Hive metastore源碼閱讀(二)

  最近隨着項目的深入,發現hive meta有些弊端,就是你會發現它的元數據操作與操作物理集羣的代碼耦合在一起,非常不利於擴展。比如:在create_table的時候同時進行路徑校驗及創建,如下代碼:

 1   if (!TableType.VIRTUAL_VIEW.toString().equals(tbl.getTableType())) {
 2           if (tbl.getSd().getLocation() == null
 3               || tbl.getSd().getLocation().isEmpty()) {
 4             tblPath = wh.getTablePath(
 5                 ms.getDatabase(tbl.getDbName()), tbl.getTableName());
 6           } else {
 7             if (!isExternal(tbl) && !MetaStoreUtils.isNonNativeTable(tbl)) {
 8               LOG.warn("Location: " + tbl.getSd().getLocation()
 9                   + " specified for non-external table:" + tbl.getTableName());
10             }
11             tblPath = wh.getDnsPath(new Path(tbl.getSd().getLocation()));
12           }
13           tbl.getSd().setLocation(tblPath.toString());
14         }
16         if (tblPath != null) {
17           if (!wh.isDir(tblPath)) {
18             if (!wh.mkdirs(tblPath, true)) {
19               throw new MetaException(tblPath
20                   + " is not a directory or unable to create one");
21             }
22             madeDir = true;
23           }

   所以這是meta無法統一所有元數據的原因麼。。其實hive metastore的代碼從大的來看,就好比元數據的增刪改查,從上次梳理中我們看到,在創建HiveMetaStore的init方法中,同時創建了三種Listener---MetaStorePreEventListener,MetaStoreEventListener,MetaStoreEndFunctionListener用於對每一步事件的監聽與記錄。同時呢,它還new出了WareHouse,用以進行物理操作。


 1     public void init() throws MetaException {
 2       rawStoreClassName = hiveConf.getVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.METASTORE_RAW_STORE_IMPL);
 3       initListeners = MetaStoreUtils.getMetaStoreListeners(
 4           MetaStoreInitListener.class, hiveConf,
 5           hiveConf.getVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.METASTORE_INIT_HOOKS));
 6       for (MetaStoreInitListener singleInitListener: initListeners) {
 7           MetaStoreInitContext context = new MetaStoreInitContext();
 8           singleInitListener.onInit(context);
 9       }
11       String alterHandlerName = hiveConf.get("hive.metastore.alter.impl",
12           HiveAlterHandler.class.getName());
13       alterHandler = (AlterHandler) ReflectionUtils.newInstance(MetaStoreUtils.getClass(
14           alterHandlerName), hiveConf);
15       wh = new Warehouse(hiveConf);
16         。。。。
17     }

 接下來,我們從元數據的生命週期開始,學習下Partiiton的生命週期。在HiveMetaStoreClient中,查找add_partition作爲入口,這種操作在我們insert overwrite 以表中某個字段爲分區時,比如dt=20170830,作用到的操作。或者是add_partitions,創建分區表後進行數據的導入,那麼會創建多個分區路徑,下面以add_partiitons爲例:

 1   public int add_partitions(List<Partition> new_parts)
 2       throws InvalidObjectException, AlreadyExistsException, MetaException,
 3       TException {
 4     return client.add_partitions(new_parts);
 5   }
 7   @Override
 8   public List<Partition> add_partitions(
 9       List<Partition> parts, boolean ifNotExists, boolean needResults)
10       throws InvalidObjectException, AlreadyExistsException, MetaException, TException {
11     if (parts.isEmpty()) {
12       return needResults ? new ArrayList<Partition>() : null;
13     }
14     Partition part = parts.get(0);
15     AddPartitionsRequest req = new AddPartitionsRequest(
16         part.getDbName(), part.getTableName(), parts, ifNotExists);
17     req.setNeedResult(needResults);
18     AddPartitionsResult result = client.add_partitions_req(req);
19     return needResults ? filterHook.filterPartitions(result.getPartitions()) : null;
20   }



 1    private List<Partition> add_partitions_core(
 2         RawStore ms, String dbName, String tblName, List<Partition> parts, boolean ifNotExists)
 3             throws MetaException, InvalidObjectException, AlreadyExistsException, TException {
 4       logInfo("add_partitions");
 5       boolean success = false;
 6       // Ensures that the list doesn't have dups, and keeps track of directories we have created.
 7       Map<PartValEqWrapper, Boolean> addedPartitions = new HashMap<PartValEqWrapper, Boolean>();
 8       List<Partition> result = new ArrayList<Partition>();
 9       List<Partition> existingParts = null;
10       Table tbl = null;
11       try {
12         ms.openTransaction();
13         tbl = ms.getTable(dbName, tblName);
14         if (tbl == null) {
15           throw new InvalidObjectException("Unable to add partitions because "
16               + "database or table " + dbName + "." + tblName + " does not exist");
17         }
19         if (!parts.isEmpty()) {
20           firePreEvent(new PreAddPartitionEvent(tbl, parts, this));
21         }
23         for (Partition part : parts) {
24           if (!part.getTableName().equals(tblName) || !part.getDbName().equals(dbName)) {
25             throw new MetaException("Partition does not belong to target table "
26                 + dbName + "." + tblName + ": " + part);
27           }
28           boolean shouldAdd = startAddPartition(ms, part, ifNotExists);
29           if (!shouldAdd) {
30             if (existingParts == null) {
31               existingParts = new ArrayList<Partition>();
32             }
33             existingParts.add(part);
34   "Not adding partition " + part + " as it already exists");
35             continue;
36           }
37           boolean madeDir = createLocationForAddedPartition(tbl, part);
38           if (addedPartitions.put(new PartValEqWrapper(part), madeDir) != null) {
39             // Technically, for ifNotExists case, we could insert one and discard the other
40             // because the first one now "exists", but it seems better to report the problem
41             // upstream as such a command doesn't make sense.
42             throw new MetaException("Duplicate partitions in the list: " + part);
43           }
44           initializeAddedPartition(tbl, part, madeDir);
45           result.add(part);
46         }
47         if (!result.isEmpty()) {
48           success = ms.addPartitions(dbName, tblName, result);
49         } else {
50           success = true;
51         }
52         success = success && ms.commitTransaction();
53       } finally {
54         if (!success) {
55           ms.rollbackTransaction();
56           for (Entry<PartValEqWrapper, Boolean> e : addedPartitions.entrySet()) {
57             if (e.getValue()) {
58               wh.deleteDir(new Path(e.getKey().partition.getSd().getLocation()), true);
59               // we just created this directory - it's not a case of pre-creation, so we nuke
60             }
61           }
62           fireMetaStoreAddPartitionEvent(tbl, parts, null, false);
63         } else {
64           fireMetaStoreAddPartitionEvent(tbl, result, null, true);
65           if (existingParts != null) {
66             // The request has succeeded but we failed to add these partitions.
67             fireMetaStoreAddPartitionEvent(tbl, existingParts, null, false);
68           }
69         }
70       }
71       return result;
72     }
View Code


  1、ms.openTransaction(),這個上次已經提到過,是爲了保證操作的原子性。隨後 tbl = ms.getTable(dbName, tblName);





  6、待物理操作完畢之後,進行ms.addPartitions(dbName, tblName, result)元數據信息的meta錄入。


Map<PartValEqWrapper, Boolean> addedPartitions = new HashMap<PartValEqWrapper, Boolean>();將partition對象作爲key,mkdir成功失敗的布爾值作爲value,最終通過判斷value的值,來刪除創建成功的partition.

  刪除,和查詢就不說了,因爲太過簡單,那麼alter_partition來了,client.alter_partition(dbName, tblName, newPart);從client端調用我也不說了~,傳入dbName,tbleName以及新的partition,隨之在hivemetaStore中調用了rename_partition方法:


    public void rename_partition(final String db_name, final String tbl_name,
        final List<String> part_vals, final Partition new_part)
        throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException, TException {
      // Call rename_partition without an environment context.
      rename_partition(db_name, tbl_name, part_vals, new_part, null);

    private void rename_partition(final String db_name, final String tbl_name,
        final List<String> part_vals, final Partition new_part,
        final EnvironmentContext envContext)
        throws InvalidOperationException, MetaException,
        TException {
      startTableFunction("alter_partition", db_name, tbl_name);

      if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"New partition values:" + new_part.getValues());
        if (part_vals != null && part_vals.size() > 0) {
"Old Partition values:" + part_vals);

      Partition oldPart = null;
      Exception ex = null;
      try {
        firePreEvent(new PreAlterPartitionEvent(db_name, tbl_name, part_vals, new_part, this));

        if (part_vals != null && !part_vals.isEmpty()) {

        oldPart = alterHandler.alterPartition(getMS(), wh, db_name, tbl_name, part_vals, new_part);

        // Only fetch the table if we actually have a listener
        Table table = null;
        for (MetaStoreEventListener listener : listeners) {
          if (table == null) {
            table = getMS().getTable(db_name, tbl_name);
          AlterPartitionEvent alterPartitionEvent =
              new AlterPartitionEvent(oldPart, new_part, table, true, this);
      } catch (InvalidObjectException e) {
        ex = e;
        throw new InvalidOperationException(e.getMessage());
      } catch (AlreadyExistsException e) {
        ex = e;
        throw new InvalidOperationException(e.getMessage());
      } catch (Exception e) {
        ex = e;
        if (e instanceof MetaException) {
          throw (MetaException) e;
        } else if (e instanceof InvalidOperationException) {
          throw (InvalidOperationException) e;
        } else if (e instanceof TException) {
          throw (TException) e;
        } else {
          throw newMetaException(e);
      } finally {
        endFunction("alter_partition", oldPart != null, ex, tbl_name);






  private void updatePartColumnStats(RawStore msdb, String dbName, String tableName,
      List<String> partVals, Partition newPart) throws MetaException, InvalidObjectException {
    dbName = HiveStringUtils.normalizeIdentifier(dbName);
    tableName = HiveStringUtils.normalizeIdentifier(tableName);
    String newDbName = HiveStringUtils.normalizeIdentifier(newPart.getDbName());
    String newTableName = HiveStringUtils.normalizeIdentifier(newPart.getTableName());

    Table oldTable = msdb.getTable(dbName, tableName);
    if (oldTable == null) {

    try {
      String oldPartName = Warehouse.makePartName(oldTable.getPartitionKeys(), partVals);
      String newPartName = Warehouse.makePartName(oldTable.getPartitionKeys(), newPart.getValues());
      if (!dbName.equals(newDbName) || !tableName.equals(newTableName)
          || !oldPartName.equals(newPartName)) {
        msdb.deletePartitionColumnStatistics(dbName, tableName, oldPartName, partVals, null);
      } else {
        Partition oldPartition = msdb.getPartition(dbName, tableName, partVals);
        if (oldPartition == null) {
        if (oldPartition.getSd() != null && newPart.getSd() != null) {
        List<FieldSchema> oldCols = oldPartition.getSd().getCols();
          if (!MetaStoreUtils.areSameColumns(oldCols, newPart.getSd().getCols())) {
            updatePartColumnStatsForAlterColumns(msdb, oldPartition, oldPartName, partVals, oldCols, newPart);
    } catch (NoSuchObjectException nsoe) {
      LOG.debug("Could not find db entry." + nsoe);
    } catch (InvalidInputException iie) {
      throw new InvalidObjectException("Invalid input to update partition column stats." + iie);




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