
// HandleTest2.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"

#include <Windows.h>

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include "SmartHandle.h"
#include "SmartPtr.h"
#include "TestClass.h"

// Testing the CAutoHandle template class.
// Additional feature: misusing of handle wrapper as pointer
// is not compiled.

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    // test smart handles
    CAutoLibrary hLibrary;
    hLibrary = LoadLibrary(_T("psapi.dll"));

    CAutoGeneralHandle hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);

    // hLibrary->unused = 0;            // not compiled, exactly as needed

    // test smart pointers

    CAutoPointer<CTestClass>::AutoPtr pTest = new CTestClass();

    CAutoArrayPointer<CTestClass>::AutoPtr pArrayTest = new CTestClass[2];

	return 0;

// SmartPtr.h#pragma once// Additional release algorithms which allow to use// CSmartHandle as smart pointer// *******************************************************************************// Release algorithm for plain pointer.// Using this release algorithm CSmartHandle works// like simple smart pointer.template <typename T, class PointedBy>struct CClosePointer{ void Close(T handle) { delete (PointedBy*)handle; }protected: ~CClosePointer() { }};// I want to make typedef for using CSmartHandle with CClosePointer policy.// However, I cannot do this because user needs to provide class name parameter.// I can use define:// #define CAUTOPOINTER(ClassName) CSmartHandle<ClassName*, CClosePointer, ClassName>// Client code is:// CAUTOPOINTER(CTestClass) pTestClass = new CTestClass();//// but more elegant solution is constructing new type:template <class T>struct CAutoPointer{ typedef CSmartHandle<T*, CClosePointer, T> AutoPtr;};// Client code is:// CAutoPointer<CTestClass>::AutoPtr pTestClass = new CTestClass();//// the struct CAutoPointer itself has no members apart from the type definition // and isn't instantiated, it's only used to provide the type member // which returns the type I need.// *******************************************************************************// Release algorithm for plain array.template <typename T, class PointedBy>struct CCloseArrayPointer{ void Close(T handle) { delete[] (PointedBy*)handle; }protected: ~CCloseArrayPointer() { }};//#define CAUTOARRAYPOINTER(ClassName) CSmartHandle<ClassName*, CCloseArrayPointer, ClassName>template <class T>struct CAutoArrayPointer{ typedef CSmartHandle<T*, CCloseArrayPointer, T> AutoPtr;};


可能大部分人觉得对一个handle关闭多次不会有问题, 但在管家项目中,就出现这样的Crash.

为了防止这样的问题: 就必须使用智能指针.


// SmartHandle.h

#pragma once

// Class CSmartHandle works like Jeffrey Richter's EnsureCleanup class
// (Windows HANDLE wrapper which releases handle in destructor).
// The change: instead of release function pointer it uses template 
// class (using the same technique as described in 
// Modern C++ Design by Andrei Alexandrescu.
// Classes CCloseHandle, CCloseRegKey... are releasing policies.
// These classes are templates. Class CSmartHandle has second parameter
// ReleaseAlgorithm which is release policy template.
// This means, CSmartHandle template declaration contains
// nesting template. This code is compiled in Visual Stidio .NET 2003
// but not compiled in previous versions.
// Protected destructors prevent client code to release CSmartHandle
// using release pointer code (see Modern C++ Design, 
// 1.7  Destructors of Policy Classes).
// Additional PointedBy algorithm prevents misusing of the smart handle
// instance as smart pointer (using -> with handle is not compiled).

// Release algorithms (release policies)

template <typename T, class PointedBy>
struct CCloseHandle
    void Close(T handle)
        cout << "Handle is released" << endl;         // for testing


template <typename T, class PointedBy>
struct CCloseRegKey
    void Close(T handle)


template <typename T, class PointedBy>
struct CCloseLibrary
    void Close(T handle)
        cout << "Library is released" << endl;        // for testing


template <typename T, class PointedBy>
struct CCloseViewOfFile
    void Close(T handle)


// Empty class used as default CAutoHandle template parameter.
class CEmptyClass

// Class CSmartHandle which implements release policy.
// Second template parameter is ReleaseAlgorithm which is template itself.

template <typename HandleType, 
          template <class, class> class ReleaseAlgorithm, 
          class PointedBy = CEmptyClass,          // used for smart pointers
          HandleType NULL_VALUE = NULL>
class CSmartHandle : public ReleaseAlgorithm<HandleType, PointedBy>
        m_Handle = NULL_VALUE;

    CSmartHandle(HandleType h)
        m_Handle = h;

    HandleType operator=(HandleType h) 
        m_Handle = h;

    operator HandleType()
        return m_Handle;

    PointedBy* operator->()                 // for using as smart pointer
        // NOTE: adding this operator allows to use CAutoHandle object as pointer.
        // However, if PointedBy is CHandlePlaceHolder (used for handles),
        // this is not compiled because CHandlePlaceHolder has no functions.
        // This is exactly what I need.
        return m_Handle;

    BOOL IsValid()
        return m_Handle != NULL_VALUE;


    void CleanUp()
        if ( m_Handle != NULL_VALUE )
            m_Handle = NULL_VALUE;

    HandleType m_Handle;

// Client code (definitions of standard Windows handles).
typedef CSmartHandle<HANDLE,  CCloseHandle>		                    CAutoGeneralHandle;
typedef CSmartHandle<HKEY,    CCloseRegKey>		                    CAutoRegKey;
typedef CSmartHandle<PVOID,   CCloseViewOfFile>	                    CAutoViewOfFile;
typedef CSmartHandle<HMODULE, CCloseLibrary>		                CAutoLibrary;
typedef CSmartHandle<HANDLE,  CCloseHandle, CEmptyClass, 
                    INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE>                           CAutoFile;

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