
一. 微信支付配置



  • //微信支付
          var expense = 10;
          var url = contextPath + "/pay";
      			{	expense : expense,
      				 	  "nonceStr":result.nonceStr, //隨機串     
      			          "signType":result.signType,         //微信簽名方式:     
      			          "paySign":result.paySign //微信簽名 
      						     window.location.href = contextPath+"/pay_finish.jsp";
  • 值得注意的是,由於android機微信開發,錯誤提示得非常不明顯,筆者建議直接獲取支付返回的“res”對象,將裏面的屬性全部彈出,就知道哪裏出錯了!

  • 二.  微信支付主要後臺代碼
  • 2.1 微信支付後臺主接口
  • 調用微信支付方法:
  • /**
    	 * 微信支付配置
    	 * @param money
    	 * @param orderid
    	 * @return
    	public String handleWePay(String money,String orderid) {
    		WxPayDto tpWxPay = new WxPayDto();
    		tpWxPay.setOpenId(CookieUtils.getCookieByName(getRequest(), "openid"));
    		//TODO 暫時設爲1分方便測試 money
    	   return "{"+PayUtils.getPackage(tpWxPay)+"}";
  • package com.cbj.entity;
    public class WxPayDto {
    	private String orderId;//訂單號
    	private String totalFee;//金額
    	private String spbillCreateIp;//訂單生成的機器 IP
    	private String notifyUrl;//這裏notify_url是 支付完成後微信發給該鏈接信息,可以判斷會員是否支付成功,改變訂單狀態等
    	private String body;// 商品描述根據情況修改
    	private String openId;//微信用戶對一個公衆號唯一
    	 * @return the orderId
    	public String getOrderId() {
    		return orderId;
    	 * @param orderId the orderId to set
    	public void setOrderId(String orderId) {
    		this.orderId = orderId;
    	 * @return the totalFee
    	public String getTotalFee() {
    		return totalFee;
    	 * @param totalFee the totalFee to set
    	public void setTotalFee(String totalFee) {
    		this.totalFee = totalFee;
    	 * @return the spbillCreateIp
    	public String getSpbillCreateIp() {
    		return spbillCreateIp;
    	 * @param spbillCreateIp the spbillCreateIp to set
    	public void setSpbillCreateIp(String spbillCreateIp) {
    		this.spbillCreateIp = spbillCreateIp;
    	 * @return the notifyUrl
    	public String getNotifyUrl() {
    		return notifyUrl;
    	 * @param notifyUrl the notifyUrl to set
    	public void setNotifyUrl(String notifyUrl) {
    		this.notifyUrl = notifyUrl;
    	 * @return the body
    	public String getBody() {
    		return body;
    	 * @param body the body to set
    	public void setBody(String body) {
    		this.body = body;
    	 * @return the openId
    	public String getOpenId() {
    		return openId;
    	 * @param openId the openId to set
    	public void setOpenId(String openId) {
    		this.openId = openId;
  • /**
    	 * 獲取請求預支付id報文
    	 * @return
    	public static String getPackage(WxPayDto tpWxPayDto) {
    		String openId = tpWxPayDto.getOpenId();
    		// 1 參數
    		// 訂單號
    		String orderId = tpWxPayDto.getOrderId();
    		// 附加數據 原樣返回
    		String attach = "";
    		// 總金額以分爲單位,不帶小數點
    		String totalFee = getMoney(tpWxPayDto.getTotalFee());
    		// 訂單生成的機器 IP
    		String spbill_create_ip = tpWxPayDto.getSpbillCreateIp();
    		// 這裏notify_url是 支付完成後微信發給該鏈接信息,可以判斷會員是否支付成功,改變訂單狀態等。
    		String trade_type = "JSAPI";
    		// ---必須參數
    		// 商戶號
    		String mch_id = PropKit.get("mch_id");
    		// 隨機字符串
    		String nonce_str = SignUtil.getNonceStr();
    		// 商品描述根據情況修改
    		String body = tpWxPayDto.getBody();
    		// 商戶訂單號
    		String out_trade_no = orderId;
    		String appid = PropKit.get("appId");
    		SortedMap<String, String> packageParams = new TreeMap<String, String>();
    		packageParams.put("appid", appid);
    		packageParams.put("mch_id", mch_id);
    		packageParams.put("nonce_str", nonce_str);
    		packageParams.put("body", body);
    		packageParams.put("attach", attach);
    		packageParams.put("out_trade_no", out_trade_no);
    		packageParams.put("total_fee", totalFee);
    		packageParams.put("spbill_create_ip", spbill_create_ip);
    		packageParams.put("notify_url", notify_url);
    		packageParams.put("trade_type", trade_type);
    		packageParams.put("openid", openId);
    		RequestHandler reqHandler = new RequestHandler(null, null);
    		reqHandler.init(appid, PropKit.get("appSecret"), PropKit.get("paternerKey"));
    		String sign = reqHandler.createSign(packageParams);
    		String xml = "<xml>" + "<appid>" + appid + "</appid>" + "<mch_id>"
    				+ mch_id + "</mch_id>" + "<nonce_str>" + nonce_str
    				+ "</nonce_str>" + "<sign>" + sign + "</sign>"
    				+ "<body><![CDATA[" + body + "]]></body>" 
    				+ "<out_trade_no>" + out_trade_no
    				+ "</out_trade_no>" + "<attach>" + attach + "</attach>"
    				+ "<total_fee>" + totalFee + "</total_fee>"
    				+ "<spbill_create_ip>" + spbill_create_ip
    				+ "</spbill_create_ip>" + "<notify_url>" + notify_url
    				+ "</notify_url>" + "<trade_type>" + trade_type
    				+ "</trade_type>" + "<openid>" + openId + "</openid>"
    				+ "</xml>";
    		String prepay_id = "";
    		String createOrderURL = "";
    		prepay_id = new GetWxOrderno().getPayNo(createOrderURL, xml);
    		System.out.println("獲取到的預支付ID:" + prepay_id);
    		SortedMap<String, String> finalpackage = new TreeMap<String, String>();
    		String timestamp = Sha1Util.getTimeStamp();
    		String packages = "prepay_id="+prepay_id;
    		finalpackage.put("appId", appid);  
    		finalpackage.put("timeStamp", timestamp);  
    		finalpackage.put("nonceStr", nonce_str);  
    		finalpackage.put("package", packages);  
    		finalpackage.put("signType", "MD5");
    		String finalsign = reqHandler.createSign(finalpackage);
    		String finaPackage = "\"appId\":\"" + appid + "\",\"timeStamp\":\"" + timestamp
    		+ "\",\"nonceStr\":\"" + nonce_str + "\",\"package\":\""
    		+ packages + "\",\"signType\" : \"MD5" + "\",\"paySign\":\""
    		+ finalsign + "\"";
    		System.out.println("V3 jsApi package:"+finaPackage);
    		return finaPackage;
  • 轉換金額的getMoney方法:
  • 	/**
    	 * 元轉換成分
    	 * @param money
    	 * @return
    	public static String getMoney(String amount) {
    			return "";
    		// 金額轉化爲分爲單位
    		String currency =  amount.replaceAll("\\$|\\¥|\\,", "");  //處理包含, ¥ 或者$的金額  
            int index = currency.indexOf(".");  
            int length = currency.length();  
            int amLong = 0;  
            if(index == -1){  
                amLong = Integer.valueOf(currency+"00");  
            }else if(length - index >= 3){  
                amLong = Integer.valueOf((currency.substring(0, index+3)).replace(".", ""));  
            }else if(length - index == 2){  
                amLong = Integer.valueOf((currency.substring(0, index+2)).replace(".", "")+0);  
                amLong = Integer.valueOf((currency.substring(0, index+1)).replace(".", "")+"00");  
            return amLong+""; 

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