支持泛型AVL Tree的簡單實現,並和STL map比較了插入,刪除,查找的性能


   1)AVL tree是一種自平衡樹。它通過左右子樹的高度差來控制樹的平衡,當高度差是不大於1的時候,認爲樹是平衡的。樹的平衡保證了樹在極端情況下

  2)AVL tree 和Red black tree 都是一種平衡樹,它的操作的時間複雜度是:O(lgN) ,N是樹的節點的數目;
  3)本文實現了AVL Tree, 並和STL map做了操作性能上的比較,結果發現:AVL tree 的消耗時間稍微多一些大約比Red Black tree多出8%;
  5)由於表達力有限,關於AVL tree的算法詳述請參見維基百科;


#ifndef _AVL_TREE_H_
#define _AVL_TREE_H_

#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <map>

#include "windows.h"

#define Max( a, b ) ( (a > b )? (a):(b))

template<class T, class V, class Cmp = std::less<T> > 
class AVLTree
	typedef struct tagAVLNode
		T      key;
		V      data;
		int    height;
		tagAVLNode* leftChild;
		tagAVLNode* rightChild;

		tagAVLNode():key(), data(), height(0), 


		tagAVLNode( const T& _key, const V& _data ):key( _key ), 



	}AVLNode, *pAVLNode;

	AVLTree():m_root(0), m_size(0)


	* Copy constructor
	AVLTree( const AVLTree& rhs )
		m_root = Clone( rhs.m_root );

	* Destructor

	* overload assignment operator 
	AVLTree& operator = ( const AVLTree& rhs )
		if( this != &rhs )

			m_root = Clone( rhs.m_root );

		return m_root;

	* Retrieve the number of node for the given avl tree
	size_t Size() const 
		return m_size;

	* Clear all node 
	void Clear()
		Clear( m_root );

	* Insert key value pair to avl tree
	void Insert( const T& _key, const V& _value )
		m_root = Insert( m_root, _key, _value );

	* Delete node for given key
	void Delete( const T& _key )
		m_root = Delete( m_root, _key );

	* Find the pointer of value for given key
	V*  Find( const T& _key )
		return Find( m_root, _key );

	* Find the min value
	V& FindMin( T& key )
		pAVLNode node = FindMin( m_root );
		if( node )
			key = node->key;
			return node->data;

	* Find the max value 
	V& FindMax( T& key )
		pAVLNode node = FindMax( m_root );
		if( node )
			key = node->key;
			return node->data;


	* Clone avl tree 
	pAVLNode Clone( pAVLNode root )
		if( 0 == root )
			return 0;

		pAVLNode newNode = new AVLNode( root->key, root->data );
		newNode->leftChild = Clone( root->leftChild );
		newNode->rightChild = Clone( root->rightChild );

		return newNode;

	size_t Size( pAVLNode root ) const 
		if( 0 == root )
			return 0;

		return 1 + Size( root->leftChild ) + Size( root->rightChild );

	int GetBalance( pAVLNode root )
		if( 0 == root )
			return 0;

		return GetHeight( root->leftChild )  - GetHeight( root->rightChild );

	int GetHeight( pAVLNode root )
		if( 0 == root )
			return 0;

		return root->height;

	* Left Rotate
	pAVLNode LeftRotate( pAVLNode node )
		pAVLNode y = node->rightChild;	
		node->rightChild = y->leftChild;
		y->leftChild = node;

		node->height = Max( GetHeight( node->leftChild ), GetHeight( node->rightChild ) ) + 1; // important 
		y->height = Max( GetHeight( y->leftChild ), GetHeight( y->rightChild ) ) + 1;

		return y;


	* Right rotate
	pAVLNode RightRotate( pAVLNode node )
		pAVLNode y = node->leftChild;
		node->leftChild = y->rightChild;
		y->rightChild = node;

		node->height = Max( GetHeight( node->leftChild ), GetHeight( node->rightChild ) ) + 1; // important 
		y->height = Max( GetHeight( y->leftChild ), GetHeight( y->rightChild )) + 1;

		return y;

	* Clear all node 
	void Clear( pAVLNode root )
		if( 0 == root )

		Clear( root->leftChild );
		Clear( root->rightChild );

		delete root;
		root = 0;

	* Insert key value pair to avl tree
	pAVLNode Insert( pAVLNode root, const T& _key, const V& _value )
		if( 0 == root )
			root = new AVLNode( _key, _value );
			return root;
		else if( root->key >  _key  )
			root->leftChild = Insert( root->leftChild, _key, _value );
		else if( root->key < _key )
			root->rightChild = Insert( root->rightChild, _key, _value );

		// update height
		root->height = Max( GetHeight( root->leftChild ), GetHeight( root->rightChild ) );

		// rebalance tree
		int balance = GetBalance( root );
		if( balance > 1 )  //left child tree more high 
			if( _key < root->leftChild->key  ) //left left case
				return RightRotate( root );
			else if( _key > root->leftChild->key ) // left right case
				root->leftChild = LeftRotate( root->leftChild );
				return RightRotate( root );
		else if( balance <- 1 )  // right child tree more high
			if( _key > root->rightChild->key )  // right right case
				return LeftRotate( root );
			else if( _key < root->rightChild->key ) // right left case
				root->rightChild = RightRotate( root->rightChild );
				LeftRotate( root );

		return root;

	* Delete node for given key
	pAVLNode Delete( pAVLNode root, const T& _key )
		if( 0 == root )
			return 0;

		if( root->key < _key )
			root->rightChild = Delete( root->rightChild, _key );
		else if( root->key > _key )
			root->leftChild = Delete( root->leftChild, _key );
			if( root->leftChild )
				if( root->rightChild ) // left right child exist case 1
					pAVLNode minNode = FindMin( root->rightChild );
					root->key = minNode->key;
					root->data = minNode->data;
					root->rightChild = Delete( root->rightChild, minNode->key );

				else                    // only left child exist
					pAVLNode cur = root;
					root = root->leftChild;

					delete cur;
					cur = 0;
				if( root->rightChild )   // only right child exist
					pAVLNode minNode = FindMin( root->rightChild );
					root->key = minNode->key;
					root->data = minNode->data;
					root->rightChild = Delete( root->rightChild, minNode->key );
				else                    // no child exist
					delete root;
					root = 0;


		if( 0 == root )
			return 0;

		// update height
		root->height = Max( GetHeight( root->leftChild ), GetHeight( root->leftChild ) ) + 1;
		//rebalance tree
		int balance = GetBalance( root );
		if( balance > 1 && GetBalance( root->leftChild ) >= 0 )
			return RightRotate( root );

		if( balance > 1 && GetBalance( root->leftChild ) < 0 )
			root->leftChild = LeftRotate( root->leftChild );
			return RightRotate( root );

		if( balance < -1 && GetBalance( root->rightChild ) <= 0 )
			return LeftRotate( root );

		if( balance < -1 && GetBalance( root->rightChild ) > 0 )
			root->rightChild = RightRotate( root->rightChild );
			return LeftRotate( root );

		return root;

	* Find node for given key
	V*  Find( pAVLNode root, const T& _key )
		if( 0 == root )
			return 0;

		if( root->key > _key )
			return Find( root->leftChild, _key );
		else if( root->key < _key )
			return Find( root->rightChild, _key );
			return &root->data;


	* Find the node of min key value 
	pAVLNode FindMin( pAVLNode root )
		if( 0 == root )
			return 0;

		pAVLNode cur = root;
		while( root->leftChild )
			cur = root->leftChild;
			root = cur;

		return cur;

	* Find the node of max key value 
	pAVLNode FindMax( pAVLNode root )
		if( 0 == root )
			return 0;

		pAVLNode cur = root;
		while( root->rightChild )
			cur = root->rightChild;
			root = cur;

		return cur;


	pAVLNode  m_root;

	size_t    m_size;


* Test map
void TestSTLMap()
	const int Len = 100000;
	int key[Len];
	int value[Len];

	for( int i = 0; i < Len; i++ )
		key[i] = i;
		value[i] = i;

	std::random_shuffle( key, key + Len );
	std::random_shuffle( value, value  + Len );

	unsigned long start = GetTickCount();
	std::map<int, int> mapObj;
	for( int i = 0; i < Len; i++ )
		mapObj.insert( std::make_pair( key[i], value[i] ) );

	for( int i = 0; i < Len; i++ )
		std::map<int, int>::iterator iter = mapObj.find( key[i] );
		assert( iter != mapObj.end() );
		assert( iter->second == value[i] );

	for( int i = 0; i < Len; i++ )
		if( !(i % 15) )
			mapObj.erase( key[i] );
			std::map<int, int>::iterator iter = mapObj.find( key[i] );
			assert( iter == mapObj.end() );

	unsigned long interval = GetTickCount() - start;
	printf( " map consume time is %d \n", interval );


* Test avl tree
void TestAVLTree()
	const int Len = 100000;
	int key[Len];
	int value[Len];

	for( int i = 0; i < Len; i++ )
		key[i] = i;
		value[i] = i;

	std::random_shuffle( key, key + Len );
	std::random_shuffle( value, value  + Len );

	unsigned long start = GetTickCount();

	AVLTree<int, int> treeObj;
	for( int i = 0; i < Len; i++ )
		treeObj.Insert( key[i], value[i] );

	for( int i = 0; i < Len; i++ )
		int* val = treeObj.Find( key[i] );
		assert( *val == value[i] );

	int minKey = -1;
	int minValue = treeObj.FindMin( minKey );
	assert( minKey == 0 );

	int maxKey = -1;
	int maxValue = treeObj.FindMax( maxKey );
	assert( maxKey == Len - 1 );

	size_t size = treeObj.Size();
	assert(  size == Len );

	for( int i = 0; i < Len; i++ )
		if( !(i % 15) )
			treeObj.Delete( i );
			int* val = treeObj.Find( i );
			assert( !val );

	size = treeObj.Size();

	unsigned long interval = GetTickCount() - start;
	printf( " avl tree consume time is %d \n", interval );


* Test interface
void TestSuit()

compile and run in visual studio 2005
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