
這是我寫的第一個讀取文件信息的代碼,好像是05年寫的. 當時只會asp。寫好後才發現性能不是一般的低
Option Explicit
Response.Buffer = False
server.ScriptTimeout = 3600000
Class Mp3WmaInfo
	Private Info
	Private Stream
	Private Standard_Wma_Header
	Private Standard_Wma_Tag_Header
	Private Standard_Wma_ExTag_Header
	Private Standard_Mp3_ID3V2Tag_Header
	Private TagCoding,Mp3_Genres(147)
	Public Function GetTag(Path,Input_TagCoding)
		Set Info = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
		Set Stream = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
		Dim Temp_Index
		Dim Hex_String
		 	Stream.Type = 1
			Stream.Mode = 3
			Stream.Position = 0
			Stream.LoadFromFile Path
			TagCoding = Input_TagCoding
		If TagCoding = "" Then TagCoding = "Unicode" End If
		For Temp_Index = 1 To 16
			Hex_String = Hex_String & Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1)))
		If Hex_String = Standard_Wma_Header Then
			Call GetWmaInfo()
			Call GetMp3Info()
		End If
		Set Stream = NoThing
		Set GetTag = Info
	End Function
	Private Sub GetMp3Info()
		Dim Temp_Index
		Dim Hex_String
			Stream.Position = 0
		For Temp_Index = 1 To 3
			Hex_String = Hex_String & Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1)))
		If Hex_String = Standard_Mp3_ID3V2Tag_Header Then
			Set Info.Item("ID3V2") = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
			Dim ID3V2_Temp_Size(3)
			Dim ID3V2_Size
			Dim ID3V2_Flag
			Dim ID3V2_Temp_FrameSize(3)
			Dim ID3V2_FrameID
			Dim ID3V2_FrameSize
			Dim ID3V2_FrameSizeFlags
			Dim ID3V2_FrameContent
				Info.Item("ID3V2").Item("Ver") = AscB(Stream.Read(1))
				Info.Item("ID3V2").Item("Revision") = AscB(Stream.Read(1))
				ID3V2_Flag = AlgorismToBinary(AscB(Stream.Read(1)),8)
				ID3V2_Temp_Size(0) = AscB(Stream.Read(1)) * 2097152
				ID3V2_Temp_Size(1) = AscB(Stream.Read(1)) * 16384
				ID3V2_Temp_Size(2) = AscB(Stream.Read(1)) * 128
				ID3V2_Temp_Size(3) = AscB(Stream.Read(1))
				ID3V2_Size = ID3V2_Temp_Size(0) + ID3V2_Temp_Size(1) + ID3V2_Temp_Size(2) + ID3V2_Temp_Size(3)
			While Stream.Position <= ID3V2_Size
					ID3V2_FrameID = Trim(ByteToText(Stream.Read(4),TagCoding))
					ID3V2_Temp_FrameSize(0) = AscB(Stream.Read(1)) * 16777216
					ID3V2_Temp_FrameSize(1) = AscB(Stream.Read(1)) * 65536
					ID3V2_Temp_FrameSize(2) = AscB(Stream.Read(1)) * 256
					ID3V2_Temp_FrameSize(3) = AscB(Stream.Read(1))
					ID3V2_FrameSize = ID3V2_Temp_FrameSize(0) + ID3V2_Temp_FrameSize(1) + ID3V2_Temp_FrameSize(2) + ID3V2_Temp_FrameSize(3)
					ID3V2_FrameSizeFlags = AlgorismToBinary(AscB(Stream.Read(1)),8)
					ID3V2_FrameSizeFlags = ID3V2_FrameSizeFlags & AlgorismToBinary(AscB(Stream.Read(1)),8)
				If ID3V2_FrameSize <> 0 Then
					ID3V2_FrameContent = Trim(ByteToText(Stream.Read(ID3V2_FrameSize),TagCoding))
				End If
				If ID3V2_FrameID <> "" AND (ID3V2_FrameSizeFlags = "0000000000000000" OR ID3V2_FrameSizeFlags = "0010000000000000") Then
					Info.Item("ID3V2").Item(ID3V2_FrameID) = ID3V2_FrameContent
				End If
		End If
			Stream.Position = Stream.Size - 128
		If ByteToText(Stream.Read(3),TagCoding) = "TAG" Then
			Dim Mp3_ID3v1_Cenre,Mp3_ID3v1_Cenre_Index
			Set Info.Item("ID3v1") = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
				Info.Item("ID3v1").Item("Title") = ByteToText(Stream.Read(30),TagCoding)
				Info.Item("ID3v1").Item("Artist") = ByteToText(Stream.Read(30),TagCoding)
				Info.Item("ID3v1").Item("Album") = ByteToText(Stream.Read(30),TagCoding)
				Info.Item("ID3v1").Item("Year") = ByteToText(Stream.Read(4),TagCoding)
				Info.Item("ID3v1").Item("Comment") = ByteToText(Stream.Read(28),TagCoding)
				Info.Item("ID3v1").Item("Reserve") = AscB(Stream.Read(1))
				Info.Item("ID3v1").Item("Track") = AscB(Stream.Read(1))
				Mp3_ID3v1_Cenre_Index = AscB(Stream.Read(1))
			If Mp3_ID3v1_Cenre_Index <= 147 Then Mp3_ID3v1_Cenre = Mp3_Genres(Mp3_ID3v1_Cenre_Index) End If
				Info.Item("ID3v1").Item("Cenre") = Mp3_ID3v1_Cenre
		End If
	End Sub
	Private Sub GetWmaInfo()
		Set Info.Item("Tag") = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
		Set Info.Item("ExTag") = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
		Dim Wma_Tag_Header,Temp_Index
		Dim Temp_Byte
		Dim Wma_Music_Title_Byte_Length
		Dim Wma_Music_Artist_Byte_Length
		Dim Wma_Music_Album_Byte_Length
		Dim Wma_Music_Comment_Byte_Length
		Dim Wma_Music_Other_Byte_Length
		Dim Wma_Music_ExTag_Count
		Dim Temp_Wma_Music_ExTag_Count_Index
		Dim Wma_Music_ExTag_ID
		Dim Wma_Music_ExTag_Flag
		Dim Wma_Music_ExTag_Content_Index
		Dim Wma_Music_ExTag_Content
			Stream.Position = 30
		For Temp_Index = 1 To 16
			Wma_Tag_Header = Wma_Tag_Header & Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1)))
		While Wma_Tag_Header = Standard_Wma_Tag_Header OR Wma_Tag_Header = Standard_Wma_ExTag_Header
			If Wma_Tag_Header = Standard_Wma_Tag_Header Then
					Stream.Position = Stream.Position + 8
					Temp_Byte = ""
					Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1)))
					Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1))) & Temp_Byte
					Temp_Byte = "&H" & Temp_Byte
					Wma_Music_Title_Byte_Length = Clng(Temp_Byte)
					Temp_Byte = ""
					Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1)))
					Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1))) & Temp_Byte
					Temp_Byte = "&H" & Temp_Byte
					Wma_Music_Artist_Byte_Length = Clng(Temp_Byte)
					Temp_Byte = ""
					Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1)))
					Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1))) & Temp_Byte
					Temp_Byte = "&H" & Temp_Byte
					Wma_Music_Album_Byte_Length = Clng(Temp_Byte)
					Temp_Byte = ""
					Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1)))
					Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1))) & Temp_Byte
					Temp_Byte = "&H" & Temp_Byte
					Wma_Music_Comment_Byte_Length = Clng(Temp_Byte)
					Temp_Byte = ""
					Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1)))
					Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1))) & Temp_Byte
					Temp_Byte = "&H" & Temp_Byte
					Wma_Music_Other_Byte_Length = Clng(Temp_Byte)			
				If Wma_Music_Title_Byte_Length <> 0 Then
					Info.Item("Tag").Item("Title") = ByteToText(Stream.Read(Wma_Music_Title_Byte_Length),"Unicode")
				End If
				If Wma_Music_Artist_Byte_Length <> 0 Then
					Info.Item("Tag").Item("Artist") = ByteToText(Stream.Read(Wma_Music_Artist_Byte_Length),"Unicode")
				End If
				If Wma_Music_Album_Byte_Length <> 0 Then
					Info.Item("Tag").Item("Album") = ByteToText(Stream.Read(Wma_Music_Album_Byte_Length),"Unicode")
				End If
				If Wma_Music_Comment_Byte_Length <> 0 Then
					Info.Item("Tag").Item("Comment") = ByteToText(Stream.Read(Wma_Music_Comment_Byte_Length),"Unicode")
				End If
				If Wma_Music_Other_Byte_Length <> 0 Then
					Info.Item("Tag").Item("Other") = ByteToText(Stream.Read(Wma_Music_Other_Byte_Length),"Unicode")
				End If
			End If
			If Wma_Tag_Header = Standard_Wma_ExTag_Header Then
					Stream.Position = Stream.Position + 8
					Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1)))
					Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1))) & Temp_Byte
					Temp_Byte = "&H" & Temp_Byte
					Wma_Music_ExTag_Count = Clng(Temp_Byte)
				For Temp_Wma_Music_ExTag_Count_Index = 1 To Wma_Music_ExTag_Count
						Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1)))
						Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1))) & Temp_Byte
						Temp_Byte = "&H" & Temp_Byte
						Wma_Music_ExTag_ID = ByteToText(Stream.Read(Clng(Temp_Byte)),"Unicode")
						Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1)))
						Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1))) & Temp_Byte
						Temp_Byte = "&H" & Temp_Byte
						Wma_Music_ExTag_Flag = Clng(Temp_Byte)
						Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1)))
						Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1))) & Temp_Byte
						Temp_Byte = "&H" & Temp_Byte
						Temp_Byte = Clng(Temp_Byte)
					If Wma_Music_ExTag_Flag = 3 Then 
						For Wma_Music_ExTag_Content_Index = 1 To Temp_Byte Step + 4
							Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1)))
							Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1))) & Temp_Byte
							Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1))) & Temp_Byte
							Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1))) & Temp_Byte
							Temp_Byte = "&H" & Temp_Byte
						 	Wma_Music_ExTag_Content = Clng(Temp_Byte)
						Wma_Music_ExTag_Content = ByteToText(Stream.Read(Temp_Byte),"Unicode")
					End If	
					Info.Item("ExTag").Item(Wma_Music_ExTag_ID)	= Wma_Music_ExTag_Content
			End If
			For Temp_Index = 1 To 16
				Wma_Tag_Header = Wma_Tag_Header & Hex(AscB(Stream.Read(1)))
	End Sub
	Private Function ByteToText(ByteData,Coding)
		Dim MyStream,Temp_Byte
		Set MyStream = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
			MyStream.Type = 1
			MyStream.Mode = 3
			MyStream.Write ByteData
			MyStream.Position = 0
		Select Case Coding
			Case "Unicode"
				If MyStream.Size Mod 2 = 0 Then
					While Not MyStream.EoS
						Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(MyStream.Read(1)))
						Temp_Byte = Hex(AscB(MyStream.Read(1))) & Temp_Byte
						Temp_Byte = "&H" & Temp_Byte
						ByteToText = ByteToText & ChrW(Temp_Byte)
				End If
			Case Else
				MyStream.Type = 2
				MyStream.Charset = Coding
				ByteToText = MyStream.ReadText
		End Select
		Set MyStream = Nothing
	End Function
	Private Function AlgorismToBinary(Algorism,Length)
		While Algorism <> 0
			AlgorismToBinary = Algorism Mod 2 & AlgorismToBinary
			Algorism = Int(Algorism / 2)
		While Len(AlgorismToBinary) < Length
			AlgorismToBinary = "0" & AlgorismToBinary
	End Function
	Private Sub Class_Initialize()
		Standard_Wma_Header = "3026B2758E66CF11A6D90AA062CE6C"			'Wma鏂囦歡澶?
		Standard_Wma_Tag_Header = "3326B2758E66CF11A6D90AA062CE6C"		'Wma鏍囧噯Tag甯у悕
		Standard_Wma_ExTag_Header = "40A4D0D27E3D21197F00A0C95EA850"	'Wma鎵╁睍Tag甯у悕			
		Standard_Mp3_ID3V2Tag_Header = "494433"							'Mp3ID3V2Tag鏍囩鍚?		
		Mp3_Genres(0) = "Blues"
		Mp3_Genres(1) = "ClassicRock"
		Mp3_Genres(2) = "Country"
		Mp3_Genres(3) =  "Dance"
		Mp3_Genres(4) =  "Disco"
		Mp3_Genres(5) =  "Funk"
		Mp3_Genres(6) =  "Grunge"
		Mp3_Genres(7) =  "Hip-Hop"
		Mp3_Genres(8) =  "Jazz"
		Mp3_Genres(9) = "Metal"
		Mp3_Genres(10) = "NewAge"
		Mp3_Genres(11) = "Oldies"
		Mp3_Genres(12) = "Other"
		Mp3_Genres(13) = "Pop"
		Mp3_Genres(14) = "R&B"
		Mp3_Genres(15) = "Rap"
		Mp3_Genres(16) = "Reggae"
		Mp3_Genres(17) = "Rock"
		Mp3_Genres(18) = "Techno"
		Mp3_Genres(19) = "Industrial"
		Mp3_Genres(20) = "Alternative"
		Mp3_Genres(21) = "Ska"
		Mp3_Genres(22) = "DeathMetal"
		Mp3_Genres(23) = "Pranks"
		Mp3_Genres(24) = "Soundtrack"
		Mp3_Genres(25) = "Euro-Techno"
		Mp3_Genres(26) = "Ambient"
		Mp3_Genres(27) = "Trip-Hop"
		Mp3_Genres(28) = "Vocal"
		Mp3_Genres(29) = "Jazz+Funk"
		Mp3_Genres(30) = "Fusion"
		Mp3_Genres(31) = "Trance"
		Mp3_Genres(32) = "Classical"
		Mp3_Genres(33) = "Instrumental"
		Mp3_Genres(34) = "Acid"
		Mp3_Genres(35) = "House"
		Mp3_Genres(36) = "Game"
		Mp3_Genres(37) = "SoundClip"
		Mp3_Genres(38) = "Gospel"
		Mp3_Genres(39) = "Noise"
		Mp3_Genres(40) = "AlternRock"
		Mp3_Genres(41) = "Bass"
		Mp3_Genres(42) = "Soul"
		Mp3_Genres(43) = "Punk"
		Mp3_Genres(44) = "Space"
		Mp3_Genres(45) = "Meditative"
		Mp3_Genres(46) = "InstrumentalPop"
		Mp3_Genres(47) = "InstrumentalRock"
		Mp3_Genres(48) = "Ethnic"
		Mp3_Genres(49) = "Gothic"
		Mp3_Genres(50) = "Darkwave"
		Mp3_Genres(51) = "Techno-Industrial"
		Mp3_Genres(52) = "Electronic"
		Mp3_Genres(53) = "Pop-Folk"
		Mp3_Genres(54) = "Eurodance"
		Mp3_Genres(55) = "Dream"
		Mp3_Genres(56) = "SouthernRock"
		Mp3_Genres(57) = "Comedy"
		Mp3_Genres(58) = "Cult"
		Mp3_Genres(59) = "Gangsta"
		Mp3_Genres(60) = "Top40"
		Mp3_Genres(61) = "ChristianRap"
		Mp3_Genres(62) = "Pop/Funk"
		Mp3_Genres(63) = "Jungle"
		Mp3_Genres(64) = "NativeAmerican"
		Mp3_Genres(65) = "Cabaret"
		Mp3_Genres(66) = "NewWave"
		Mp3_Genres(67) = "Psychadelic"
		Mp3_Genres(68) = "Rave"
		Mp3_Genres(69) = "Showtunes"
		Mp3_Genres(70) = "Trailer"
		Mp3_Genres(71) = "Lo-Fi"
		Mp3_Genres(72) = "Tribal"
		Mp3_Genres(73) = "AcidPunk"
		Mp3_Genres(74) = "AcidJazz"
		Mp3_Genres(75) = "Polka"
		Mp3_Genres(76) = "Retro"
		Mp3_Genres(77) = "Musical"
		Mp3_Genres(78) = "Rock&Roll"
		Mp3_Genres(79) = "HardRock"
		Mp3_Genres(80) = "Folk"
		Mp3_Genres(81) = "Folk-Rock"
		Mp3_Genres(82) = "NationalFolk"
		Mp3_Genres(83) = "Swing"
		Mp3_Genres(84) = "FastFusion"
		Mp3_Genres(85) = "Bebob"
		Mp3_Genres(86) = "Latin"
		Mp3_Genres(87) = "Revival"
		Mp3_Genres(88) = "Celtic"
		Mp3_Genres(89) = "Bluegrass"
		Mp3_Genres(90) = "Avantgarde"
		Mp3_Genres(91) = "GothicRock"
		Mp3_Genres(92) = "ProgessiveRock"
		Mp3_Genres(93) = "PsychedelicRock"
		Mp3_Genres(94) = "SymphonicRock"
		Mp3_Genres(95) = "SlowRock"
		Mp3_Genres(96) = "BigBand"
		Mp3_Genres(97) = "Chorus"
		Mp3_Genres(98) = "EasyListening"
		Mp3_Genres(99) = "Acoustic"
		Mp3_Genres(100) = "Humour"
		Mp3_Genres(101) = "Speech"
		Mp3_Genres(102) = "Chanson"
		Mp3_Genres(103) = "Opera"
		Mp3_Genres(104) = "ChamberMusic"
		Mp3_Genres(105) = "Sonata"
		Mp3_Genres(106) = "Symphony"
		Mp3_Genres(107) = "BootyBass"
		Mp3_Genres(108) = "Primus"
		Mp3_Genres(109) = "PornGroove"
		Mp3_Genres(110) = "Satire"
		Mp3_Genres(111) = "SlowJam"
		Mp3_Genres(112) = "Club"
		Mp3_Genres(113) = "Tango"
		Mp3_Genres(114) = "Samba"
		Mp3_Genres(115) = "Folklore"
		Mp3_Genres(116) = "Ballad"
		Mp3_Genres(117) = "PowerBallad"
		Mp3_Genres(118) = "RhythmicSoul"
		Mp3_Genres(119) = "Freestyle"
		Mp3_Genres(120) = "Duet"
		Mp3_Genres(121) = "PunkRock"
		Mp3_Genres(122) = "DrumSolo"
		Mp3_Genres(123) = "Acapella"
		Mp3_Genres(124) = "Euro-House"
		Mp3_Genres(125) = "DanceHall"
		Mp3_Genres(126) = "Goa"
		Mp3_Genres(127) = "Drum&Bass"
		Mp3_Genres(128) = "Club-House"
		Mp3_Genres(129) = "Hardcore"
		Mp3_Genres(130) = "Terror"
		Mp3_Genres(131) = "Indie"
		Mp3_Genres(132) = "BritPop"
		Mp3_Genres(133) = "Negerpunk"
		Mp3_Genres(134) = "PolskPunk"
		Mp3_Genres(135) = "Beat"
		Mp3_Genres(136) = "ChristianGangstaRap"
		Mp3_Genres(137) = "HeavyMetal"
		Mp3_Genres(138) = "BlackMetal"
		Mp3_Genres(139) = "Crossover"
		Mp3_Genres(140) = "ContemporaryChristian"
		Mp3_Genres(141) = "ChristianRock"
		Mp3_Genres(142) = "Merengue"
		Mp3_Genres(143) = "Salsa"
		Mp3_Genres(144) = "TrashMetal"
		Mp3_Genres(145) = "Anime"
		Mp3_Genres(146) = "JPop"
		Mp3_Genres(147) = "Synthpop"
	End Sub
End Class
Sub FileList(Lookup_Path)
	Dim MyFileSystemObject,MyGetFolder,MySubFolders,Folder
	Dim MyFiles,File
	Dim Info,Info1,Mp3WmaInfo_,Infodd
	Set MyFileSystemObject = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	Set MyGetFolder = MyFileSystemObject.GetFolder(Lookup_Path)
	Set MySubFolders = MyGetFolder.SubFolders
	Set MyFiles = MyGetFolder.Files
	Set Mp3WmaInfo_ = New Mp3WmaInfo
	For Each Folder IN MySubFolders
		Call FileList(Folder.Path)
	For Each File IN MyFiles
		Response.Write ""
	Set Infodd = Mp3WmaInfo_.GetTag(File.Path,"gb2312")
		Response.Write ""
		Response.Write ""
		Response.Write ""
		Response.Write ""
		Response.Write "
" & File.Name & "" & File.Path & "" & FormatNumber(File.Size / 1048576,2,-1,0,0) & "M
" Response.Write "" For Each Info IN Infodd Response.Write "" Response.Write "" Next Response.Write "
" & Info & "" If Infodd.Item(Info).Count > 0 Then Response.Write "" For Each Info1 In Infodd.Item(Info) Response.Write "" Response.Write "" Next Response.Write "
" & Info1 & "" & Infodd.Item(Info)(Info1) & "
" End If Response.Write "
" If Response.IsClientConnected = False Then Response.End() End If Next End Sub %> <% Call FileList(Server.MapPath("music")) %>
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