Java HashMap的實現


當值“F"插入HashMap集合時,發現他所對應的位置已有數據插入,此時便發生了衝突。解決衝突的辦法這裏列舉三種:linear probing, double hashing, 和chaining。

linear probing方法

linear probing解決衝突的方式是:當衝突發生,後來的數據依次往後尋找空閒位置,一旦找到,便插入。如下圖所示:




public class HashMapNode {
	private Object key;
	private Object value;
	// construction
	public HashMapNode(Object key, Object value){
		this.key = key;
		this.value = value;
	// get methods
	public Object getKey(){
		return key;
	public Object getValue(){
		return value;
	// set method
	public void setValue(Object newValue){
		this.value = newValue;

類HashMap是採用linear probing方式的hashmap實現,具體如下:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class HashMap<K, V> {
  private int multiplier;
  private int modulus;
  private int hashMapSize;//HashMap容量
  private HashMapNode[] array;
  private int size = 0;//HashMap現有元素個數

  // construction
  // construct a HashMap with 4000 places and given hash paarameters
  public HashMap(int multiplier, int modulus){
    this.multiplier = multiplier;
    this.modulus = modulus;
    this.hashMapSize = 4000;
    this.array = new HashMapNode[this.hashMapSize];
   // construct a HashMap with given capacity and given hash parameters
  public HashMap(int hashMapSize, int multiplier, int modulus){
    this.multiplier = multiplier;
    this.modulus = modulus;
    this.hashMapSize = hashMapSize;
    this.array = new HashMapNode[this.hashMapSize];
  // hashing
  public int hash(K key){
    return Math.abs(multiplier * key.hashCode()) % modulus % this.hashMapSize;
  // size
  public int size(){
    return size;
  // return the number of nodes currently stored in the map
  public boolean isEmpty(){
    return size == 0;
  // interface methods
  public List<K> keys(){
    List<K> list = new ArrayList<K>();
    for(int i = 0; i < this.hashMapSize; i++){
      if(array[i] != null){
    return list;
  public V put(K key, V value){
    int hashCode = hash(key);//hashCode是value本應存放的位置
    if(array[hashCode] == null){//該位置是空的,則直接放入,不需要處理衝突
      HashMapNode node = new HashMapNode(key,value);
      array[hashCode] = node;
      return null;
    }else if(key.equals((K)array[hashCode].getKey())){//該主鍵已存在,則更新對應的值
      V oldValue = (V)array[hashCode].getValue();
      return oldValue;
    int probe = (hashCode + 1) % this.hashMapSize;//開始處理衝突
    while(probe != hashCode){
      if(array[probe] == null){//找到空閒位置
        HashMapNode node = new HashMapNode(key,value);
        array[probe] = node;
        return null;
      }else if(key.equals((K)array[probe].getKey())){//該主鍵已存在,則更新對應的值
        V oldValue = (V)array[probe].getValue();
        return oldValue;
        probe = (probe + 1) % this.hashMapSize;
    return null;

  public V get(K key){
    int hashCode = hash(key);
    if(array[hashCode] != null && key.equals((K)array[hashCode].getKey())){
      return (V)array[hashCode].getValue();
    int probe = (hashCode + 1) % this.hashMapSize;
    while(probe != hashCode){//依次往後查找,直到回到原點
      if(array[probe] == null){
        probe = (probe + 1) % this.hashMapSize;
      }else if(key.equals((K)array[probe].getKey())){
        return (V)array[probe].getValue();
        probe = (probe + 1) % this.hashMapSize;
    return null;

  public V remove(K key){
    int hashCode = hash(key);
    if(array[hashCode] != null && key.equals((K)array[hashCode].getKey())){
        V oldValue = (V)array[hashCode].getValue();
        array[hashCode] = null;//該位置設置爲null,表示被刪除
        return oldValue;
    int probe = (hashCode + 1) % this.hashMapSize;
    while(probe != hashCode){
      if(array[probe] == null){
        probe = (probe + 1) % this.hashMapSize;
      }else if(key.equals((K)array[probe].getKey())){
        V oldValue = (V)array[probe].getValue();
        array[probe] = null;
        return oldValue;
        probe = (probe + 1) % this.hashMapSize;
    return null;

double hashing 方法

double hashing方法,思想是當發生衝突時,結合第二個hash函數,新生成一個hashCode,直到不發生衝突爲止。此處使用的第二個hash函數如下:secondaryModulus   (abs(hashCode(key)) mod secondaryModulus),計算元素下標值的方法如下:hash(key) + j * secondary(key)。j從0開始逐漸遞增,直到不衝突爲止。具體實現如下:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class DoubleHashMap<K, V> {
	private int multiplier;
	private int modulus;
	private int secondaryModulus;
	private int hashMapSize;
	private HashMapNode[] array;
	private int size = 0;
	// construction
	// construct a HashMap with 4000 places and given hash paarameters
	public DoubleHashMap(int multiplier, int modulus, int secondaryModulus){
		this.multiplier = multiplier;
		this.modulus = modulus;
		this.secondaryModulus = secondaryModulus;
		this.hashMapSize = 4000;
		this.array = new HashMapNode[this.hashMapSize];
	// construct a HashMap with given capacity and given hash parameters
	public DoubleHashMap(int hashMapSize, int multiplier, int modulus, int secondaryModulus){
		this.multiplier = multiplier;
		this.modulus = modulus;
		this.secondaryModulus = secondaryModulus;
		this.hashMapSize = hashMapSize;
		this.array = new HashMapNode[this.hashMapSize];
	// hashing
	public int hash(K key){
		return Math.abs(multiplier * key.hashCode()) % modulus;
	public int secondaryHash(K key){
		return this.secondaryModulus - Math.abs(key.hashCode()) % this.secondaryModulus;
	// size
	public int size(){
		return size;
	// return the number of nodes currently stored in the map
	public boolean isEmpty(){
		return size == 0;
	// interface methods
	public List<K> keys(){
		List<K> list = new ArrayList<K>();
		for(int i = 0; i < this.hashMapSize; i++){
			if(array[i] != null){
		return list;
	public V put(K key, V value){
		int hashCode = hash(key);//calculating the hash code
		if(array[hashCode % this.hashMapSize] == null){//if the hash item is empty, add the data straight away
			HashMapNode node = new HashMapNode(key,value);
			array[hashCode % this.hashMapSize] = node;
			return null;
		}else if(key.equals((K)array[hashCode % this.hashMapSize].getKey())){
			V oldValue = (V)array[hashCode % this.hashMapSize].getValue();
			array[hashCode % this.hashMapSize].setValue(value);
			return oldValue;

		int secondHashCode = secondaryHash(key);
		int probe = 0;//variable to store probing location
		int j = 0;
		V retValue = null;
			probe = (hashCode + j * secondHashCode) % this.hashMapSize;
			if(array[probe] == null){
				HashMapNode node = new HashMapNode(key,value);
				array[probe] = node;
			}else if(key.equals((K)array[probe].getKey())){
				retValue = (V)array[probe].getValue();
		return retValue;

	public V get(K key){
		int hashCode = hash(key) % this.hashMapSize;
		if(array[hashCode] != null && key.equals((K)array[hashCode].getKey())){
			return (V)array[hashCode].getValue();
		int probe = (hashCode + 1) % this.hashMapSize;
		while(probe != hashCode){
			if(array[probe] == null){
				probe = (probe + 1) % this.hashMapSize;
			}else if(key.equals((K)array[probe].getKey())){
				return (V)array[probe].getValue();
				probe = (probe + 1) % this.hashMapSize;
		return null;

	public V remove(K key){
		int hashCode = hash(key) % this.hashMapSize;
		if(array[hashCode] != null && key.equals((K)array[hashCode].getKey())){
				V oldValue = (V)array[hashCode].getValue();
				array[hashCode] = null;
				return oldValue;
		int probe = (hashCode + 1) % this.hashMapSize;
		while(probe != hashCode){
			if(array[probe] == null){
				probe = (probe + 1) % this.hashMapSize;
			}else if(key.equals((K)array[probe].getKey())){
				V oldValue = (V)array[probe].getValue();
				array[probe] = null;
				return oldValue;
				probe = (probe + 1) % this.hashMapSize;
		return null;

chaining 方法



public class ChainingHashMapNode {
	private Object key;
	private Object value;
	private ChainingHashMapNode next;
	// construction
	public ChainingHashMapNode(Object key, Object value){
		this.key = key;
		this.value = value; = null;
	// get methods
	public Object getKey(){
		return key;
	public Object getValue(){
		return value;
	public ChainingHashMapNode getNext(){
		return next;
	// set methods
	public void setValue(Object newValue){
		this.value = newValue;
	public void setNext(ChainingHashMapNode next){ = next;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class ChainingHashMap<K, V> {
	private int multiplier;
	private int modulus;
	private ChainingHashMapNode[] array;
	private int hashMapSize;
	private int size;
	// construction
	// construct a HashMap with 4000 places and given hash parameters
	public ChainingHashMap(int multiplier, int modulus){
		this.multiplier = multiplier;
		this.modulus = modulus;
		this.hashMapSize = 4000;
		this.array = new ChainingHashMapNode[this.hashMapSize];
		this.size = 0;

	// construct a HashMap with given capacity and given hash parameters
	// hashing
	public ChainingHashMap(int hashMapSize, int multiplier, int modulus){
		this.multiplier = multiplier;
		this.modulus = modulus;
		this.hashMapSize = hashMapSize;
		this.array = new ChainingHashMapNode[this.hashMapSize];
		this.size = 0;

	public int hash(K key){
		return Math.abs(multiplier * key.hashCode()) % modulus  % this.hashMapSize;
	// size
	public int size(){
		return size;
	// return the number of nodes currently stored in the map
	public boolean isEmpty(){
		return size == 0;
	// interface
	public List<K> keys(){
		List<K> list = new ArrayList<K>();
		for(int i = 0; i < this.hashMapSize; i++){
			ChainingHashMapNode node = array[i];
			while(node != null){
				node = node.getNext();
		return list;
	public V put(K key, V value){
		int hashCode = hash(key);
		if(array[hashCode] == null){//沒有發生衝突,放入首位
			ChainingHashMapNode node = new ChainingHashMapNode(key,value);
			array[hashCode] = node;
			return null;
		ChainingHashMapNode node = array[hashCode];
		ChainingHashMapNode pre = node;
		while(node != null){
				V oldValue = (V)node.getValue();
				return oldValue;
				pre = node;
				node = node.getNext();
		ChainingHashMapNode newNode = new ChainingHashMapNode(key,value); //在鏈表末尾添加衝突的元素
		return null;

	public V get(K key){
		int hashCode = hash(key);
		ChainingHashMapNode node = array[hashCode];
		while(node != null){
				return (V)node.getValue();
				node = node.getNext();
		return null;
	public V remove(K key){
		int hashCode = hash(key);
		ChainingHashMapNode node = array[hashCode];
		if(node != null && key.equals((K)node.getKey())){
			array[hashCode] = node.getNext();
			return (V)node.getValue();
		ChainingHashMapNode pre = node;
		node = node.getNext();
		while(node != null){
				return (V)node.getValue();
				pre = node;
				node = node.getNext();
		return null;


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