


(1) Two public classes in the same file. (illegal)




(2) Main method calling a non-static method. (illegal) 


在main(String[] args)方法內調用一個非靜態方法。(非法) 


(3) Methods with the same name as the constructor(s). 


(這種題常有) 與Constructor(s)有相同名字的方法。 


(4) Thread initiation with classes that do not have a run() method. 


(常考之題 ) 初始化了一個沒有run()方法的線程類。 


(5) Local inner classes trying to access non-final vars. (illegal)




(6) Case statements with values out of permissible range. (byte,int, short, char) 選擇語句case中,沒有使用允許的值。如(byte,int,short,char)等 


(7) Math class being an option for immutable classes !! (totally wrong!) 




(8) instanceOf is not same as instanceof. 


instanceOf 不是 instanceof(正確)。 


(9) Private constructors. (legal)



私有的Constructor。 (合法) 


(10) An assignment statement which looks like a comparison. 


一個 賦值語句 看起來像 比較語句。 比如說if(a=true),和if(a==true)。對於這種題眼睛亮一點。 


(11) System.exit() in try-catch-finally blocks. (finally 不會執行) 


在try-catch-final塊中的退出語句。 (finally不會執行) 


(12) Order of try-catch-finally blocks matters. 


(若順序錯的話: error: No try before catch) try-catch-final塊的順序問題。 


(13) main() can be declared final. (OK) 


main()方法 可以聲明爲 final. 


(14) -0.0 == 0.0 is true. 如題。 


(15) A class without abstract methods can still be declared abstract 




(16) RandomAccessFile descends from Object and implements DataInput and Data Output. 


RandomAccessFile 類繼承Object,並且實現了DataInput和DataOutput接口。 


(17) Map does not implement Collection. 


Map 並不實現 Collection. 


(18) Dictionary is a class, not an interface. 


Dictionary 是一個類,不是接口。 


(19) Collection is an Interface where as Collections is a helper class. 


(這題我倒沒見過,但還真容易看混) Collection是一個接口,但 Collections卻是一




(20) Class declarations can come in any order. 


(也就是說: class Child extends Parents{} class Parents{} 這種順序是可以的.) 可以以任何順序申明類。 


(21) Forward references to variables gives compiler error.


把 reference 給 變量,會產生編譯錯誤。 (請提意見) 


(22) Multi dimensional arrays can be sparce. 


(這句話是說: 多維數組中子數組不一定必須有一定個數的元素,比如我們把一個二維




(23) Arrays, whether local or class-level, are always initialized. 




(24) Strings are initialized to null, not empty string. 


String 是被初始化爲 null,不是空字符。 


(25) An empty string is NOT the same as a null string.



一個空字符串 不是 一個null字符。 


(26) A declaration cannot be labelled. 




(27) "continue" must be in a loop(for, do, while). It cannot appear in case constructs. 




(28) Primitive array types can never be assigned to each other, eventhough the primitives themselves can be assigned. (也就是說: ArrayofLongPrimitives = ArrayofIntegerPrimitives 會編譯出錯,但 longvar = intvar 是合法的) Primitive(int,char,long等)數組是不能互相賦值的,即使它們本身可以。 


(29) A constructor can throw any exception. 一個Constructor可以拋出任何異常。 


(30) Initilializer blocks are executed in the order of declaration. 




(31) Instance initializer(s) gets executed ONLY IF the objects are constructed.


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(32) All comparisons involving NaN and a non-NaN would always result false. 


(對大多數朋友來說這可是個盲點噢)所有關於 NaN(Not a Number) 和 non-NaN 的比


較,都返回false. 這條很重要。 


(33) Default type of a numeric literal with a decimal point is double.



'z(w(?2V$u5o2J,h我在這裏把Java成員變量默認初始化原則寫一下: 成員變量類型 取值 byte 0 short 0 


int 0 long 0L char‘/u0000’float 0.0F double 0.0D boolean false 所有引用類型 null 


(34) integer (and long ) operations / and % can throw ArithmeticException while float / and % will never, even in case of division by zero. 


integer和long 操作 /和% 的話,會拋出ArithmeticException,但是 float形不會,即使是除以0。 


(35) == gives compiler error if the operands are cast-incompatible. 




(36) You can never cast objects of sibling classes( sharing the same parent ), even 


with an explicit cast. 


你永遠不可能轉化具有同一個超類的類的對象,即使是刻意轉化。class A class sonA extends A 對這種情況: sonA 和 daughterA 之間不能相互轉化。即:sonA son = (sonA) daughterA();是非法的。而:sonA son = (sonA) A();A father = (A) sonA();是合法的。 


(37) .equals returns false if the object types are different.It does not raise a compiler error


. equals() 返回 false 如果對象類型不同,但不產生編譯錯誤。 


(38) No inner class can have a static member.(but static inner class can) 




(39) File class has NO methods to deal with the contents of the file.(also t he existing 






(40) InputStream and OutputStream are abstract classes, while DataInput and DataOutput are interfaces. 


InputStream 和 OutputStream 是 抽象類,是 DataInput 和 DataOutput是 接口

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