android mutex 詳細介紹

一個進程中不可能只有一個線程在戰鬥,所以一個進程中一般都是有多個線程的同時協助工作,多線程情況下,對於一些全局變量,也就是多個線程能夠同時訪問的變量,我們需要通過加鎖來防止“同時”訪問這個變量,Mutex 就是我們常用的一個。


113      Mutex                            mLock;

214  void Camera::stopRecording()
215  {
216      ALOGV("stopRecording");
217      {
218          Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
219          mRecordingProxyListener.clear();
220      }
221      sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
222      if (c == 0) return;
223      c->stopRecording();
224  }
例如上面的代碼,首先會定義一個Mutex 對象mLock,在代碼中對全局變量訪問時,先要獲取mLock,例如上面在操作mRecordingProxyListener 時,先通過Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);獲取這把鎖,加了大括號是限制這個鎖的作用域,離開這個作用域之後,這把鎖會自動釋放,下面會介紹。


100   pthread_mutex_t mMutex;
111  inline Mutex::Mutex() {
112      pthread_mutex_init(&mMutex, NULL);
113  }

83      class Autolock {
84      public:
85          inline Autolock(Mutex& mutex) : mLock(mutex)  { mLock.lock(); }
86          inline Autolock(Mutex* mutex) : mLock(*mutex) { mLock.lock(); }
87          inline ~Autolock() { mLock.unlock(); }
88      private:
89          Mutex& mLock;
90      };

131  inline status_t Mutex::lock() {
132      return -pthread_mutex_lock(&mMutex);
133  }

134  inline void Mutex::unlock() {
135      pthread_mutex_unlock(&mMutex);
136  }

128  inline Mutex::~Mutex() {
129      pthread_mutex_destroy(&mMutex);
130  }
通過上面的代碼我們知道 Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock) 獲取鎖和釋放鎖 是利用了C++ 類的構造函數和析構函數的特性實現的。在.h頭文件裏面定義 Mutex    mLock; 的時候就已經調用了Mutex   的構造函數,進而調用到pthread_mutex_init()初始化pthread_mutex_t mMutex;  而Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); 放在函數裏面定義,是一個局部變量,也會調用Autolock 的構造函數,進而調用到Mutex::lock();  Autolock 對象 _l 跑出大括號後,也就是跑出它的作用域後,會調用它的析構函數,進而調用到Mutex::unlock() 釋放鎖。

Mutex 只是對對pthread_mutex_xxx()接口做了一層封裝而已,真正的實現在pthread_mutex_xxx()接口。

39  typedef struct {
40  #if defined(__LP64__)
41    int32_t __private[10];  //長度爲10的整形數組
42  #else
43    int32_t __private[1];  //長度爲1 的整形數組
44  #endif
45  } pthread_mutex_t;



241  int pthread_mutex_init(pthread_mutex_t* mutex_interface, const pthread_mutexattr_t* attr) {
 *   struct pthread_mutex_internal_t {
 *    _Atomic(uint16_t) state;  //2 byte
 *  #if defined(__LP64__)  //64爲定義是長度爲10的整形數組, 40 byte
 *    uint16_t __pad;       //2 byte
 *    atomic_int owner_tid; //4 byte
 *    char __reserved[32];  //32 byte
 *  #else                  //長度爲1 的整形數組, 4 byte
 *    _Atomic(uint16_t) owner_tid; //2 byte
 *  #endif
 *  } __attribute__((aligned(4)));
242      pthread_mutex_internal_t* mutex = __get_internal_mutex(mutex_interface);
244      memset(mutex, 0, sizeof(pthread_mutex_internal_t));  //mutex 所有byte設置爲 0
246      if (__predict_true(attr == NULL)) {  //沒有設置相關屬性時
247          atomic_init(&mutex->state, MUTEX_TYPE_BITS_NORMAL);  //mutex->state = (((0) & ((1 << (2))-1)) << (14)) 也就是0
248          return 0;
249      }
...    //因爲針對上面的實現傳入的attr 爲NULL,所以這部分的代碼先不做分析
272      return 0;
273  }

503  int pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t* mutex_interface) {
504  #if !defined(__LP64__)  //非64爲系統
505      if (mutex_interface == NULL) {
506          return EINVAL;
507      }
508  #endif
510      pthread_mutex_internal_t* mutex = __get_internal_mutex(mutex_interface);
512      uint16_t old_state = atomic_load_explicit(&mutex->state, memory_order_relaxed); //old_state = mutex->state
513      uint16_t mtype = (old_state & MUTEX_TYPE_MASK);   //mtype =old_state &(((1 << (2))-1) << (14)) 也就是mtype =old_state & 49152
514      uint16_t shared = (old_state & MUTEX_SHARED_MASK);//shared =old_state &(((1 << (1))-1) << (13)) 也就是shared =old_state & 8192
515      // Avoid slowing down fast path of normal mutex lock operation.
516      if (__predict_true(mtype == MUTEX_TYPE_BITS_NORMAL)) {  //MUTEX_TYPE_BITS_NORMAL =0
517        if (__predict_true(__pthread_normal_mutex_trylock(mutex, shared) == 0)) {
518          return 0;  
519        }
520      }
521      return __pthread_mutex_lock_with_timeout(mutex, false, nullptr);
522  }
pthread_mutex_lock() 先判斷 是否可以直接獲取鎖,沒有其他線程在使用的時候可以獲取,通過__pthread_normal_mutex_trylock()來實現

275  static inline __always_inline int __pthread_normal_mutex_trylock(pthread_mutex_internal_t* mutex,
276                                                                   uint16_t shared) {
277      const uint16_t unlocked           = shared | MUTEX_STATE_BITS_UNLOCKED;  //MUTEX_STATE_BITS_UNLOCKED = 0
278      const uint16_t locked_uncontended = shared | MUTEX_STATE_BITS_LOCKED_UNCONTENDED; //MUTEX_STATE_BITS_LOCKED_UNCONTENDED = 16384
280      uint16_t old_state = unlocked;
         //如果 mutex->state == old_state, mutex->state = locked_uncontended
         //否則 mutex->state = old_state
281      if (__predict_true(atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(&mutex->state, &old_state, //
282                           locked_uncontended, memory_order_acquire, memory_order_relaxed))) {
283          return 0;  
284      }
285      return EBUSY;
286  }
__pthread_normal_mutex_trylock()會判讀mutex->state 是否等於old_state,如果相等 ,將 mutex->state 的值設置成 locked_uncontended,否則設置成old_state 。


421  static int __pthread_mutex_lock_with_timeout(pthread_mutex_internal_t* mutex,
422                                               bool use_realtime_clock,
423                                               const timespec* abs_timeout_or_null) {
424      uint16_t old_state = atomic_load_explicit(&mutex->state, memory_order_relaxed); //old_state = mutex->state
425      uint16_t mtype = (old_state & MUTEX_TYPE_MASK); //mtype =old_state &(((1 << (2))-1) << (14)) 也就是mtype =old_state & 49152
426      uint16_t shared = (old_state & MUTEX_SHARED_MASK); //shared =old_state &(((1 << (1))-1) << (13)) 也就是shared =old_state & 8192
428      // Handle common case first.
429      if ( __predict_true(mtype == MUTEX_TYPE_BITS_NORMAL) ) {  //MUTEX_TYPE_BITS_NORMAL = 0
430          return __pthread_normal_mutex_lock(mutex, shared, use_realtime_clock, abs_timeout_or_null);
431      }
...     //我們重點關注實現的流程,其他額外處理部分的代碼先不分析
501  }
接着走到__pthread_normal_mutex_lock(), 傳入的參數use_realtime_clock 爲false,abs_timeout_or_null 爲 nullptr

static inline __always_inline int __pthread_normal_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_internal_t* mutex,
301                                                                uint16_t shared,
302                                                                bool use_realtime_clock,
303                                                                const timespec* abs_timeout_or_null) {
304      if (__predict_true(__pthread_normal_mutex_trylock(mutex, shared) == 0)) {  //前面解釋過了
305          return 0;
306      }
307      int result = check_timespec(abs_timeout_or_null, true); //這裏會返回 0
308      if (result != 0) {
309          return result;
310      }
312      ScopedTrace trace("Contending for pthread mutex");
314      const uint16_t unlocked           = shared | MUTEX_STATE_BITS_UNLOCKED;
315      const uint16_t locked_contended = shared | MUTEX_STATE_BITS_LOCKED_CONTENDED;
317      // We want to go to sleep until the mutex is available, which requires
318      // promoting it to locked_contended. We need to swap in the new state
319      // and then wait until somebody wakes us up.
320      // An atomic_exchange is used to compete with other threads for the lock.
321      // If it returns unlocked, we have acquired the lock, otherwise another
322      // thread still holds the lock and we should wait again.
323      // If lock is acquired, an acquire fence is needed to make all memory accesses
324      // made by other threads visible to the current CPU.
 * atomic_exchange_explicit()執行的結果是mutex->state = locked_contended ,返回值是之前的 mutex->state
 * 所以這個條件可以理解成 uint16_t temp = mutex->state;mutex->state = locked_contended , temp != unlocked
325      while (atomic_exchange_explicit(&mutex->state, locked_contended,  
326                                      memory_order_acquire) != unlocked) { 
327          if (__futex_wait_ex(&mutex->state, shared, locked_contended, use_realtime_clock,
328                              abs_timeout_or_null) == -ETIMEDOUT) {
329              return ETIMEDOUT;
330          }
331      }
332      return 0;
333  }
首先會重新去獲取鎖,調用__pthread_normal_mutex_trylock() 嘗試去獲取,前面有介紹這個函數,如果還是拿不到,會走到最後的while 裏面,atomic_exchange_explicit() 的返回值是修改之前的mutex->state,也就是進入這個函數之前的mutex->state,如果狀態不是unlocked,繼續走到__futex_wait_ex(),


68  static inline int __futex_wait_ex(volatile void* ftx, bool shared, int value,
69                                    bool use_realtime_clock, const struct timespec* abs_timeout) {
70    return __futex(ftx, (shared ? FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET : FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE) |
71                   (use_realtime_clock ? FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME : 0), value, abs_timeout,
72                   FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY);
73  }

43  static inline __always_inline int __futex(volatile void* ftx, int op, int value,
44                                            const struct timespec* timeout,
45                                            int bitset) {
46    // Our generated syscall assembler sets errno, but our callers (pthread functions) don't want to.
47    int saved_errno = errno;
48    int result = syscall(__NR_futex, ftx, op, value, timeout, NULL, bitset);
49    if (__predict_false(result == -1)) {
50      result = -errno;
51      errno = saved_errno;
52    }
53    return result;
54  }


3243  SYSCALL_DEFINE6(futex, u32 __user *, uaddr, int, op, u32, val,
3244  		struct timespec __user *, utime, u32 __user *, uaddr2,
3245  		u32, val3)
3246  {
3275  	return do_futex(uaddr, op, val, tp, uaddr2, val2, val3);
3276  }

系統調用從user 空間切換到kernel 空間,前面的博客有詳細介紹過,這裏不再介紹,我們理所當然地認爲就調用到了kernel 的do_futex()。

傳入的參數uaddr 就是指向mutex->state 的地址,op 是FUTEX_WAIT/FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET, val 是上面的locked_contended,tp 是 NULL。

3185  long do_futex(u32 __user *uaddr, int op, u32 val, ktime_t *timeout,
3186  		u32 __user *uaddr2, u32 val2, u32 val3)
3187  {
3188  	int cmd = op & FUTEX_CMD_MASK;
3211  	switch (cmd) {
3212  	case FUTEX_WAIT:
3213  		val3 = FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY;
3214  	case FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET:
3215  		return futex_wait(uaddr, flags, val, timeout, val3); //原子檢查uaddr 的值是否和val相等
3238  	}
3239  	return -ENOSYS;
3240  }
根據前面參數的解釋,我們知道上面的case 會走到 futex_wait()

2402  static int futex_wait(u32 __user *uaddr, unsigned int flags, u32 val,
2403  		      ktime_t *abs_time, u32 bitset)
2404  {
2405  	struct hrtimer_sleeper timeout, *to = NULL;
2406  	struct restart_block *restart;
2407  	struct futex_hash_bucket *hb;
2408  	struct futex_q q = futex_q_init;
2409  	int ret;
2411  	if (!bitset)
2412  		return -EINVAL;
2413  	q.bitset = bitset;
2415  	if (abs_time) {
2416  		to = &timeout;
2418  		hrtimer_init_on_stack(&to->timer, (flags & FLAGS_CLOCKRT) ?
2420  				      HRTIMER_MODE_ABS);
2421  		hrtimer_init_sleeper(to, current);
2422  		hrtimer_set_expires_range_ns(&to->timer, *abs_time,
2423  					     current->timer_slack_ns);
2424  	}
2426  retry:
2427  	/*
2428  	 * Prepare to wait on uaddr. On success, holds hb lock and increments
2429  	 * q.key refs.
2430  	 */
2431  	ret = futex_wait_setup(uaddr, val, flags, &q, &hb); //
2432  	if (ret)
2433  		goto out;
2435  	/* queue_me and wait for wakeup, timeout, or a signal. */
2436  	futex_wait_queue_me(hb, &q, to);
2438  	/* If we were woken (and unqueued), we succeeded, whatever. */
2439  	ret = 0;
2440  	/* unqueue_me() drops q.key ref */
2441  	if (!unqueue_me(&q))
2442  		goto out;
2468  out:
2469  	if (to) {
2470  		hrtimer_cancel(&to->timer);
2471  		destroy_hrtimer_on_stack(&to->timer);
2472  	}
2473  	return ret;
2474  }
如果設置有超時,會掛到hrtimer(高精度實時定時器)上,這裏沒有設置,我們重點關注futex_wait_setup() 和futex_wait_queue_me()

static int futex_wait_setup(u32 __user *uaddr, u32 val, unsigned int flags,
2344  			   struct futex_q *q, struct futex_hash_bucket **hb)
2345  {
2346  	u32 uval;
2347  	int ret;
2367  retry:
2368  	ret = get_futex_key(uaddr, flags & FLAGS_SHARED, &q->key, VERIFY_READ);
2369  	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
2370  		return ret;
2372  retry_private:
2373  	*hb = queue_lock(q);
2375  	ret = get_futex_value_locked(&uval, uaddr);
2377  	if (ret) {
2378  		queue_unlock(*hb);
2380  		ret = get_user(uval, uaddr);
2381  		if (ret)
2382  			goto out;
2384  		if (!(flags & FLAGS_SHARED))
2385  			goto retry_private;
2387  		put_futex_key(&q->key);
2388  		goto retry;
2389  	}
2391  	if (uval != val) {
2392  		queue_unlock(*hb);
2393  		ret = -EWOULDBLOCK;
2394  	}
2396  out:
2397  	if (ret)
2398  		put_futex_key(&q->key);
2399  	return ret;
2400  }
這個函數裏面會比較mutex->state 和 val(locked_contended)是否相等,因爲可能這時候有線程把鎖釋放了,不相等表示可以拿到鎖了。

2294  static void futex_wait_queue_me(struct futex_hash_bucket *hb, struct futex_q *q,
2295  				struct hrtimer_sleeper *timeout)
2296  {
2297  	/*
2298  	 * The task state is guaranteed to be set before another task can
2299  	 * wake it. set_current_state() is implemented using smp_store_mb() and
2300  	 * queue_me() calls spin_unlock() upon completion, both serializing
2301  	 * access to the hash list and forcing another memory barrier.
2302  	 */
2303  	set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);  //可以被中斷
2304  	queue_me(q, hb);
2306  	/* Arm the timer */
2307  	if (timeout)
2308  		hrtimer_start_expires(&timeout->timer, HRTIMER_MODE_ABS);
2310  	/*
2311  	 * If we have been removed from the hash list, then another task
2312  	 * has tried to wake us, and we can skip the call to schedule().
2313  	 */
2314  	if (likely(!plist_node_empty(&q->list))) {
2315  		/*
2316  		 * If the timer has already expired, current will already be
2317  		 * flagged for rescheduling. Only call schedule if there
2318  		 * is no timeout, or if it has yet to expire.
2319  		 */
2320  		if (!timeout || timeout->task)
2321  			freezable_schedule();  //調用 schedule() 進行調度
2322  	}
2323  	__set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
2324  }
如果還是沒有拿到鎖,就會進入到上面的futex_wait_queue_me(),這個裏面會把當前進程設置爲可中斷的,並且把當前task_structr放到 futex_q 中。

2022  static inline void queue_me(struct futex_q *q, struct futex_hash_bucket *hb)
2023  	__releases(&hb->lock)
2024  {
2025  	int prio;
2027  	/*
2028  	 * The priority used to register this element is
2029  	 * - either the real thread-priority for the real-time threads
2030  	 * (i.e. threads with a priority lower than MAX_RT_PRIO)
2031  	 * - or MAX_RT_PRIO for non-RT threads.
2032  	 * Thus, all RT-threads are woken first in priority order, and
2033  	 * the others are woken last, in FIFO order.
2034  	 */
2035  	prio = min(current->normal_prio, MAX_RT_PRIO); //設置進程的優先級
2037  	plist_node_init(&q->list, prio);
2038  	plist_add(&q->list, &hb->chain);
2039  	q->task = current;
2040  	spin_unlock(&hb->lock);
2041  }
把當前task_structr放到 futex_q 後,調用freezable_schedule() 做進程調度,所以這個進程就被調度出去了。

168  static inline void freezable_schedule(void)
169  {
170  	freezer_do_not_count();
171  	schedule();
172  	freezer_count();
173  }
走到這裏,相當於當前進程陷入到kernel 的系統調用中,並且被調度出cpu的運行隊列,放到futex_q  隊列中。



524  int pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t* mutex_interface) {
525  #if !defined(__LP64__)
526      if (mutex_interface == NULL) {
527          return EINVAL;
528      }
529  #endif
531      pthread_mutex_internal_t* mutex = __get_internal_mutex(mutex_interface);
533      uint16_t old_state = atomic_load_explicit(&mutex->state, memory_order_relaxed);
534      uint16_t mtype  = (old_state & MUTEX_TYPE_MASK);
535      uint16_t shared = (old_state & MUTEX_SHARED_MASK);
537      // Handle common case first.
538      if (__predict_true(mtype == MUTEX_TYPE_BITS_NORMAL)) {
539          __pthread_normal_mutex_unlock(mutex, shared);
540          return 0;
541      }
571      return 0;
572  }

339  static inline __always_inline void __pthread_normal_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_internal_t* mutex,
340                                                                   uint16_t shared) {
341      const uint16_t unlocked         = shared | MUTEX_STATE_BITS_UNLOCKED;
342      const uint16_t locked_contended = shared | MUTEX_STATE_BITS_LOCKED_CONTENDED;
344      // We use an atomic_exchange to release the lock. If locked_contended state
345      // is returned, some threads is waiting for the lock and we need to wake up
346      // one of them.
347      // A release fence is required to make previous stores visible to next
348      // lock owner threads.
349      if (atomic_exchange_explicit(&mutex->state, unlocked,
350                                   memory_order_release) == locked_contended) {
351          // Wake up one waiting thread. We don't know which thread will be
352          // woken or when it'll start executing -- futexes make no guarantees
353          // here. There may not even be a thread waiting.
354          //
355          // The newly-woken thread will replace the unlocked state we just set above
356          // with locked_contended state, which means that when it eventually releases
357          // the mutex it will also call FUTEX_WAKE. This results in one extra wake
358          // call whenever a lock is contended, but let us avoid forgetting anyone
359          // without requiring us to track the number of sleepers.
360          //
361          // It's possible for another thread to sneak in and grab the lock between
362          // the exchange above and the wake call below. If the new thread is "slow"
363          // and holds the lock for a while, we'll wake up a sleeper, which will swap
364          // in locked_uncontended state and then go back to sleep since the lock is
365          // still held. If the new thread is "fast", running to completion before
366          // we call wake, the thread we eventually wake will find an unlocked mutex
367          // and will execute. Either way we have correct behavior and nobody is
368          // orphaned on the wait queue.
369          __futex_wake_ex(&mutex->state, shared, 1);
370      }
371  }

60  static inline int __futex_wake_ex(volatile void* ftx, bool shared, int count) {
61    return __futex(ftx, shared ? FUTEX_WAKE : FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, count, NULL, 0);
62  }

43  static inline __always_inline int __futex(volatile void* ftx, int op, int value,
44                                            const struct timespec* timeout,
45                                            int bitset) {
46    // Our generated syscall assembler sets errno, but our callers (pthread functions) don't want to.
47    int saved_errno = errno;
48    int result = syscall(__NR_futex, ftx, op, value, timeout, NULL, bitset);
49    if (__predict_false(result == -1)) {
50      result = -errno;
51      errno = saved_errno;
52    }
53    return result;
54  }

又是系統調用,這裏我們直接跳到kernel 的 do_futex() 
3185  long do_futex(u32 __user *uaddr, int op, u32 val, ktime_t *timeout,
3186  		u32 __user *uaddr2, u32 val2, u32 val3)
3187  {
3188  	int cmd = op & FUTEX_CMD_MASK;
3211  	switch (cmd) {
3216  	case FUTEX_WAKE:
3217  		val3 = FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY;
3218  	case FUTEX_WAKE_BITSET:
3219  		return futex_wake(uaddr, flags, val, val3);
3238  	}
3239  	return -ENOSYS;
3240  }
傳入的參數uaddr 指向&mutex->state,op 爲FUTEX_WAKE / FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE ,val等於 1,接着跑到futex_wake()

1411  static int
1412  futex_wake(u32 __user *uaddr, unsigned int flags, int nr_wake, u32 bitset)
1413  {
1414  	struct futex_hash_bucket *hb;
1415  	struct futex_q *this, *next;
1416  	union futex_key key = FUTEX_KEY_INIT;
1417  	int ret;
1418  	DEFINE_WAKE_Q(wake_q);
1420  	if (!bitset)
1421  		return -EINVAL;
1423  	ret = get_futex_key(uaddr, flags & FLAGS_SHARED, &key, VERIFY_READ);
1424  	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
1425  		goto out;
1427  	hb = hash_futex(&key);
1429  	/* Make sure we really have tasks to wakeup */
1430  	if (!hb_waiters_pending(hb))
1431  		goto out_put_key;
1433  	spin_lock(&hb->lock);
1435  	plist_for_each_entry_safe(this, next, &hb->chain, list) {
1436  		if (match_futex (&this->key, &key)) {
1437  			if (this->pi_state || this->rt_waiter) {
1438  				ret = -EINVAL;
1439  				break;
1440  			}
1442  			/* Check if one of the bits is set in both bitsets */
1443  			if (!(this->bitset & bitset))
1444  				continue;
1446  			mark_wake_futex(&wake_q, this);
1447  			if (++ret >= nr_wake)
1448  				break;
1449  		}
1450  	}
1452  	spin_unlock(&hb->lock);
1453  	wake_up_q(&wake_q); //喚醒隊列中的task_struct 
1454  out_put_key:
1455  	put_futex_key(&key);
1456  out:
1457  	return ret;
1458  }
根據上傳下來的值知道nr_wake 爲1,所以mark_wake_futex()只會跑一次。

1272  static void mark_wake_futex(struct wake_q_head *wake_q, struct futex_q *q)
1273  {
1274  	struct task_struct *p = q->task;
1276  	if (WARN(q->pi_state || q->rt_waiter, "refusing to wake PI futex\n"))
1277  		return;
1279  	/*
1280  	 * Queue the task for later wakeup for after we've released
1281  	 * the hb->lock. wake_q_add() grabs reference to p.
1282  	 */
1283  	wake_q_add(wake_q, p);
1284  	__unqueue_futex(q);
1285  	/*
1286  	 * The waiting task can free the futex_q as soon as
1287  	 * q->lock_ptr = NULL is written, without taking any locks. A
1288  	 * memory barrier is required here to prevent the following
1289  	 * store to lock_ptr from getting ahead of the plist_del.
1290  	 */
1291  	smp_wmb();
1292  	q->lock_ptr = NULL;
1293  }
mark_wake_futex() 就是把要喚醒的task_struct 放入wake_q 隊列中 ,wake_q_add() ,最後調用wake_up_q(&wake_q); 來喚醒(調度)task_struct, 所以前面獲取鎖的系統調用就會返回。

4、銷燬mutex pthread_mutex_destroy()

634  int pthread_mutex_destroy(pthread_mutex_t* mutex_interface) {
635      pthread_mutex_internal_t* mutex = __get_internal_mutex(mutex_interface);
636      uint16_t old_state = atomic_load_explicit(&mutex->state, memory_order_relaxed);
637      // Store 0xffff to make the mutex unusable. Although POSIX standard says it is undefined
638      // behavior to destroy a locked mutex, we prefer not to change mutex->state in that situation.
639      if (MUTEX_STATE_BITS_IS_UNLOCKED(old_state) && //old_state & 49152 == 0
640          atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(&mutex->state, &old_state, 0xffff,
641                                                  memory_order_relaxed, memory_order_relaxed)) {
642        return 0;
643      }
644      return EBUSY;
645  }
如果沒有線程在使用,就把mutex->state 設置成0xffff  ,表示不可用了

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