高德地圖API POI分類編碼表(mysql版)

高德地圖API POI分類編碼表(mysql版)




Navicat MySQL Data Transfer

Source Server         : 本地數據庫
Source Server Version : 80011
Source Host           : localhost:3306
Source Database       : test

Target Server Type    : MYSQL
Target Server Version : 80011
File Encoding         : 65001

Date: 2018-06-06 18:00:39


-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for gaode_poi_category
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `gaode_poi_category`;
CREATE TABLE `gaode_poi_category` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '高德poi分類編碼表',
  `new_type` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '類型編號',
  `big_category_text` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '大類中文名',
  `mid_category_text` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '中類中文名',
  `sub_category_text` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '小類中文名',
  `big_category` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '大類',
  `mid_category` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '中類',
  `sub_category` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '小類',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
)   COMMENT='高德poi分類編碼表';

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of gaode_poi_category
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('1', '010000', '汽車服務', '汽車服務相關', '汽車服務相關', 'Auto Service', 'Automobile Service Related', 'Automobile Service Related');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('2', '010100', '汽車服務', '加油站', '加油站', 'Auto Service', 'Filling Station', 'Filling Station');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('3', '010101', '汽車服務', '加油站', '中國石化', 'Auto Service', 'Filling Station', 'Sinopec');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('4', '010102', '汽車服務', '加油站', '中國石油', 'Auto Service', 'Filling Station', 'PetroChina');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('5', '010103', '汽車服務', '加油站', '殼牌', 'Auto Service', 'Filling Station', 'Shell');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('6', '010104', '汽車服務', '加油站', '美孚', 'Auto Service', 'Filling Station', 'Mobil');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('7', '010105', '汽車服務', '加油站', '加德士', 'Auto Service', 'Filling Station', 'Caltex');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('8', '010107', '汽車服務', '加油站', '東方', 'Auto Service', 'Filling Station', 'FEOSO');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('9', '010108', '汽車服務', '加油站', '中石油碧闢', 'Auto Service', 'Filling Station', 'BP PetroChina');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('10', '010109', '汽車服務', '加油站', '中石化碧闢', 'Auto Service', 'Filling Station', 'BP Sinopec');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('11', '010110', '汽車服務', '加油站', '道達爾', 'Auto Service', 'Filling Station', 'TOTAL');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('12', '010111', '汽車服務', '加油站', '埃索', 'Auto Service', 'Filling Station', 'ESSO');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('13', '010112', '汽車服務', '加油站', '中化道達爾', 'Auto Service', 'Filling Station', 'TOTAL-SINOCHEM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('14', '010200', '汽車服務', '其它能源站', '其它能源站', 'Auto Service', 'Other Energy Station', 'Other Energy Station');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('15', '010300', '汽車服務', '加氣站', '加氣站', 'Auto Service', 'Filling Station', 'Filling Station');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('16', '010400', '汽車服務', '汽車養護/裝飾', '汽車養護', 'Auto Service', 'Automobile Maintenance/Decoration', 'Automobile Maintenance');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('17', '010401', '汽車服務', '汽車養護/裝飾', '加水站', 'Auto Service', 'Automobile Maintenance/Decoration', 'Add Water Station');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('18', '010500', '汽車服務', '洗車場', '洗車場', 'Auto Service', 'Car Wash', 'Car Wash');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('19', '010600', '汽車服務', '汽車俱樂部', '汽車俱樂部', 'Auto Service', 'Automobile Club', 'Automobile Club');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('20', '010700', '汽車服務', '汽車救援', '汽車救援', 'Auto Service', 'Automobile Rescue', 'Automobile Rescue');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('21', '010800', '汽車服務', '汽車配件銷售', '汽車配件銷售', 'Auto Service', 'Automobile Parts Sales', 'Automobile Parts Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('22', '010900', '汽車服務', '汽車租賃', '汽車租賃', 'Auto Service', 'Automobile Rental', 'Automobile Rental');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('23', '010901', '汽車服務', '汽車租賃', '汽車租賃還車', 'Auto Service', 'Automobile Rental', 'Rent-a-Car Return');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('24', '011000', '汽車服務', '二手車交易', '二手車交易', 'Auto Service', 'Used Automobile Dealer', 'Used Automobile Dealer');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('25', '011100', '汽車服務', '充電站', '充電站', 'Auto Service', 'Charging Station', 'Charging Station');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('26', '020000', '汽車銷售', '汽車銷售', '汽車銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Automobile Sales', 'Automobile Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('27', '020100', '汽車銷售', '大衆特約銷售', '大衆銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Volkswagen Franchised Sales', 'Volkswagen Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('28', '020101', '汽車銷售', '大衆特約銷售', '上海大衆銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Volkswagen Franchised Sales', 'Shanghai Volkswagen Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('29', '020102', '汽車銷售', '大衆特約銷售', '一汽-大衆銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Volkswagen Franchised Sales', 'FAW-Volkswagen Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('30', '020103', '汽車銷售', '大衆特約銷售', '斯柯達銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Volkswagen Franchised Sales', 'Skoda Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('31', '020104', '汽車銷售', '大衆特約銷售', '進口大衆銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Volkswagen Franchised Sales', 'Import Volkswagen Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('32', '020105', '汽車銷售', '大衆特約銷售', '賓利銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Volkswagen Franchised Sales', 'Bentley Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('33', '020106', '汽車銷售', '大衆特約銷售', '蘭博基尼銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Volkswagen Franchised Sales', 'Lamborghini Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('34', '020200', '汽車銷售', '本田特約銷售', '本田銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Honda Franchised Sales', 'Honda Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('35', '020201', '汽車銷售', '本田特約銷售', '廣汽本田銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Honda Franchised Sales', 'GAC Honda Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('36', '020202', '汽車銷售', '本田特約銷售', '東風本田銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Honda Franchised Sales', 'Dongfeng Honda Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('37', '020203', '汽車銷售', '本田特約銷售', '本田謳歌銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Honda Franchised Sales', 'Acura Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('38', '020300', '汽車銷售', '奧迪特約銷售', '奧迪銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Audi Franchised Sales', 'Audi Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('39', '020301', '汽車銷售', '奧迪特約銷售', '一汽-大衆奧迪銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Audi Franchised Sales', 'FAW-Audi Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('40', '020400', '汽車銷售', '通用特約銷售', '通用銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'General Motors Franchised Sales', 'General Motors Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('41', '020401', '汽車銷售', '通用特約銷售', '凱迪拉克銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'General Motors Franchised Sales', 'Cadillac Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('42', '020402', '汽車銷售', '通用特約銷售', '別克銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'General Motors Franchised Sales', 'Buick Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('43', '020403', '汽車銷售', '通用特約銷售', '雪佛蘭銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'General Motors Franchised Sales', 'Chevrolet Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('44', '020404', '汽車銷售', '通用特約銷售', '歐寶銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'General Motors Franchised Sales', 'Opel Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('45', '020405', '汽車銷售', '通用特約銷售', '薩博銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'General Motors Franchised Sales', 'Saab Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('46', '020406', '汽車銷售', '通用特約銷售', '沃克斯豪爾銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'General Motors Franchised Sales', 'Vauxhall Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('47', '020407', '汽車銷售', '通用特約銷售', '土星銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'General Motors Franchised Sales', 'Saturn Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('48', '020408', '汽車銷售', '通用特約銷售', '大宇銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'General Motors Franchised Sales', 'Daewoo Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('49', '020600', '汽車銷售', '寶馬特約銷售', '寶馬銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'BMW Franchised Sales', 'BMW Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('50', '020601', '汽車銷售', '寶馬特約銷售', '寶馬MINI銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'BMW Franchised Sales', 'BMW MINI Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('51', '020602', '汽車銷售', '寶馬特約銷售', '勞斯萊斯銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'BMW Franchised Sales', 'Rolls-Royce Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('52', '020700', '汽車銷售', '日產特約銷售', '日產銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Nissan Franchised Sales', 'Nissan Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('53', '020701', '汽車銷售', '日產特約銷售', '東風日產銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Nissan Franchised Sales', 'Dongfeng Nissan Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('54', '020702', '汽車銷售', '日產特約銷售', '鄭州日產銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Nissan Franchised Sales', 'Zhengzhou Nissan Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('55', '020703', '汽車銷售', '日產特約銷售', '英菲尼迪銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Nissan Franchised Sales', 'Infiniti Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('56', '020800', '汽車銷售', '雷諾特約銷售', '雷諾銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Renault Franchised Sales', 'Renault Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('57', '020900', '汽車銷售', '梅賽德斯-奔馳特約銷售', '梅賽德斯-奔馳銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Mercedes-Benz Franchised Sales', 'Mercedes-Benz Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('58', '020904', '汽車銷售', '梅賽德斯-奔馳特約銷售', '邁巴赫銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Mercedes-Benz Franchised Sales', 'Maybach Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('59', '020905', '汽車銷售', '梅賽德斯-奔馳特約銷售', '精靈銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Mercedes-Benz Franchised Sales', 'Smart Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('60', '021000', '汽車銷售', '豐田特約銷售', '豐田銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Toyota Franchised Sales', 'Toyota Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('61', '021001', '汽車銷售', '豐田特約銷售', '一汽豐田銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Toyota Franchised Sales', 'FAW-Toyota Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('62', '021002', '汽車銷售', '豐田特約銷售', '廣汽豐田銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Toyota Franchised Sales', 'GAC Toyota Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('63', '021003', '汽車銷售', '豐田特約銷售', '雷克薩斯銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Toyota Franchised Sales', 'Lexus Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('64', '021004', '汽車銷售', '豐田特約銷售', '大發銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Toyota Franchised Sales', 'Daihatsu Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('65', '021100', '汽車銷售', '斯巴魯特約銷售', '斯巴魯銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Subaru Franchised Sales', 'Subaru Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('66', '021200', '汽車銷售', '標緻雪鐵龍特約銷售', '雪鐵龍銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Peugeot Citroen Franchised Sales', 'Citroen Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('67', '021201', '汽車銷售', '標緻雪鐵龍特約銷售', '東風雪鐵龍銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Peugeot Citroen Franchised Sales', 'Dongfeng Citroen Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('68', '021202', '汽車銷售', '標緻雪鐵龍特約銷售', '東風標緻銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Peugeot Citroen Franchised Sales', 'Dongfeng Peugeot Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('69', '021203', '汽車銷售', '標緻雪鐵龍特約銷售', 'DS銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Peugeot Citroen', 'DS Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('70', '021300', '汽車銷售', '三菱特約銷售', '三菱銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Mitsubishi Franchised Sales', 'Mitsubishi Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('71', '021301', '汽車銷售', '三菱特約銷售', '廣汽三菱銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Mitsubishi Franchised Sales', 'GAC Mitsubishi Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('72', '021400', '汽車銷售', '菲亞特約銷售', '菲亞特銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Fiat Franchised Sales', 'Fiat Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('73', '021401', '汽車銷售', '菲亞特約銷售', '阿爾法-羅密歐銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Fiat Franchised Sales', 'Alfa Romeo Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('74', '021500', '汽車銷售', '法拉利特約銷售', '法拉利銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Ferrari Franchised Sales', 'Ferrari Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('75', '021501', '汽車銷售', '法拉利特約銷售', '瑪莎拉蒂銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Ferrari Franchised Sales', 'Maserati Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('76', '021600', '汽車銷售', '現代特約銷售', '現代銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Hyundai Franchised Sales', 'Hyundai Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('77', '021601', '汽車銷售', '現代特約銷售', '進口現代銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Hyundai Franchised Sales', 'Import Hyundai Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('78', '021602', '汽車銷售', '現代特約銷售', '北京現代銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Hyundai Franchised Sales', 'Beijing Hyundai Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('79', '021700', '汽車銷售', '起亞特約銷售', '起亞銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'KIA Franchised Sales', 'KIA Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('80', '021701', '汽車銷售', '起亞特約銷售', '進口起亞銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'KIA Franchised Sales', 'Import KIA Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('81', '021702', '汽車銷售', '起亞特約銷售', '東風悅達起亞銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'KIA Franchised Sales', 'Dongfeng Yueda KIA Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('82', '021800', '汽車銷售', '福特特約銷售', '福特銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Ford Franchised Sales', 'Ford Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('83', '021802', '汽車銷售', '福特特約銷售', '馬自達銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Ford Franchised Sales', 'Mazda Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('84', '021803', '汽車銷售', '福特特約銷售', '林肯銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Ford Franchised Sales', 'Lincoln Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('85', '021804', '汽車銷售', '福特特約銷售', '水星銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Ford Franchised Sales', 'Mercury Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('86', '021900', '汽車銷售', '捷豹特約銷售', '捷豹銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'JAGUAR Franchised Sales', 'JAGUAR Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('87', '022000', '汽車銷售', '路虎特約銷售', '路虎銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Land Rover Franchised Sales', 'Land Rover Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('88', '022100', '汽車銷售', '保時捷特約銷售', '保時捷銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Porsche Franchised Sales', 'Porsche Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('89', '022200', '汽車銷售', '東風特約銷售', '東風銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'DFM Franchised Sales', 'DFM Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('90', '022300', '汽車銷售', '吉利特約銷售', '吉利銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Geely Franchised Sales', 'Geely Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('91', '022301', '汽車銷售', '吉利特約銷售', '沃爾沃汽車銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Geely Franchised Sales', 'Volvo Cars Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('92', '022400', '汽車銷售', '奇瑞特約銷售', '奇瑞銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Chery Franchised Sales', 'Chery Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('93', '022500', '汽車銷售', '克萊斯勒特約銷售', '克萊斯勒銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Chrysler Franchised Sales', 'Chrysler Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('94', '022501', '汽車銷售', '克萊斯勒特約銷售', '吉普銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Chrysler Franchised Sales', 'Jeep Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('95', '022502', '汽車銷售', '克萊斯勒特約銷售', '道奇銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Chrysler Franchised Sales', 'Dodge Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('96', '022600', '汽車銷售', '榮威銷售', '榮威銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'ROEWE Sales', 'ROEWE Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('97', '022700', '汽車銷售', '名爵銷售', '名爵銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'MG Sales', 'MG Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('98', '022800', '汽車銷售', '江淮銷售', '江淮銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'JAC Sales', 'JAC Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('99', '022900', '汽車銷售', '紅旗銷售', '紅旗銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Hongqi Sales', 'Hongqi Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('100', '023000', '汽車銷售', '長安汽車銷售', '長安汽車銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Chang\'an Sales', 'Chang\'an Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('101', '023100', '汽車銷售', '海馬汽車銷售', '海馬汽車銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Haima Sales', 'Haima Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('102', '023200', '汽車銷售', '北京汽車銷售', '北京汽車銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'BAIC MOTOR Sales', 'BAIC MOTOR Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('103', '023300', '汽車銷售', '長城汽車銷售', '長城汽車銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Great Wall Sales', 'Great Wall Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('104', '023301', '汽車銷售', '長城汽車銷售', '魏派汽車銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Great Wall Sales', 'WEY Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('105', '023400', '汽車銷售', '納智捷銷售', '納智捷銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Luxgen Sales', 'Luxgen Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('106', '023500', '汽車銷售', '廣汽傳祺銷售', '廣汽傳祺銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'GAC Trumpchi Sales', 'GAC Trumpchi Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('107', '025000', '汽車銷售', '貨車銷售', '貨車銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Truck Sales', 'Truck Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('108', '025100', '汽車銷售', '東風貨車銷售', '東風貨車銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Dongfeng Truck Sales', 'Dongfeng Truck Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('109', '025200', '汽車銷售', '中國重汽銷售', '中國重汽銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'SINOTRUK Sales', 'SINOTRUK Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('110', '025300', '汽車銷售', '一汽解放銷售', '一汽解放銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'FAW Jiefang Sales', 'FAW Jiefang Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('111', '025400', '汽車銷售', '福田卡車銷售', '福田卡車銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Foton Truck Sales', 'Foton Truck Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('112', '025500', '汽車銷售', '陝西重汽銷售', '陝西重汽銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Shaanxi Heavy-duty Truck Sales', 'Shaanxi Heavy-duty Truck Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('113', '025600', '汽車銷售', '北奔重汽銷售', '北奔重汽銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Beiben Trucks Sales', 'Beiben Trucks Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('114', '025700', '汽車銷售', '江淮貨車銷售', '江淮貨車銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'JAC Truck Sales', 'JAC Truck Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('115', '025800', '汽車銷售', '華菱星馬銷售', '華菱星馬銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'CAMC Sales', 'CAMC Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('116', '025900', '汽車銷售', '成都大運汽車銷售', '成都大運汽車銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Chengdu Dayun Automotive Sales', 'Chengdu Dayun Automotive Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('117', '026000', '汽車銷售', '梅賽德斯-奔馳卡車銷售', '梅賽德斯-奔馳卡車銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Mercedes-Benz Truck Sales', 'Mercedes-Benz Truck Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('118', '026100', '汽車銷售', '德國曼恩銷售', '德國曼恩銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'MAN Sales', 'MAN Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('119', '026200', '汽車銷售', '斯堪尼亞銷售', '斯堪尼亞銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'SCANIA Sales', 'SCANIA Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('120', '026300', '汽車銷售', '沃爾沃卡車銷售', '沃爾沃卡車銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Volvo Truck Sales', 'Volvo Truck Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('121', '029900', '汽車銷售', '觀致銷售', '觀致銷售', 'Auto Dealers', 'Qoros Sales', 'Qoros Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('122', '030000', '汽車維修', '汽車維修', '汽車維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Automobile Repair', 'Automobile Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('123', '030100', '汽車維修', '汽車綜合維修', '汽車綜合維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Automobile Comprehensive Repair', 'Automobile Comprehensive Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('124', '030200', '汽車維修', '大衆特約維修', '大衆維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Volkswagen Franchised Repair', 'Volkswagen Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('125', '030201', '汽車維修', '大衆特約維修', '上海大衆維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Volkswagen Franchised Repair', 'Shanghai Volkswagen Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('126', '030202', '汽車維修', '大衆特約維修', '一汽-大衆維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Volkswagen Franchised Repair', 'FAW-Volkswagen Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('127', '030203', '汽車維修', '大衆特約維修', '斯柯達維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Volkswagen Franchised Repair', 'Skoda Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('128', '030204', '汽車維修', '大衆特約維修', '進口大衆維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Volkswagen Franchised Repair', 'Import Volkswagen Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('129', '030205', '汽車維修', '大衆特約維修', '賓利維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Volkswagen Franchised Repair', 'Bentley Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('130', '030206', '汽車維修', '大衆特約維修', '蘭博基尼維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Volkswagen Franchised Repair', 'Lamborghini Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('131', '030300', '汽車維修', '本田特約維修', '本田維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Honda Franchised Repair', 'Honda Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('132', '030301', '汽車維修', '本田特約維修', '廣汽本田維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Honda Franchised Repair', 'GAC Honda Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('133', '030302', '汽車維修', '本田特約維修', '東風本田維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Honda Franchised Repair', 'Dongfeng Honda Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('134', '030303', '汽車維修', '本田特約維修', '本田謳歌維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Honda Franchised Repair', 'Acura Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('135', '030400', '汽車維修', '奧迪特約維修', '奧迪維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Audi Franchised Repair', 'Audi Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('136', '030401', '汽車維修', '奧迪特約維修', '一汽-大衆奧迪維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Audi Franchised Repair', 'FAW-Audi Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('137', '030500', '汽車維修', '通用特約維修', '通用維修', 'Auto Repair', 'General Motors Franchised Repair', 'General Motors Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('138', '030501', '汽車維修', '通用特約維修', '凱迪拉克維修', 'Auto Repair', 'General Motors Franchised Repair', 'Cadillac Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('139', '030502', '汽車維修', '通用特約維修', '別克維修', 'Auto Repair', 'General Motors Franchised Repair', 'Buick Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('140', '030503', '汽車維修', '通用特約維修', '雪佛蘭維修', 'Auto Repair', 'General Motors Franchised Repair', 'Chevrolet Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('141', '030504', '汽車維修', '通用特約維修', '歐寶維修', 'Auto Repair', 'General Motors Franchised Repair', 'Opel Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('142', '030505', '汽車維修', '通用特約維修', '薩博維修', 'Auto Repair', 'General Motors Franchised Repair', 'Saab Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('143', '030506', '汽車維修', '通用特約維修', '沃克斯豪爾維修', 'Auto Repair', 'General Motors Franchised Repair', 'Vauxhall Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('144', '030507', '汽車維修', '通用特約維修', '土星維修', 'Auto Repair', 'General Motors Franchised Repair', 'Saturn Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('145', '030508', '汽車維修', '通用特約維修', '大宇維修', 'Auto Repair', 'General Motors Franchised Repair', 'Daewoo Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('146', '030700', '汽車維修', '寶馬特約維修', '寶馬維修', 'Auto Repair', 'BMW Franchised Repair', 'BMW Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('147', '030701', '汽車維修', '寶馬特約維修', '寶馬MINI維修', 'Auto Repair', 'BMW Franchised Repair', 'BMW MINI Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('148', '030702', '汽車維修', '寶馬特約維修', '勞斯萊斯維修', 'Auto Repair', 'BMW Franchised Repair', 'Rolls-Royce Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('149', '030800', '汽車維修', '日產特約維修', '日產維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Nissan Franchised Repair', 'Nissan Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('150', '030801', '汽車維修', '日產特約維修', '英菲尼迪維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Nissan Franchised Repair', 'Infiniti Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('151', '030802', '汽車維修', '日產特約維修', '東風日產維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Nissan Franchised Repair', 'Dongfeng Nissan Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('152', '030803', '汽車維修', '日產特約維修', '鄭州日產維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Nissan Franchised Repair', 'Zhengzhou Nissan Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('153', '030900', '汽車維修', '雷諾特約維修', '雷諾維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Renault Franchised Repair', 'Renault Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('154', '031000', '汽車維修', '梅賽德斯-奔馳特約維修', '梅賽德斯-奔馳維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Mercedes-Benz Franchised Repair', 'Mercedes-Benz Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('155', '031004', '汽車維修', '梅賽德斯-奔馳特約維修', '邁巴赫維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Mercedes-Benz Franchised Repair', 'Maybach Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('156', '031005', '汽車維修', '梅賽德斯-奔馳特約維修', '精靈維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Mercedes-Benz Franchised Repair', 'Smart Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('157', '031100', '汽車維修', '豐田特約維修', '豐田維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Toyota Franchised Repair', 'Toyota Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('158', '031101', '汽車維修', '豐田特約維修', '一汽豐田維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Toyota Franchised Repair', 'FAW-Toyota Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('159', '031102', '汽車維修', '豐田特約維修', '廣汽豐田維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Toyota Franchised Repair', 'GAC Toyota Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('160', '031103', '汽車維修', '豐田特約維修', '雷克薩斯維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Toyota Franchised Repair', 'Lexus Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('161', '031104', '汽車維修', '豐田特約維修', '大發維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Toyota Franchised Repair', 'Daihatsu Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('162', '031200', '汽車維修', '斯巴魯特約維修', '斯巴魯維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Subaru Franchised Repair', 'Subaru Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('163', '031300', '汽車維修', '標緻雪鐵龍特約維修', '雪鐵龍維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Peugeot Citroen Franchised Repair', 'Citroen Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('164', '031301', '汽車維修', '標緻雪鐵龍特約維修', '東風標緻維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Peugeot Citroen Franchised Repair', 'Dongfeng Peugeot Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('165', '031302', '汽車維修', '標緻雪鐵龍特約維修', '東風雪鐵龍維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Peugeot Citroen Franchised Repair', 'Dongfeng Citroen Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('166', '031303', '汽車維修', '標緻雪鐵龍特約維修', 'DS維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Peugeot Citroen', 'DS Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('167', '031400', '汽車維修', '三菱特約維修', '三菱維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Mitsubishi Franchised Repair', 'Mitsubishi Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('168', '031401', '汽車維修', '三菱特約維修', '廣汽三菱維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Mitsubishi Franchised Repair', 'GAC Mitsubishi Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('169', '031500', '汽車維修', '菲亞特特約維修', '菲亞特維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Fiat Franchised Repair', 'Fiat Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('170', '031501', '汽車維修', '菲亞特特約維修', '阿爾法-羅密歐維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Fiat Franchised Repair', 'Alfa Romeo Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('171', '031600', '汽車維修', '法拉利特約維修', '法拉利維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Ferrari Franchised Repair', 'Ferrari Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('172', '031601', '汽車維修', '法拉利特約維修', '瑪莎拉蒂維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Ferrari Franchised Repair', 'Maserati Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('173', '031700', '汽車維修', '現代特約維修', '現代維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Hyundai Franchised Repair', 'Hyundai Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('174', '031701', '汽車維修', '現代特約維修', '進口現代維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Hyundai Franchised Repair', 'Import Hyundai Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('175', '031702', '汽車維修', '現代特約維修', '北京現代維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Hyundai Franchised Repair', 'Beijing Hyundai Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('176', '031800', '汽車維修', '起亞特約維修', '起亞維修', 'Auto Repair', 'KIA Franchised Repair', 'KIA Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('177', '031801', '汽車維修', '起亞特約維修', '進口起亞維修', 'Auto Repair', 'KIA Franchised Repair', 'Import KIA Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('178', '031802', '汽車維修', '起亞特約維修', '東風悅達起亞維修', 'Auto Repair', 'KIA Franchised Repair', 'Dongfeng Yueda KIA Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('179', '031900', '汽車維修', '福特特約維修', '福特維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Ford Franchised Repair', 'Ford Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('180', '031902', '汽車維修', '福特特約維修', '馬自達維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Ford Franchised Repair', 'Mazda Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('181', '031903', '汽車維修', '福特特約維修', '林肯維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Ford Franchised Repair', 'Lincoln Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('182', '031904', '汽車維修', '福特特約維修', '水星維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Ford Franchised Repair', 'Mercury Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('183', '032000', '汽車維修', '捷豹特約維修', '捷豹維修', 'Auto Repair', 'JAGUAR Franchised Repair', 'JAGUAR Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('184', '032100', '汽車維修', '路虎特約維修', '路虎維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Land Rover Franchised Repair', 'Land Rover Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('185', '032200', '汽車維修', '保時捷特約維修', '保時捷維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Porsche Franchised Repair', 'Porsche Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('186', '032300', '汽車維修', '東風特約維修', '東風維修', 'Auto Repair', 'DFM Franchised Repair', 'DFM Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('187', '032400', '汽車維修', '吉利特約維修', '吉利維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Geely Franchised Repair', 'Geely Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('188', '032401', '汽車維修', '吉利特約維修', '沃爾沃汽車維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Geely Franchised Repair', 'Volvo Cars Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('189', '032500', '汽車維修', '奇瑞特約維修', '奇瑞維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Chery Franchised Repair', 'Chery Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('190', '032600', '汽車維修', '克萊斯勒特約維修', '克萊斯勒維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Chrysler Franchised Repair', 'Chrysler Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('191', '032601', '汽車維修', '克萊斯勒特約維修', '吉普維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Chrysler Franchised Repair', 'Jeep Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('192', '032602', '汽車維修', '克萊斯勒特約維修', '道奇維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Chrysler Franchised Repair', 'Dodge Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('193', '032700', '汽車維修', '榮威維修', '榮威維修', 'Auto Repair', 'ROEWE Repair', 'ROEWE Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('194', '032800', '汽車維修', '名爵維修', '名爵維修', 'Auto Repair', 'MG Repair', 'MG Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('195', '032900', '汽車維修', '江淮維修', '江淮維修', 'Auto Repair', 'JAC Repair', 'JAC Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('196', '033000', '汽車維修', '紅旗維修', '紅旗維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Hongqi Repair', 'Hongqi Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('197', '033100', '汽車維修', '長安汽車維修', '長安汽車維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Chang\'an Repair', 'Chang\'an Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('198', '033200', '汽車維修', '海馬汽車維修', '海馬汽車維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Haima Repair', 'Haima Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('199', '033300', '汽車維修', '北京汽車維修', '北京汽車維修', 'Auto Repair', 'BAIC MOTOR Repair', 'BAIC MOTOR Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('200', '033400', '汽車維修', '長城汽車維修', '長城汽車維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Great Wall Repair', 'Great Wall Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('201', '033401', '汽車維修', '長城汽車維修', '魏派汽車維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Great Wall Repair', 'WEY Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('202', '033500', '汽車維修', '納智捷維修', '納智捷維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Luxgen Repair', 'Luxgen Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('203', '033600', '汽車維修', '廣汽傳祺維修', '廣汽傳祺維修', 'Auto Repair', 'GAC Trumpchi Repair', 'GAC Trumpchi Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('204', '035000', '汽車維修', '貨車維修', '貨車維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Truck Repair', 'Truck Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('205', '035100', '汽車維修', '東風貨車維修', '東風貨車維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Dongfeng Truck Repair', 'Dongfeng Truck Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('206', '035200', '汽車維修', '中國重汽維修', '中國重汽維修', 'Auto Repair', 'SINOTRUK Repair', 'SINOTRUK Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('207', '035300', '汽車維修', '一汽解放維修', '一汽解放維修', 'Auto Repair', 'FAW Jiefang Repair', 'FAW Jiefang Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('208', '035400', '汽車維修', '福田卡車維修', '福田卡車維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Foton Truck Repair', 'Foton Truck Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('209', '035500', '汽車維修', '陝西重汽維修', '陝西重汽維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Shaanxi Heavy-duty Truck Repair', 'Shaanxi Heavy-duty Truck Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('210', '035600', '汽車維修', '北奔重汽維修', '北奔重汽維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Beiben Trucks Repair', 'Beiben Trucks Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('211', '035700', '汽車維修', '江淮貨車維修', '江淮貨車維修', 'Auto Repair', 'JAC Truck Repair', 'JAC Truck Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('212', '035800', '汽車維修', '華菱星馬維修', '華菱星馬維修', 'Auto Repair', 'CAMC Repair', 'CAMC Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('213', '035900', '汽車維修', '成都大運汽車維修', '成都大運汽車維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Chengdu Dayun Automotive Repair', 'Chengdu Dayun Automotive Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('214', '036000', '汽車維修', '梅賽德斯-奔馳卡車維修', '梅賽德斯-奔馳卡車維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Mercedes-Benz Truck Repair', 'Mercedes-Benz Truck Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('215', '036100', '汽車維修', '德國曼恩維修', '德國曼恩維修', 'Auto Repair', 'MAN Repair', 'MAN Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('216', '036200', '汽車維修', '斯堪尼亞維修', '斯堪尼亞維修', 'Auto Repair', 'SCANIA Repair', 'SCANIA Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('217', '036300', '汽車維修', '沃爾沃卡車維修', '沃爾沃卡車維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Volvo Truck Repair', 'Volvo Truck Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('218', '039900', '汽車維修', '觀致維修', '觀致維修', 'Auto Repair', 'Qoros Repair', 'Qoros Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('219', '040000', '摩托車服務', '摩托車服務相關', '摩托車服務相關', 'Motorcycle Service', 'Motorcycle Service Related', 'Motorcycle Service Related');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('220', '040100', '摩托車服務', '摩托車銷售', '摩托車銷售', 'Motorcycle Service', 'Motorcycle Sales', 'Motorcycle Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('221', '040101', '摩托車服務', '摩托車銷售', '寶馬摩托車銷售', 'Motorcycle Service', 'Motorcycle Sales', 'BMW Motorcycle Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('222', '040200', '摩托車服務', '摩托車維修', '摩托車維修', 'Motorcycle Service', 'Motorcycle Repair', 'Motorcycle Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('223', '040201', '摩托車服務', '摩托車維修', '寶馬摩托車維修', 'Motorcycle Service', 'Motorcycle Repair', 'BMW Motorcycle Repair');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('224', '050000', '餐飲服務', '餐飲相關場所', '餐飲相關', 'Food & Beverages', 'Food & Beverages Related', 'Food & Beverages Related');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('225', '050100', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '中餐廳', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Chinese Food Restaurant');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('226', '050101', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '綜合酒樓', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Complex Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('227', '050102', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '四川菜(川菜)', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Sichuan Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('228', '050103', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '廣東菜(粵菜)', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Cantonese Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('229', '050104', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '山東菜(魯菜)', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Shandong Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('230', '050105', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '江蘇菜', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Jiangsu Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('231', '050106', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '浙江菜', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Zhejiang Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('232', '050107', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '上海菜', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Shanghai Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('233', '050108', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '湖南菜(湘菜)', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Hunan Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('234', '050109', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '安徽菜(徽菜)', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Anhui Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('235', '050110', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '福建菜', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Fujian Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('236', '050111', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '北京菜', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Beijing Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('237', '050112', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '湖北菜(鄂菜)', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Hubei Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('238', '050113', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '東北菜', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Northeastern Chinese Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('239', '050114', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '雲貴菜', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Yunnan & Guizhou Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('240', '050115', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '西北菜', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Northwestern Chinese Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('241', '050116', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '老字號', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Traditional Brand');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('242', '050117', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '火鍋店', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Hotpot Restaurant');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('243', '050118', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '特色/地方風味餐廳', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Local Special Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('244', '050119', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '海鮮酒樓', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Sea Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('245', '050120', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '中式素菜館', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Vegetarian Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('246', '050121', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '清真菜館', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Islamic Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('247', '050122', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '臺灣菜', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Taiwan Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('248', '050123', '餐飲服務', '中餐廳', '潮州菜', 'Food & Beverages', 'Chinese Food Restaurant', 'Chaozhou Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('249', '050200', '餐飲服務', '外國餐廳', '外國餐廳', 'Food & Beverages', 'Foreign Food Restaurant', 'Foreign Food Restaurant');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('250', '050201', '餐飲服務', '外國餐廳', '西餐廳(綜合風味)', 'Food & Beverages', 'Foreign Food Restaurant', 'Western Restaurant');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('251', '050202', '餐飲服務', '外國餐廳', '日本料理', 'Food & Beverages', 'Foreign Food Restaurant', 'Japanese Cuisine');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('252', '050203', '餐飲服務', '外國餐廳', '韓國料理', 'Food & Beverages', 'Foreign Food Restaurant', 'South Korean Cuisine');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('253', '050204', '餐飲服務', '外國餐廳', '法式菜品餐廳', 'Food & Beverages', 'Foreign Food Restaurant', 'French Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('254', '050205', '餐飲服務', '外國餐廳', '意式菜品餐廳', 'Food & Beverages', 'Foreign Food Restaurant', 'Italian Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('255', '050206', '餐飲服務', '外國餐廳', '泰國/越南菜品餐廳', 'Food & Beverages', 'Foreign Food Restaurant', 'Thai/Vietnamese Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('256', '050207', '餐飲服務', '外國餐廳', '地中海風格菜品', 'Food & Beverages', 'Foreign Food Restaurant', 'Mediterranean Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('257', '050208', '餐飲服務', '外國餐廳', '美式風味', 'Food & Beverages', 'Foreign Food Restaurant', 'American Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('258', '050209', '餐飲服務', '外國餐廳', '印度風味', 'Food & Beverages', 'Foreign Food Restaurant', 'Indian Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('259', '050210', '餐飲服務', '外國餐廳', '英國式菜品餐廳', 'Food & Beverages', 'Foreign Food Restaurant', 'British Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('260', '050211', '餐飲服務', '外國餐廳', '牛扒店(扒房)', 'Food & Beverages', 'Foreign Food Restaurant', 'Steak House');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('261', '050212', '餐飲服務', '外國餐廳', '俄國菜', 'Food & Beverages', 'Foreign Food Restaurant', 'Russian Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('262', '050213', '餐飲服務', '外國餐廳', '葡國菜', 'Food & Beverages', 'Foreign Food Restaurant', 'Portuguese Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('263', '050214', '餐飲服務', '外國餐廳', '德國菜', 'Food & Beverages', 'Foreign Food Restaurant', 'German Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('264', '050215', '餐飲服務', '外國餐廳', '巴西菜', 'Food & Beverages', 'Foreign Food Restaurant', 'Brazilian Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('265', '050216', '餐飲服務', '外國餐廳', '墨西哥菜', 'Food & Beverages', 'Foreign Food Restaurant', 'Mexican Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('266', '050217', '餐飲服務', '外國餐廳', '其它亞洲菜', 'Food & Beverages', 'Foreign Food Restaurant', 'Other Asian Food');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('267', '050300', '餐飲服務', '快餐廳', '快餐廳', 'Food & Beverages', 'Fast Food Restaurant', 'Fast Food Restaurant');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('268', '050301', '餐飲服務', '快餐廳', '肯德基', 'Food & Beverages', 'Fast Food Restaurant', 'KFC');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('269', '050302', '餐飲服務', '快餐廳', '麥當勞', 'Food & Beverages', 'Fast Food Restaurant', 'McDonald\'s');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('270', '050303', '餐飲服務', '快餐廳', '必勝客', 'Food & Beverages', 'Fast Food Restaurant', 'Pizza Hut');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('271', '050304', '餐飲服務', '快餐廳', '永和豆漿', 'Food & Beverages', 'Fast Food Restaurant', 'Yon ho');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('272', '050305', '餐飲服務', '快餐廳', '茶餐廳', 'Food & Beverages', 'Fast Food Restaurant', 'Teahouse');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('273', '050306', '餐飲服務', '快餐廳', '大家樂', 'Food & Beverages', 'Fast Food Restaurant', 'Cafe de Coral');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('274', '050307', '餐飲服務', '快餐廳', '大快活', 'Food & Beverages', 'Fast Food Restaurant', 'Fairwood');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('275', '050308', '餐飲服務', '快餐廳', '美心', 'Food & Beverages', 'Fast Food Restaurant', 'Maxim\'s');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('276', '050309', '餐飲服務', '快餐廳', '吉野家', 'Food & Beverages', 'Fast Food Restaurant', 'Yoshinoya');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('277', '050310', '餐飲服務', '快餐廳', '仙跡巖', 'Food & Beverages', 'Fast Food Restaurant', 'Saint\'s Alp Teahouse');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('278', '050311', '餐飲服務', '快餐廳', '呷哺呷哺', 'Food & Beverages', 'Fast Food Restaurant', 'Xiabu Xiabu');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('279', '050400', '餐飲服務', '休閒餐飲場所', '休閒餐飲場所', 'Food & Beverages', 'Leisure Food Restaurant', 'Leisure Food Restaurant');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('280', '050500', '餐飲服務', '咖啡廳', '咖啡廳', 'Food & Beverages', 'Coffee House', 'Coffee House');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('281', '050501', '餐飲服務', '咖啡廳', '星巴克咖啡', 'Food & Beverages', 'Coffee House', 'Starbucks Coffee');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('282', '050502', '餐飲服務', '咖啡廳', '上島咖啡', 'Food & Beverages', 'Coffee House', 'UBC Coffee');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('283', '050503', '餐飲服務', '咖啡廳', 'Pacific Coffee Company', 'Food & Beverages', 'Coffee House', 'Pacific Coffee Company');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('284', '050504', '餐飲服務', '咖啡廳', '巴黎咖啡店', 'Food & Beverages', 'Coffee House', 'Paris Cafe');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('285', '050600', '餐飲服務', '茶藝館', '茶藝館', 'Food & Beverages', 'Tea House', 'Tea House');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('286', '050700', '餐飲服務', '冷飲店', '冷飲店', 'Food & Beverages', 'Icecream Shop', 'Icecream Shop');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('287', '050800', '餐飲服務', '糕餅店', '糕餅店', 'Food & Beverages', 'Bakery', 'Bakery');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('288', '050900', '餐飲服務', '甜品店', '甜品店', 'Food & Beverages', 'Dessert House', 'Dessert House');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('289', '060000', '購物服務', '購物相關場所', '購物相關場所', 'Shopping', 'Shopping Related Places', 'Shopping Related Places');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('290', '060100', '購物服務', '商場', '商場', 'Shopping', 'Shopping Plaza', 'Shopping Plaza');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('291', '060101', '購物服務', '商場', '購物中心', 'Shopping', 'Shopping Plaza', 'Shopping Centre');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('292', '060102', '購物服務', '商場', '普通商場', 'Shopping', 'Shopping Plaza', 'Shops');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('293', '060103', '購物服務', '商場', '免稅品店', 'Shopping', 'Shopping Plaza', 'Duty-free Shop');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('294', '060200', '購物服務', '便民商店/便利店', '便民商店/便利店', 'Shopping', 'Convenience Store', 'Convenience Store');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('295', '060201', '購物服務', '便民商店/便利店', '7-ELEVEn便利店', 'Shopping', 'Convenience Store', '7-ELEVEn');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('296', '060202', '購物服務', '便民商店/便利店', 'OK便利店', 'Shopping', 'Convenience Store', 'Circle K');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('297', '060300', '購物服務', '家電電子賣場', '家電電子賣場', 'Shopping', 'Home Electronics Hypermarket', 'Home Electronics Hypermarket');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('298', '060301', '購物服務', '家電電子賣場', '綜合家電商場', 'Shopping', 'Home Electronics Hypermarket', 'Comprehensive Home Electronics Shopping Center');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('299', '060302', '購物服務', '家電電子賣場', '國美', 'Shopping', 'Home Electronics Hypermarket', 'GOME');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('300', '060303', '購物服務', '家電電子賣場', '大中', 'Shopping', 'Home Electronics Hypermarket', 'Dazhong');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('301', '060304', '購物服務', '家電電子賣場', '蘇寧', 'Shopping', 'Home Electronics Hypermarket', 'Suning');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('302', '060305', '購物服務', '家電電子賣場', '手機銷售', 'Shopping', 'Home Electronics Hypermarket', 'Mobile Handsets Sales');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('303', '060306', '購物服務', '家電電子賣場', '數碼電子', 'Shopping', 'Home Electronics Hypermarket', 'Digital Electronics');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('304', '060307', '購物服務', '家電電子賣場', '豐澤', 'Shopping', 'Home Electronics Hypermarket', 'Fortress');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('305', '060308', '購物服務', '家電電子賣場', '蘇寧鐳射', 'Shopping', 'Home Electronics Hypermarket', 'Suning Citicall');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('306', '060400', '購物服務', '超級市場', '超市', 'Shopping', 'Supermarket', 'Supermarket');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('307', '060401', '購物服務', '超級市場', '家樂福', 'Shopping', 'Supermarket', 'Carrefour');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('308', '060402', '購物服務', '超級市場', '沃爾瑪', 'Shopping', 'Supermarket', 'Wal-Mart');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('309', '060403', '購物服務', '超級市場', '華潤', 'Shopping', 'Supermarket', 'CRC');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('310', '060404', '購物服務', '超級市場', '北京華聯', 'Shopping', 'Supermarket', 'Beijing Hualian');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('311', '060405', '購物服務', '超級市場', '上海華聯', 'Shopping', 'Supermarket', 'Shanghai Hualian');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('312', '060406', '購物服務', '超級市場', '麥德龍', 'Shopping', 'Supermarket', 'METRO');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('313', '060407', '購物服務', '超級市場', '樂天瑪特', 'Shopping', 'Supermarket', 'LOTTE Mart');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('314', '060408', '購物服務', '超級市場', '華堂', 'Shopping', 'Supermarket', 'Ito Yokado');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('315', '060409', '購物服務', '超級市場', '卜蜂蓮花', 'Shopping', 'Supermarket', 'Lotus');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('316', '060411', '購物服務', '超級市場', '屈臣氏', 'Shopping', 'Supermarket', 'Watsons');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('317', '060413', '購物服務', '超級市場', '惠康超市', 'Shopping', 'Supermarket', 'Wellcome');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('318', '060414', '購物服務', '超級市場', '百佳超市', 'Shopping', 'Supermarket', 'PARKnSHOP');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('319', '060415', '購物服務', '超級市場', '萬寧超市', 'Shopping', 'Supermarket', 'Mannings');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('320', '060500', '購物服務', '花鳥魚蟲市場', '花鳥魚蟲市場', 'Shopping', 'Plants & Pet Market', 'Plants & Pet Market');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('321', '060501', '購物服務', '花鳥魚蟲市場', '花卉市場', 'Shopping', 'Plants & Pet Market', 'Flower Shop');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('322', '060502', '購物服務', '花鳥魚蟲市場', '寵物市場', 'Shopping', 'Plants & Pet Market', 'Pet Market');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('323', '060600', '購物服務', '家居建材市場', '家居建材市場', 'Shopping', 'Home Building Materials Market', 'Home Building Materials Market');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('324', '060601', '購物服務', '家居建材市場', '傢俱建材綜合市場', 'Shopping', 'Home Building Materials Market', 'Home Building Materials Market');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('325', '060602', '購物服務', '家居建材市場', '傢俱城', 'Shopping', 'Home Building Materials Market', 'Furniture Store');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('326', '060603', '購物服務', '家居建材市場', '建材五金市場', 'Shopping', 'Home Building Materials Market', 'Hardware Store');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('327', '060604', '購物服務', '家居建材市場', '廚衛市場', 'Shopping', 'Home Building Materials Market', 'Kitchen Supply');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('328', '060605', '購物服務', '家居建材市場', '布藝市場', 'Shopping', 'Home Building Materials Market', 'Deco Cloth Store');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('329', '060606', '購物服務', '家居建材市場', '燈具瓷器市場', 'Shopping', 'Home Building Materials Market', 'Lighting & Porcelain Market');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('330', '060700', '購物服務', '綜合市場', '綜合市場', 'Shopping', 'Comprehensive Market', 'Comprehensive Market');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('331', '060701', '購物服務', '綜合市場', '小商品市場', 'Shopping', 'Comprehensive Market', 'Small Commodity Market');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('332', '060702', '購物服務', '綜合市場', '舊貨市場', 'Shopping', 'Comprehensive Market', 'Flea Market');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('333', '060703', '購物服務', '綜合市場', '農副產品市場', 'Shopping', 'Comprehensive Market', 'Agricultural Products Market');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('334', '060704', '購物服務', '綜合市場', '果品市場', 'Shopping', 'Comprehensive Market', 'Fruits Market');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('335', '060705', '購物服務', '綜合市場', '蔬菜市場', 'Shopping', 'Comprehensive Market', 'Vegetable Market');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('336', '060706', '購物服務', '綜合市場', '水產海鮮市場', 'Shopping', 'Comprehensive Market', 'Seafood Market');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('337', '060800', '購物服務', '文化用品店', '文化用品店', 'Shopping', 'Stationary Store', 'Stationary Store');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('338', '060900', '購物服務', '體育用品店', '體育用品店', 'Shopping', 'Sports Store', 'Sports Store');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('339', '060901', '購物服務', '體育用品店', '李寧專賣店', 'Shopping', 'Sports Store', 'Li-Ning');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('340', '060902', '購物服務', '體育用品店', '耐克專賣店', 'Shopping', 'Sports Store', 'NIKE');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('341', '060903', '購物服務', '體育用品店', '阿迪達斯專賣店', 'Shopping', 'Sports Store', 'adidas');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('342', '060904', '購物服務', '體育用品店', '銳步專賣店', 'Shopping', 'Sports Store', 'Reebok');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('343', '060905', '購物服務', '體育用品店', '彪馬專賣店', 'Shopping', 'Sports Store', 'PUMA');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('344', '060906', '購物服務', '體育用品店', '高爾夫用品店', 'Shopping', 'Sports Store', 'Golf Accessories Shop');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('345', '060907', '購物服務', '體育用品店', '戶外用品', 'Shopping', 'Sports Store', 'Outdoor Sports Shop');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('346', '061000', '購物服務', '特色商業街', '特色商業街', 'Shopping', 'Commercial Street', 'Commercial Street');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('347', '061001', '購物服務', '特色商業街', '步行街', 'Shopping', 'Commercial Street', 'Pedestrian Street');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('348', '061100', '購物服務', '服裝鞋帽皮具店', '服裝鞋帽皮具店', 'Shopping', 'Clothing Store', 'Clothing Store');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('349', '061101', '購物服務', '服裝鞋帽皮具店', '品牌服裝店', 'Shopping', 'Clothing Store', 'Brand Clothing Store');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('350', '061102', '購物服務', '服裝鞋帽皮具店', '品牌鞋店', 'Shopping', 'Clothing Store', 'Brand Shoes Store');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('351', '061103', '購物服務', '服裝鞋帽皮具店', '品牌皮具店', 'Shopping', 'Clothing Store', 'Brand Leather Ware Store');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('352', '061104', '購物服務', '服裝鞋帽皮具店', '品牌箱包店', 'Shopping', 'Clothing Store', 'Brand Bags and Suitcases Store');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('353', '061200', '購物服務', '專賣店', '專營店', 'Shopping', 'Franchise Store', 'Franchise Store');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('354', '061201', '購物服務', '專賣店', '古玩字畫店', 'Shopping', 'Franchise Store', 'Antique Shop');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('355', '061202', '購物服務', '專賣店', '珠寶首飾工藝品', 'Shopping', 'Franchise Store', 'Jewelry Store');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('356', '061203', '購物服務', '專賣店', '鐘錶店', 'Shopping', 'Franchise Store', 'Watches Shop');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('357', '061204', '購物服務', '專賣店', '眼鏡店', 'Shopping', 'Franchise Store', 'Optical Shop');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('358', '061205', '購物服務', '專賣店', '書店', 'Shopping', 'Franchise Store', 'Bookstore');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('359', '061206', '購物服務', '專賣店', '音像店', 'Shopping', 'Franchise Store', 'CD/DVD Shop');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('360', '061207', '購物服務', '專賣店', '兒童用品店', 'Shopping', 'Franchise Store', 'Children\'s Store');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('361', '061208', '購物服務', '專賣店', '自行車專賣店', 'Shopping', 'Franchise Store', 'Bike Shop');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('362', '061209', '購物服務', '專賣店', '禮品飾品店', 'Shopping', 'Franchise Store', 'Gift Store');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('363', '061210', '購物服務', '專賣店', '菸酒專賣店', 'Shopping', 'Franchise Store', 'Tobacco & Wine Franchise Store');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('364', '061211', '購物服務', '專賣店', '寵物用品店', 'Shopping', 'Franchise Store', 'Pet\'s Store');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('365', '061212', '購物服務', '專賣店', '攝影器材店', 'Shopping', 'Franchise Store', 'Camera Shop');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('366', '061213', '購物服務', '專賣店', '寶馬生活方式', 'Shopping', 'Franchise Store', 'BMW Lifestyle');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('367', '061214', '購物服務', '專賣店', '土特產專賣店', 'Shopping', 'Franchise Store', 'Local Products Franchise Store');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('368', '061300', '購物服務', '特殊買賣場所', '特殊買賣場所', 'Shopping', 'Special Trade House', 'Special Trade House');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('369', '061301', '購物服務', '特殊買賣場所', '拍賣行', 'Shopping', 'Special Trade House', 'Auction House');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('370', '061302', '購物服務', '特殊買賣場所', '典當行', 'Shopping', 'Special Trade House', 'Pawn House');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('371', '061400', '購物服務', '個人用品/化妝品店', '其它個人用品店', 'Shopping', 'Personal Care Items Shop', 'Personal Care Items Shop');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('372', '061401', '購物服務', '個人用品/化妝品店', '莎莎', 'Shopping', 'Personal Care Items Shop', 'Sasa');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('373', '070000', '生活服務', '生活服務場所', '生活服務場所', 'Daily Life Service', 'Daily Life Service Place', 'Daily Life Service Place');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('374', '070100', '生活服務', '旅行社', '旅行社', 'Daily Life Service', 'Travel Agency', 'Travel Agency');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('375', '070200', '生活服務', '信息諮詢中心', '信息諮詢中心', 'Daily Life Service', 'Information Centre', 'Information Centre');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('376', '070201', '生活服務', '信息諮詢中心', '服務中心', 'Daily Life Service', 'Information Centre', 'Service Centre');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('377', '070202', '生活服務', '信息諮詢中心', '旅館問訊', 'Daily Life Service', 'Information Centre', 'Enquire of Hotel');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('378', '070203', '生活服務', '信息諮詢中心', '行李查詢/行李問詢', 'Daily Life Service', 'Information Centre', 'Enquire of Baggage');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('379', '070300', '生活服務', '售票處', '售票處', 'Daily Life Service', 'Ticket Office', 'Ticket Office');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('380', '070301', '生活服務', '售票處', '飛機票代售點', 'Daily Life Service', 'Ticket Office', 'Airline Tickets Office');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('381', '070302', '生活服務', '售票處', '火車票代售點', 'Daily Life Service', 'Ticket Office', 'Train Ticket Office');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('382', '070303', '生活服務', '售票處', '長途汽車票代售點', 'Daily Life Service', 'Ticket Office', 'Coach Ticket Office');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('383', '070304', '生活服務', '售票處', '船票代售點', 'Daily Life Service', 'Ticket Office', 'Ferry Ticket Office');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('384', '070305', '生活服務', '售票處', '公交卡/月票代售點', 'Daily Life Service', 'Ticket Office', 'Bus IC Card');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('385', '070306', '生活服務', '售票處', '公園景點售票處', 'Daily Life Service', 'Ticket Office', 'Park Box Office');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('386', '070400', '生活服務', '郵局', '郵局', 'Daily Life Service', 'Post Office', 'Post Office');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('387', '070401', '生活服務', '郵局', '郵政速遞', 'Daily Life Service', 'Post Office', 'Express Post');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('388', '070500', '生活服務', '物流速遞', '物流速遞', 'Daily Life Service', 'Logistics Service', 'Logistics Service');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('389', '070501', '生活服務', '物流速遞', '物流倉儲場地', 'Daily Life Service', 'Logistics Service', 'Logistics Warehouse Space');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('390', '070600', '生活服務', '電訊營業廳', '電訊營業廳', 'Daily Life Service', 'Telecom Office', 'Telecom Office');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('391', '070601', '生活服務', '電訊營業廳', '中國電信營業廳', 'Daily Life Service', 'Telecom Office', 'China Telecom Office');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('392', '070603', '生活服務', '電訊營業廳', '中國移動營業廳', 'Daily Life Service', 'Telecom Office', 'China Mobile Office');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('393', '070604', '生活服務', '電訊營業廳', '中國聯通營業廳', 'Daily Life Service', 'Telecom Office', 'China Unicom Office');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('394', '070605', '生活服務', '電訊營業廳', '中國鐵通營業廳', 'Daily Life Service', 'Telecom Office', 'China Tietong Office');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('395', '070606', '生活服務', '電訊營業廳', '中國衛通營業廳', 'Daily Life Service', 'Telecom Office', 'China Satcom Office');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('396', '070607', '生活服務', '電訊營業廳', '和記電訊', 'Daily Life Service', 'Telecom Office', 'Hutchison Telecommunications');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('397', '070608', '生活服務', '電訊營業廳', '數碼通電訊', 'Daily Life Service', 'Telecom Office', 'SmarTone');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('398', '070609', '生活服務', '電訊營業廳', '電訊盈科', 'Daily Life Service', 'Telecom Office', 'PCCW');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('399', '070610', '生活服務', '電訊營業廳', '中國移動香港', 'Daily Life Service', 'Telecom Office', 'China Mobile Hong Kong');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('400', '070700', '生活服務', '事務所', '事務所', 'Daily Life Service', 'Professional Service Firm', 'Professional Service Firm');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('401', '070701', '生活服務', '事務所', '律師事務所', 'Daily Life Service', 'Professional Service Firm', 'Law Firm');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('402', '070702', '生活服務', '事務所', '會計師事務所', 'Daily Life Service', 'Professional Service Firm', 'Accounting Firm');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('403', '070703', '生活服務', '事務所', '評估事務所', 'Daily Life Service', 'Professional Service Firm', 'Evaluation Firm');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('404', '070704', '生活服務', '事務所', '審計事務所', 'Daily Life Service', 'Professional Service Firm', 'Audit Firm');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('405', '070705', '生活服務', '事務所', '認證事務所', 'Daily Life Service', 'Professional Service Firm', 'Authentication Services');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('406', '070706', '生活服務', '事務所', '專利事務所', 'Daily Life Service', 'Professional Service Firm', 'Patent Office');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('407', '070800', '生活服務', '人才市場', '人才市場', 'Daily Life Service', 'Job Center', 'Job Center');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('408', '070900', '生活服務', '自來水營業廳', '自來水營業廳', 'Daily Life Service', 'Water Supply Service Office', 'Water Supply Service Office');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('409', '071000', '生活服務', '電力營業廳', '電力營業廳', 'Daily Life Service', 'Electric Supply Service Office', 'Electric Supply Service Office');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('410', '071100', '生活服務', '美容美髮店', '美容美髮店', 'Daily Life Service', 'Beauty and Hairdressing Store', 'Beauty and Hairdressing Store');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('411', '071200', '生活服務', '維修站點', '維修站點', 'Daily Life Service', 'Repair Store', 'Repair Store');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('412', '071300', '生活服務', '攝影沖印店', '攝影沖印', 'Daily Life Service', 'Photo Finishing', 'Photo Finishing');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('413', '071400', '生活服務', '洗浴推拿場所', '洗浴推拿場所', 'Daily Life Service', 'Bath & Massage Center', 'Bath & Massage Center');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('414', '071500', '生活服務', '洗衣店', '洗衣店', 'Daily Life Service', 'Laundry', 'Laundry');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('415', '071600', '生活服務', '中介機構', '中介機構', 'Daily Life Service', 'Agency', 'Agency');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('416', '071700', '生活服務', '搬家公司', '搬家公司', 'Daily Life Service', 'Move Service', 'Move Service');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('417', '071800', '生活服務', '彩票彩券銷售點', '彩票彩券銷售點', 'Daily Life Service', 'Lottery Store', 'Lottery Store');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('418', '071801', '生活服務', '彩票彩券銷售點', '馬會投注站', 'Daily Life Service', 'Lottery Store', 'Horse-Betting Center');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('419', '071900', '生活服務', '喪葬設施', '喪葬設施', 'Daily Life Service', 'Funeral Facilities', 'Funeral Facilities');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('420', '071901', '生活服務', '喪葬設施', '陵園', 'Daily Life Service', 'Funeral Facilities', 'Cemetery');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('421', '071902', '生活服務', '喪葬設施', '公墓', 'Daily Life Service', 'Funeral Facilities', 'Cemetery');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('422', '071903', '生活服務', '喪葬設施', '殯儀館', 'Daily Life Service', 'Funeral Facilities', 'Funeral House');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('423', '072000', '生活服務', '嬰兒服務場所', '嬰兒服務場所', 'Daily Life Service', 'Baby Service Place', 'Baby Service Place');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('424', '072001', '生活服務', '嬰兒服務場所', '嬰兒游泳館', 'Daily Life Service', 'Baby Service Place', 'Baby Natatorium');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('425', '080000', '體育休閒服務', '體育休閒服務場所', '體育休閒服務場所', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Sports & Recreation Places', 'Sports & Recreation Places');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('426', '080100', '體育休閒服務', '運動場館', '運動場所', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Sports Stadium', 'Sports Places');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('427', '080101', '體育休閒服務', '運動場館', '綜合體育館', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Sports Stadium', 'Sports Centre');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('428', '080102', '體育休閒服務', '運動場館', '保齡球館', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Sports Stadium', 'Bowling Hall');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('429', '080103', '體育休閒服務', '運動場館', '網球場', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Sports Stadium', 'Tennis Court');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('430', '080104', '體育休閒服務', '運動場館', '籃球場館', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Sports Stadium', 'Basketball Stadium');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('431', '080105', '體育休閒服務', '運動場館', '足球場', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Sports Stadium', 'Football Field');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('432', '080106', '體育休閒服務', '運動場館', '滑雪場', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Sports Stadium', 'Ski Field');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('433', '080107', '體育休閒服務', '運動場館', '溜冰場', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Sports Stadium', 'Skating Rink');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('434', '080108', '體育休閒服務', '運動場館', '戶外健身場所', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Sports Stadium', 'Outdoor Gym Facility');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('435', '080109', '體育休閒服務', '運動場館', '海濱浴場', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Sports Stadium', 'Public Beach');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('436', '080110', '體育休閒服務', '運動場館', '游泳館', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Sports Stadium', 'Natatorium');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('437', '080111', '體育休閒服務', '運動場館', '健身中心', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Sports Stadium', 'Gym Center');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('438', '080112', '體育休閒服務', '運動場館', '乒乓球館', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Sports Stadium', 'Table Tennis Hall');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('439', '080113', '體育休閒服務', '運動場館', '檯球廳', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Sports Stadium', 'Pool Room');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('440', '080114', '體育休閒服務', '運動場館', '壁球場', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Sports Stadium', 'Squash Court');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('441', '080115', '體育休閒服務', '運動場館', '馬術俱樂部', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Sports Stadium', 'Horse Riding Club');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('442', '080116', '體育休閒服務', '運動場館', '賽馬場', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Sports Stadium', 'Race Track');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('443', '080117', '體育休閒服務', '運動場館', '橄欖球場', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Sports Stadium', 'Rugby Court');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('444', '080118', '體育休閒服務', '運動場館', '羽毛球場', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Sports Stadium', 'Badminton Court');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('445', '080119', '體育休閒服務', '運動場館', '跆拳道場館', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Sports Stadium', 'Taekwondo Venue');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('446', '080200', '體育休閒服務', '高爾夫相關', '高爾夫相關', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Golf Related', 'Golf Related');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('447', '080201', '體育休閒服務', '高爾夫相關', '高爾夫球場', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Golf Related', 'Golf Course');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('448', '080202', '體育休閒服務', '高爾夫相關', '高爾夫練習場', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Golf Related', 'Golf Training Course');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('449', '080300', '體育休閒服務', '娛樂場所', '娛樂場所', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Recreation Center', 'Recreation Center');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('450', '080301', '體育休閒服務', '娛樂場所', '夜總會', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Recreation Center', 'Night Club');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('451', '080302', '體育休閒服務', '娛樂場所', 'KTV', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Recreation Center', 'KTV');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('452', '080303', '體育休閒服務', '娛樂場所', '迪廳', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Recreation Center', 'Disco');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('453', '080304', '體育休閒服務', '娛樂場所', '酒吧', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Recreation Center', 'Pub');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('454', '080305', '體育休閒服務', '娛樂場所', '遊戲廳', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Recreation Center', 'Game Center');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('455', '080306', '體育休閒服務', '娛樂場所', '棋牌室', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Recreation Center', 'Card & Chess Room');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('456', '080307', '體育休閒服務', '娛樂場所', '博彩中心', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Recreation Center', 'Lottery Center');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('457', '080308', '體育休閒服務', '娛樂場所', '網吧', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Recreation Center', 'Internet Bar');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('458', '080400', '體育休閒服務', '度假療養場所', '度假療養場所', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Holiday & Nursing Resort', 'Holiday & Nursing Resort');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('459', '080401', '體育休閒服務', '度假療養場所', '度假村', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Holiday & Nursing Resort', 'Resort');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('460', '080402', '體育休閒服務', '度假療養場所', '療養院', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Holiday & Nursing Resort', 'Nursing Home');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('461', '080500', '體育休閒服務', '休閒場所', '休閒場所', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Recreation Place', 'Recreation Place');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('462', '080501', '體育休閒服務', '休閒場所', '遊樂場', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Recreation Place', 'Amusement Park');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('463', '080502', '體育休閒服務', '休閒場所', '垂釣園', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Recreation Place', 'Fishing Spot');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('464', '080503', '體育休閒服務', '休閒場所', '採摘園', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Recreation Place', 'Plucking Park');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('465', '080504', '體育休閒服務', '休閒場所', '露營地', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Recreation Place', 'Camping Site');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('466', '080505', '體育休閒服務', '休閒場所', '水上活動中心', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Recreation Place', 'Water Sports Centre');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('467', '080600', '體育休閒服務', '影劇院', '影劇院相關', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Theatre & Cinema', 'Theatre & Cinema Related');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('468', '080601', '體育休閒服務', '影劇院', '電影院', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Theatre & Cinema', 'Cinema');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('469', '080602', '體育休閒服務', '影劇院', '音樂廳', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Theatre & Cinema', 'Concert Hall');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('470', '080603', '體育休閒服務', '影劇院', '劇場', 'Sports & Recreation', 'Theatre & Cinema', 'Theatre');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('471', '090000', '醫療保健服務', '醫療保健服務場所', '醫療保健服務場所', 'Medical Service', 'Medical and Health Care Service Place', 'Medical and Health Care Service Place');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('472', '090100', '醫療保健服務', '綜合醫院', '綜合醫院', 'Medical Service', 'Hospital', 'Hospital');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('473', '090101', '醫療保健服務', '綜合醫院', '三級甲等醫院', 'Medical Service', 'Hospital', 'AAA Class Hospital');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('474', '090102', '醫療保健服務', '綜合醫院', '衛生院', 'Medical Service', 'Hospital', 'Health Center');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('475', '090200', '醫療保健服務', '專科醫院', '專科醫院', 'Medical Service', 'Special Hospital', 'Special Hospital');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('476', '090201', '醫療保健服務', '專科醫院', '整形美容', 'Medical Service', 'Special Hospital', 'Plastic Surgery');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('477', '090202', '醫療保健服務', '專科醫院', '口腔醫院', 'Medical Service', 'Special Hospital', 'Stomatological Hospital');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('478', '090203', '醫療保健服務', '專科醫院', '眼科醫院', 'Medical Service', 'Special Hospital', 'Ophthalmology Hospital');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('479', '090204', '醫療保健服務', '專科醫院', '耳鼻喉醫院', 'Medical Service', 'Special Hospital', 'ENT Hospital');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('480', '090205', '醫療保健服務', '專科醫院', '胸科醫院', 'Medical Service', 'Special Hospital', 'Chest Hospital');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('481', '090206', '醫療保健服務', '專科醫院', '骨科醫院', 'Medical Service', 'Special Hospital', 'Orthopedic Hospital');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('482', '090207', '醫療保健服務', '專科醫院', '腫瘤醫院', 'Medical Service', 'Special Hospital', 'Tumor Hospital');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('483', '090208', '醫療保健服務', '專科醫院', '腦科醫院', 'Medical Service', 'Special Hospital', 'Brain Hospital');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('484', '090209', '醫療保健服務', '專科醫院', '婦科醫院', 'Medical Service', 'Special Hospital', 'Maternity Hospital');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('485', '090210', '醫療保健服務', '專科醫院', '精神病醫院', 'Medical Service', 'Special Hospital', 'Psychiatric Hospital');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('486', '090211', '醫療保健服務', '專科醫院', '傳染病醫院', 'Medical Service', 'Special Hospital', 'Infectious Disease Hospital');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('487', '090300', '醫療保健服務', '診所', '診所', 'Medical Service', 'Clinic', 'Clinic');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('488', '090400', '醫療保健服務', '急救中心', '急救中心', 'Medical Service', 'Emergency Center', 'Emergency Center');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('489', '090500', '醫療保健服務', '疾病預防機構', '疾病預防', 'Medical Service', 'Disease Prevention Institution', 'Disease Prevention');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('490', '090600', '醫療保健服務', '醫藥保健銷售店', '醫藥保健相關', 'Medical Service', 'Pharmacy', 'Medicine Health Care Related');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('491', '090601', '醫療保健服務', '醫藥保健銷售店', '藥房', 'Medical Service', 'Pharmacy', 'Pharmacy');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('492', '090602', '醫療保健服務', '醫藥保健銷售店', '醫療保健用品', 'Medical Service', 'Pharmacy', 'Medical Supplies');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('493', '090700', '醫療保健服務', '動物醫療場所', '動物醫療場所', 'Medical Service', 'Veterinary Hospital', 'Veterinary Hospital');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('494', '090701', '醫療保健服務', '動物醫療場所', '寵物診所', 'Medical Service', 'Veterinary Hospital', 'Pet Clinic');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('495', '090702', '醫療保健服務', '動物醫療場所', '獸醫站', 'Medical Service', 'Veterinary Hospital', 'Veterinary Station');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('496', '100000', '住宿服務', '住宿服務相關', '住宿服務相關', 'Accommodation Service', 'Accommodation Service Related', 'Accommodation Service Related');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('497', '100100', '住宿服務', '賓館酒店', '賓館酒店', 'Accommodation Service', 'Hotel', 'Hotel');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('498', '100101', '住宿服務', '賓館酒店', '奢華酒店', 'Accommodation Service', 'Hotel', 'Luxury Hotel');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('499', '100102', '住宿服務', '賓館酒店', '五星級賓館', 'Accommodation Service', 'Hotel', 'Five-star Hotel');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('500', '100103', '住宿服務', '賓館酒店', '四星級賓館', 'Accommodation Service', 'Hotel', 'Four-star Hotel');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('501', '100104', '住宿服務', '賓館酒店', '三星級賓館', 'Accommodation Service', 'Hotel', 'Three-star Hotel');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('502', '100105', '住宿服務', '賓館酒店', '經濟型連鎖酒店', 'Accommodation Service', 'Hotel', 'Economical Chain Hotel');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('503', '100200', '住宿服務', '旅館招待所', '旅館招待所', 'Accommodation Service', 'Hostel', 'Hostel');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('504', '100201', '住宿服務', '旅館招待所', '青年旅舍', 'Accommodation Service', 'Hostel', 'Youth Hostel');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('505', '110000', '風景名勝', '風景名勝相關', '旅遊景點', 'Tourist Attraction', 'Tourist Attraction Related', 'Tourist Attraction');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('506', '110100', '風景名勝', '公園廣場', '公園廣場', 'Tourist Attraction', 'Park & Square', 'Park & Square');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('507', '110101', '風景名勝', '公園廣場', '公園', 'Tourist Attraction', 'Park & Square', 'Park');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('508', '110102', '風景名勝', '公園廣場', '動物園', 'Tourist Attraction', 'Park & Square', 'Zoo');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('509', '110103', '風景名勝', '公園廣場', '植物園', 'Tourist Attraction', 'Park & Square', 'Botanical Garden');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('510', '110104', '風景名勝', '公園廣場', '水族館', 'Tourist Attraction', 'Park & Square', 'Aquarium');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('511', '110105', '風景名勝', '公園廣場', '城市廣場', 'Tourist Attraction', 'Park & Square', 'City Plaza');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('512', '110106', '風景名勝', '公園廣場', '公園內部設施', 'Tourist Attraction', 'Park & Plaza', 'Facilities within the park');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('513', '110200', '風景名勝', '風景名勝', '風景名勝', 'Tourist Attraction', 'Scenery Spot', 'Scenery Spot');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('514', '110201', '風景名勝', '風景名勝', '世界遺產', 'Tourist Attraction', 'Scenery Spot', 'World Heritage');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('515', '110202', '風景名勝', '風景名勝', '國家級景點', 'Tourist Attraction', 'Scenery Spot', 'National View Spot');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('516', '110203', '風景名勝', '風景名勝', '省級景點', 'Tourist Attraction', 'Scenery Spot', 'Provincial View Spot');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('517', '110204', '風景名勝', '風景名勝', '紀念館', 'Tourist Attraction', 'Scenery Spot', 'Memorial Hall');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('518', '110205', '風景名勝', '風景名勝', '寺廟道觀', 'Tourist Attraction', 'Scenery Spot', 'Buddhist & Taoist Temple');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('519', '110206', '風景名勝', '風景名勝', '教堂', 'Tourist Attraction', 'Scenery Spot', 'Church');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('520', '110207', '風景名勝', '風景名勝', '回教寺', 'Tourist Attraction', 'Scenery Spot', 'Mosque');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('521', '110208', '風景名勝', '風景名勝', '海灘', 'Tourist Attraction', 'Scenery Spot', 'Beach');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('522', '110209', '風景名勝', '風景名勝', '觀景點', 'Tourist Attraction', 'Scenery Spot', 'View Point');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('523', '120000', '商務住宅', '商務住宅相關', '商務住宅相關', 'Commercial House', 'Commercial House Related', 'Commercial House Related');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('524', '120100', '商務住宅', '產業園區', '產業園區', 'Commercial House', 'Industrial Park', 'Industrial Park');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('525', '120200', '商務住宅', '樓宇', '樓宇相關', 'Commercial House', 'Building', 'Building Related');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('526', '120201', '商務住宅', '樓宇', '商務寫字樓', 'Commercial House', 'Building', 'Business Office Building');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('527', '120202', '商務住宅', '樓宇', '工業大廈建築物', 'Commercial House', 'Building', 'Industrial Building');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('528', '120203', '商務住宅', '樓宇', '商住兩用樓宇', 'Commercial House', 'Building', 'Commercial-residential Building');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('529', '120300', '商務住宅', '住宅區', '住宅區', 'Commercial House', 'Residential Area', 'Residential Area');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('530', '120301', '商務住宅', '住宅區', '別墅', 'Commercial House', 'Residential Area', 'Villa');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('531', '120302', '商務住宅', '住宅區', '住宅小區', 'Commercial House', 'Residential Area', 'Residential Quarter');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('532', '120303', '商務住宅', '住宅區', '宿舍', 'Commercial House', 'Residential Area', 'Dormitory');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('533', '120304', '商務住宅', '住宅區', '社區中心', 'Commercial House', 'Residential Area', 'Community Center');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('534', '130000', '政府機構及社會團體', '政府及社會團體相關', '政府及社會團體相關', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Governmental & Social Groups Related', 'Governmental & Social Groups Related');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('535', '130100', '政府機構及社會團體', '政府機關', '政府機關相關', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Governmental Organization', 'Governmental Organization Related');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('536', '130101', '政府機構及社會團體', '政府機關', '國家級機關及事業單位', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Governmental Organization', 'State Level Organization & Institution');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('537', '130102', '政府機構及社會團體', '政府機關', '省直轄市級政府及事業單位', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Governmental Organization', 'Provincial Level Government and Institution');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('538', '130103', '政府機構及社會團體', '政府機關', '地市級政府及事業單位', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Governmental Organization', 'Prefecture Level Government and Institution');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('539', '130104', '政府機構及社會團體', '政府機關', '區縣級政府及事業單位', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Governmental Organization', 'District & County Level Government and Institution');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('540', '130105', '政府機構及社會團體', '政府機關', '鄉鎮級政府及事業單位', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Governmental Organization', 'Town Level Government and Institution');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('541', '130106', '政府機構及社會團體', '政府機關', '鄉鎮以下級政府及事業單位', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Governmental Organization', 'Below Town level Government and Institution');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('542', '130107', '政府機構及社會團體', '政府機關', '外地政府辦', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Governmental Organization', 'Non-local Government Representative Office');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('543', '130200', '政府機構及社會團體', '外國機構', '外國機構相關', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Foreign Organization', 'Foreign Organization Related');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('544', '130201', '政府機構及社會團體', '外國機構', '外國使領館', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Foreign Organization', 'Foreign Embassy and Consulate');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('545', '130202', '政府機構及社會團體', '外國機構', '國際組織辦事處', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Foreign Organization', 'Representative Office of International Organization');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('546', '130300', '政府機構及社會團體', '民主黨派', '民主黨派', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Democratic Party', 'Democratic Party');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('547', '130400', '政府機構及社會團體', '社會團體', '社會團體相關', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Social Group', 'Social Group Related');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('548', '130401', '政府機構及社會團體', '社會團體', '共青團', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Social Group', 'Communist Youth League');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('549', '130402', '政府機構及社會團體', '社會團體', '少先隊', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Social Group', 'Young Pioneer');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('550', '130403', '政府機構及社會團體', '社會團體', '婦聯', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Social Group', 'Women\'s Federation');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('551', '130404', '政府機構及社會團體', '社會團體', '殘聯', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Social Group', 'Disabled Persons\' Federation');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('552', '130405', '政府機構及社會團體', '社會團體', '紅十字會', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Social Group', 'Red Cross');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('553', '130406', '政府機構及社會團體', '社會團體', '消費者協會', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Social Group', 'Consumers\' Association');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('554', '130407', '政府機構及社會團體', '社會團體', '行業協會', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Social Group', 'Industry Association');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('555', '130408', '政府機構及社會團體', '社會團體', '慈善機構', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Social Group', 'Charity Organizations');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('556', '130409', '政府機構及社會團體', '社會團體', '教會', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Social Group', 'Church');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('557', '130500', '政府機構及社會團體', '公檢法機構', '公檢法機關', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Public Security Organization', 'Public Security Organization');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('558', '130501', '政府機構及社會團體', '公檢法機構', '公安警察', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Public Security Organization', 'Police Station');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('559', '130502', '政府機構及社會團體', '公檢法機構', '檢察院', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Public Security Organization', 'Procuratorate');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('560', '130503', '政府機構及社會團體', '公檢法機構', '法院', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Public Security Organization', 'Court');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('561', '130504', '政府機構及社會團體', '公檢法機構', '消防機關', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Public Security Organization', 'Fire Fighting Organization');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('562', '130505', '政府機構及社會團體', '公檢法機構', '公證鑑定機構', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Public Security Organization', 'Notarial Survey Organization');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('563', '130506', '政府機構及社會團體', '公檢法機構', '社會治安機構', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Public Security Organization', 'Social Security Organization');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('564', '130600', '政府機構及社會團體', '交通車輛管理', '交通車輛管理相關', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Traffic Vehicle Management', 'Traffic Vehicle Management Related');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('565', '130601', '政府機構及社會團體', '交通車輛管理', '交通管理機構', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Traffic Vehicle Management', 'Traffic Management Authority');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('566', '130602', '政府機構及社會團體', '交通車輛管理', '車輛管理機構', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Traffic Vehicle Management', 'Vehicle Management Authority');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('567', '130603', '政府機構及社會團體', '交通車輛管理', '驗車場', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Traffic Vehicle Management', 'Vehicle Assessment Service');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('568', '130604', '政府機構及社會團體', '交通車輛管理', '交通執法站', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Traffic Vehicle Management', 'Traffic Management Station');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('569', '130605', '政府機構及社會團體', '交通車輛管理', '車輛通行證辦理處', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Traffic Vehicle Management', 'Vehicle Pass Card Office');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('570', '130606', '政府機構及社會團體', '交通車輛管理', '貨車相關檢查站', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Traffic Vehicle Management', 'Truck Related Checkpoints');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('571', '130700', '政府機構及社會團體', '工商稅務機構', '工商稅務機構', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Industrial and Commercial Taxation Institution', 'Industrial and Commercial Taxation Institution');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('572', '130701', '政府機構及社會團體', '工商稅務機構', '工商部門', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Industrial and Commercial Taxation Institution', 'Administration for Industry & Commerce');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('573', '130702', '政府機構及社會團體', '工商稅務機構', '國稅機關', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Industrial and Commercial Taxation Institution', 'State Tax Authority');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('574', '130703', '政府機構及社會團體', '工商稅務機構', '地稅機關', 'Governmental Organization & Social Group', 'Industrial and Commercial Taxation Institution', 'Local Tax Authority');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('575', '140000', '科教文化服務', '科教文化場所', '科教文化場所', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'Science & Education Cultural Place', 'Science & Education Cultural Place');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('576', '140100', '科教文化服務', '博物館', '博物館', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'Museum', 'Museum');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('577', '140101', '科教文化服務', '博物館', '奧迪博物館', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'Museum', 'Audi Museum');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('578', '140102', '科教文化服務', '博物館', '梅賽德斯-奔馳博物館', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'Museum', 'Mercedes-Benz Museum');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('579', '140200', '科教文化服務', '展覽館', '展覽館', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'Exhibition Hall', 'Exhibition Hall');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('580', '140201', '科教文化服務', '展覽館', '室內展位', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'Exhibition Hall', 'Indoor Booth');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('581', '140300', '科教文化服務', '會展中心', '會展中心', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'Convention & Exhibition Center', 'Convention & Exhibition Center');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('582', '140400', '科教文化服務', '美術館', '美術館', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'Art Gallery', 'Art Gallery');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('583', '140500', '科教文化服務', '圖書館', '圖書館', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'Library', 'Library');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('584', '140600', '科教文化服務', '科技館', '科技館', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'Science & Technology Museum', 'Science & Technology Museum');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('585', '140700', '科教文化服務', '天文館', '天文館', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'Planetarium', 'Planetarium');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('586', '140800', '科教文化服務', '文化宮', '文化宮', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'Cultural Palace', 'Cultural Palace');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('587', '140900', '科教文化服務', '檔案館', '檔案館', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'Archives Hall', 'Archives Hall');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('588', '141000', '科教文化服務', '文藝團體', '文藝團體', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'Arts Organization', 'Arts Organization');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('589', '141100', '科教文化服務', '傳媒機構', '傳媒機構', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'Media Organization', 'Media Organization');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('590', '141101', '科教文化服務', '傳媒機構', '電視臺', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'Media Organization', 'TV Station');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('591', '141102', '科教文化服務', '傳媒機構', '電臺', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'Media Organization', 'Radio Station');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('592', '141103', '科教文化服務', '傳媒機構', '報社', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'Media Organization', 'Newspaper Office');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('593', '141104', '科教文化服務', '傳媒機構', '雜誌社', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'Media Organization', 'Journal Publisher');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('594', '141105', '科教文化服務', '傳媒機構', '出版社', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'Media Organization', 'Publishing House');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('595', '141200', '科教文化服務', '學校', '學校', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'School', 'School');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('596', '141201', '科教文化服務', '學校', '高等院校', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'School', 'University & College');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('597', '141202', '科教文化服務', '學校', '中學', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'School', 'Middle School');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('598', '141203', '科教文化服務', '學校', '小學', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'School', 'Elementary School');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('599', '141204', '科教文化服務', '學校', '幼兒園', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'School', 'Kindergarten');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('600', '141205', '科教文化服務', '學校', '成人教育', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'School', 'Adult Education');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('601', '141206', '科教文化服務', '學校', '職業技術學校', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'School', 'Vocational Technical School');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('602', '141207', '科教文化服務', '學校', '學校內部設施', 'Culture & Education', 'School', 'Facilities within the School');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('603', '141300', '科教文化服務', '科研機構', '科研機構', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'Research Institution', 'Research Institution');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('604', '141400', '科教文化服務', '培訓機構', '培訓機構', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'Training Institution', 'Training Institution');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('605', '141500', '科教文化服務', '駕校', '駕校', 'Science/Culture & Education Service', 'Driving School', 'Driving School');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('606', '150000', '交通設施服務', '交通服務相關', '交通服務相關', 'Transportation Service', 'Transportation Service Related', 'Transportation Service Related');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('607', '150100', '交通設施服務', '機場相關', '機場相關', 'Transportation Service', 'Airport Related', 'Airport Related');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('608', '150101', '交通設施服務', '機場相關', '候機室', 'Transportation Service', 'Airport Related', 'Departure Lounge');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('609', '150102', '交通設施服務', '機場相關', '擺渡車站', 'Transportation Service', 'Airport Related', 'The Ferry Station');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('610', '150104', '交通設施服務', '機場相關', '飛機場', 'Transportation Service', 'Airport Related', 'Airport');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('611', '150105', '交通設施服務', '機場相關', '機場出發/到達', 'Transportation Service', 'Airport Related', 'Airport Departure/Arrival');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('612', '150106', '交通設施服務', '機場相關', '直升機場', 'Transportation Service', 'Airport Related', 'Heliport');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('613', '150107', '交通設施服務', '機場相關', '機場貨運處', 'Transportation Service', 'Airport Related', 'Airport Freight Station');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('614', '150200', '交通設施服務', '火車站', '火車站', 'Transportation Service', 'Railway Station', 'Railway Station');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('615', '150201', '交通設施服務', '火車站', '候車室', 'Transportation Service', 'Railway Station', 'Waiting Room');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('616', '150202', '交通設施服務', '火車站', '進站口/檢票口', 'Transportation Service', 'Railway Station', 'Ticket Entrance');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('617', '150203', '交通設施服務', '火車站', '出站口', 'Transportation Service', 'Railway Station', 'Exit');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('618', '150204', '交通設施服務', '火車站', '站臺', 'Transportation Service', 'Railway Station', 'Platform');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('619', '150205', '交通設施服務', '火車站', '售票', 'Transportation Service', 'Railway Station', 'Sell Ticket');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('620', '150206', '交通設施服務', '火車站', '退票', 'Transportation Service', 'Railway Station', 'Get a Refund for a Ticket');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('621', '150207', '交通設施服務', '火車站', '改簽', 'Transportation Service', 'Railway Station', 'Endorse the Ticket');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('622', '150208', '交通設施服務', '火車站', '公安制證', 'Transportation Service', 'Railway Station', 'Public Security Accreditation');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('623', '150209', '交通設施服務', '火車站', '票務相關', 'Transportation Service', 'Railway Station', 'Ticket Business Correlation');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('624', '150210', '交通設施服務', '火車站', '貨運火車站', 'Transportation Service', 'Railway Station', 'Freight Railway Station');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('625', '150300', '交通設施服務', '港口碼頭', '港口碼頭', 'Transportation Service', 'Port & Marina', 'Port & Marina');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('626', '150301', '交通設施服務', '港口碼頭', '客運港', 'Transportation Service', 'Port & Marina', 'Passenger Port');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('627', '150302', '交通設施服務', '港口碼頭', '車渡口', 'Transportation Service', 'Port & Marina', 'Ferry Terminal for Vehicle');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('628', '150303', '交通設施服務', '港口碼頭', '人渡口', 'Transportation Service', 'Port & Marina', 'Ferry Terminal');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('629', '150304', '交通設施服務', '港口碼頭', '貨運港口碼頭', 'Transportation Service', 'Port & Marina', 'Freight Ports');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('630', '150400', '交通設施服務', '長途汽車站', '長途汽車站', 'Transportation Service', 'Coach Station', 'Coach Station');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('631', '150500', '交通設施服務', '地鐵站', '地鐵站', 'Transportation Service', 'Subway Station', 'Subway Station');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('632', '150501', '交通設施服務', '地鐵站', '出入口', 'Transportation Service', 'Subway Station', 'Exit');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('633', '150600', '交通設施服務', '輕軌站', '輕軌站', 'Transportation Service', 'Light Rail Station', 'Light Rail Station');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('634', '150700', '交通設施服務', '公交車站', '公交車站相關', 'Transportation Service', 'Bus Station', 'Bus Station Related');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('635', '150701', '交通設施服務', '公交車站', '旅遊專線車站', 'Transportation Service', 'Bus Station', 'Tourist Routes Bus Station');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('636', '150702', '交通設施服務', '公交車站', '普通公交站', 'Transportation Service', 'Bus Station', 'Common Bus Station');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('637', '150703', '交通設施服務', '公交車站', '機場巴士', 'Transportation Service', 'Bus Station', 'Airport Bus');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('638', '150800', '交通設施服務', '班車站', '班車站', 'Transportation Service', 'Commuter Bus Station', 'Commuter Bus Station');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('639', '150900', '交通設施服務', '停車場', '停車場相關', 'Transportation Service', 'Parking Lot', 'Parking Lot Related');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('640', '150903', '交通設施服務', '停車場', '換乘停車場', 'Transportation Service', 'Parking Lot', 'Park-and-Ride Place');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('641', '150904', '交通設施服務', '停車場', '公共停車場', 'Transportation Service', 'Parking Lot', 'Public Parking Lot');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('642', '150905', '交通設施服務', '停車場', '專用停車場', 'Transportation Service', 'Parking Lot', 'Reserved Parking Lot');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('643', '150906', '交通設施服務', '停車場', '路邊停車場', 'Transportation Service', 'Parking Lot', 'Roadside Parking Lot');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('644', '150907', '交通設施服務', '停車場', '停車場入口', 'Transportation Service', 'Parking Lot', 'Parking Lot Entrance');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('645', '150908', '交通設施服務', '停車場', '停車場出口', 'Transportation Service', 'Parking Lot', 'Parking Lot Exit');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('646', '150909', '交通設施服務', '停車場', '停車場出入口', 'Transportation Service', 'Parking Lot', 'Parking Lot Entrance & Exit');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('647', '151000', '交通設施服務', '過境口岸', '過境口岸', 'Transportation Service', 'Border Crossing', 'Border Crossing');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('648', '151100', '交通設施服務', '出租車', '出租車', 'Transportation Service', 'Taxi', 'Taxi');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('649', '151200', '交通設施服務', '輪渡站', '輪渡站', 'Transportation Service', 'Ferry Station', 'Ferry Station');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('650', '151300', '交通設施服務', '索道站', '索道站', 'Transportation Service', 'Ropeway Station', 'Ropeway Station');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('651', '160000', '金融保險服務', '金融保險服務機構', '金融保險機構', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Finance & Insurance Service Institution', 'Finance & Insurance Institution');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('652', '160100', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('653', '160101', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '中國人民銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'The People\'s Bank of China');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('654', '160102', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '國家開發銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'China Development Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('655', '160103', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '中國進出口銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'The Export-Import Bank of China');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('656', '160104', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '中國銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Bank of China');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('657', '160105', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '中國工商銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'ICBC');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('658', '160106', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '中國建設銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'China Construction Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('659', '160107', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '中國農業銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Agricultural Bank of China');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('660', '160108', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '交通銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Bank of Communications');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('661', '160109', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '招商銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'China Merchants Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('662', '160110', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '華夏銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Huaxia Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('663', '160111', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '中信銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'China CITIC Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('664', '160112', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '中國民生銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'China Minsheng Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('665', '160113', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '中國光大銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'China Everbright Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('666', '160114', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '上海銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Bank of Shanghai');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('667', '160115', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '上海浦東發展銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Shanghai Pudong Development Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('668', '160117', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '平安銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Ping An Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('669', '160118', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '興業銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Industrial Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('670', '160119', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '北京銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Bank of Beijing');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('671', '160120', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '廣發銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'CGB');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('672', '160121', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '農村商業銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Rural Commercial Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('673', '160122', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '香港恆生銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Hong Kong Hang Seng Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('674', '160123', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '東亞銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Bank of East Asia');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('675', '160124', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '花旗銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Citibank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('676', '160125', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '渣打銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Standard Chartered Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('677', '160126', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '匯豐銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'HSBC');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('678', '160127', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '荷蘭銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'ABN AMRO Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('679', '160128', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '美國運通銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'American Express Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('680', '160129', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '瑞士友邦銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'AIG Private Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('681', '160130', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '美國銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Bank of America');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('682', '160131', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '蒙特利爾銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Bank of Montreal');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('683', '160132', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '紐約銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Bank of New York');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('684', '160133', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '蘇格蘭皇家銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'The Royal Bank of Scotland');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('685', '160134', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '法國興業銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Societe Generale Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('686', '160135', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '德意志銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Deutsche Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('687', '160136', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '日本三菱東京日聯銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('688', '160137', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '巴克萊銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Barclays Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('689', '160138', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '摩根大通銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'JPMorgan Chase Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('690', '160139', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '中國郵政儲蓄銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Postal Savings Bank of China');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('691', '160140', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '香港星展銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'DBS');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('692', '160141', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '南洋商業銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Nanyang Commercial Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('693', '160142', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '上海商業銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Shanghai Commercial Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('694', '160143', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '永亨銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Wing Hang Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('695', '160144', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '香港永隆銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Wing Lung Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('696', '160145', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '創興銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Chong Hing Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('697', '160146', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '大新銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Dah Sing Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('698', '160147', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '中信銀行(國際)', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'China CITIC Bank International');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('699', '160148', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '大衆銀行(香港)', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Public Bank (Hong Kong)');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('700', '160149', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '北京農商銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Beijing Rural Commercial Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('701', '160150', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '上海農商銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('702', '160151', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '廣州農商銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('703', '160152', '金融保險服務', '銀行', '深圳農村商業銀行', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank', 'Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('704', '160200', '金融保險服務', '銀行相關', '銀行相關', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Bank Related', 'Bank Related');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('705', '160300', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '自動提款機', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('706', '160301', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '中國銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Bank of China ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('707', '160302', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '中國工商銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'ICBC ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('708', '160303', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '中國建設銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'China Construction Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('709', '160304', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '中國農業銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Agricultural Bank of China ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('710', '160305', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '交通銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Bank of Communications ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('711', '160306', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '招商銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'China Merchants Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('712', '160307', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '華夏銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Huaxia Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('713', '160308', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '中信銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'China CITIC Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('714', '160309', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '中國民生銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'China Minsheng Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('715', '160310', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '中國光大銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'China Everbright Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('716', '160311', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '上海銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Bank of Shanghai ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('717', '160312', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '上海浦東發展銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Shanghai Pudong Development Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('718', '160314', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '平安銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Ping An Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('719', '160315', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '興業銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Industrial Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('720', '160316', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '北京銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Bank of Beijing ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('721', '160317', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '廣發銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'CGB ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('722', '160318', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '農村商業銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Rural Commercial Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('723', '160319', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '香港恆生銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Hong Kong Hang Seng Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('724', '160320', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '東亞銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Bank of East Asia ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('725', '160321', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '花旗銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Citibank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('726', '160322', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '渣打銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Standard Chartered Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('727', '160323', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '匯豐銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'HSBC ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('728', '160324', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '荷蘭銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'ABN AMRO Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('729', '160325', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '美國運通銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'American Express Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('730', '160326', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '瑞士友邦銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'AIG Private Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('731', '160327', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '美國銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Bank of America ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('732', '160328', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '蒙特利爾銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Bank of Montreal ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('733', '160329', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '紐約銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Bank of New York ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('734', '160330', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '蘇格蘭皇家銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'The Royal Bank of Scotland ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('735', '160331', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '法國興業銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Societe Generale Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('736', '160332', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '德意志銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Deutsche Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('737', '160333', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '日本三菱東京日聯銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('738', '160334', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '巴克萊銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Barclays Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('739', '160335', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '摩根大通銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'JPMorgan Chase Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('740', '160336', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '中國郵政儲蓄銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Postal Savings Bank of China ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('741', '160337', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '香港星展銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'DBS ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('742', '160338', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '南洋商業銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Nanyang Commercial Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('743', '160339', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '上海商業銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Shanghai Commercial Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('744', '160340', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '永亨銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Wing Hang Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('745', '160341', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '香港永隆銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Wing Lung Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('746', '160342', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '創興銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Chong Hing Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('747', '160343', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '大新銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Dah Sing Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('748', '160344', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '中信銀行(國際)ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'China CITIC Bank International ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('749', '160345', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '大衆銀行(香港)ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Public Bank (Hong Kong) ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('750', '160346', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '北京農商銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Beijing Rural Commercial Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('751', '160347', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '上海農商銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('752', '160348', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '廣州農商銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('753', '160349', '金融保險服務', '自動提款機', '深圳農村商業銀行ATM', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'ATM', 'Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank ATM');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('754', '160400', '金融保險服務', '保險公司', '保險公司', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Insurance Company', 'Insurance Company');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('755', '160401', '金融保險服務', '保險公司', '中國人民保險公司', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Insurance Company', 'The People\'s Insurance Company of China');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('756', '160402', '金融保險服務', '保險公司', '中國人壽保險公司', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Insurance Company', 'China Life Insurance Company');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('757', '160403', '金融保險服務', '保險公司', '中國平安保險公司', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Insurance Company', 'Ping An Insurance Company of China');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('758', '160404', '金融保險服務', '保險公司', '中國再保險公司', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Insurance Company', 'China Reinsurance Company');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('759', '160405', '金融保險服務', '保險公司', '中國太平洋保險', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Insurance Company', 'China Pacific Insurance Company');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('760', '160406', '金融保險服務', '保險公司', '新華人壽保險公司', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Insurance Company', 'New China Life Insurance Company');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('761', '160407', '金融保險服務', '保險公司', '華泰財產保險股份有限公司', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Insurance Company', 'Huatai Property Insurance Company Ltd.');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('762', '160408', '金融保險服務', '保險公司', '泰康人壽保險公司', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Insurance Company', 'Taikang Life Insurance Company');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('763', '160500', '金融保險服務', '證券公司', '證券公司', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Securities Company', 'Securities Company');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('764', '160501', '金融保險服務', '證券公司', '證券營業廳', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Securities Company', 'Office of Securities Business');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('765', '160600', '金融保險服務', '財務公司', '財務公司', 'Finance & Insurance Service', 'Finance Company', 'Finance Company');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('766', '170000', '公司企業', '公司企業', '公司企業', 'Enterprises', 'Enterprises', 'Enterprises');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('767', '170100', '公司企業', '知名企業', '知名企業', 'Enterprises', 'Famous Enterprise', 'Famous Enterprise');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('768', '170200', '公司企業', '公司', '公司', 'Enterprises', 'Company', 'Company');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('769', '170201', '公司企業', '公司', '廣告裝飾', 'Enterprises', 'Company', 'Advertisement and Decoration');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('770', '170202', '公司企業', '公司', '建築公司', 'Enterprises', 'Company', 'Construction Company');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('771', '170203', '公司企業', '公司', '醫藥公司', 'Enterprises', 'Company', 'Medical Company');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('772', '170204', '公司企業', '公司', '機械電子', 'Enterprises', 'Company', 'Machinery and Electronics');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('773', '170205', '公司企業', '公司', '冶金化工', 'Enterprises', 'Company', 'Chemical and Metallurgy');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('774', '170206', '公司企業', '公司', '網絡科技', 'Enterprises', 'Company', 'Network Science and Technology');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('775', '170207', '公司企業', '公司', '商業貿易', 'Enterprises', 'Company', 'Commercial Trade');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('776', '170208', '公司企業', '公司', '電信公司', 'Enterprises', 'Company', 'Telecommunication Company');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('777', '170209', '公司企業', '公司', '礦產公司', 'Enterprises', 'Company', 'Mining Company');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('778', '170300', '公司企業', '工廠', '工廠', 'Enterprises', 'Factory', 'Factory');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('779', '170400', '公司企業', '農林牧漁基地', '其它農林牧漁基地', 'Enterprises', 'Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery Base', 'Other Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery Base');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('780', '170401', '公司企業', '農林牧漁基地', '漁場', 'Enterprises', 'Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery Base', 'Fishing Farm');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('781', '170402', '公司企業', '農林牧漁基地', '農場', 'Enterprises', 'Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery Base', 'Farm');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('782', '170403', '公司企業', '農林牧漁基地', '林場', 'Enterprises', 'Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery Base', 'Forest Farm');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('783', '170404', '公司企業', '農林牧漁基地', '牧場', 'Enterprises', 'Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery Base', 'Pasture');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('784', '170405', '公司企業', '農林牧漁基地', '家禽養殖基地', 'Enterprises', 'Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery Base', 'Poultry Breeding Base');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('785', '170406', '公司企業', '農林牧漁基地', '蔬菜基地', 'Enterprises', 'Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery Base', 'Vegetable Planting Base');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('786', '170407', '公司企業', '農林牧漁基地', '水果基地', 'Enterprises', 'Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery Base', 'Fruit Cultivation Base');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('787', '170408', '公司企業', '農林牧漁基地', '花卉苗圃基地', 'Enterprises', 'Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery Base', 'Flower Nurserey Base');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('788', '180000', '道路附屬設施', '道路附屬設施', '道路附屬設施', 'Road Furniture', 'Road Furniture', 'Road Furniture');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('789', '180100', '道路附屬設施', '警示信息', '警示信息', 'Road Furniture', 'Warning Sign', 'Warning Sign');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('790', '180101', '道路附屬設施', '警示信息', '攝像頭', 'Road Furniture', 'Warning Sign', 'Camera');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('791', '180102', '道路附屬設施', '警示信息', '測速設施', 'Road Furniture', 'Warning Sign', 'Speed Sensor');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('792', '180103', '道路附屬設施', '警示信息', '鐵路道口', 'Road Furniture', 'Warning Sign', 'Railway Crossing');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('793', '180104', '道路附屬設施', '警示信息', '違章停車', 'Road Furniture', 'Warning Sign', 'Illegal Parking');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('794', '180200', '道路附屬設施', '收費站', '收費站', 'Road Furniture', 'Toll Gate', 'Toll Gate');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('795', '180201', '道路附屬設施', '收費站', '高速收費站', 'Road Furniture', 'Toll Gate', 'Expressway Toll Gate');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('796', '180202', '道路附屬設施', '收費站', '國省道收費站', 'Road Furniture', 'Toll Gate', 'National and Provincial Road Toll Gate');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('797', '180203', '道路附屬設施', '收費站', '橋洞收費站', 'Road Furniture', 'Toll Gate', 'Tunnel & Bridge Toll Gate');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('798', '180300', '道路附屬設施', '服務區', '高速服務區', 'Road Furniture', 'Service Area', 'Expressway Service Area');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('799', '180301', '道路附屬設施', '服務區', '高速加油站服務區', 'Road Furniture', 'Service Area', 'Expressway Filling Station Service Area');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('800', '180302', '道路附屬設施', '服務區', '高速停車區', 'Road Furniture', 'Service Area', 'Expressway Parking Area');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('801', '180400', '道路附屬設施', '紅綠燈', '紅綠燈', 'Road Furniture', 'Traffic Light', 'Traffic Light');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('802', '180500', '道路附屬設施', '路牌信息', '路牌信息', 'Road Furniture', 'Signpost', 'Signpost');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('803', '190000', '地名地址信息', '地名地址信息', '地名地址信息', 'Place Name & Address', 'Place Name & Address', 'Place Name & Address');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('804', '190100', '地名地址信息', '普通地名', '普通地名', 'Place Name & Address', 'Normal Place Name', 'Normal Place Name');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('805', '190101', '地名地址信息', '普通地名', '國家名', 'Place Name & Address', 'Normal Place Name', 'Country Name');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('806', '190102', '地名地址信息', '普通地名', '省級地名', 'Place Name & Address', 'Normal Place Name', 'Provincial Place Name');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('807', '190103', '地名地址信息', '普通地名', '直轄市級地名', 'Place Name & Address', 'Normal Place Name', 'Municipal Place Name');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('808', '190104', '地名地址信息', '普通地名', '地市級地名', 'Place Name & Address', 'Normal Place Name', 'Prefecture-level Place Name');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('809', '190105', '地名地址信息', '普通地名', '區縣級地名', 'Place Name & Address', 'Normal Place Name', 'District/County-level Place Name');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('810', '190106', '地名地址信息', '普通地名', '鄉鎮級地名', 'Place Name & Address', 'Normal Place Name', 'Township-level Place Name');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('811', '190107', '地名地址信息', '普通地名', '街道級地名', 'Place Name & Address', 'Normal Place Name', 'Subdistrict-level Place Name');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('812', '190108', '地名地址信息', '普通地名', '村莊級地名', 'Place Name & Address', 'Normal Place Name', 'Village-level Place Name');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('813', '190109', '地名地址信息', '普通地名', '村組級地名', 'Place Name & Address', 'Normal Place Name', 'Village Team-level Place Name');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('814', '190200', '地名地址信息', '自然地名', '自然地名', 'Place Name & Address', 'Natural Place Name', 'Natural Place Name');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('815', '190201', '地名地址信息', '自然地名', '海灣海峽', 'Place Name & Address', 'Natural Place Name', 'Gulf and Strait');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('816', '190202', '地名地址信息', '自然地名', '島嶼', 'Place Name & Address', 'Natural Place Name', 'Island');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('817', '190203', '地名地址信息', '自然地名', '山', 'Place Name & Address', 'Natural Place Name', 'Mountain');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('818', '190204', '地名地址信息', '自然地名', '河流', 'Place Name & Address', 'Natural Place Name', 'River');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('819', '190205', '地名地址信息', '自然地名', '湖泊', 'Place Name & Address', 'Natural Place Name', 'Lake');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('820', '190300', '地名地址信息', '交通地名', '交通地名', 'Place Name & Address', 'Transportation Place Name', 'Transportation Place Name');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('821', '190301', '地名地址信息', '交通地名', '道路名', 'Place Name & Address', 'Transportation Place Name', 'Road Name');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('822', '190302', '地名地址信息', '交通地名', '路口名', 'Place Name & Address', 'Transportation Place Name', 'Name of Intersection');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('823', '190303', '地名地址信息', '交通地名', '環島名', 'Place Name & Address', 'Transportation Place Name', 'Name of Roundabout');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('824', '190304', '地名地址信息', '交通地名', '高速路出口', 'Place Name & Address', 'Transportation Place Name', 'Expressway Exit');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('825', '190305', '地名地址信息', '交通地名', '高速路入口', 'Place Name & Address', 'Transportation Place Name', 'Expressway Entrance');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('826', '190306', '地名地址信息', '交通地名', '立交橋', 'Place Name & Address', 'Transportation Place Name', 'Motorway Interchange');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('827', '190307', '地名地址信息', '交通地名', '橋', 'Place Name & Address', 'Transportation Place Name', 'Bridge');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('828', '190308', '地名地址信息', '交通地名', '城市快速路出口', 'Place Name & Address', 'Transportation Place Name', 'Urban Expressway Exit');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('829', '190309', '地名地址信息', '交通地名', '城市快速路入口', 'Place Name & Address', 'Transportation Place Name', 'Urban Expressway Entrance');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('830', '190310', '地名地址信息', '交通地名', '隧道', 'Place Name & Address', 'Transportation Place Name', 'Tunnel');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('831', '190311', '地名地址信息', '交通地名', '鐵路', 'Place Name & Address', 'Transportation Place Name', 'Railway');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('832', '190400', '地名地址信息', '門牌信息', '門牌信息', 'Place Name & Address', 'Address Sign', 'Address Sign');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('833', '190401', '地名地址信息', '門牌信息', '地名門牌', 'Place Name & Address', 'Address Sign', 'Placename Sign');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('834', '190402', '地名地址信息', '門牌信息', '道路門牌', 'Place Name & Address', 'Address Sign', 'Road Name Sign');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('835', '190403', '地名地址信息', '門牌信息', '樓棟號', 'Place Name & Address', 'Address Sign', 'Building Number');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('836', '190500', '地名地址信息', '市中心', '城市中心', 'Place Name & Address', 'City Center', 'City Center');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('837', '190600', '地名地址信息', '標誌性建築物', '標誌性建築物', 'Place Name & Address', 'Landmark Buildings', 'Landmark Buildings');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('838', '190700', '地名地址信息', '熱點地名', '熱點地名', 'Place Name & Address', 'The hot names', 'The hot names');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('839', '200000', '公共設施', '公共設施', '公共設施', 'Public Facility', 'Public Facility', 'Public Facility');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('840', '200100', '公共設施', '報刊亭', '報刊亭', 'Public Facility', 'Newsstand', 'Newsstand');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('841', '200200', '公共設施', '公用電話', '公用電話', 'Public Facility', 'Public Phone', 'Public Phone');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('842', '200300', '公共設施', '公共廁所', '公共廁所', 'Public Facility', 'Public Toilet', 'Public Toilet');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('843', '200301', '公共設施', '公共廁所', '男洗手間', 'Public Facility', 'Public Toilet', 'Male Toilet');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('844', '200302', '公共設施', '公共廁所', '女洗手間', 'Public Facility', 'Public Toilet', 'Female Toilet');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('845', '200303', '公共設施', '公共廁所', '殘障洗手間/無障礙洗手間', 'Public Facility', 'Public Toilet', 'Wheelchair Accessible');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('846', '200304', '公共設施', '公共廁所', '嬰兒換洗間/哺乳室/母嬰室', 'Public Facility', 'Public Toilet', 'Room of Mother and Infant');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('847', '200400', '公共設施', '緊急避難場所', '緊急避難場所', 'Public Facility', 'Emergency Shelter', 'Emergency Shelter');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('848', '220000', '事件活動', '事件活動', '事件活動', 'Incidents and Events', 'Incidents and Events', 'Incidents and Events');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('849', '220100', '事件活動', '公衆活動', '公衆活動', 'Incidents and Events', 'Public Event', 'Public Event');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('850', '220101', '事件活動', '公衆活動', '節日慶典', 'Incidents and Events', 'Public Event', 'Festival Celebration');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('851', '220102', '事件活動', '公衆活動', '展會展覽', 'Incidents and Events', 'Public Event', 'Convention & Exposition');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('852', '220103', '事件活動', '公衆活動', '體育賽事', 'Incidents and Events', 'Public Event', 'Sports Event');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('853', '220104', '事件活動', '公衆活動', '文藝演出', 'Incidents and Events', 'Public Event', 'Art Performance');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('854', '220105', '事件活動', '公衆活動', '大型會議', 'Incidents and Events', 'Public Event', 'Conference');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('855', '220106', '事件活動', '公衆活動', '運營活動', 'Incidents and Events', 'Public Event', 'Operating Activities');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('856', '220107', '事件活動', '公衆活動', '商場活動', 'Incidents and Events', 'Public Event', 'Marketplace Activities');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('857', '220200', '事件活動', '突發事件', '突發事件', 'Incidents and Events', 'Emergency', 'Emergency');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('858', '220201', '事件活動', '突發事件', '自然災害', 'Incidents and Events', 'Emergency', 'Natural Disaster');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('859', '220202', '事件活動', '突發事件', '事故災難', 'Incidents and Events', 'Emergency', 'Accident');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('860', '220203', '事件活動', '突發事件', '城市新聞', 'Incidents and Events', 'Emergency', 'City News');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('861', '220204', '事件活動', '突發事件', '公共衛生事件', 'Incidents and Events', 'Emergency', 'Public Health Event');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('862', '220205', '事件活動', '突發事件', '公共社會事件', 'Incidents and Events', 'Emergency', 'Public Social Event');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('863', '970000', '室內設施', '室內設施', '室內設施', 'Indoor facilities', 'Indoor facilities', 'Indoor facilities');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('864', '990000', '通行設施', '通行設施', '通行設施', 'Pass Facilities', 'Pass Facilities', 'Pass Facilities');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('865', '991000', '通行設施', '建築物門', '建築物門', 'Pass Facilities', 'Gate of Buildings', 'Gate of Buildings');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('866', '991001', '通行設施', '建築物門', '建築物正門', 'Pass Facilities', 'Gate of Buildings', 'Main Gate of Buildings');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('867', '991400', '通行設施', '臨街院門', '臨街院門', 'Pass Facilities', 'Gate of Street House', 'Gate of Street House');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('868', '991401', '通行設施', '臨街院門', '臨街院正門', 'Pass Facilities', 'Gate of Street House', 'Main Entrance of Street House Gate');
INSERT INTO `gaode_poi_category` VALUES ('869', '991500', '通行設施', '虛擬門', '虛擬門', 'Pass Facilities', 'Virtual Gate', 'Virtual Gate');
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