
    內存代管理器DefNewGeneration是所有基於內存分代管理的內存堆管理器的默認年青代管理器,同時它也只能用於年青代的內存管理而不能用於舊生代的內存管理.它的基本思路就是將整個內存代分配爲三個區: Eden區, From區, To區; 一般情況下,只在Eden區和From區分配對象創建時所需的內存,To區只在內存代進行垃圾對象回收用於存放轉存儲過來的非垃圾對象(active對象). 本質上, 內存代管理器是內存堆管理器中的一個組件(分治思想),它的職責也就無非一是對象內存的分配,二是垃圾對象的回收.本文將主要圍繞它的對象內存分配功能來展開,至於它內部的垃圾對象是如何回收的,筆者將在介紹完GenCollectedHeap的Gc過程之後會有詳細的闡述.




// 根據配置參數SurvivorRatio來確定年青代中Eden/From/To三個內存區的大小
  size_t compute_survivor_size(size_t gen_size, size_t alignment) const {
    size_t n = gen_size / (SurvivorRatio + 2);
    return n > alignment ? align_size_down(n, alignment) : alignment;

   * 當前內存代是否應該分配指定大小的內存
   * 	1).申請內存大小未溢出
   * 	2).申請內存大小不爲0
   * 	3).申請內存大小未超過本內存代的限制閾值
  virtual bool should_allocate(size_t word_size, bool is_tlab) {
    assert(UseTLAB || !is_tlab, "Should not allocate tlab");

    size_t overflow_limit    = (size_t)1 << (BitsPerSize_t - LogHeapWordSize);

    const bool non_zero      = word_size > 0;
    const bool overflows     = word_size >= overflow_limit;

    const bool check_too_big = _pretenure_size_threshold_words > 0;
    const bool not_too_big   = word_size < _pretenure_size_threshold_words;
    const bool size_ok       = is_tlab || !check_too_big || not_too_big;

    bool result = !overflows && non_zero && size_ok;

    return result;

   與MaxTenuringThreshold相關的算法會在介紹DefNewGeneration執行Gc時詳細介紹, 它的創建及初始化流程如下:

DefNewGeneration::DefNewGeneration(ReservedSpace rs,
                                   size_t initial_size,
                                   int level,
                                   const char* policy)
  : Generation(rs, initial_size, level),
  MemRegion cmr((HeapWord*)_virtual_space.low(), (HeapWord*)_virtual_space.high());


  if (GenCollectedHeap::heap()->collector_policy()->has_soft_ended_eden()) {
	printf("%s[%d] [tid: %lu]: 試圖創建Eden內存區管理器(ConcEdenSpace)...\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pthread_self());

	_eden_space = new ConcEdenSpace(this);
  } else {
	printf("%s[%d] [tid: %lu]: 試圖創建Eden內存區管理器(EdenSpace)...\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pthread_self());

    _eden_space = new EdenSpace(this);

  printf("%s[%d] [tid: %lu]: 試圖創建From/To內存區管理器(ContiguousSpace)...\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pthread_self());
  _from_space = new ContiguousSpace();
  _to_space   = new ContiguousSpace();

  if (_eden_space == NULL || _from_space == NULL || _to_space == NULL)
    vm_exit_during_initialization("Could not allocate a new gen space");

  // Compute the maximum eden and survivor space sizes. These sizes
  // are computed assuming the entire reserved space is committed.
  // These values are exported as performance counters.
  uintx alignment = GenCollectedHeap::heap()->collector_policy()->min_alignment();
  uintx size = _virtual_space.reserved_size();

  _max_survivor_size = compute_survivor_size(size, alignment);
  _max_eden_size = size - (2*_max_survivor_size);

  // allocate the performance counters

   * 創建相關的計數器
  // Generation counters -- generation 0, 3 subspaces
  _gen_counters = new GenerationCounters("new", 0, 3, &_virtual_space);
  _gc_counters = new CollectorCounters(policy, 0);

  _eden_counters = new CSpaceCounters("eden", 0, _max_eden_size, _eden_space, _gen_counters);
  _from_counters = new CSpaceCounters("s0", 1, _max_survivor_size, _from_space, _gen_counters);
  _to_counters = new CSpaceCounters("s1", 2, _max_survivor_size, _to_space, _gen_counters);

  compute_space_boundaries(0, SpaceDecorator::Clear, SpaceDecorator::Mangle);


  _next_gen = NULL;

  _tenuring_threshold = MaxTenuringThreshold;

  _pretenure_size_threshold_words = PretenureSizeThreshold >> LogHeapWordSize;

  printf("%s[%d] [tid: %lu]: 默認年青代內存代管理器[%d:DefNewGeneration]{max_survivor_size=%lu, max_eden_size=%lu, pretenure_size_threshold_words(一次可申請的最大內存塊)=%lu}...\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pthread_self(),
		  level, _max_survivor_size, _max_eden_size, _pretenure_size_threshold_words);


 * 確定三個內存區Eden/From/To在內存代中的物理地址邊界即分配對應的物理內存區
void DefNewGeneration::compute_space_boundaries(uintx minimum_eden_size,
                                                bool clear_space,
                                                bool mangle_space) {
  uintx alignment = GenCollectedHeap::heap()->collector_policy()->min_alignment();

  // If the spaces are being cleared (only done at heap initialization
  // currently), the survivor spaces need not be empty.
  // Otherwise, no care is taken for used areas in the survivor spaces
  // so check.
  assert(clear_space || (to()->is_empty() && from()->is_empty()),
    "Initialization of the survivor spaces assumes these are empty");

  uintx size = _virtual_space.committed_size(); //當前內存代已經申請到的內存大小
  uintx survivor_size = compute_survivor_size(size, alignment);
  uintx eden_size = size - (2*survivor_size);
  assert(eden_size > 0 && survivor_size <= eden_size, "just checking");

   * 如果Eden的實際大小小於配置的最小值,則調整From區和To的大小以保證Eden區的大小
  if (eden_size < minimum_eden_size) {
    // May happen due to 64Kb rounding, if so adjust eden size back up
    minimum_eden_size = align_size_up(minimum_eden_size, alignment);
    uintx maximum_survivor_size = (size - minimum_eden_size) / 2;
    uintx unaligned_survivor_size = align_size_down(maximum_survivor_size, alignment);
    survivor_size = MAX2(unaligned_survivor_size, alignment);
    eden_size = size - (2*survivor_size);
    assert(eden_size > 0 && survivor_size <= eden_size, "just checking");
    assert(eden_size >= minimum_eden_size, "just checking");

   * 根據各內存區的大小配置其對應的內存在內存代中的起始-結束偏移位置

  char *eden_start = _virtual_space.low();
  char *from_start = eden_start + eden_size;
  char *to_start   = from_start + survivor_size;
  char *to_end     = to_start   + survivor_size;

  assert(to_end == _virtual_space.high(), "just checking");
  assert(Space::is_aligned((HeapWord*)eden_start), "checking alignment");
  assert(Space::is_aligned((HeapWord*)from_start), "checking alignment");
  assert(Space::is_aligned((HeapWord*)to_start),   "checking alignment");

  MemRegion edenMR((HeapWord*)eden_start, (HeapWord*)from_start);
  MemRegion fromMR((HeapWord*)from_start, (HeapWord*)to_start);
  MemRegion toMR  ((HeapWord*)to_start, (HeapWord*)to_end);

  // A minimum eden size implies that there is a part of eden that
  // is being used and that affects the initialization of any
  // newly formed eden.
  bool live_in_eden = minimum_eden_size > 0;

  // If not clearing the spaces, do some checking to verify that
  // the space are already mangled.
  if (!clear_space) {
    // Must check mangling before the spaces are reshaped.  Otherwise,
    // the bottom or end of one space may have moved into another
    // a failure of the check may not correctly indicate which space
    // is not properly mangled.
    if (ZapUnusedHeapArea) {
      HeapWord* limit = (HeapWord*) _virtual_space.high();

   * 初始化個內存區管理器

  printf("%s[%d] [tid: %lu]: 試圖初始化Eden內存區管理器...\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pthread_self());

  // Reset the spaces for their new regions.
                     clear_space && !live_in_eden,
  // If clear_space and live_in_eden, we will not have cleared any
  // portion of eden above its top. This can cause newly
  // expanded space not to be mangled if using ZapUnusedHeapArea.
  // We explicitly do such mangling here.
  if (ZapUnusedHeapArea && clear_space && live_in_eden && mangle_space) {

  printf("%s[%d] [tid: %lu]: 試圖初始化From內存區管理器...\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pthread_self());
  from()->initialize(fromMR, clear_space, mangle_space);

  printf("%s[%d] [tid: %lu]: 試圖初始化To內存區管理器...\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pthread_self());
  to()->initialize(toMR, clear_space, mangle_space);

  // Set next compaction spaces.
  // The to-space is normally empty before a compaction so need
  // not be considered.  The exception is during promotion
  // failure handling when to-space can contain live objects.




 * 從Eden區快速分配(支持併發)
HeapWord* DefNewGeneration::par_allocate(size_t word_size, bool is_tlab) {
  return eden()->par_allocate(word_size);

 * 無鎖式併發分配
HeapWord* EdenSpace::par_allocate(size_t size) {
  return par_allocate_impl(size, soft_end());

 * 從當前的內存區中分配指定大小的一塊內存空間
 * 輪尋方式: 空閒內存足夠則嘗試分配,不夠立即結束返回
inline HeapWord* ContiguousSpace::par_allocate_impl(size_t size,
                                                    HeapWord* const end_value) {
  do {
    HeapWord* obj = top();
    if (pointer_delta(end_value, obj) >= size) {	//內存區當前的空閒空間足夠分配,則嘗試分配
      HeapWord* new_top = obj + size;
      HeapWord* result = (HeapWord*)Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr(new_top, top_addr(), obj);
      // result can be one of two:
      //  the old top value: the exchange succeeded
      //  otherwise: the new value of the top is returned.
      if (result == obj) {
        assert(is_aligned(obj) && is_aligned(new_top), "checking alignment");
        return obj;
    } else {
      return NULL;
  } while (true);






 * 從當前的內存代中分配指定大小的內存空間
HeapWord* DefNewGeneration::allocate(size_t word_size,
                                     bool is_tlab) {
  // This is the slow-path allocation for the DefNewGeneration.
  // Most allocations are fast-path in compiled code.
  // We try to allocate from the eden.  If that works, we are happy.
  // Note that since DefNewGeneration supports lock-free allocation, we
  // have to use it here, as well.
  HeapWord* result = eden()->par_allocate(word_size);
  if (result != NULL) {
    return result;

  do {
    HeapWord* old_limit = eden()->soft_end();
    if (old_limit < eden()->end()) {
      HeapWord* new_limit = next_gen()->allocation_limit_reached(eden(), eden()->top(), word_size);
      if (new_limit != NULL) {
        Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr(new_limit, eden()->soft_end_addr(), old_limit);
      } else {
        assert(eden()->soft_end() == eden()->end(), "invalid state after allocation_limit_reached returned null");
    } else {
      // The allocation failed and the soft limit is equal to the hard limit,
      // there are no reasons to do an attempt to allocate
      assert(old_limit == eden()->end(), "sanity check");

    result = eden()->par_allocate(word_size);
  } while (result == NULL);

  // If the eden is full and the last collection bailed out, we are running
  // out of heap space, and we try to allocate the from-space, too.
  // allocate_from_space can't be inlined because that would introduce a
  // circular dependency at compile time.
  if (result == NULL) {	//Eden區沒有足夠的空間,則從From區分配
    result = allocate_from_space(word_size);

  return result;

 * 內存管理器從From區分配內存(最後一次嘗試)
HeapWord* DefNewGeneration::allocate_from_space(size_t size) {
  HeapWord* result = NULL;
  if (Verbose && PrintGCDetails) {
                        "  will_fail: %s"
                        "  heap_lock: %s"
                        "  free: " SIZE_FORMAT,
                        GenCollectedHeap::heap()->incremental_collection_will_fail(false /* don't consult_young */) ?
                          "true" : "false",
                        Heap_lock->is_locked() ? "locked" : "unlocked",

  if (should_allocate_from_space() || GC_locker::is_active_and_needs_gc()) {
    if (Heap_lock->owned_by_self() ||
        (SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint() && Thread::current()->is_VM_thread())) {
      // If the Heap_lock is not locked by this thread, this will be called
      // again later with the Heap_lock held.
      result = from()->allocate(size);
    } else if (PrintGC && Verbose) {
      gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  Heap_lock is not owned by self");
  } else if (PrintGC && Verbose) {
    gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  should_allocate_from_space: NOT");

  if (PrintGC && Verbose) {
    gclog_or_tty->print_cr("  returns %s", result == NULL ? "NULL" : "object");

  return result;


 * 加鎖式分配,由調用線程加外部鎖來保證多線程併發安全
HeapWord* ContiguousSpace::allocate(size_t size) {
  return allocate_impl(size, end());

 * 內存區管理器有瑣式分配
inline HeapWord* ContiguousSpace::allocate_impl(size_t size,
                                                HeapWord* const end_value) {
  // In G1 there are places where a GC worker can allocates into a
  // region using this serial allocation code without being prone to a
  // race with other GC workers (we ensure that no other GC worker can
  // access the same region at the same time). So the assert below is
  // too strong in the case of G1.
  assert(Heap_lock->owned_by_self() ||
         (SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint() &&
                               (Thread::current()->is_VM_thread() || UseG1GC)),
         "not locked");
  HeapWord* obj = top();
  if (pointer_delta(end_value, obj) >= size) {	//當前內存區內存足夠,則分配
    HeapWord* new_top = obj + size;
    assert(is_aligned(obj) && is_aligned(new_top), "checking alignment");
    return obj;
  } else {
    return NULL;



 * 默認的年青代內存管理器並不支持擴展內存再分配方式
HeapWord* DefNewGeneration::expand_and_allocate(size_t size,
                                                bool   is_tlab,
                                                bool   parallel) {
  // We don't attempt to expand the young generation (but perhaps we should.)
  return allocate(size, is_tlab);

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