Ubuntu 14.04 Adminer安裝,替換phpmyadmin的最佳選擇



Adminer (formerly phpMinAdmin) is a full-featured database management tool written in PHP. Conversely to phpMyAdmin, it consist of a single file ready to deploy to the target server. Adminer is available for MySQLPostgreSQLSQLiteMS SQL,OracleSimpleDBElasticsearch and MongoDB

Adminer development priorities are: 1. Security(安全性), 2. User experience(用戶體驗), 3. Performance(性能), 4. Feature set(特徵集), 5. Size(大小)


As I wrote over two years ago, Adminer is a very good alternative to PHPMyAdmin. I often find myself looking up that old post, because I frequently install, recommend or update Adminer. After using this software for several years, I am now convinced that it is (has become) much better than PHPMyAdmin. Especially since the new user interface of PHPMyAdmin has become worse. Adminer has progressed a lot and is at version4.1.0 today. I simply love version 4 and I use it almost daily. The top 3 reasons (for me) to choose it are:
  1. Very clear and consistent user interface     非常清晰和協調的用戶界面
  2. It automatically adds foreign keys  自動增加外鍵
  3. You can easily reorder columns in a table 表列自動排列操作簡單

I think that once you give it a (serious) try, you will never want to use PHPMyAdmin (or any other database management tool) again… ever.


三、ubuntu14.04 adminer安裝


It is also great that Adminer is now part of the standard Ubuntu repositories. This means that you can install it with “sudo apt-get install adminer”. However, I do not recommend this. The version of Adminer in the repository is version 3.3.3-1. And it is a very active project with great improvements in every version. Also, upgrading does not hurt, since it handles its dependencies very flexible. In my experience you can run the latest version on any recent Linux without any compatibility issues.


sudo mkdir /usr/share/adminer
sudo wget "http://www.adminer.org/latest.php" -O /usr/share/adminer/latest.php
sudo ln -s /usr/share/adminer/latest.php /usr/share/adminer/adminer.php
echo "Alias /adminer.php /usr/share/adminer/adminer.php" | sudo tee /etc/apache2/conf-available/adminer.conf
sudo a2enconf adminer.conf
sudo service apache2 restart

sudo wget http://www.adminer.org/latest.php -O /usr/share/adminer/latest.php

sudo a2disconf adminer.conf
sudo service apache2 restart
sudo rm /etc/apache2/conf-available/adminer.conf
sudo rm -Rf /usr/share/adminer

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