17 - 05 - 28 MySQL的 information_schema


大家在安装或使用MYSQL时,会发现除了自己安装的数据库以外,还有一个information_schema数据库。 information_schema数据库是做什么用的呢,使用WordPress博客的朋友可能会想,是不是安装模板添加的数据库呀?看完本片文章 后,你就会对information_schema数据库有所了解。

在MySQL中,把 information_schema 看作是一个数据库,确切说是信息数据库。其中保存着关于MySQL服务器所维护的所有其他数据库的信息。如数据库名,数据库的表,表栏的数据类型与访问权 限等。在INFORMATION_SCHEMA中,有数个只读表。它们实际上是视图,而不是基本表,因此,你将无法看到与之相关的任何文件。


SCHEMATA表:提供了当前mysql实例中所有数据库的信息。是show databases的结果取之此表。

TABLES表:提供了关于数据库中的表的信息(包括视图)。详细表述了某个表属于哪个schema,表类型,表引擎,创建时间等信息。是show tables from schemaname的结果取之此表。

COLUMNS表:提供了表中的列信息。详细表述了某张表的所有列以及每个列的信息。是show columns from schemaname.tablename的结果取之此表。

STATISTICS表:提供了关于表索引的信息。是show index from schemaname.tablename的结果取之此表。





CHARACTER_SETS(字符集)表:提供了mysql实例可用字符集的信息。是SHOW CHARACTER SET结果集取之此表。





ROUTINES表:提供了关于存储子程序(存储程序和函数)的信息。此时,ROUTINES表不包含自定义函数(UDF)。名为“mysql.proc name”的列指明了对应于INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES表的mysql.proc表列。

VIEWS表:给出了关于数据库中的视图的信息。需要有show views权限,否则无法查看视图信息。



INFORMATION_SCHEMA provides access to database metadata, information about the MySQL server such as the name of a database or table, the data type of a column, or access privileges. Other terms that are sometimes used for this information are data dictionary and system catalog.


INFORMATION_SCHEMA is a database within each MySQL instance, the place that stores information about all the other databases that the MySQL server maintains. The INFORMATION_SCHEMA database contains several read-only tables. They are actually views, not base tables, so there are no files associated with them, and you cannot set triggers on them. Also, there is no database directory with that name.

Although you can select INFORMATION_SCHEMA as the default database with a USE statement, you can only read the contents of tables, not performINSERTUPDATE, or DELETE operations on them.


Here is an example of a statement that retrieves information from INFORMATION_SCHEMA:

mysql> SELECT table_name, table_type, engine
       FROM information_schema.tables
       WHERE table_schema = 'db5'
       ORDER BY table_name;
| table_name | table_type | engine |
| fk         | BASE TABLE | InnoDB |
| fk2        | BASE TABLE | InnoDB |
| goto       | BASE TABLE | MyISAM |
| into       | BASE TABLE | MyISAM |
| k          | BASE TABLE | MyISAM |
| kurs       | BASE TABLE | MyISAM |
| loop       | BASE TABLE | MyISAM |
| pk         | BASE TABLE | InnoDB |
| t          | BASE TABLE | MyISAM |
| t2         | BASE TABLE | MyISAM |
| t3         | BASE TABLE | MyISAM |
| t7         | BASE TABLE | MyISAM |
| tables     | BASE TABLE | MyISAM |
| v          | VIEW       | NULL   |
| v2         | VIEW       | NULL   |
| v3         | VIEW       | NULL   |
| v56        | VIEW       | NULL   |
17 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Explanation: The statement requests a list of all the tables in database db5, showing just three pieces of information: the name of the table, its type, and its storage engine.

Character Set Considerations

The definition for character columns (for example, TABLES.TABLE_NAME) is generally VARCHAR(N) CHARACTER SET utf8 where N is at least 64. MySQL uses the default collation for this character set (utf8_general_ci) for all searches, sorts, comparisons, and other string operations on such columns.

Because some MySQL objects are represented as files, searches in INFORMATION_SCHEMA string columns can be affected by file system case sensitivity. For more information, see Section, “Using Collation in INFORMATION_SCHEMA Searches”.

INFORMATION_SCHEMA as Alternative to SHOW Statements

The SELECT ... FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA statement is intended as a more consistent way to provide access to the information provided by the various SHOW statements that MySQL supports (SHOW DATABASESSHOW TABLES, and so forth). Using SELECT has these advantages, compared to SHOW:

  • It conforms to Codd's rules, because all access is done on tables.

  • You can use the familiar syntax of the SELECT statement, and only need to learn some table and column names.

  • The implementor need not worry about adding keywords.

  • You can filter, sort, concatenate, and transform the results from INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries into whatever format your application needs, such as a data structure or a text representation to parse.

  • This technique is more interoperable with other database systems. For example, Oracle Database users are familiar with querying tables in the Oracle data dictionary.

Because SHOW is familiar and widely used, the SHOW statements remain as an alternative. In fact, along with the implementation of INFORMATION_SCHEMA, there are enhancements to SHOW as described in Section 21.33, “Extensions to SHOW Statements”.


Each MySQL user has the right to access these tables, but can see only the rows in the tables that correspond to objects for which the user has the proper access privileges. In some cases (for example, the ROUTINE_DEFINITION column in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES table), users who have insufficient privileges see NULL. These restrictions do not apply for InnoDB tables; you can see them with only the PROCESS privilege.

The same privileges apply to selecting information from INFORMATION_SCHEMA and viewing the same information through SHOW statements. In either case, you must have some privilege on an object to see information about it.

Performance Considerations

INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries that search for information from more than one database might take a long time and impact performance. To check the efficiency of a query, you can use EXPLAIN. For information about using EXPLAIN output to tune INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries, see Section 8.2.3, “Optimizing INFORMATION_SCHEMA Queries”.

Standards Considerations

The implementation for the INFORMATION_SCHEMA table structures in MySQL follows the ANSI/ISO SQL:2003 standard Part 11 Schemata. Our intent is approximate compliance with SQL:2003 core feature F021 Basic information schema.

Users of SQL Server 2000 (which also follows the standard) may notice a strong similarity. However, MySQL has omitted many columns that are not relevant for our implementation, and added columns that are MySQL-specific. One such column is the ENGINE column in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES table.

Although other DBMSs use a variety of names, like syscat or system, the standard name is INFORMATION_SCHEMA.

To avoid using any name that is reserved in the standard or in DB2, SQL Server, or Oracle, we changed the names of some columns marked MySQL extension. (For example, we changed COLLATION to TABLE_COLLATION in the TABLES table.) See the list of reserved words near the end of this article:https://web.archive.org/web/20070428032454/http://www.dbazine.com/db2/db2-disarticles/gulutzan5.

Conventions in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA Reference Sections

The following sections describe each of the tables and columns in INFORMATION_SCHEMA. For each column, there are three pieces of information:

  • INFORMATION_SCHEMA Name indicates the name for the column in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA table. This corresponds to the standard SQL name unless the Remarks field says MySQL extension.

  • SHOW Name indicates the equivalent field name in the closest SHOW statement, if there is one.

  • Remarks provides additional information where applicable. If this field is NULL, it means that the value of the column is always NULL. If this field says MySQL extension, the column is a MySQL extension to standard SQL.

Many sections indicate what SHOW statement is equivalent to a SELECT that retrieves information from INFORMATION_SCHEMA. For SHOW statements that display information for the default database if you omit a FROM db_name clause, you can often select information for the default database by adding an AND TABLE_SCHEMA = SCHEMA() condition to the WHERE clause of a query that retrieves information from an INFORMATION_SCHEMA table.

Related Information

These sections discuss additional INFORMATION_SCHEMA-related topics:



大家在安装或使用MYSQL时,会发现除了自己安装的数据库以外,还有一个information_schema数据库。 information_schema数据库是做什么用的呢,使用WordPress博客的朋友可能会想,是不是安装模板添加的数据库呀?看完本片文章 后,你就会对information_schema数据库有所了解。

在MySQL中,把 information_schema 看作是一个数据库,确切说是信息数据库。其中保存着关于MySQL服务器所维护的所有其他数据库的信息。如数据库名,数据库的表,表栏的数据类型与访问权 限等。在INFORMATION_SCHEMA中,有数个只读表。它们实际上是视图,而不是基本表,因此,你将无法看到与之相关的任何文件。


SCHEMATA表:提供了当前mysql实例中所有数据库的信息。是show databases的结果取之此表。

TABLES表:提供了关于数据库中的表的信息(包括视图)。详细表述了某个表属于哪个schema,表类型,表引擎,创建时间等信息。是show tables from schemaname的结果取之此表。

COLUMNS表:提供了表中的列信息。详细表述了某张表的所有列以及每个列的信息。是show columns from schemaname.tablename的结果取之此表。

STATISTICS表:提供了关于表索引的信息。是show index from schemaname.tablename的结果取之此表。





CHARACTER_SETS(字符集)表:提供了mysql实例可用字符集的信息。是SHOW CHARACTER SET结果集取之此表。





ROUTINES表:提供了关于存储子程序(存储程序和函数)的信息。此时,ROUTINES表不包含自定义函数(UDF)。名为“mysql.proc name”的列指明了对应于INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES表的mysql.proc表列。

VIEWS表:给出了关于数据库中的视图的信息。需要有show views权限,否则无法查看视图信息。


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