

 'script to high light code In document

Private Function isKeyword(w) As Boolean

   Dim keys As New Collection

   With keys

       .Add " If": .Add "Else": .Add "Switch":.Add "Case": .Add "Default": .Add "Break"

       .Add "Goto": .Add "Return": .Add "For":.Add "While": .Add "Do": .Add "Continue"

       .Add "As": .Add "SizeOf": .Add "NULL":.Add "New": .Add "Delete": .Add "Throw"

       .Add "Try": .Add "Catch": .Add "Each":.Add "Operator": .Add "Class": .Add "Me"

       .Add "Ctype": .Add "Select": .Add "Case":.Add "Continue": .Add "Sub": .Add "Function"

       .Add "End": .Add "Imports": .Add "Loop":.Add "GetType": .Add "And": .Add "AndAlso"

       .Add "Or": .Add "OrElse": .Add "Not": .Add"Nothing": .Add "True": .Add "False"

       .Add "Then": .Add "Else": .Add "Exit"

   End With

   isKeyword = isSpecial(w, keys)

End Function

Private Function isSpecial(ByVal w AsString, ByRef col As Collection) As Boolean

   For Each i In col

       If w = i Then

           isSpecial = True

           Exit Function

       End If


   isspeical = False

End Function

Private Function isOperator(w) As Boolean

   Dim ops As New Collection

   With ops

       .Add "+": .Add "-": .Add "*": .Add"/": .Add "&": .Add "^": .Add ";"

       .Add "%": .Add "#": .Add "!": .Add":": .Add ",": .Add "."

       .Add "||": .Add "&&": .Add "|":.Add "=": .Add "++": .Add "--"

       .Add "'": .Add """"

   End With

   isOperator = isSpecial(w, ops)

End Function

Private Function isType(ByVal w As String)As Boolean

   Dim types As New Collection

   With types

       .Add "Double": .Add "Structure": .Add"Enum": .Add "Single": .Add "String": .Add"Integer": .Add "Private"

       .Add "Public": .Add "Friend": .Add"Protected": .Add "MustOverrides": .Add"Overrides": .Add "OverLoads": .Add "Char"

       .Add "My": .Add "DataRow": .Add"TimeSpan": .Add "DataTime": .Add "Boolean": .Add"Class": .Add " Dim"

       .Add "Form": .Add "DataTable": .Add"Int16": .Add "Control": .Add "Array": .Add"virtual"

       .Add "List": .Add "Exception": .Add"StringBuilder"

   End With

   isType = isSpecial(w, types)

End Function

Public Sub SyntaxHighlight()

   Dim wordCount As Integer

   Dim d As Integer

    'set the style of selection

   'Selection.Style = "SyntexCode"


    d= 0

   wordCount = Selection.Words.Count

   Selection.StartOf wdWord

   While d < wordCount

       d = d + Selection.MoveRight(wdWord, 1, wdExtend)

       w = Selection.Text

       If isKeyword(Trim(w)) = True Then

           Selection.Font.Color = wdColorBlue

       ElseIf isType(Trim(w)) = True Then

           Selection.Font.Color = wdColorLightBlue

           Selection.Font.Bold = True

       ElseIf isOperator(Trim(w)) = True Then

           Selection.Font.Color = wdColorBrown

       ElseIf Trim(w) = "//"Then

           'lIne comment

           Selection.MoveEnd wdLine, 1

           commentWords = Selection.Words.Count

           d = d + commentWords

           Selection.Font.Color = wdColorGreen

           Selection.MoveStart wdWord, commentWords

        ElseIf Trim(w) = "/*" Then

           'block comment

           While Selection.Characters.Last <> "/"

                Selection.MoveLeft wdCharacter,1, wdExtend


                Selection.MoveRightwdCharacter, 2, wdExtend


           commentWords = Selection.Words.Count

           d = d + commentWords

           Selection.Font.Color = wdColorGreen

           Selection.MoveStart wdWord, commentWords

       End If

       'move the start of selection to next word

       Selection.MoveStart wdWord


    'prepare For set lIne number

   Selection.MoveLeft wdWord, wordCount, wdExtend


End Sub

Private Sub SetLIneNumber()

   Dim lines As Integer

   lines = Selection.Paragraphs.Count

   Selection.StartOf wdParagraph

   For l = 1 To lines

       lIneNum = l & " "

       If l < 10 Then

           lIneNum = lIneNum & " "

       End If

       Selection.Text = lIneNum

       Selection.Font.Bold = False

       Selection.Font.Color = wdColorAutomatic

       p = Selection.MoveDown(wdLine, 1, wdMove)

       Selection.StartOf wdLine

   Next l

End Sub


End Sub

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