Android Art Hook 技術方案

Android Art Hook 技術方案

by 低端碼農 at 2015.4.13

0x1 開始

Anddroid上的ART從5.0之後變成默認的選擇,可見ART的重要性,目前關於Dalvik Hook方面研究的文章很多,但我在網上卻找不到關於ART Hook相關的文章,甚至連鼎鼎大名的XPosed和Cydia Substrate到目前爲止也不支持ART的Hook。當然我相信,技術方案他們肯定是的,估計卡在機型適配上的了。


應該說明的是本文所介紹的方法肯定不是最好的,但大家看完本文之後,如果能啓發大家找到更好的ART Hook方法,那我拋磚引玉的目的就達到了。廢話不多說,我們開始吧。

  • 運行環境: 4.4.2 ART模式的模擬器
  • 開發環境: Mac OS X 10.10.3

0x2 ART類方法加載及執行

在ART中類方法的執行要比在Dalvik中要複雜得多,Dalvik如果除去JIT部分,可以理解爲是一個解析執行的虛擬機,而ART則同時包含本地指令執行和解析執行兩種模式,同時所生成的oat文件也包含兩種類型,分別是portable和quick。portable和quick的主要區別是對於方法的加載機制不相同,quick大量使用了Lazy Load機制,因此應用的啓動速度更快,但加載流程更復雜。其中quick是作爲默認選項,因此本文所涉及的技術分析都是基於quick類型的。





  • ArtMethod加載流程


static void LinkCode(SirtRef<mirror::ArtMethod>& method, const OatFile::OatClass* oat_class, uint32_t method_index)
    SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {

  // Method shouldn't have already been linked.
  DCHECK(method->GetEntryPointFromCompiledCode() == NULL);
  // Every kind of method should at least get an invoke stub from the oat_method.
  // non-abstract methods also get their code pointers.
  const OatFile::OatMethod oat_method = oat_class->GetOatMethod(method_index);

  // 這裏默認會把method::entry_point_from_compiled_code_設置oatmethod的code

  // Install entry point from interpreter.
  Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
  bool enter_interpreter = NeedsInterpreter(method.get(), method->GetEntryPointFromCompiledCode()); //判斷方法是否需要解析執行

  // 設置解析執行的入口點
  if (enter_interpreter) {
  } else {

  // 下面是設置本地指令執行的入口點
  if (method->IsAbstract()) {

  // 這裏比較難理解,如果是靜態方法,但不是clinit,但需要把entry_point_from_compiled_code_設置爲GetResolutionTrampoline的返回值
  if (method->IsStatic() && !method->IsConstructor()) {
    // For static methods excluding the class initializer, install the trampoline.
    // It will be replaced by the proper entry point by ClassLinker::FixupStaticTrampolines
    // after initializing class (see ClassLinker::InitializeClass method).
  } else if (enter_interpreter) {
    // Set entry point from compiled code if there's no code or in interpreter only mode.

  if (method->IsNative()) {
    // Unregistering restores the dlsym lookup stub.

  // Allow instrumentation its chance to hijack code.


  1. Interpreter2Interpreter對應artInterpreterToInterpreterBridge(art/runtime/interpreter/;
  2. Interpreter2CompledCode對應artInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(/art/runtime/entrypoints/interpreter/;
  3. CompliedCode2Interpreter對應art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge(art/runtime/arch/arm/quick_entrypoints_arm.S);
  4. CompliedCode2ResolutionTrampoline對應art_quick_resolution_trampoline(art/runtime/arch/arm/quick_entrypoints_arm.S);
  5. CompliedCode2CompliedCode這個入口是直接指向oat中的指令,詳細可見OatMethod::LinkMethod;


  1. typedef void (EntryPointFromInterpreter)(Thread* self, MethodHelper& mh, const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result), 這種對應上述1,3兩種入口;
  2. 剩下的2,4,5三種入口對應的是CompledCode的入口,代碼中並沒有直接給出,但我們通過分析ArtMethod::Invoke的方法調用,就可以知道其調用約定了。Invoke過程中會調用art_quick_invoke_stub(/art/runtime/arch/arm/quick_entrypoints_arm.S),代碼如下所示:

     * Quick invocation stub.
     * On entry:
     *   r0 = method pointer
     *   r1 = argument array or NULL for no argument methods
     *   r2 = size of argument array in bytes
     *   r3 = (managed) thread pointer
     *   [sp] = JValue* result
     *   [sp + 4] = result type char
    ENTRY art_quick_invoke_stub
    push   {r0, r4, r5, r9, r11, lr}       @ spill regs
    .save  {r0, r4, r5, r9, r11, lr}
    .pad #24
    .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 24
    .cfi_rel_offset r0, 0
    .cfi_rel_offset r4, 4
    .cfi_rel_offset r5, 8
    .cfi_rel_offset r9, 12
    .cfi_rel_offset r11, 16
    .cfi_rel_offset lr, 20
    mov    r11, sp                         @ save the stack pointer
    .cfi_def_cfa_register r11
    mov    r9, r3                          @ move managed thread pointer into r9
    mov    r4, #SUSPEND_CHECK_INTERVAL     @ reset r4 to suspend check interval
    add    r5, r2, #16                     @ create space for method pointer in frame
    and    r5, #0xFFFFFFF0                 @ align frame size to 16 bytes
    sub    sp, r5                          @ reserve stack space for argument array
    add    r0, sp, #4                      @ pass stack pointer + method ptr as dest for memcpy
    bl     memcpy                          @ memcpy (dest, src, bytes)
    ldr    r0, [r11]                       @ restore method*
    ldr    r1, [sp, #4]                    @ copy arg value for r1
    ldr    r2, [sp, #8]                    @ copy arg value for r2
    ldr    r3, [sp, #12]                   @ copy arg value for r3
    mov    ip, #0                          @ set ip to 0
    str    ip, [sp]                        @ store NULL for method* at bottom of frame
    ldr    ip, [r0, #METHOD_CODE_OFFSET]   @ get pointer to the code
    blx    ip                              @ call the method
    mov    sp, r11                         @ restore the stack pointer
    ldr    ip, [sp, #24]                   @ load the result pointer
    strd   r0, [ip]                        @ store r0/r1 into result pointer
    pop    {r0, r4, r5, r9, r11, lr}       @ restore spill regs
    .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -24
    bx     lr
    END art_quick_invoke_stub

“ldr ip, [r0, #METHOD_CODE_OFFSET]”其實就是把ArtMethod::entry_point_from_compiled_code_賦值給ip,然後通過blx直接調用。通過這段小小的彙編代碼,我們得出如下堆棧的佈局:

   | caller(Method *)   | <- sp 
   | arg1               | <- r1
   | arg2               | <- r2
   | arg3               | <- r3
   | ...                | 
   | argN               |
   | callee(Method *)   | <- r0

這種調用約定並不是平時我們所見的調用約定,主要體現在參數當超過4時,並不是從sp開始保存,而是從sp + 20這個位置開始存儲,所以這就是爲什麼在代碼裏entry_point_from_compiled_code_的類型是void *的原因了,因爲無法用代碼表示。


  • ArtMethod執行流程

上面詳細講述了類方法加載和鏈接的過程,但在實際執行的過程中,其實還不是直接調用ArtMethod的entry_point(解析執行和本地指令執行的入口),爲了加快執行速度,ART爲oat文件中的每個dex創建了一個DexCache(art/runtime/mirror/dex_cache.h)結構,這個結構會按dex的結構生成一系列的數組,這裏我們只分析它裏面的methods字段。 DexCache初始化的方法是Init,實現如下:

void DexCache::Init(const DexFile* dex_file,
                    String* location,
                    ObjectArray<String>* strings,
                    ObjectArray<Class>* resolved_types,
                    ObjectArray<ArtMethod>* resolved_methods,
                    ObjectArray<ArtField>* resolved_fields,
                    ObjectArray<StaticStorageBase>* initialized_static_storage) {
  Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
  if (runtime->HasResolutionMethod()) {
    // Initialize the resolve methods array to contain trampolines for resolution.
    ArtMethod* trampoline = runtime->GetResolutionMethod();
    size_t length = resolved_methods->GetLength();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      resolved_methods->SetWithoutChecks(i, trampoline);


mirror::ArtMethod* Runtime::CreateResolutionMethod() {
  mirror::Class* method_class = mirror::ArtMethod::GetJavaLangReflectArtMethod();
  Thread* self = Thread::Current();
      method(self, down_cast<mirror::ArtMethod*>(method_class->AllocObject(self)));
  // TODO: use a special method for resolution method saves
  // When compiling, the code pointer will get set later when the image is loaded.
  Runtime* r = Runtime::Current();
  ClassLinker* cl = r->GetClassLinker();
  method->SetEntryPointFromCompiledCode(r->IsCompiler() ? NULL : GetResolutionTrampoline(cl));
  return method.get();


    .extern artQuickResolutionTrampoline
ENTRY art_quick_resolution_trampoline
    mov     r2, r9                 @ pass Thread::Current
    mov     r3, sp                 @ pass SP
    blx     artQuickResolutionTrampoline  @ (Method* called, receiver, Thread*, SP)
    cbz     r0, 1f                 @ is code pointer null? goto exception
    mov     r12, r0
    ldr  r0, [sp, #0]              @ load resolved method in r0
    ldr  r1, [sp, #8]              @ restore non-callee save r1
    ldrd r2, [sp, #12]             @ restore non-callee saves r2-r3
    ldr  lr, [sp, #44]             @ restore lr
    add  sp, #48                   @ rewind sp
    .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -48
    bx      r12                    @ tail-call into actual code
END art_quick_resolution_trampoline


// Lazily resolve a method for quick. Called by stub code.
extern "C" const void* artQuickResolutionTrampoline(mirror::ArtMethod* called,
                                                    mirror::Object* receiver,
                                                    Thread* thread, mirror::ArtMethod** sp)
    SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
  FinishCalleeSaveFrameSetup(thread, sp, Runtime::kRefsAndArgs);
  // Start new JNI local reference state
  JNIEnvExt* env = thread->GetJniEnv();
  ScopedObjectAccessUnchecked soa(env);
  ScopedJniEnvLocalRefState env_state(env);
  const char* old_cause = thread->StartAssertNoThreadSuspension("Quick method resolution set up");

  // Compute details about the called method (avoid GCs)
  ClassLinker* linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
  mirror::ArtMethod* caller = QuickArgumentVisitor::GetCallingMethod(sp);
  InvokeType invoke_type;
  const DexFile* dex_file;
  uint32_t dex_method_idx;
  if (called->IsRuntimeMethod()) {
  } else {
    invoke_type = kStatic;
    dex_file = &MethodHelper(called).GetDexFile();
    dex_method_idx = called->GetDexMethodIndex();


  // Resolve method filling in dex cache.
  if (called->IsRuntimeMethod()) {
    called = linker->ResolveMethod(dex_method_idx, caller, invoke_type);

  const void* code = NULL;
  if (LIKELY(!thread->IsExceptionPending())) {

    linker->EnsureInitialized(called_class, true, true);

  // ...
  return code;
inline bool ArtMethod::IsRuntimeMethod() const {
  return GetDexMethodIndex() == DexFile::kDexNoIndex;


mirror::ArtMethod* ClassLinker::ResolveMethod(const DexFile& dex_file,
                                                   uint32_t method_idx,
                                                   mirror::DexCache* dex_cache,
                                                   mirror::ClassLoader* class_loader,
                                                   const mirror::ArtMethod* referrer,
                                                   InvokeType type) {
  DCHECK(dex_cache != NULL);
  // Check for hit in the dex cache.
  mirror::ArtMethod* resolved = dex_cache->GetResolvedMethod(method_idx);
  if (resolved != NULL) {
    return resolved;
  // Fail, get the declaring class.
  const DexFile::MethodId& method_id = dex_file.GetMethodId(method_idx);
  mirror::Class* klass = ResolveType(dex_file, method_id.class_idx_, dex_cache, class_loader);

  if (klass == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  // Scan using method_idx, this saves string compares but will only hit for matching dex
  // caches/files.
  switch (type) {
    case kDirect:  // Fall-through.
    case kStatic:
      resolved = klass->FindDirectMethod(dex_cache, method_idx);
    case kInterface:
      resolved = klass->FindInterfaceMethod(dex_cache, method_idx);
      DCHECK(resolved == NULL || resolved->GetDeclaringClass()->IsInterface());
    case kSuper:  // Fall-through.
    case kVirtual:
      resolved = klass->FindVirtualMethod(dex_cache, method_idx);
      LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable - invocation type: " << type;

  if (resolved == NULL) {
    // Search by name, which works across dex files.
    const char* name = dex_file.StringDataByIdx(method_id.name_idx_);
    std::string signature(dex_file.CreateMethodSignature(method_id.proto_idx_, NULL));
    switch (type) {
      case kDirect:  // Fall-through.
      case kStatic:
        resolved = klass->FindDirectMethod(name, signature);
      case kInterface:
        resolved = klass->FindInterfaceMethod(name, signature);
        DCHECK(resolved == NULL || resolved->GetDeclaringClass()->IsInterface());
      case kSuper:  // Fall-through.
      case kVirtual:
        resolved = klass->FindVirtualMethod(name, signature);

  if (resolved != NULL) {
    // Be a good citizen and update the dex cache to speed subsequent calls.
    dex_cache->SetResolvedMethod(method_idx, resolved);
    return resolved;
  } else {
    // ...



  1. 調用ResolutionMethod的entrypoint,進入art_quick_resolution_trampoline;
  2. art_quick_resolution_trampoline跳轉到artQuickResolutionTrampoline;
  3. artQuickResolutionTrampoline調用ClassLinker::ResolveMethod解析類方法;
  4. ClassLinker::ResolveMethod調用ClassLinkder::ResolveType解析類,再從解析好的類尋找真正的方法;
  5. 調用DexCache::SetResolvedMethod,用真正的方法覆蓋掉“替身”方法;
  6. 調用真正方法的entrypoint代碼;

也許你會問,爲什麼要把過程搞得這麼繞? 一切都是爲了延遲加載,提高啓動速度,這個過程跟ELF Linker的PLT/GOT符號重定向的過程是何其相似啊,所以技術都是想通的,一通百明。

0x3 Hook ArtMethod

通過上述ArtMethod加載和執行兩個流程的分析,對於如何Hook ArtMethod,我想到了兩個方案,分別

  1. 修改DexCach裏的methods,把裏面的entrypoint修改爲自己的,做一箇中轉處理;
  2. 直接修改加載後的ArtMethod的entrypoint,同樣做一箇中轉處理;




extern int __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden"))) art_java_method_hook(JNIEnv* env, HookInfo *info) {
    const char* classDesc = info->classDesc;
    const char* methodName = info->methodName;
    const char* methodSig = info->methodSig;
    const bool isStaticMethod = info->isStaticMethod;

    // TODO we can find class by special classloader what do just like dvm
    jclass claxx = env->FindClass(classDesc);
    if(claxx == NULL){
        LOGE("[-] %s class not found", classDesc);
        return -1;

    jmethodID methid = isStaticMethod ?
            env->GetStaticMethodID(claxx, methodName, methodSig) :
            env->GetMethodID(claxx, methodName, methodSig);

    if(methid == NULL){
        LOGE("[-] %s->%s method not found", classDesc, methodName);
        return -1;

    ArtMethod *artmeth = reinterpret_cast<ArtMethod *>(methid);

    if(art_quick_dispatcher != artmeth->GetEntryPointFromCompiledCode()){
        uint64_t (*entrypoint)(ArtMethod* method, Object *thiz, u4 *arg1, u4 *arg2);
        entrypoint = (uint64_t (*)(ArtMethod*, Object *, u4 *, u4 *))artmeth->GetEntryPointFromCompiledCode();

        info->entrypoint = (const void *)entrypoint;
        info->nativecode = artmeth->GetNativeMethod();

        artmeth->SetEntryPointFromCompiledCode((const void *)art_quick_dispatcher);

        // save info to nativecode :)
        artmeth->SetNativeMethod((const void *)info);

        LOGI("[+] %s->%s was hooked\n", classDesc, methodName);
        LOGW("[*] %s->%s method had been hooked", classDesc, methodName);

    return 0;




 * Art Quick Dispatcher.
 * On entry:
 *   r0 = method pointer
 *   r1 = arg1
 *   r2 = arg2
 *   r3 = arg3
 *   [sp] = method pointer
 *   [sp + 4] = addr of thiz
 *   [sp + 8] = addr of arg1
 *   [sp + 12] = addr of arg2
 *   [sp + 16] = addr of arg3
 * and so on
    .extern artQuickToDispatcher
ENTRY art_quick_dispatcher
    push    {r4, r5, lr}           @ sp - 12
    mov     r0, r0                 @ pass r0 to method
    str     r1, [sp, #(12 + 4)]
    str     r2, [sp, #(12 + 8)]
    str     r3, [sp, #(12 + 12)]
    mov     r1, r9                 @ pass r1 to thread
    add     r2, sp, #(12 + 4)      @ pass r2 to args array
    add     r3, sp, #12            @ pass r3 to old SP
    blx     artQuickToDispatcher   @ (Method* method, Thread*, u4 **, u4 **)
    pop     {r4, r5, pc}           @ return on success, r0 and r1 hold the result
END art_quick_dispatcher


extern "C" uint64_t artQuickToDispatcher(ArtMethod* method, Thread *self, u4 **args, u4 **old_sp){
    HookInfo *info = (HookInfo *)method->GetNativeMethod();
    LOGI("[+] entry ArtHandler %s->%s", info->classDesc, info->methodName);

    // If it not is static method, then args[0] was pointing to this
        Object *thiz = reinterpret_cast<Object *>(args[0]);
        if(thiz != NULL){
            char *bytes = get_chars_from_utf16(thiz->GetClass()->GetName());
            LOGI("[+] thiz class is %s", bytes);
            delete bytes;

    const void *entrypoint = info->entrypoint;
    method->SetNativeMethod(info->nativecode); //restore nativecode for JNI method
    uint64_t res = art_quick_call_entrypoint(method, self, args, old_sp, entrypoint);

    JValue* result = (JValue* )&res;
    if(result != NULL){
        Object *obj = result->l;
        char *raw_class_name = get_chars_from_utf16(obj->GetClass()->GetName());

        if(strcmp(raw_class_name, "java.lang.String") == 0){
            char *raw_string_value = get_chars_from_utf16((String *)obj);
            LOGI("result-class %s, result-value \"%s\"", raw_class_name, raw_string_value);
            LOGI("result-class %s", raw_class_name);


    // entrypoid may be replaced by trampoline, only once.
//  if(method->IsStatic() && !method->IsConstructor()){

    entrypoint = method->GetEntryPointFromCompiledCode();
    if(entrypoint != (const void *)art_quick_dispatcher){
        LOGW("[*] entrypoint was replaced. %s->%s", info->classDesc, info->methodName);

        method->SetEntryPointFromCompiledCode((const void *)art_quick_dispatcher);
        info->entrypoint = entrypoint;
        info->nativecode = method->GetNativeMethod();

    method->SetNativeMethod((const void *)info);

//  }

    return res;



 * Art Quick Call Entrypoint
 * On entry:
 *  r0 = method pointer
 *  r1 = thread pointer
 *  r2 = args arrays pointer
 *  r3 = old_sp
 *  [sp] = entrypoint
ENTRY art_quick_call_entrypoint
    push    {r4, r5, lr}           @ sp - 12
    sub     sp, #(40 + 20)         @ sp - 40 - 20
    str     r0, [sp, #(40 + 0)]    @ var_40_0 = method_pointer
    str     r1, [sp, #(40 + 4)]    @ var_40_4 = thread_pointer
    str     r2, [sp, #(40 + 8)]    @ var_40_8 = args_array
    str     r3, [sp, #(40 + 12)]   @ var_40_12 = old_sp
    mov     r0, sp
    mov     r1, r3
    ldr     r2, =40
    blx     memcpy                 @ memcpy(dest, src, size_of_byte)
    ldr     r0, [sp, #(40 + 0)]    @ restore method to r0
    ldr     r1, [sp, #(40 + 4)]
    mov     r9, r1                 @ restore thread to r9
    ldr     r5, [sp, #(40 + 8)]    @ pass r5 to args_array
    ldr     r1, [r5]               @ restore arg1
    ldr     r2, [r5, #4]           @ restore arg2
    ldr     r3, [r5, #8]           @ restore arg3
    ldr     r5, [sp, #(40 + 20 + 12)] @ pass ip to entrypoint
    blx     r5
    add     sp, #(40 + 20)
    pop     {r4, r5, pc}           @ return on success, r0 and r1 hold the result
END art_quick_call_entrypoint

這裏我偷懶了,直接申請了10個參數的空間,再使用之前傳進入來的old_sp進行恢復,使用memcpy直接複製40字節。之後就是還原r0, r1, r2, r3, r9的值了。調用entrypoint完後,結果保存在r0和r1,再返回給artQuickToDispatcher。

至此,整個ART Hook就分析完畢了。

0x4 4.4與5.X上實現的區別



0x5 結束

雖然這篇文章只是介紹了Art Hook的技術方案,但其中的技術原理,對於如何在ART上進行代碼加固、動態代碼還原等等也是很有啓發性。



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