Now,ffmpeg can supports lamemp3 codec,Enjoy!

I have downloaded the ffmpeg and lamemp3 source codes.According the compile manual ,i install the MingW and MSYS software,type the command, unfuturnaly,prompt the error info: “Error: Lame not found!",but i have install and compiled the lamemp3 module。So shit,after some test, i have solve the problem!!!,so great! cheers!
  1. Add " CONFIG_MP3LAME=yes" to config.mak
  2. Add "#define CONFIG_MP3LAME 1" to config.h
  3. Add " -L. lmp3lame " to libavcodec/MakeFile at compile the libavcodec.dll
  4. copy the libmp3lame.a to libavcodec directory
  5. enter the "Libavcodec" directory
  6. Type "make all" and type "Enter",enjoy!
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