
MuJS 是一個輕量級的 JavaScript 解釋器,可用於嵌入式開發。使用可移植 C 編寫,實現了 ECMA-262 規定的 ECMAScript 標準。與 V8、SpiderMonkey 和 JavaScriptCore等相比,MuJS非常精簡。網絡上MuJS的相關說明很少,只有官網上有一些相對詳盡的資料。


1. Introduction

MuJS is a library, written in clean and simple C. Being an extension library, MuJS has no notion of a main program: it only works embedded in a host client program. The host program can invoke functions to execute Javascript code, read and write Javascript variables, and register C functions to be called by Javascript.


The MuJS distribution includes a sample host program called “mujs”, which uses the MuJS library to offer a standalone Javascript interpreter for interactive or batch use.


This reference manual assumes that you are already familiar with the Javascript language, in particular the type system and object prototype mechanisms.


2.Basic Concepts

Values and Types

There are six basic types in Javascript: undefined, null, boolean, number, string and object.

javascript中有6種基本類型:undefined, null, boolean, number, string 和 object。

Each object also has a class: object, array, function, userdata, regular expression, etc.

每個Object對象都具有一個類,類型可以是:object, array, function, userdata, regular expression等等

Javascript can call functions written in C provided by the host program, as well as other Javascript functions.


Objects with the userdata class are provided to allow arbitrary C data to be attached to Javascript objects. A userdata object has a pointer to a block of raw memory, which is managed by the host. Userdata values cannot be created or modified in Javascript, only through the C API. This guarantees the integrity of data owned by the host program.

具有 userdata類的Objects對象允許任意的c數據附加到javascript的objects上。userdata 對象有一個指針,它指向一塊由主程序管理的原始內存。關聯到Javascript腳本UserData對象的所有值只能通過c的api來創建和修改。這一策略保證了主程序數據的完整性。

Custom properties on userdata objects can be implemented using getter and setter property accessor functions.

userdata 對象的自定義屬性的對象可以使用getter和setter屬性訪問器函數來實現。

Numbers are represented using double precision floating point values.


Strings in the C interface are zero-terminated byte arrays in CESU-8 encoding. CESU-8 is a variant of UTF-8 which encodes supplementary unicode characters as surrogate pairs. This maintains compatibility with the UTF-16 nature of JavaScript, but requires attention when passing strings using supplementary unicode characters to and from the MuJS library. It also means that you cannot have any JavaScript strings with a zero character value in MuJS.

c接口中的字符串是一串CESU-8編碼方式的以0結尾的字節序列。CESU-8是UTF-8的變種, 補充的unicode編碼作爲代理對。這種編碼方式保證能夠和javascript的utf-16編碼兼容,但從MuJS庫導入或者導出補充的unicode字符時需要留意;在MuJS中javascript腳本string不會有0字符。


Each function executes within an environment which defines which variables are accessible. This is a chain of all environment records in scope, with the global environment at the top. Each environment record in MuJS is represented as an object with the null prototype, including the global environment object.


The registry is a hidden environment record which is only accessible to C. This is where Javascript values and objects that should only be accessible to C functions may be stored.


Error Handling

All Javascript actions start from C code in the host program calling a function from the MuJS library. Whenever an exception is thrown during the compilation or execution of Javascript, control returns to the host, which can take appropriate measures (such as printing an error message). C code can also throw exceptions by calling functions to create an error object and return control to Javascript.


Internally, MuJS uses the C longjmp facility to handle errors. A protected environment uses setjmp to set a recovery point. The try statement in Javascript creates such a recovery point, as does calling js_dostring, js_dofile, js_ploadstring, js_ploadfile, js_pcall and js_pconstruct.

MuJS內部使用c語言的longjmp處理異常錯誤。使用setjmp將環境保護起來,設置爲一個恢復點(指針)。在javascript腳本“try”聲明裏創建這類可恢復點(指針),調用js_dostring, js_dofile, js_ploadstring, js_ploadfile, js_pcall和js_pconstruct需要做錯誤處理。

When an error occurs or an exception is thrown from Javascript, it does a long jump to the most recent active recovery point.

如果錯誤產生或者javasript拋出異常, 系統通過long jump的跳轉到最新的活動的恢復節點。

If an error occurs outside any protected environment, MuJS first calls the panic function and then calls abort, thus exiting the host application. Your panic function can avoid this exit by never returning (for example by doing a long jump to your own recovery point outside MuJS).

如果錯誤發生在受保護的環境變量外部, MuJS首先調用panic函數,然後調用abort退出進程,從而退出主程序。你的panic函數如果沒有返回則可以避免退出(比如通過long jump到你自己的MuJS外部的可恢復指針)。

Garbage Collection

MuJS performs automatic memory management using a basic mark-and-sweep collector. Collection is automatically triggered when enough allocations have accumulated. You can also force a collection pass from C.


Userdata objects have an associated C finalizer function that is called when the correspending object is freed.


The Stack

MuJS uses a virtual stack to pass values to and from C. Each element in this stack represents a Javascript value (null, number, string, etc).

MuJS 使用虛擬的棧來與c進行值的交互。 棧中的每個元素都能體現javascript的值,如null, number, string等等。

Whenever Javascript calls C, the called function gets a new stack. This stack initially contains the this value and any arguments passed to the function. When the C function returns, the top value on the stack is passed back to the caller as the return value.

每當javascript調用c時, 所調用的函數獲得一個新的棧。 這個棧最初包含this value和函數參數。 當c函數return返回時,棧頂的值將作爲返回值傳給調用者。

The stack values are accessed using stack indices. Index 0 always contains the this value, and function arguments are index 1 and up. Negative indices count down from the top of the stack, so index -1 is the top of the index and index -2 is the one below that.

堆棧值使用堆棧索引訪問,索引0總是包含this value,而函數的參數則是索引1向上遞增。負索引是從棧頂倒數,所以-1對應的是棧頂,-2是棧頂的下面一個。

3.The Application Program Interface


typedef struct js_State js_State;
The interpreter state is bundled up in the opaque struct js_State. This state contains the value stacks, protected environments, and environment records.


js_State *js_newstate(js_Alloc alloc, void *context, int flags);
Create a new state using the allocator function and allocator context. Pass NULL to use the default allocator.

創建一個新的js_State變量state對象,使用 allocator函數和allocator對應的上下文。如果使用默認的allocator則寫入NULL。

The available flags:
JS_STRICT: compile and run code using ES5 strict mode.

附上ES5 strict mode介紹:

void js_freestate(js_State *J);
Destroy the state and free all dynamic memory used by the state.



The interpreter uses a host provided function for all memory allocation needs:


typedef void *(*js_Alloc)(void *memctx, void *ptr, int size);
When size is zero, the allocator should behave like free and return NULL. When size is not zero, the allocator should behave like realloc. The allocator should return NULL if it cannot fulfill the request. The default allocator uses malloc, realloc and free.

如果參數size爲0, allocator分配器類似free功能,並返回NULL。如果size非0,分配器則類似於realloc內存分配函數。如果無法滿足內存分配需求,分配器返回NULL。默認的內存分配器使用的是malloc, realloc和free。


typedef void (*js_Panic)(js_State *J);
js_Panic js_atpanic(js_State *J, js_Panic panic);
Set a new panic function, and return the old one.



typedef void (*js_Report)(js_State *J, const char *message);
void js_setreport(js_State *J, js_Report report);
Set a callback function for reporting various warnings and garbage collection

statistics. 設置回調函數report用於上報warnings和垃圾回收統計結果

Garbage collection

js_gc(js_State *J, int report);
Force a garbage collection pass. If the report argument is non-zero, send a summary of garbage collection statistics to the report callback function.


Loading and compiling scripts

A script is compiled by calling js_loadstring or js_loadfile. The result of a successful compilation is a function on the top of the stack. This function can then be executed with js_call.


void js_loadstring(js_State *J, const char *filename, const char *source);
void js_loadfile(js_State *J, const char *filename);
Compile the script and push the resulting function.


int js_ploadstring(js_State *J, const char *filename, const char *source);
int js_ploadfile(js_State *J, const char *filename);
Like js_loadstring/js_loadfile but in a protected environment. In case of success, return 0 with the result as a function on the stack. In case of failure, return 1 with the error object on the stack.

這些接口函數類似於js_loadstring/js_loadfile,只在受保護的環境變量中。 如果執行成功,返回0,同樣作爲函數放在棧裏。如果失敗,返回1錯誤object放到棧裏。

Calling functions

void js_call(js_State *J, int n);
To call a function, you must use the following protocol: 1) push the function to call onto the stack, 2) push the this value to be used by the function, 3) push the arguments to the function in order, 4) finally, call js_call with the number of arguments pushed in step 3.

2)將函數需要的this value壓入棧裏–js_pushxx,一般爲js_pushnull

Pop the function, the this value, and all arguments; execute the function; then push the return value from the function.

1、彈出函數,this value和所有參數;

void js_construct(js_State *J, int n);
The construct function implements the ‘new’ expression in Javascript. This is similar to js_call, but without pushing a this value: 1) push the constructor function to call onto the stack, 2) push the arguments to the constructor function in order, 3) finally, call js_construct with the number of arguments pushed in step 2.

此構造函數實現javascript中的new表達式; 類似js_call, 但無需壓入this value。步驟如下

int js_pcall(js_State *J, int n);
int js_pconstruct(js_State *J, int n);
Like js_call and js_construct but in a protected environment. In case of success, return 0 with the result on the stack. In case of failure, return 1 with the error object on the stack.


Script helpers

There are two convenience functions for loading and executing code.


int js_dostring(js_State *J, const char *source);
Compile and execute the script in the zero-terminated string in source argument. If any errors occur, call the report callback function and return 1. Return 0 on success.

編譯和執行script腳本,source爲javascript腳本命令,是以0結尾的字符串。如果發生錯誤,此函數調用report上報異常,並返回1; 返回0表示成功。

int js_dofile(js_State *J, const char *filename);
Load the script from the file with the given filename, then compile and execute it. If any errors occur, call the report callback function and return 1. Return 0 on success.

加載filename指定的script腳本, 然後編譯並執行。如果發生錯誤,則調用report回調函數上報錯誤信息並返回1,成功返回0.

Protected environments

The js_try macro pushes a new protected environment and calls setjmp. If it returns true, an error has occurred. The protected environment has been popped and the error object is located on the top of the stack.

js_try宏函數將新的protected enviroment壓棧並調用setjmp跳轉。如果返回true時則有錯誤發生,那麼protected environment會被彈出,錯誤對象object保存在棧頂位置。

At the end of the code you want to run in the protected environment you must call js_endtry in order to pop the protected environment. Note: you should not call js_endtry when an error has occurred and you are in the true-branch of js_try.

在代碼的最後你想回到protected environment, 你必須調用js_endtry來彈出protected environment. 備註:如果有錯誤生成,你不能調用js_endtry並且你已經進入到js_try的true分支中。

Since the macro is a wrapper around setjmp, the usual restrictions apply. Use the following example as a guide for how to use js_try:

由於這個宏是圍繞setjmp進行封裝的, 所以一般的限制作用。舉個例子來看看如何使用js_try

if (js_try(J)) {
fprintf(stderr, “error: %s”, js_tostring(J, -1));
js_pop(J, 1);

Most of the time you shouldn’t need to worry about protected environments. The functions prefixed with ‘p’ (js_pcall, js_ploadstring, etc) handle setting up the protected environment and return simple error codes.

大部分時間,你無需擔心protected environments這個環境變量,帶’p’的函數如js_pcall js_ploadstring等,會處理封裝這個處理功能並返回簡單的錯誤編碼。

int js_pcall(js_State *J, int n)
    int savetop = TOP - n - 2;
    if (js_try(J)) {
        /* clean up the stack to only hold the error object */
        STACK[savetop] = STACK[TOP-1];
        TOP = savetop + 1;
        return 1;
    js_call(J, n);
    return 0;


void js_throw(js_State *J);
Pop the error object on the top of the stack and return control flow to the most recent protected environment.

彈出錯誤棧頂的對象error object,返回控制流程到最新的protected environment

void js_newerror(js_State *J, const char *message);
void js_newevalerror(js_State *J, const char *message);
void js_newrangeerror(js_State *J, const char *message);
void js_newreferenceerror(js_State *J, const char *message);
void js_newsyntaxerror(js_State *J, const char *message);
void js_newtypeerror(js_State *J, const char *message);
void js_newurierror(js_State *J, const char *message);

Push a new error object on the stack. 將新的error object壓棧

void js_error(js_State *J, const char *fmt, …);
void js_evalerror(js_State *J, const char *fmt, …);
void js_rangeerror(js_State *J, const char *fmt, …);
void js_referenceerror(js_State *J, const char *fmt, …);
void js_syntaxerror(js_State *J, const char *fmt, …);
void js_typeerror(js_State *J, const char *fmt, …);
void js_urierror(js_State *J, const char *fmt, …);
Wrapper to push a new error object on the stack using a printf formatting string and call js_throw.

函數封裝,將錯誤對象error object壓棧同時格式化輸出string並調用js_throw

Stack manipulation

int js_gettop(js_State *J);
void js_settop(js_State *J, int idx); – not implemented yet
void js_pop(js_State *J, int n); //n 彈出堆棧元素的數量
void js_rot(js_State *J, int n);
void js_copy(js_State *J, int idx); // idx 拷貝idx應的元素
void js_remove(js_State *J, int idx);
void js_insert(js_State *J, int idx); – not implemented yet
void js_replace(js_State* J, int idx); – not implemented yet


static js_Value *stackidx(js_State *J, int idx)
    static js_Value undefined = { {0}, {0}, JS_TUNDEFINED };
    idx = idx < 0 ? TOP + idx : BOT + idx; // 根據idx正負判斷起始
    if (idx < 0 || idx >= TOP)
        return &undefined;
    return STACK + idx;

Comparisons and arithmetic

void js_concat(js_State *J);
int js_compare(js_State *J, int *okay);
int js_equal(js_State *J);
int js_strictequal(js_State *J);
int js_instanceof(js_State *J);
The equivalent of the ‘+’, comparison, and instanceof operators. The okay argument to js_compare is set to 0 if any of the values are NaN, otherwise it is set to 1.

concat等價於’+’、compare、equal、strictequal是比較和instanceof operators。如果有值爲NaN參數okay被賦值爲0,否則爲1。

Primitive values
原始值(元值),(與wrapper values相對)

void js_pushundefined(js_State *J);
void js_pushnull(js_State *J);
void js_pushboolean(js_State *J, int v);
void js_pushnumber(js_State *J, double v);
void js_pushstring(js_State *J, const char *v);
void js_pushliteral(js_State *J, const char *v);
Push primitive values. js_pushstring makes a copy of the string, so it may be freed or changed after passing it in. js_pushliteral keeps a pointer to the string, so it must not be changed or freed after passing it in.

Primitive 和 Wrapper說明:

int js_isdefined(js_State *J, int idx);
int js_isundefined(js_State *J, int idx);
int js_isnull(js_State *J, int idx);
int js_isboolean(js_State *J, int idx);
int js_isnumber(js_State *J, int idx);
int js_isstring(js_State *J, int idx);
int js_isprimitive(js_State *J, int idx);
Test if a primitive value is of a given type.


int js_toboolean(js_State *J, int idx);
double js_tonumber(js_State *J, int idx);
double js_tointeger(js_State *J, int idx);
int js_toint32(js_State *J, int idx);
unsigned int js_touint32(js_State *J, int idx);
short js_toint16(js_State *J, int idx);
unsigned short js_touint16(js_State *J, int idx);
const char *js_tostring(js_State *J, int idx);
Convert the value at the given index into a C value. If the value is an object, invoke the toString and/or valueOf methods to do the conversion.



The conversion may change the actual value in the stack!


There is no guarantee that the pointer returned by js_tostring will be valid after the
corresponding value is removed from the stack.


enum {

void js_newobject(js_State *J);
void js_newarray(js_State *J);
void js_newboolean(js_State *J, int v);
void js_newnumber(js_State *J, double v);
void js_newstring(js_State *J, const char *v);
void js_newregexp(js_State *J, const char *pattern, int flags);
Creat and push objects on the stack.

創建並壓入對象到棧中,留意與js_pushnumber等的區別,這些都是作爲object來封裝壓入的,比如i=10 和t={i:10},都包含number,但後者是個object。

int js_isobject(js_State *J, int idx);
int js_isarray(js_State *J, int idx);
int js_iscallable(js_State *J, int idx);
int js_isregexp(js_State *J, int idx);
Test the type and class of an object on the stack.



The property functions all work on an object. If the stack slot referenced by the index does not contain an object, they will throw an error.

enum {
Property attribute bit-mask values.


int js_hasproperty(js_State *J, int idx, const char *name);
If the object has a property with the given name, return 1 and push the value of the property; otherwise return 0 and leave the stack untouched.

注:在查詢property後,如果返回1,我們可以直接通過js_toxxx(J, -1)獲得該property。

void js_getproperty(js_State *J, int idx, const char *name);
Push the value of the named property of the object. If the object does not have the named property, push undefined instead.

調用js_getproperty獲得object的屬性,idx取值:取第1個屬性時 idx = -1, 繼續取第2個時,idx=-2,第3個以此類推。原因是沒取一個屬性,就會將當前屬性壓棧,而object就會下沉一次。

void js_setproperty(js_State *J, int idx, const char *name);
Pop a value from the top of the stack and set the value of the named property of the object.

注:一般是先壓入需要設置的屬性值,比如js_pushnumber(J, 100), 再調用js_setproperty來設置屬性。idx一般爲-2,即棧頂爲value,下一個棧元素爲要設置屬性的object。

void js_defproperty(js_State *J, int idx, const char *name, int atts);
Pop a value from the top of the stack and set the value of the named property of the object. Also define the property attributes.


void js_defaccessor(js_State *J, int idx, const char *name, int atts);
Define the getter and setter attributes of a property on the object. Pop the two getter and setter functions from the stack. Use null instead of a function object if you want to leave any of the functions unset.

定義對象特性的getter和setter屬性, 從棧中彈出兩個getter和setter函數。如果你想從未設置的函數中離開則使用null來代替object

void js_delproperty(js_State *J, int idx, const char *name);
Delete the named property from the object.


Array properties

int js_getlength(js_State *J, int idx);
void js_setlength(js_State *J, int idx, int len);
Wrappers to get and set the “length” property of an object.

對象get和set length

int js_hasindex(js_State *J, int idx, int i);
void js_getindex(js_State *J, int idx, int i);
void js_setindex(js_State *J, int idx, int i);
void js_delindex(js_State *J, int idx, int i);
These array index functions functions are simple wrappers around the equivalent property functions. They convert the numeric index to a string to use as the property name.

這些帶序號的數組函數是對等價屬性函數的一種簡單封裝,他們將數組序號轉換爲string,轉換後的 string作爲屬性名稱來使用


void js_pushglobal(js_State *J);
Push the object representing the global environment record.


void js_getglobal(js_State *J, const char *name);
void js_setglobal(js_State *J, const char *name);
void js_defglobal(js_State *J, const char *name, int atts);
Wrappers around js_pushglobal and js_get/set/defproperty to read and write the values of global variables.


C Functions

void js_newcfunction(js_State *J, js_CFunction fun, const char *name, int length);
Push a function object wrapping a C function pointer.


The length argument is the number of arguments to the function. If the function is called with fewer arguments, the argument list will be padded with undefined.


void js_newcconstructor(js_State *J,
js_CFunction fun, js_CFunction con,
const char *name, int length);
Pop the object to set as the “prototype” property for the constructor function object. Push a function object wrapping a C function pointer, allowing for separate function pointers for regular calls and ‘new’ operator calls.


void js_currentfunction(js_State *J);
Push the currently executing function object.



typedef void (*js_Finalize)(js_State *J, void *data);
typedef int (*js_HasProperty)(js_State *J, void *data, const char *name);
typedef int (*js_Put)(js_State *J, void *data, const char *name);
typedef int (*js_Delete)(js_State *J, void *data, const char *name);

void js_newuserdata(js_State *J, const char *tag, void *data,
js_Finalize finalize);

void js_newuserdatax(js_State *J, const char *tag, void *data,
js_HasProperty has,
js_Put put,
js_Delete delete,
js_Finalize finalize);
Pop an object from the top of the stack to use as the internal prototype property for the new object. Push a new userdata object wrapping a pointer to C memory. The userdata object is tagged using a string, to represent the type of the C memory.


The finalize callback, if it is not NULL, will be called when the object is freed by the garbage collector.


The extended function also has callback functions for overriding property accesses. If these are set, they can be used to override accesses to certain properties. Any property accesses that are not overridden will be handled as usual in the runtime. The “HasProperty” callback should push a value and return true if it wants to handle the property, otherwise it should do nothing and return false. “Put” should pop a value and return true if it wants to handle the property. Likewise, “Delete” should return true if it wants to handle the property.


int js_isuserdata(js_State *J, int idx, const char *tag);
Test if an object is a userdata object with the given type tag string.


void *js_touserdata(js_State *J, int idx, const char *tag);
Return the wrapped pointer from a userdata object. If the object is undefined or null, return NULL. If the object is not a userdata object with the given type tag string, throw a type error.



The registry can be used to store references to Javascript objects accessible from C, but hidden from Javascript to prevent tampering.


void js_getregistry(js_State *J, const char *name);
void js_setregistry(js_State *J, const char *name);
void js_delregistry(js_State *J, const char *name);
Access properties on the hidden registry object.


const char *js_ref(js_State *J);
WIP: Pop a value from the stack and store it in the registry using a new unique property name. Return the property name.

從棧中彈出值,使用一個新的唯一屬性保存到註冊表。 返回屬性名稱。

void js_unref(js_State *J, const char *ref);
WIP: Delete the reference from the registry.



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