爲系動詞be; Here you are. 拿去。

4. 以副詞out, in, up, down, away開頭的句子;


5. 以狀語(常見的是地點狀語)開頭的句子。


1. so放在句首時表示承前肯定,這個句子用部分倒裝;

nor, neither放在句首時表示承前否定,句子也用部分倒裝;

2. 省略了引導詞if 的虛擬條件從句,可以把從句中的had, should, could, were中的任何一個提到從句最前面的位置,構成部分倒裝;

3. as, though表示“儘管”時引導從句,從句中的表語可以置於引導詞之前構成部分倒裝;


  例如:She is beautiful.   They are students.


26. _B_ as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention.

A Being published   B Published   C Publishing   D To be published


being published 正在被出版; to be published 將要被出版。

此句恢復正常語序應爲: As it was published at such a time …

4. 表示否定含義的單詞或短語放在句首,句子用部分倒裝;

  常見的一些表示否定含義的單詞:never, little, few, hardly (… when), scarcely (… when) ;

  seldom 難得,不常;nowhere 哪裏都不。

常見的一些表示否定含義的短語:in no way 決不; on no account 決不;

under no circumstances 在任何情況下都不。

5. only + 狀語放在句首,句子用部分倒裝;(如果only去掉就是全部倒裝)

43. Only under special circumstances _C_ to take make-up tests.

A permitted are freshmen   B freshmen are permitted

C are freshmen permitted   D are permitted freshmen

  freshmen 新生; make up for 彌補,補償; make-up tests 補考(緩考)。

6. 注意兩個表達形式:come what may 無論發生什麼情況; say what you will 暢所欲言。



60. When I try to understand _C_ that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes.

A why it does   B what it does   C what it is   D why it is

  prevent sb. from doing sth. 妨礙(阻止)某人做某事。

  強調部分本爲: it is what that prevents so many …

  又因爲句中有疑問詞,應寫爲: what is it that prevents so ...

  但強調句式在句中作賓語成分,故正確寫法爲: what it is that …

50. I like watching TV _C_ to the cinema.

A more than to go   B than going   C more than going   D rather than to go

  than 除構成固定短語外就要與比較級搭配,不會單獨出現; rather than + 動詞原形;


1 找出連接詞,2 使要填部分與已給出的對應部分形式完全一樣。

51. I appreciate _D_ to your home.

A to be invited   B to have invited   C having invited   D being invited

appreciate + 動名詞(不能加動詞原形,不能加句子)。

41. I would appreciate _B_ it a secret.

A you to keep   B your keeping   C that you keep   D that you will keep

your keeping 動名詞的複合結構。 you keeping 也是正確的。

52. I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into _C_ when judging my examination.

A regard   B counting   C account   D observation

  take sth. into account 考慮。

54. Important people don’t often have much free time as their work _C_ all their time.

A take away   B take over   C take up [佔據]   D take in

55. When I was very young, I was terribly frightened of school, but I soon ___ it.

A got off   B got across   C got away   D got over

got over it 克服戰勝。

56. Many people complain of the rapid _C_ of modern life.

A rate   B speed   C pace   D growth

pace 節奏; rapid pace of modern life現在生活快節奏。

57. San Francisco is usually cool in the summer, but Los Angeles _B_.

A is rarely   B rarely is   C hardly is   D is scarcely

rarely, usually 都是頻度副詞。通常頻度副詞的位置在系動詞之後,表示實在意思的詞前面。

58. The speaker, _D_ for her splendid speeches, was warmly received by the audience.

A having known   B being known   C knowing   D known

  know 沒有現在分詞;know 用主動形式時只能和兩個介詞搭配:of, about。

known for 以…而著名。

60. I couldn’t find _A_, and so I took this one.

A a large enough coat   B an enough large coat

C a large coat enough   D a coat enough large

enough 修飾形容詞時要放到形容詞後面。

61. I always _B_ what I have said.

A get to   B hold to   C lead to   D see to


hold to 堅守,信守; see to 負責做,處理,照料(後面加的都是某件事情,不加人)

62. No sooner had we reached the top of the hill _C_ we all sat down to rest.

A when   B then   C than   D until

no sooner … than 一…就…

63. Evidence came up _C_ specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.

A what   B which   C that   D whose

evidence 證據、sign 跡象、fact 事實,後面都要帶同位語從句,且從句用that引導。

64. He moved away from his parents, and missed them _A_ enjoy the exciting life in New York. [too … to,太…而不能…]

A too much to   B enough to   C very much to   D much so as to

65. He was _C_ of having asked such a silly question.

A sorry   B guilty   C ashamed   D miserable

  guilty adj. 有罪的; be ashamed of 因…而羞愧(不好意思)的; miserable adj. 悲慘的。

66. The last time we had a family reunion was _B_ my brother's wedding ceremony four years ago.  

A in   B at   C during   D over

ceremony n. 典禮,儀式。要表達在某典禮(儀式)上用介詞at。

  at the graduation ceremony 在畢業典禮上。

67. What _A_ would happen if the director knew you felt that way?

A do you suppose   B you suppose   C will you suppose   D you would suppose

do you supposed 常做插入語。

68. _D_ the advances of science, the discomforts of old age will no doubt always be with us. [despite prep. 儘管; as for 關於,至於]

A As for   B Besides   C Except   D Despite

69. How close parents are to their children _B_ a strong influence on the character of the children.

A have   B has   C having   D to have

influence on 對…造成影響,很大的影響中形容詞用的是strong。

70. He _A_ when the bus came to a sudden stop.

A was almost hurt   B was hurt himself   C was to hurt himself   D was hurting himself

hurt oneself 自殘; be to + 動詞原形,將要做某事;


41. Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy _C_ for her examination.

A to prepare   B to be prepared   C preparing   D being prepared

be busy doing sth. 忙於做某事

42. Five minutes earlier, _A_ we could have caught the last train.

A and   B but   C or   D an order

and 在這裏表示一種結果,翻譯成“那麼(和)”。只有兩種情況下and纔會這樣翻譯:

1. 省略句 + and + 句子; 2. 祈使句 + and + 句子。

47. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you _B_ advertisements showing happy balanced families.

A are often seeing   B will often see   C often see   D have often seen

43. I cannot give you _D_ for the type of car you sell because there is no demand for it in the market.

A an expense   B a charge   C a purchase   D an order

  order n. 定購,訂單; purchase n. 購買。

45. By the end of this month, we surely _C_ a satisfactory solution to the problem.

A have found   B will be finding   C will have found   D are finding



solution to a problem 一個問題的解決方案。

46. Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to _A_ any further responsibilities.

A take on   B get on   C put up   D look up

take on 承擔; take on responsibility 承擔責任。

47. Having no money but _B_ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner.

A not to want anyone   B not wanting anyone   C wanted no one   D to want no one

dinner n. 正餐(多指晚餐); supper n. 夜宵,晚餐; breakfast n. 早餐; lunch n. 午餐;

brunch n. 早午餐。[but前後的句子要平衡]

48. We desire that the tour leader _A_ us immediately of any change in plans.

A inform   B informs   C informed   D has informed

desire v. 要求,表要求時後面加句子要用虛擬語氣, (should) + 動詞原形。

其他同樣用法的詞還有ask, demand, request, require.

49. Not _B_, the process of choosing names varies widely from culture to culture.

A obviously   B surprisingly   C particularly   D normally

not surprisingly 一點也不奇怪。 vary vi. 變化。

vary from … to … 從一種形式變化到另一種形式。vary between … and … 在兩者之間進行變化。

29. Features such as height, weight, and skin color _B_ from individual to individual and from face to face.

A change   B vary   C alter   D convert

  individual n. 個人,個體; individualism n. 個人主義。

44. The hope, goals, fears and desires _D_ widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor.

A alter   B shift   C transfer   D vary

50. A man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time _A_ the guards discovered what had happened.

A before   B until   C since   D when

It + 系動詞 + 一段時間 + before引導的句子 在…之前花費多少時間。

54. Scientists say it may be five or ten years _D_ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.

A since   B when   C after   D before

51. In the experiment we kept a watchful eye _D_ the developments and recorded every detail. [keep a watchful eye on 密切主意,留神]

A in   B at   C for   D on

52. There's little chance that mankind would _D_ a nuclear war.

A retain   B endure   C maintain   D survive

  retain vt. 保持,保留; endure v. 忍受; maintain vt. 維持,保持,堅持認爲;

  survive vi. 生存; vt. 活過 … (賓語爲某種災難)。 survive a flood 活過一場洪水。

前綴sur表示過 … ,外,超; vive 表示生活,強調活着。

54. They usually have less money at the end of the month than _C_ at the beginning.

A which is   B which was   C they have   D it is

  less … than句子前後要平衡結構。

55. In the course of a day students do far more than just _A_ classes.

A attend   B attended   C to attend   D attending

far more than 遠遠多於,遠不止於;也要句子前後平衡結構。

56. The French pianist [n. 鋼琴師] who had been praised very highly _C_ to be a great disappointment.

A turned up   B turned in   C turned out   D turned down

turn up 後面不加賓語表示出現,後面加賓語表示將聲音調高,調大;

turn in + 賓語 上繳,交出; turn down 將聲音調低,調小;拒絕;

refuse sb. 指直接的回絕; turn sb. down 則指委婉的拒絕;

turn out + 動詞不定式 最終證明是,結果是。

57. Many difficulties have _B_ as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel.

A risen   B arisen   C raised   D arrived

  因本句未加賓語,估不應選不及物動詞,可排除C項; arrive vi. 到達,抵達;

  rise vi. 升起,升高(側重指旗幟或太陽升起);數量的增高(側重指水位、價位);

the sun rises in the east and sets in the west 太陽東昇西落。

  arise vi. 升起,升高,出現,發生(經常與抽象名詞聯用)。

69. A completely new situation will _B_ when the examination system comes into existence.

A arise   B rise   C raise   D arouse

33. Last year the advertising rate _D_ by 20 percent.

A raised   B aroused   C arose   D rose

58. He made such a _D_ contribution to the university that they are naming one of the new buildings after him.

A genuine   B minimum   C modest   D generous

name after 以…的名字來命名。genuine adj. 真正的,貨真價實的; genuine leather 真皮;

minimum adj. 最低的,最小的; modest adj. 謙虛謹慎的,適度的;

generous adj. 慷慨的,慷慨大方的(修飾貢獻等用這個)。

59. Helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others, _D_, of course, made the others jealous.

A who   B that   C what   D which


1. which前面有逗號與其他句子分開。 2. which指的是前面整句話的內容。



67. _C_ is known to the world, Mark Twain is great American writer.

A That   B Which   C As   D It

60. In the advanced course students must take performance tests at monthly _B_.

A gaps   B intervals   C length   D distance

interval n. 間隔(即可指空間間隔,也可指時間間隔),四級考試中專考時間間隔的概念。


23. Students or teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around the island at regular _D_.

A gaps   B rate   C length   D intervals

at regular rate 以規則的速度; at regular interval 以規則的時間間隔;

61. Mr. Johnson preferred _A_ heavier work to do.

A to be given   B to be giving   C to have given   D having given

64. Our company decided to _D_ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met.

A destroy   B resist   C assume   D cancel

65. She is _C_ a musician than her brother.

A much of   B much as   C more of   D more as

be of 具有某種性質、品質或特點;

66. Having been found guilty, the man was given a severe _B_ by the judge.

A service   B sentence   C crime   D crisis

sentence n. 判決,判刑; crisis n. 危機; economic crisis 經濟危機;

68. The residents, _C_ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross.

A all their homes   B all whose homes   C all of whose homes   D all of their homes



69. You can't afford to let the situation get worse. You must take _D_ to put it right.

A decisions   B directions   C sides   D steps

take steps 採取措施,採取行動; take measures 採取措施;

70. Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I _B_ your advice.

A follow   B had followed   C would follow   D have followed

if only 如果,要是...就好了,其後面的句子一定要用虛擬語氣。

1. 如果if only後面的句子表示與現在將來的事實相反,這時謂語動詞用一般過去時體現虛擬語氣。

2. 如果if only後面的句子表示與過去的事實相反,這時謂語動詞用過去完成時體現虛擬語氣。

47. If only the committee _D_ the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible

A approve   B will approve   C can approve   D would approve

如果if only後面的句子表示與現在或將來的事實相反,這時謂語動詞用一般過去時,

也可以用would +動詞原形


42. Mark often attempts to escape _C_ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.

A having been fined   B to have been fined   C being fined   B to be fined

escape + 動名詞。

44. It is recommended that the project _A_ until all the preparations have been made.

A not be started   B will not be started   C is not started   D is not to be started

recommend vt. 推薦,建議,後面加句子要用虛擬語氣,謂語動詞的形式:(should) + 動詞原形

45. I wish I _D_ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.

A have slept   B slept   C might have slept   D could have slept

wish 後面的句子要用虛擬語氣,表示與過去事實相反用:情態動詞 + have + 動詞過去分詞


46. We didn't know his telephone number, otherwise we _D_ him.

A had telephoned   B must have telephoned

C would telephone   D would have telephoned

otherwise, or等表示“否則”的詞,後面句子都要用虛擬語氣。

48. While people may refer to television for up-to-minute news [最新的消息], it is unlikely that television _A_ the newspaper completely.

A will replace   B have replaced   C replace   D replaced

49. An Olympic Marathon [馬拉松] is 26 miles and 385 yards, approximately [大約] _B_ from Marathon to Athens [雅典].

A distance   B the distance   C is the distance   D the distance is

50. You will want two trees about ten feet apart, from _D_ to suspend your tent.

A there   B them   C where   D which

介詞 + which + 動詞不定式(to do sth.) 整體做定語。

本句可改寫爲:You will want two tress about ten feet apart, to suspend your tent from.

只要見到有介詞出現在空格之前,而選項中有which, them, there, where等詞則應選which。

51. As I was just getting familiar with this job, I had _C_ to ask my boss.

A many   B most   C much   D more

當many沒有修飾任何其他詞而單獨出現時表示很多人。 much在這裏相當於many things。

52. _A_ quite recently, most mothers in Britain did not take paid work outside the home.

A Until   B Before   C From   D Since

until recently 直到最近; not surprisingly 一點也不奇怪。

53. The survival of civilization as we know it is _C_ threat.

A within   B towards   C under   D upon

under threat 受到威脅。

55. In some countries, _D_ is called "equality" [平等] does not really mean equal rights for all people.

A which   B one   C that   D what


56. I walked too much yesterday and _A_ are still aching now.

A my leg muscles   B my muscles of leg   C my leg's muscles   D my muscles of the leg

英語中一個名詞修飾另外一個名詞時第一個名詞要用單數。 apple trees, eye drops

57. Radio, television and press _B_ of conveying news and information.

A are the most three common means   B are the three most common means

C are the most common three means   D are three the most common means

幾個詞修飾一個名詞時修飾詞的順序應爲:1. 定冠詞the應該放在最前面(離名詞最遠)的位置;

2. 數詞應放在第二位;3. 最後考慮其他形容詞。

58. Liquids are like solids _C_ they have a definite volume.

A with that   B for that   C in that   D at that

  三個與that的搭配的表達形式:now that, in that [因爲], except that。

59. When a fire _C_ at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.

A broke off   B broke down   C broke out   D broke up

break out (火災、戰爭)突然發生,爆發;

60. The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could _D_. [make up for 彌補]

A stand up to   B put up with   C come up with   D make up for

61. Then the speaker _B_ the various factors leading to the present economic crisis.

A went after   B went into   C went for   D went on

go after 追求,設法得到; go into 談論,敘述; go for 襲擊/支持; go on 繼續。

62. The students was just about to _C_ the questions, when suddenly he found the answer

A arrive at   B submit to   C give up   D work out

63. When there are small children around, it is necessary to put bottles of pills out of _B_.

A hand   B reach   C hold   D place

out of reach 夠不着; within reach 夠得找。

64. The _D_ of blood always makes him feel sick.

A form   B look   C view   D sight

  form n. 形式,形狀; view n. 風景,景色/視野,視域; look 指的是主觀有意識的看;

sight n. 看見,瞥見(不強調主客觀)。

66. Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as _B_ sickness

A normal   B ordinary   C average   D regular

sickness of mind 精神病; normal adj. 正常的; average adj. 平均的,中等水平的;

regular adj. 有規律的,規則的; ordinary sickness 一般性疾病。

68. Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only _C_ to his confusion.

A extended   B amounted   C added [add to 增加]  D turned

70. It took him several months to ___ the wild horse.

A tend   B cultivate   C tame   D breed

tame vt. 馴服; breed 強調的是繁殖,側重指大批量的繁殖。

It take sb. sometime to do sth. 做某事花了某人多少時間。








1. or 或者; 2. either … or … 不是…就是… ,…或… ; 3. neither … nor … 既不…也不… ;

4. not only … but also … 不但…而且… ; 5. not … but … 不是…而是…

例如:主語1 or 主語2 謂語動詞。 此時由主語2決定謂語動詞。

10. _C_ either he or his accountants going to claim for the loss?

A Are   B Where   C Is   D Does

如果題目改變爲:Either he or his accountants ___ going … 則應選A


1. 集合名詞做主語,集合名詞沒有複數形式,因爲他本身就代表一個複數概念。

常見的幾個複合名詞: people 人民,人們; police 警察; cattle 牛; poultry 家禽。

2. 表示數量的複數名詞 + 不可數名詞,整體做主語時

例如:去年出口了八百萬頓煤。 Eight million tons of coal were exported last year.


1. 句子的主語是由從句充當的、動詞不定式短語作主語、動名詞短語作主語;

2. 表示時間、重量、長度、價值四方面的詞做主語;

399. -- “How many days?”

0    -- “Did you say that five days _C_ required to complete that work?”

A are   B were   C was   D is

3. 表示單數概念的主語,短語,謂語動詞,此時謂語動詞也用單數;



with, together with, like, except, besides, in addition to, rather than, as well as


4. each, every, either, some, any, no,由以上六個詞中任何一個所構成的複合代詞作主語時;

some經常構成的三個複合代詞:something, somebody, someone;

no經常構成的三個複合代詞:nothing, nobody, no one; either of + 短語;

5. 通常由and連接兩部分這種形式做主語謂語動詞要用複數,但在以下兩種情況下則應用單數;

1> and連接的兩部分指的是同一事物;

2> and連接的兩部分被no, each, every中任何一個詞修飾時;

例如:每位男士和女士都要着裝得體。 be supposed to do sth. 理應,應該做某事。

Every man and every woman is supposed to dress properly.

11. Many an airplane _B_ in the exhibition.

A are shown   B has been shown   C has shown   D show them

many a(an) 很多,相當於many; many a(an) + 可數名詞單數,做主語時謂語動詞用單數。

6. many a (an) + 可數名詞單數,作主語時謂語動詞用單數。

9. Not only Joan but her sisters _B_ the combination to the safe which contains the list of the family securities.

A have known   B know   C knows   D is knowing

not only … but also … 的一種變形形式,not only … but …

另一種變形形式not only … but … as well

combination n. 密碼; combination to the safe 保險箱密碼; securities有價證券。


41. She ought to stop work; she has a headache because she _A_ too long.

A has been reading   B had read   C is reading   D read

had read 過去完成時要與一般過去時搭配。

has been reading 現在完成進行時:指某行爲從過去一點到現在一直在進行。

42. Niagara Falls is a great tourist _B_, drawing millions of visitors every year.

A attention   B attraction   C appointment   D arrangement

tourist attraction 旅遊勝地; attention n. 注意力; appointment n. 委任的職位,約會;

date n. 日期,約會,棗;表示約會時指的是異性之間的私人約會。 arrangement n. 佈置,安排

blind date 兩人第一次見面的約會。 appointment 指公事性質的,比較正式的約會。

43. I don't mind _B_ the decision as long as it is not too late.

A you to delay making   B your delaying making

C your delaying to make   D you delay to make

mind 後要加動名詞; delay v. 耽擱,延誤(後面也要加動名詞)

45. Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it _A_ in Cuba.

A being cultivated   B been cultivated   C having cultivated   D cultivating

46. The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience _C_ on benches, chairs or boxes.

A having seated   B seating   C seated   D having been seated


Be seated please. 請坐。 英語中只有及物動詞纔有被動語態。

47. This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen _B_ comfortably.

A is worn   B wears   C wearing   D are worn


65. The coming of the railways in the 1830s _A_ our society and economic life.

A transformed   B transported   C transferred   D transmitted


transform 改革,變革,改變; transport 運輸; transfer 轉移,移動;

transmit 傳送,播送;疾病的傳染,傳播; transplant 移植。

48. Some diseases are _D_ by certain water animals.

A transplanted   B transformed   C transported   D transmitted

49. Wouldn't you rather your child _B_ to bed early?

A go   B went   C would go   D goes

would rather的兩種用法:1 would rather + 動詞原形;

2 would rather + 句子(句子謂語動詞用一般過去時體現虛擬語氣)。

50. Although Anne is happy with her success she wonders _B_ will happen to her private life. [wonder後面要加疑問詞]

A that   B what   C it   D this

51. The words of his old teacher left a _C_ impression on his mind. He is still influenced by them. [lasting adj. 持久的,永久的; liberal adj. 開明的,心胸開闊的]

A long   B lively   C lasting   D liberal

52. Mike's uncle insists _D_ in this hotel.

A staying not   B not to stay   C that he would not stay   D that he not stay

insist的兩種用法:1 insist on … 堅持,堅決要求;

2 insist + that引導的從句(從句謂語動詞爲[should] + 動詞原形)

53. We agree to accept _D_ they thought was the best tourist guide.

A whatever   B whomever   C whichever   D whoever

they thought是插入語,可以不看; tourist guide 導遊。

56. Although many people view conflict as bad, conflict is sometimes useful _C_ it forces people to test relative merits of their attitudes and behaviors.

A by which   B to which   C in that   D so that


in that 因爲; conflict n. 衝突; relative merits 相比較而言的優點; so that 以至於。

57. He is _A_ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.

A optimistic   B optional   C outstanding   D obvious

optimistic adj. 樂觀的; pessimistic adj. 悲觀的; be optimistic about 對…持樂觀態度。

optional adj. 隨意的,任選的,非強制性的; optional courses 選修課;

outstanding adj. 卓越的,傑出的; obvious adj. 明顯的。

58. Sometimes I wish I _B_ in a different time and a different place.

A be living   B were living   C would live   D would have lived



59. The director was critical _C_ the way we were doing the work.

A at   B in   C of   D with

be critical of 對...愛挑剔的,批評。

60. In a sudden _B_ of anger, the man tore up everything within reach.

A attack   B burst   C split   D blast

within reach 夠得着; out of reach 夠不着; burst 爆發,迸發;


1 能與人的情緒(喜、怒、哀、樂)搭配; 2 能與掌聲、笑聲搭配。

61. _D_ she realized it was too late to go home.

A No sooner it grew dark than   B Hardly did it grow dark that

C Scarcely had it grown dark than   D It was not until dark that

no sooner在句首時句子要用部分倒裝;hardly要與when搭配;scarcely也要與when搭配。

62. In Britain people _C_ four million tons of potatoes every year.

A swallow   B dispose   C consume   D exhaust

swallow 吞,咽; dispose 去掉,處理,安排; consume 消費,消耗; consumer 消費者;

exhaust 將資源消耗殆盡;如果與人在一個句子中搭配則表示使人精疲力竭。

63. I'd _A_ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.

A take into account   B account for   C make up for   D make out

take into account 考慮; make up for 彌補,補償。

65. She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it _D_ enough to eat.

A mild   B slight   C light   D tender

mild adj. 不辣的; hot adj. 辣的; extra hot 極辣的;

light adj. 清淡的,容易消化的;蛋糕點心等鬆軟的; muffin n. 鬆餅;

slight adj. 輕微的,少量的; tender adj. 肉嫩的。

steak n. 牛排;rare 三成熟的;medium 七成熟的;well-done 全熟的;medium rare 五成熟。

66. We take our skin for granted until it is burned _A_ repair.

A beyond   B for   C without   D under

take sth. for granted 把什麼事當成理所當然的而不重視; beyond prep. 超出 … 的範圍。

67. The computer revolution may well change society as _C_ as did the Industrial Revolution.

A certainly   B insignificantly   C fundamentally   D comparatively

certainly 當然的,確定無疑的(主觀思想較濃厚); insignificantly 沒有意義的,無足輕重的;

comparatively 相比較而言的; fundamentally 根本性的,從本質上來說。

68. _C_ in this way, the situation doesn't seem so disappointing.

A To look at   B Looking at   C Looked at   D To be looked at

70. Some women _D_ a good salary in a job instead of staying home, but they decided not to work for the sake of the family.

A must make   B should have made   C would make   D could have made

for the sake of爲了… ;爲了…的利益;

與過去事實相反時用:情態動詞 + have + 動詞過去分詞;

should have + 動詞過去分詞,表示本應該…


32. You cannot be _B_ careful when you drive a car.

A very   B too   C so   D enough

cannot too 在…也不爲過,越…越好。

34. Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to _A_ the color of his skin. [regardless of 不管,不顧]

A regardless of   B in the light of   C by virtue of   D with the exception of

35. Housewives who do not go out to work feel they are not working to their full _B_.

A strength   B capacity   C length   D possibility

strength n. 力量,體力,實力; capacity n. 才能,才智(能力方面)。

38. The old couple decided to _C_ a boy and a girl though they had three of their own.

A adapt   B bring   C adopt   D receive

39. The government is trying to do something to _D_ better understanding between the two countries.

A raise   B increase   C heighten   D promote

promote better understanding 增進理解。

40. The newspaper did not mention the _A_ of the damage caused by the fire.

A extent   B level   C range   D quantity


41. The soldier was _A_ of running away when the enemy attacked.

A accused   B charged   C scolded   D punished

be accused of 被指控,被職責; be charged with 被指控。

42. Had he worked harder, he _D_ the exams.

A must have got through   B could get through

C would get through   D would have got through

had he worked harder (虛擬語氣) = if he had worked harder …

與過去事實相反用:情態動詞 + have + 動詞的過去分詞。

45. It seems oil _B_ from this pipe for some time. We'll have to take the machine apart to put it right.

A had leaked   B has been leaking   C leaked   D is leaking

for + 一段時間,做時間狀語,謂語動詞用完成時態。過去完成時要與一般過去時搭配。

46. When he arrived, he found _C_ the aged and the sick at home.

A nothing but   B none other   C none but   D no other than

形容詞前加the表示一類人。 none but 只有,僅有。

47. The pressure _B_ causes Americans to be energetic, but it also puts them under a constant emotional strain.

A competing   B to compete   C to be competed   D having competed

the right to vote 選舉權。 動詞不定式作後置定語要用主動形式。

the pressure to compete 競爭的壓力。

49. As teachers we should concern ourselves with what is said, not what we think _C_.

A have to be said   B must say   C ought to be said   D need to say

50. Once environmental damage _A_, it takes many years for the system to recover.

A is done   B is to do   C does   D has done

51. Studies show that the things that contribute most to a sense of happiness cannot be bought, _B_ a good family life, friendship and work satisfaction.

A as for   B such as   C in case of   D in view of

contribute to 對…做出貢獻。

52. He will agree to do what you require _D_ him.

A for   B from   C to   D of

require sth. of sb. 要求某人做某事。

53. The mere fact _A_ most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur.

A that   B which   C what   D why


54. John seems nice person. _C_, I don't trust him.

A Even though   B Therefore   C Even so   D Though

even so 即便如此,儘管如此。

55. I don't think it advisable that Tom _A_ to the job since he has no experience.

A be assigned   B will be assigned   C is assigned   D has been assigned

advisable後面加句子要用虛擬語氣,形式爲:(should)+ 動詞原形。

56. _D_, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor.

A Other things to be equal   B Were other things equal

C To be equal to other things   D Other things being equal

B項如果不省略if應爲:If other things were equal


other things being equal 在這裏是獨立主格做條件狀語。

57. _C_ that my head had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much better.

A For   B Since   C Now   D Despite


  1 in that 由於,因爲; 2 now that 既然,由於; 3 except that 除了…之外。

59. By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular _B_ children as Coca-Cola.

A for   B with   C to   D in

be popular with + 人的羣體 受…歡迎。

60. Because Edgar was convinced of the accuracy of this fact, he _A_ his opinion.

A stuck to   B strove for   C stuck at   D stood for

be convinced of 深信,確信; stick to 堅持; strive for 力求,拼命爭取。

Don’t strive for perfection. 不要凡是都力求達到完美狀態。


48. It’s no use _B_ me not to worry.

A you tell   B your telling   C for you to have told   D having told

It's no use + 動名詞。 動名詞的複合結構,賓格(形容詞性物主代詞)+ 動名詞。

52. If it _A_ too much trouble, I’d love a cup of tea.

A isn’t   B wasn’t   C weren’t   D hadn’t been


56. She was glad that her success would ___ for the women who would follow.

A make things easier   B make it easier   C be easier   D be easier to make

make for 導致,促成;朝某個方向前進,走向那裏。

不要選有代詞指代不明的選項。 A項中的things指的是境況,境遇。

60. We object _C_ punishing a whole group for one person’s fault.

A against   B about   C to   D for

68. The newest satellite can _A_ a thousand telephone conversations and a color TV program at the same time.

A carry   B extend   C bring   D take

carry vt. 傳送,傳輸; extend vt. 延伸,延續(extend to 延伸到,延續到)。

fetch vt. 去拿來,去請來,去叫來; fetch water 打水。


41. The grey building is where the workers live, and the white one is where the spare parts _B_. [spare parts零部件]

A are producing   B are produced   C produced   D being produced

48. _A_ a teacher in a university, it is necessary to have at least a master's degree.

A To become   B Become   C One become   D On becoming

master's degree 碩士學位; 當介詞on後面加動詞ing形式時表示時間概念“在…之後”。

49. The little man was _C_ more than one metre fifty tall.

A nearly   B quite   C hardly   D almost

hardly more than 不足,不到。

36. The little man was _B_ one metre fifty high.

A almost more than   B hardly more than   C nearly more than   D as much as

53. Medical care reform has become this country's most important public health _C_.

A question   B stuff   C matter   D issue

matter 事物,事情; question 有疑而問,並且有待回答的問題;

questions and answers Q & A 問與答; issue n. 問題(強調的是政治方面的問題)。

1999年前,臺灣問題Taiwan issue;1999年後,臺灣問題Taiwan question,態度轉變。

60. If you don't like to swim, you _B_ stay at home.

A should as well   B may as well   C can as well   D would as well

may as well 還是,到不如。

70. They are teachers and don't realize _A_ to start and run a company.

A what it takes   B what takes it   C what they take   D what takes them

start and run a company 創立並經營一家公司。


23. A healthy life is frequently thought to be _D_ with the open countryside and homegrown food.

A tied   B bound   C involved   D associated

be involved with 牽涉,捲入; be associated with 與...相關,聯繫起來。

homegrown food 自家種的食品; wine 葡萄酒; house wine 自家的酒。

33. The traditional approach _A_ with complex problems is to break them down into smaller, more easily managed problems.

A to dealing   B in dealing   C dealing   D to deal

approach n. 方式,方法; approach to + 動名詞。

43. It's already 5 o'clock now. Don't you think it's about time _C_?

A we are going home   B we go home   C we went home   D we can go home

it's about time後面加句子,要用一般過去時來體現虛擬語氣。

44. Lightning is a _A_ of electrical current from a cloud to the ground or from one cloud to another. [Lightning n. 閃電]

A rush   B rainbow   C rack   D ribbon

rush n. 衝撞,衝擊,撞擊; rainbow n. 彩虹,幻想; rack n. 支架,掛架;

ribbon n. 緞帶,絲帶,絨帶。

46. I've already told you that I'm going to buy it, _A_.

A however much it costs   B however does it costs much

C how much does it cost   D no matter how it costs

however在這裏不表示轉折,而是句子的引導詞,這種情況下它相當於:no matter how。


47. New York _A_ second in the production of apples, producing 850,000,000 pounds this year. [rank 排名,名列第幾,強調名列前茅;Big Apple 紐約]

A ranked   B occupied   C arranged   D classified







從句的謂語動詞用:had + 動詞過去分詞

主句的謂語動詞用:情態動詞 + have + 動詞過去分詞

注意:能用於虛擬語氣的情態動詞只有四個:should, could, would, might.

使用哪一個情態動詞要由句子含義決定,考試中出現最多的是could, would.

2 主、從句都表示與現在事實相反:


主句的謂語動詞用:情態動詞 + 動詞原形

3 主、從句都表示與將來事實相反:

從句的謂語動詞用:were to + 動詞原形(重點)、should + 動詞原形、動詞過去式;

主句的謂語動詞用:情態動詞 + 動詞原形


1 would rather + 句子,這時句子謂語動詞用一般過去時來體現虛擬語氣。

2 if only 如果,要是...就好了,if only + 句子,這時句子一定要用虛擬語氣。


a. 如果該句子如果表示與現在或將來事實相反,謂語動詞用一般過去時

b. 如果該句子如果表示與過去事實相反,謂語動詞用過去完成時

70. Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I _B_ your advice.

A follow   B had followed   C would follow   D have followed

47. If only the committee _D_ the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible

A approve   B will approve   C can approve   D would approve

注意:當if only後的句子表示與現在或將來事實相反,該用動詞過去式來表示虛擬語氣,而選項中又沒有時,可以採用這種形式:would + 動詞原形

3 當以下動詞後加句子時,句子應用虛擬語氣,句子謂語動詞的形式是:(should)+ 動詞原形

a. 表示建議、提議的:suggest, advise, propose, recommend, move.


b. 表示要求的:ask, demand, require, request, desire.

c. 表示指揮、命令的:order, command, direct.

d. 表示堅持,堅持認爲的:insist.

4 it is + 第三點中動詞的過去分詞 + that引導的從句。

這樣的結構中從句謂語動詞形式爲:(should)+ 動詞原形


important, necessary, essential, obligatory(有義務的,強制性的,必須的)。

5 第三點中動詞相應的名詞形式 + that引導從句,該從句同樣要用虛擬語氣,

謂語動詞形式爲:(should)+ 動詞原形

經常用於這種結構的詞有:suggestion, advice, proposal, recommendation, motion.

6 以下一些表達方式所在的句子一定要用虛擬語氣。

or(表示否則), otherwise, unless, but for(若不是,若非)



lest(以免,防備), for fear that(惟恐), on condition that(在..條件下)

它們後面句子的謂語動詞的形式都是:(should)+ 動詞原形

7 it is time 是...的時候了。

這個結構有以下兩種變形形式,所用虛擬語氣形式都一樣:it is high time / it is about time.


8 注意以下兩種情況下should + 動詞原形中should不能省略。


a. 四個動詞:think, believe, expect, suspect.

它們的否定或者疑問形式後面加句子,句子謂語動詞用:should + 動詞原形,should不能省略。

I don't believe that he should be cheated. 我不相信他也會被騙。

b. it is a pity, it is a shame 真遺憾,it is strange 真怪

以上三個結構後面加的句子謂語動詞用:should + 動詞原形,should不能省略。



60. If I hadn’t stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you _A_ now.

A wouldn't be smiling   B couldn't have smiled   C won't smile   D didn't smile

2. If you had studied the problem carefully yesterday, _C_.

A you won’t find any difficulty now   B you would not have found any difficulty now

C you would not find any difficulty now   D you have not found any difficulty now

3. He would be studying at the university now if he _C_ the entrance examination.

A passed   B have passed   C had passed   D should have passed

16. It is a shame that he _B_ that poor little girl!

A deceived   B should deceive   C deceive   D deceiving

18. Mrs. bliss kept the door and the windows shut lest the noise outside _D_ her son's sleep. [lest(以免,防備) 後面句子的謂語動詞的形式都是:(should)+ 動詞原形]

A would interfere with   B had interfered with

C interfered with   D should interfere with


21. The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, _C_ and perfected now.

A) developed   B have developed   C are being developed   D will have been developed

22. This ticket _C_ you to a free meal in our new restaurant.

A gives   B grants   C entitles   D credits

A,B兩項都要加雙賓語,結構爲:gives / grants sb. sth.

entitle sb. to sth. 使某人有權得到某物; credit A to B 相信A是由B造成的。

相信飛機失事是由飛行員錯誤造成的。 Credit the crash to the pilot's mistake.

crash 墜落,墜毀(專指飛機失事); collision 碰撞(強調兩個物體碰撞,如火車、汽車等)。

we are sorry, very sorry, terribly sorry, awfully sorry.

23. You _D_ her in her office last Friday; she's been out of town for two weeks.

A needn't have seen   B must have seen

C might have seen   D can't have seen

24. That was so serious a matter that I had no choice but _D_ the police.

A called in   B calling in   C call in   D to call in

have no choice but to do sth. 別無選擇,只能做...

25. She was so _B_ in her job that she didn't hear anybody knocking at the door.

A attracted   B absorbed   C drawn   D concentrated

be attracted by 被…所吸引; be absorbed in 全神貫注(專注)於做…

be drawn in 被誘騙(誘使)做... ; concentrate on 專注於。

I was simply drawn in. 我是被誘騙上鉤的。

27. At first, the speaker was referring to the problem of pollution in the country, but halfway in her speech, she suddenly _B_ to another subject.

A committed   B switched   C favoured   D transmitted

switch to another subject 轉換話題; switch to another channel 轉換頻道。

28. It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios _C_ after 11 o'clock at night. [虛擬語氣]

A were not played   B not to play   C not be played   D did not play

29. Although I like the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful _D_ through the window.

A vision   B look   C picture   D view

view n. 景色,風景,視野,視域。

30. Cancer is second only _B_ heart disease as a cause of death.

A of   B to   C with   D from


32. The manager needs an assistant that he can _A_ to take care of problems in his absence. [in his absence 在某人不在場的情況下]

A count on   B count in   C count up   D count out

presence n. 到場,出席; in one’s presence 在某人在場的情況下。

count on=depend on 指望,依靠,依賴; count up 算出總數;

count in 把…算在內; count out 把...排除在外。

33. The organization had broken no rules, but _A_ had it acted responsibly.

A neither   B so   C either   D both

34. We gave out a cheer when the red roof of the cottage came _D_ view.

A from   B in   C before   D into

come into view 進入視野,進入眼簾。 cheer n. 歡呼; cheers 乾杯;

cheer-team 拉拉隊; cheer-leader 拉拉隊長。英語中爲了…乾杯用介詞to引起。

to your health 爲了你的健康乾杯; to friendship爲了友誼乾杯。 bottom up 先幹了。

35. They took _D_ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping.

A fruitful   B beneficial   C valid   D effective

take effective measures 採取有效措施。 valid adj. 有效的,成立的。

36. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _A_ it comes to classroom tests.

A when   B since   C before   D after

sure 做定語時表示“可靠的、穩妥的”。 come to 談到,提及。

37. Careful surveys have indicated that as many as 50 percent of patients do not take drugs _D_ directed.

A like   B so   C which   D as

drug n. 藥品,毒品。 gay adj. 放蕩的,快樂的; n. 同性戀者,尤指男性同性戀。

so後面加過去分詞表示一種程度。 as後面加過去分詞時表示“如同…那樣,正如…那樣”。

53. I hope all the precautions against air pollution, _D_ suggested by the local government, will be seriously considered here.

A while   B since   C after   D as

precautions n. 防治措施; precautions against 防治…的措施。

after being + 過去分詞,注意:after後面不能直接加過去分詞。

38. In developing countries people are _C_ into overcrowded cities in great numbers.

A breaking   B filling   C pouring   D hurrying

pour into 涌入,蜂擁而入。 break into 強行闖入。

39. It's reported that by the end of this month the output of cement in the factory _A_ by  about 10%. [output 產量]

A will have risen   B has risen   C will be rising   D has been rising


40. If I had remembered _A_ the window, the thief would not have got in.

A to close   B closing   C to have closed   D having closed

remember to do sth. 記得要做某事但沒做。

41. There are other problems which I don't propose to _A_ at the moment.

A go into   B go around   C go for   D go up

at the moment 目前,現在。 go into 談論,討論。

42. Don't get your schedule _C_; stay with us in this class.

A to change   B changing   C changed   D change

43. It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _A_ knowledge.

A extensive   B expansive   C intensive   D expensive

extensive adj. 範圍廣大的,廣博的; extensive knowledge 知識淵博。

expansive adj. 擴張的,面積廣闊的; expensive adj. 昂貴的,高價的。

intensive adj. 仔細深入的,細緻入微的。

54. The patient's health failed to such an extent that he was put into _C_ care.

A tense   B rigid   C intensive   D tight

to such an extent 到如此的程度。 intensive care 特級護理。

44. Jean doesn't want to work right away because she thinks that if she _B_ a job she probably wouldn't be able to see her friends very often.

A has to get   B were to get   C had got   D could have got

46. A love marriage, however, does not necessarily _B_ much sharing of interests and responsibilities. [a love marriage因相愛而結婚形成的婚姻]

A take over   B result in   C hold on   D keep to

not necessarily 未必; interests n. 利益。 take over 接管,接收;

result in 導致,結果是; hold on 堅持,挺住; keep to 堅持,遵守。

47. The ability to store knowledge makes computers different form every other machine _A_ invented. [ever adj. 曾經,以往任何時候]

A ever   B thus   C yet   D as

48. I'm not sure whether I can gain any profit from the investment, so I can't make a(n) _C_ promise to help you.

A exact   B defined   C definite   D sure

definite: unlikely to be changed 不可能被改變的; definite promise 不可能被改變的諾言。

49. I have kept that portrait _B_ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in London.

A which   B where   C whether   D when


remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事。

50. The sports meet, originally due to be held last Friday, was finally _D_ because of the bad weather. [sports meet=sports meeting 運動會]

A set off   B broken off   C worn off   D called off


21. Until then, his family _D_ from him for six months.

A didn't hear   B hasn't been hearing   C hasn't heard   D hadn't heard

until then 直到那時。 hear from sb. 收到某人的來信,得到某人的消息。

22. The conference _B_ a full week by the time it ends.

A must have lasted   B will have lasted   C would last   D has lasted


24. Physics is _B_ to the science which was called natural philosophy in history.

A alike   B equivalent   C likely   D uniform

be alike to sb. 對於某人來說均是一樣的。 be equivalent to 相當於。

All tastes are alike to him. 所有味道對他來說都一樣。

27. The new appointment of our president _A_ from the very beginning of next semester.

A takes effect   B takes part   C takes place   D takes turns

semester n. 學期; president n. 大學校長; take effect 生效,發生效力;

take part in 參與,參加; take place=happen 發生; takes turn to do sth. 輪流做某事。

28. The president made a _A_ speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting, which encouraged the sportsmen greatly.

A vigorous   B tedious   C flat   D harsh

ceremony n. 典禮,儀式;表達在某個典禮上介詞用at。 vigorous adj. 強勁有力的,強有力的。

harsh adj. 刺耳的,令人不愉快的; flat adj. 平淡無奇的; tedious adj. 冗長無聊的。

29. It is useful to be able to predict the extent _C_ which a price change will affect supply and demand. [extent to]

A from   B with   C to   D for

30. Finding a job in such a big company has always been _D_ his wildest dreams.

A under   B over   C above   D beyond

beyond one’s wildest dreams 做夢也想不到。

31. It is not easy to learn English well, but if you _C_, you will succeed in the end.

A hang up   B hang about   C hang on   D hang onto

hang on 堅持,繼續下去。

32. It is reported that _C_ adopted children want to know who their natural parents are.

A the most   B most of   C most   D the most of

most單獨出現的時候有兩種詞性要考慮:1 adv. 非常;2 adj. 大多數的。

the most後面加多音節的形容詞或副詞構成該句的最高級。

most of + 名詞,表示這些名詞中的大多數。 make the most of 充分利用。

34. _D_ before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party. [Were they to arrive=If they were to arrive]

A Had they arrived   B Would they arrive   C Were they arriving   D Were they to arrive

35. The strong storm did a lot of damage to the coastal villages: several fishing boats were _A_ and many houses collapsed.

A wrecked   B spoiled   C torn   D injured

collapse vi. 倒塌,坍塌; wreck vt. (船隻)遭到破壞。

torn原形是tear,n. 眼淚,vt. 撕裂,撕開。

37. As _B_ announced in today's papers, the Shanghai Export Commodities Fair is also open on Sundays.

A being   B is   C to be   D been

注意兩個非限定性定語從句的引導詞:as, which。


1 which前要有逗號與前面句子分開; 2 which引導非限定性定語從句指的是前面整句話的內容。


38. You see the lightning _A_ it happens, but you hear the thunder later.

A the instant   B for an instant   C on the instant   D in an instant

the instant=as soon as 一…就…

39. The manager lost his _B_ just because his secretary was ten minutes late.

A mood   B temper   C mind   D passion

lose one’s temper 發脾氣。

40. Great as Newton was, many of his ideas _C_ today and are being modified by the work of scientists of our time.

A are to challenge   B may be challenged   C have been challenged   D are challenging


41. Please be careful when you are drinking coffee in case you _D_ the new carpet.

A crash   B pollute   C spot   D stain

pollute vt. 污染; spot n. 地點,場所,斑點,污點;v. 使…上有斑點、污點。

spotted dog 斑點狗。 stain v. 弄髒,玷污,染色。

59. The tomato juice left brown _A_ on the front of my jacket.

A spot   B point   C track   D trace

42. I'd rather read than watch television; the programs seem _B_ all the time.

A to get worse   B to be getting worse   C to have got worse   D getting worse

all the time 始終,一直。

43. Convenience foods which are already prepared for cooking are _D_ in grocery stores.

A ready   B approachable   C probable   D available

convenience foods 方便食品; instant coffee/noodle 速容咖啡/速食麪。

ready adj. 準備好的; approachable adj. 可接近的,平易近人的,親切的。

probable adj. 可能的; available adj. 可獲得的,可利用的,可支配的。

44. When I caught him _A_ I stopped buying things there and started dealing with another shop.

A cheating   B cheat   C to cheat   D to be cheating

45. It is important that enough money _A_ to fund the project.

A be collected   B must be collected   C was collected   D can be collected

46. Some old people don't like pop songs because they can't _C_ so much noise.

A resist   B sustain   C tolerate   D undergo

tolerate vt. 忍受,容忍; undergo vt. 經歷,遭受。

48. _C_ one time, Manchester was the home of the most productive cotton mills in the world. [at one time 曾經,一度]

A On   B By   C At   D Of

49. _A_ it or not, his discovery has created a stir in scientific circles.

A Believe   B To believe   C Believing   D Believed

believe it or not 信不信由你。 creat a stir 引起轟動。

50. Mr. Morgan can be very sad _C_, though in public he is extremely cheerful.

A by himself   B in person   C in private   D as individual

in public 在公衆面前; in private 私下單獨一個人的時候。









1 兩個句子中間有連接詞連接;

2 這兩個句子是主從句關係(主從句之間一定要有句子引導詞來引導)。

10. Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the office, but our work _A_, we declined the offer. [declined v. 婉言謝絕]

A not being finished   B not having finished

C had not been finished   D was not finished

42. A survey was carrie3d out on the death rate of new-born babies in that region, _D_ were surprising. [survey 調查]

A as results   B which results   C the results of it   D the results of which

51. All flights _D_ because of the snowstorm, many passengers could no nothing but take the train. [having been canceled這裏是獨立主格作原因狀語]

A had been canceled   B have been canceled

C were canceled   D having been canceled


46. _A_ the calculation is right scientists can never be sure that they have included all variables and modeled them accurately. [variable n. 變項,變量;model vt. 建模]

A Even if   B As far as   C If only   D So long as

even if 即使,即便; so long as (後面加句子時)只要。

47. My train arrives in New York at eight o'clock tonight. The plane I would like to take from there _B_ by then.

A would leave   B will have left   C has left   D had left

將來完成時:will have + 動詞過去分詞。

49. Harry was _A_ by a bee when he was collecting the honey.

A stung   B stuck   C bitten   D scratched

sting v. (蜜蜂)叮,蟄; bite v. (蚊子等)咬; scratch vt. 抓傷,劃破(通常指貓抓人)。

once bitten, twice shy. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井繩。

50. The thief tried to open the locked door but _B_.

A in no way   B in vain   C without effect   D at a loss

in vain 徒勞,白費工夫; But很少與介詞without聯用; at a loss 不知所措。

52. _B_ seeing the damage he had done, the child felt ashamed.

A By   B On   C At   D For


54. Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we _C_ during the day.

A should have done   B would have done   C may have done   D must have done

should have + 動詞過去分詞,表示本應該做; may have + 動詞過去分詞,表示可能做過;

與過去事實相反的虛擬語氣主句謂語動詞的表達形式可能用到:would have + 動詞過去分詞。

must have + 動詞過去分詞,表示對過去行爲進行肯定推測。表示一定做過;

can't have + 動詞過去分詞,表示對過去行爲進行否定推測,表示不可能做過。

56. This crop does not do well in soils[各種土壤] _B_ the one for which it has been specially developed.

A outside   B other than   C beyond   D rather than

outside prep. 在…外邊; rather than 而不是(肯定前者,否定後者)。

beyond prep. 超出…的範圍; beyond his wildest dreams 超出他最狂野的夢想。

other than 不同於,而非,當它與否定詞no或not出現在同一個句子中時表示“除…之外”

66. In no country _A_ Britain, it has been said, can on experience four seasons in the course of a single day.

A other than   B more than   C better than   D rather than

63. My father seemed to be in no _A_ to look at my school report.

A mood   B emotion   C attitude   D feeling

be in no mood to do/doing sth. 沒有情緒(心情)做什麼事情。

67. I'm sorry I can't see you immediately; but if you'd like to take a seat, I'll be with you _B_. [in a moment 馬上,立即(它作爲時間狀語時一定與將來時態搭配)= in an instant.]

A for a moment   B in a moment   C for the moment   D at the moment

68. The trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasn't bothered by his loudness _D_ by his lack of talent. [trumpet 小號]

A than   B more than   C as   D so much as

當否定詞not與so much as出現在同一句子中時,它們的含義是:與其說…不如說…

70. Our journey was slow because the train stopped _D_ at different villages.

A unceasingly   B gradually   C continuously   D continually

unceasingly adv. 不停止地,不休止地; gradually adv. 逐漸地,逐步地;= step by step.

continuously adv. 連續不斷地; continually adv. 時斷時續地。


43. Frankfurt, Germany, is in one of the most _A_ populated regions of Western Europe.

A densely   B vastly   C enormously   D largely

densely populated 人口分佈稠密; sparsely populated 人口分佈稀疏。

52. _D_ of the two books holds the opinion that the danger of nuclear war is increasing.

A None   B Either   C Both   D Neither

none表示的是三者或三者以上都不; either表示的是兩者之間任意一者。

55. Beethoven is my favorite musician. I regard him as _A_ other musicians.

A superior to   B more superior than   C more superior to   D superior than

注意:具有比較意味的形容詞只需要與to搭配,而無須more, than。

58. She is a very _D_ secretary: she never forgets anything or makes a mistake.

A anxious   B effective   C adequate   D efficient

anxious adj. 憂慮的,焦慮的; anxiety n. 焦慮,憂慮; effective adj. 有效的;

take effective measures 採取有效的措施; adequate adj. 充足的,足夠的;= surficient.

efficient adj. 效率高的,能勝任的。

64. The computer has brought about surprising technological changes _B_ we organize and produce information.

A in a way   B in the way   C in that way   D in no way

in the way 引導句子時表示“在...方面”。

170. Please move this chair, it is _A_.

A in the way   B on the way   C in a way   D by the way

in the way在沒有引導句子時表示“擋路的,妨礙某人的”。

67. In Australia the Asians make their influence _C_ in businesses large and small.

A feeling   B feel   C felt   D to be felt

考試中常見的幾個使役動詞:make, get, keep, leave.

考試中的形式:使役動詞 + sb.(sth.) + ___ 此時空格處應填分詞




41. He came back late, _B_ which time all the guests had already left.

A after   B by   C at   D during


45. His remarks left me _D_ about his real purpose.

A wondered   B wonder   C to wonder   D wondering

49. Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still _D_.

A blank   B hollow   C vacant   D bare

blank adj. 空白的(因爲沒寫字而空白); hollow adj. 空心的,中空的;

bare adj. 光突突的(山上沒有樹和草);沒帶首飾的; bald adj. 禿頂的。

50. Being a pop star can be quite a hard life, with a lot of travelling _D_ heavy schedules.

A with regard to   B as to   C in relation to   D owing to

owning to = due to 因爲。

52. William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, _C_ defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion.

A peculiarly   B indifferently   C vigorously   D inevitably

peculiar adj. 奇特的; indifferently adv. 冷漠地,不積極地;

vigorously adv. 強有力的,強勁有力的; inevitably adv. 不可避免地,必然地。

60. We have been told that under no circumstances _A_ the telephone in the office for personal affairs.

A may we use   B we may use   C we could use   D did we use

61. In previous times, then fresh meat was in short _D_, pigeons were kept by many households as a source of food. [in short supply 供應不足]

A store   B provision   C reserve   D supply

in previous times 從前; fresh water 淡水; fresh meat 鮮肉; dove n. 鴿子;

bean curd 豆腐; Bible 聖經; bible 具有權威性的書; God 上帝; god 神。

62. As Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, I have directed that all measures _C_ for our defense.

A had been taken   B would be taken   C be taken   D to be taken

以下幾個表示“指揮,命令”的動詞:order, command, direct.

在引導賓語從句時從句要用“(should) + 動詞原形”來體現虛擬語氣。

63. A thief who broke into a church was caught because traces of wax, found on his clothes, _A_ from the sort of candles used only in churches.

A had come   B coming   C come   D that came

65. I was _B_ the point of telephoning him when his letter arrived.

A to   B on   C at   D in

to the point of 到了…程度; on the point of doing sth. 正要做某事情;

at the point of 在某點上; when除了表示“當…時候”外,還可以表示“恰在此時”或“剛…就…”

68. The project _C_ by the end of 2000, will expand the city's telephone network to cover 1,000,000 users.

A accomplished   B being accomplished

C to be accomplished   D having been accomplished

69. _C_ evidence that language-acquiring ability must be stimulated.

A If being   B It is   C There is   D There being


language-acquiring ability 語言習得能力。 evidence不用在“it is …”這種結構當中。

64. After the guests left, she spent half an hour _C_ the sitting-room[客廳].

A ordering   B arranging   C tidying up   D clearing away

order vt. 命令;訂購;整理,使有條理性; order one's thoughts 整理思路,整理思緒;

arrange v. 佈置,安排; tidy up 整理,使整潔(後面通常加某個房間);

clear away 把…清除掉。

67. A lorry[卡車] _A_ Jane's cat and sped away.

A ran over   B ran into   C ran through   D ran down

run over 撞倒並碾過; run into 不期然地遇到; run through 貫穿(多用於抽象事物);

run down 貶低; run down one's opinion.

70. Those gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply _A_.

A appreciated   B approved   C appealed   D applied

rare books 珍藏本的書籍; appreciate 重視,欣賞,感激; approve 批准,通過,贊成;

approve of 贊成,滿意; apply 應用,運用;

appeal 呼籲(表示此意義時它經常於for搭配);申訴,上訴(表示此意義時它要於to搭配)。


15. Will you _C_ coming to dinner with me?

A have the pleasure of   B give the pleasure in

C do me the pleasure of   D take pleasure in

pleasure n. 榮幸; 第二選項的正確形式應爲:give me the pleasure of

C選項也可寫爲:do me the favor(favour) of

18. _C_ Goul had said it, he knew what a mistake he had made.

A at once   B No sooner   C The moment   D Hardly

以下幾個引導詞都可以表示“一…就…”:as soon as, the instant, the moment.

25. Norin received a bad wound _B_ the leg when he was shot at.

A on   B in   C at   D of

表示身體某一部位受傷用介詞in。 hit sb. in the face 打某人一個耳光。

28. Cork was angry; _D_ he listened to me.

A and   B but   C so   D nevertheless

cork n. 軟木塞。 nevertheless conj. 儘管如此。

34. That _A_ instrument can record even very slightly changes.

A delicate   B feeble   C sensible   D feasible

instrument n. 儀器,(彈奏的)樂器; delicate instrument 精密儀器。

delicate adj. 精密的,準確的; feeble adj. 軟弱的,無力的; sensible adj. 明智的;

sensitive adj. 敏感的; be sensitive to 對…很敏感; feasible adj. 可行的,行得通的。

40. Let’s begin the lesson at the place where we _A_ last time.

A left off   B left out   C left to   D left up

leave off 停止,中斷; leave out = omit 遺漏;

43. Education does not _D_ simply _D_ learning a lot of facts.

A consist; of   B consist; from   C consist; for   D consist; in

consist of 包括; consist in(抽象意義的)在於 = lie in在於。

49. There is no tree _A_ bears some fruit.

A but   B which   C that   D unless


本句可改寫爲這種形式:There is no tree that does not bears some fruit.

50. “Will you be able to finish the job this week?” “_D_.”

A I don’t know so   B I can’t say so   C I’m not sure so   D I don’t expect so

I don't expect so 恐怕不行。

394. “I hope that John will play basketball tomorrow.” “Yes, I _D_.”

A hope it too   B hope too   C hope that too   D hope so too

395. “I slipped on the stairs. I think my arm is broke.” “Oh, I _D_.”

A do not hope so   B do not hope   C hope not so   D hope not

肯定用:I hope so. 否定用:I hope not.

51. She died when she was ninety, not of old age, but _B_ head injury when she fell down a flight of stairs.

A of   B from   C with   D for

die of 表示因年老,疾病或飢餓而死亡; die from 指因爲受傷而死亡。

57. You have no busniess _D_ to me the way you did the other day.

A to be talked   B being talked   C to talk   D talking

have no business doing sth. 沒有理由(權利)做某事。

132. _B_ day Bill was starting his motor-bike when his sister Mary came out and asked for a lift. [the other day 幾天前]

A Some   B The other   C Another   D On one

65. I’d just as soon _A_ rudely to her.

A you didn’t speak   B that you don’t speak

C that you won’t speak   D you hadn’t speak

wish, would rather後面加句子,句子謂語動詞用一般過去時。

would just as soon的用法與would rather完全相同。

69. Which screw do you want? _A_ will do.

A Any one   B Not one   C Everyone   D Anyone

any one 任何一個(指事物); no one 沒有人; everyone 每個人; anyone 任何人。

73. I suppose you’re not serious, _C_?

A don’t you   B do I   C are you   D aren’t you


但suppose, think, believe, imagine這四個動詞後面加了賓語從句,


82. The chair belongs _B_ the corner.

A to   B in   C on   D with

belong to 屬於(表示歸屬關係); belong in 在…有適當的位置。

94. The terrible noise is _B_ me mad.

A turing   B driving   C setting   D putting

drive sb. mad(crazy) 使某人發瘋。

114. We are bound _B_ with difficulties in our English study.

A to have met   B to meet   C meeting   D having met

be bound to do sth. 一定會做某事。

118. Everyone assumed what he said _B_ based on facts.

A is   B to be   C were   D being

assume sb.(sth.)to do sth. 想當然的認爲某人(某事物)要做某事。

assume + that引導的從句。

129. The shape of Italy on a map has often been compared _C_ a long Wellington boot.

A as   B with   C to   D against

compare與with搭配,表示將A與B進行比較; compare與to搭配,表示將A比作B。

130. Since everyone would like to find an apartment near the university, there are very few _C_ apartments in the area.

A free   B empty   C vacant   D reserved

vacant adj. 空閒的。

144. I know Jonathan quite well and never doubt _B_ he can do a good job of it.

A whether   B that   C when   D what

doubt + whether引導的從句,懷疑是否… ; doubt + that引導的從句。對...真的有疑慮。

156. Let bygones be bygones. Don’t _D_ so much on the past.

A lie   B lay   C dwelt   D dwell

let bygones be bygones. 讓過去的過去吧。 dwell vi. 居住; dwell on 老是想着…

162. Intellect is to the mind _B_ sight is to the body.

A which   B what   C where   D but



Air is to man what water is to the fish. 空氣對於人類來說就象水對於魚來說一樣重要。

165. His honesty is _D_, nobody can doubt it.

A in question   B beside the question   C out of the question   D without question

in question = under discussion 正在討論中的; beside the question 離題,與題無關;

out of the question 不可能的; out of question 沒有問題的,毫無疑問的;

without question 沒有問題的,毫無疑問的 = out of question.

172. Nearly all major cities in the US are crime-ridden. New York is _A_.

A a case in point   B a case to point   C the case   D in the case of

a case in point 有說服力的例子。

185. “Frank is up late working again.”

 “This is the third time this week he’s had to study late, _A_?”

A isn’t it   B hasn’t it   C isn’t he   D hasn’t he



252. This is the first time that he has felt really relaxed for months, _B_?

A hasn’t he   B isn’t it   C isn’t he   D hasn’t it

191. A judge must be _B_ when weighing evidence.

A interested   B disinterested   C uninterested   D disconnected

weigh vt. 斟酌,考慮; interested adj. 有興趣的; disinterested adj. 公正的,無私的;

uninterested adj. 不感興趣的; disconnected adj. 分離的,不連貫的。

217. Although he sometimes lost his temper, his pupils liked him _D_ for it.

A not so much   B not so little   C no more   D no less

lose one’s temper 發脾氣。

222. Wise men seek after truth, _A_ fools desire knowledge.

A whereas   B or   C as well as   D hence

whereas conj. 反之,但是。

239. Water and air are _D_ to living.

A independent   B initial   C dependent   D indispensable

be indispensable to 至關重要的,不可或缺的;

240. This report throws light _B_ the situation.

A in   B on   C with   D to

throw light on 把光投到…上去,(引申)清楚的闡述。

246. _B_ that we will go abroad.

A It’s like   B Chances are   C The most likely   D Chances will be

chances are 很有可能… ; chances were 很有可能…

253. Is there any chance _B_?

A whichever   B whatsoever   C wherever   D whenever



262. She is so clever as to speak several foreign languages, not to _D_ of English.

A say   B tell   C read   D speak

not speak of 更不用說 = not to mention

270. What he did was _C_ than a practical joke.

A anything else   B or else   C nothing else   D more else

practical joke 惡作劇; nothing else than 只不過,僅僅。

283. I’ll be away for about six months but you can write to me _A_ my brother.

A in care of   B by care of   C with care of   D under care of

in care of 由…轉交。 = C/O

284. Correct the errors, _D_, in the sentence.

A if there will be any   B if there are some   C if they have any   D if any

if any是一個口語中經常加的插入語成分,表示“如果說有…的話”。

288. There is no point _C_ in a dangerous place if you can’t do anything _C_ the people who have to stay here.

A remaining … helping   B to remain … to help

C in remaining … to help   D in remaining … helping

there is no point in doing sth. 做某事也是毫無意義; 這裏point表示“作用,用途”。

291. Do most of us seeing people grasp casually the outward features of a face and _D_?

A let it alone   B let alone   C let well alone   D let it go at that

seeing people 視力健全的人; casually 隨意地,隨便地;

let is go at that表示“不去多操心,不再多說,隨它去了”。

316. The policemen went into action _C_ they heard the alarm.

A presently   B promptly   C directly   D quickly

directly adv. 直接的; conj. 一…就… ,一當…時候。

表示“一…就…”的幾個短語:as soon as, the instant, the moment, directly.

323. The cat is, _D_, a member of the family.

A as to speak   B no wonder   C as a fact   D so to speak

so to speak 可以這麼說。

335. “What can I do for you?” “If you _C_ see Mr. Keller, give him my regards.”

A would   B will   C should   D shall

regard n. 關心,致意,問候,考慮;

356. The Mayor and Corporation of Hamelin were _A_ for some way of ridding the town of rats. [The Mayor and Corporation 市長和市政當局]

A at their wit’s end   B at their wits end   C in their wit’s end   D for their wits end

at one's wit's end 智窮才竭,黔驢技窮。

383. I think your sister is old enough to know _B_ to spend all her money on fancy goods.

A other than   B better than   C rather than   D more than

know better than 明白事理而不至於做…

417. The police looked _B_ the past record of the suspect.

A in   B into   C for   D of

suspect v. 猜疑,懷疑; n. 嫌疑犯。

look for 尋找; look in 順便看望,順便拜訪; look into 觀察,調查。



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