spring EhCache緩存之annotation註解



2.在classpath下增加ehcache配置文件 ehcache.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ehcache updateCheck="false">
    <diskStore path="java.io.tmpdir"/>
       diskPersistent:是否緩存虛擬機重啓期數據 Whether the disk store persists between restarts 
                of the Virtual Machine. The default value is false.

   <cache name="QY_api_productTop" maxElementsInMemory="10000" eternal="false"
           timeToIdleSeconds="20" timeToLiveSeconds="20" overflowToDisk="false"
           diskPersistent="false" diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds="1"/>

3.spring配置文件 applicationContext.xml 需要注意添加紅色斜體部分配置

 xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/cache http://www.springframework.org/schema/cache/spring-cache-3.2.xsd"

<!-- 啓用緩存註解功能,這個是必須的,否則註解不會生效,另外,該註解一定要聲明在spring主配置文件中才會生效 -->
<cache:annotation-driven cache-manager="ehcacheManager"/>
<!-- cacheManager工廠類,指定ehcache.xml的位置 -->
<bean id="ehcacheManagerFactory" class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManagerFactoryBean">
<property name="configLocation" value="classpath:ehcache.xml" />
<!-- 聲明cacheManager -->
<bean id="ehcacheManager" class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheCacheManager">
<property name="cacheManager" ref="ehcacheManagerFactory" />


4.1 Using Spring 3.1      spring 3.1 及以上版本配置


Cache a method call. In the following example, the value is the return type, a Manual. The key is extracted from the ISBN argument using the id.

public Manual findManual(ISBN isbn, boolean checkWarehouse)

  key="#isbn.id"  對象緩存的key值,需要保證唯一,用的是Spring的 SpEL表達式, 取值爲 isbn對象的id屬性值


還支持條件condition,包括 屬性 id<10,如下:

@Cacheable(value = "QY_api_productTop",key="#isbn.id",condition = "#isbn.id<10")
public Manual findManual(ISBN isbn, boolean checkWarehouse)



Clears the cache when called.   清除QY_api_productTop緩存中所有對象

@org.springframework.cache.annotation.CacheEvict(value = "QY_api_productTop",
public void loadManuals(Long id)


@CacheEvict(value = "QY_api_productTop", key = "#id")
public void loadManuals(Long id)

4.2 Spring 2.5 to 3.1  版本配置   還依賴以下jar








This open source, led by Eric Dalquist, predates the Spring 3.1 project. You can use it with earlier versions of Spring, or you can use it with 3.1.


As with Spring 3.1 it uses an @Cacheable annotation to cache a method. In this example calls to findMessage are stored in a cache named “messageCache”. The values are of type Message. The id for each entry is the id argument given.

@Cacheable(cacheName = "messageCache")
public Message findMessage(long id)


And for cache invalidation, there is the @TriggersRemove annotation. In this example, cache.removeAll() is called after the method is invoked.

@TriggersRemove(cacheName = "messagesCache",
when = When.AFTER_METHOD_INVOCATION, removeAll = true)
public void addMessage(Message message)

5.測試驗證, 查看打印出來的sql


<prop key="hibernate.show_sql">true</prop>

 5.1 第一次訪問緩存方法後在緩存時間內多次訪問查看是否有sql輸出  ,  沒有爲緩存正常

 5.2 第二次輸出時間和第一次時間間隔是不是大於 ehcache.xml中設置的時間     大於爲緩存正常

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