通過調用TSPI接口函數來訪問TPM emulator

通過調用TSPI接口函數來訪問TPM emulator



  • Ubuntu14.04 LTS
  • TPM emulator0.7
  • trousers
  • *TPM tools
  • tpmmanager


[ 通過TSS軟件棧使用TPM——獲取並改變TPM寄存器 ]


  1. 打開 TPM模擬器:
root@shm-Junyi-M580:/home/shm# tpmd -df
tpmd.c:523: Info: starting TPM Emulator daemon (
tpmd.c:102: Info: parsing options
tpmd.c:109: Debug: debug mode enabled
tpmd.c:104: Debug: handling option '-f'
tpmd.c:112: Debug: application is forced to run in foreground
tpmd.c:228: Info: installing signal handlers
tpmd.c:387: Info: staring main loop
tpmd.c:302: Info: initializing socket /var/run/tpm/tpmd_socket:0
tpmd.c:401: Debug: initializing TPM emulator
tpm_emulator_extern.c:101: Info: _tpm_extern_init()
tpm_emulator_extern.c:104: Debug: openening random device /dev/urandom
tpm_cmd_handler.c:4113: Debug: tpm_emulator_init(2, 0x00000000)
tpm_startup.c:29: Info: TPM_Init()
tpm_testing.c:243: Info: TPM_SelfTestFull()
tpm_testing.c:39: Debug: tpm_test_prng()
tpm_testing.c:69: Debug: Monobit: 10119
tpm_testing.c:70: Debug: Poker:   10.9
tpm_testing.c:71: Debug: run_1:   2529, 2504
tpm_testing.c:72: Debug: run_2:   1249, 1235
tpm_testing.c:73: Debug: run_3:   626, 644
tpm_testing.c:74: Debug: run_4:   314, 280
tpm_testing.c:75: Debug: run_5:   145, 165
tpm_testing.c:76: Debug: run_6+:  146, 180
tpm_testing.c:77: Debug: run_34:  0
tpm_testing.c:111: Debug: tpm_test_sha1()
tpm_testing.c:157: Debug: tpm_test_hmac()
tpm_testing.c:184: Debug: tpm_test_rsa_EK()
tpm_testing.c:186: Debug: tpm_rsa_generate_key()
tpm_testing.c:191: Debug: testing endorsement key
tpm_testing.c:197: Debug: tpm_rsa_sign(RSA_SSA_PKCS1_SHA1)
tpm_testing.c:200: Debug: tpm_rsa_verify(RSA_SSA_PKCS1_SHA1)
tpm_testing.c:203: Debug: tpm_rsa_sign(RSA_SSA_PKCS1_DER)
tpm_testing.c:206: Debug: tpm_rsa_verify(RSA_SSA_PKCS1_DER)
tpm_testing.c:210: Debug: tpm_rsa_encrypt(RSA_ES_PKCSV15)
tpm_testing.c:214: Debug: tpm_rsa_decrypt(RSA_ES_PKCSV15)
tpm_testing.c:218: Debug: verify plain text
tpm_testing.c:221: Debug: tpm_rsa_encrypt(RSA_ES_OAEP_SHA1)
tpm_testing.c:225: Debug: tpm_rsa_decrypt(RSA_ES_OAEP_SHA1)
tpm_testing.c:229: Debug: verify plain text
tpm_testing.c:261: Info: Self-Test succeeded
tpm_startup.c:43: Info: TPM_Startup(2)
tpmd.c:412: Debug: waiting for connections...

  1. 打開TSS——trousers
root@shm-Junyi-M580:/home/shm# tcsd -ef
TCSD trousers 0.3.14: TCSD up and running.

3.. 查看TPM基本信息

root@shm-Junyi-M580:/home/shm# tpm_version
ط���  TPM 1.2 Version Info:
  Chip Version:
  Spec Level:          2
  Errata Revision:     1
  TPM Vendor ID:       ETHZ
  TPM Version:         01010000
  Manufacturer Info:   4554485a


root@shm-Junyi-M580:/home/shm# tpmmanager



pcr_test.c 文件測試代碼如下:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

#include <tss/tss_error.h>
#include <tss/platform.h>
#include <tss/tss_defines.h>
#include <tss/tss_typedef.h>
#include <tss/tss_structs.h>
#include <tss/tspi.h>
#include <trousers/trousers.h>

#define Debug(message, tResult) printf("%s : %s\n", message, (char *)Trspi_Error_String(result))
void printMenu(); //打印菜單函數

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    TSS_HCONTEXT   hContext; //上下文
    TSS_HTPM    hTPM;
    TSS_HPCRS   hPcrs;
    TSS_HENCDATA    hEncdata;
    TSS_HENCDATA    hRetrieveData;
    TSS_RESULT  result;
    TSS_HKEY    hSRK = 0;
    TSS_HPOLICY hSRKPolicy = 0;

    BYTE        wks[20];
    BYTE        *pubkey;
    UINT32      pubkeySize;
    BYTE        *rgbPcrValue;
    UINT32      ulPcrLen;
    BYTE        *encData;
    UINT32      encDataSize;
    BYTE        *outstring;
    UINT32      outlength;
    FILE        *fout, *fin;
    int         i;
    UINT32      j;
    BYTE        valueToExtend[250];
    int         count = 0;
    int         pcrToExtend = 0;

    memset(wks, 0, 20);
    memset(valueToExtend, 0 ,250);

    printf("|***********PCR_TEST START:***************|\n");
    result = Tspi_Context_Create(&hContext);
    Debug(" 1-Create Context",result);

    result = Tspi_Context_Connect(hContext,NULL);
    Debug(" 2-Context Connect", result);

    result = Tspi_Context_GetTpmObject(hContext, &hTPM);
    Debug(" 3-Get TPM Handle", result);

    //取得 SRK 句柄
    result = Tspi_Context_LoadKeyByUUID(hContext, TSS_PS_TYPE_SYSTEM, SRK_UUID, &hSRK);
    Debug(" 4-Get the SRK handle", result);

    //獲取 SRK 策略
    result = Tspi_GetPolicyObject(hSRK, TSS_POLICY_USAGE, &hSRKPolicy);
    Debug(" 5-Get the SRK Policy", result);

    result = Tspi_Policy_SetSecret(hSRKPolicy, TSS_SECRET_MODE_SHA1, 20, wks);

    for(j=0; j<24; j++)
        result = Tspi_TPM_PcrRead(hTPM, j, &ulPcrLen, &rgbPcrValue);
        printf("PCR %02d ",j);
        for(i=0; i<20; i++)
            printf("%02x", *(rgbPcrValue + i));

    printf("\n ========Command line arguments:========\n");
    for(count = 0; count < argc; count++)
        printf("argv[%d]: %s\n",count, argv[count]);

    if (argc >= 3)
        if (strcmp(argv[1],"-p") == 0)
            pcrToExtend = atoi(argv[2]);
            if (pcrToExtend < 0 || pcrToExtend > 23)
                return 0;

        if(argc == 5)
            if(strcmp(argv[3], "-v") == 0)
        else //使用默認值
            memcpy(valueToExtend, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST",20);
        return 0;

    result = Tspi_TPM_PcrExtend(hTPM, pcrToExtend,20,(BYTE *)valueToExtend, NULL, &ulPcrLen, &rgbPcrValue);
    Debug("*********Extend the PCR**********", result);

    //輸出擴展操作後 PCR寄存器的值
    for (j = 0; j < 24; j++)
        result = Tspi_TPM_PcrRead(hTPM, j, &ulPcrLen, &rgbPcrValue);
        printf("PCR %02d ", j);
        for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
            printf("%02x", *(rgbPcrValue + i));

    Tspi_Context_FreeMemory(hContext, NULL);

    return 0;

void printMenu()
    printf("|  -p PCR regiter to extend(0-23)\n");
    printf("|  -v Value to be extended into PCR(abc...)\n");
    printf("|  Note: -v argument is optional and a default value will be used if no value is provided\n");
    printf("|      Example: ChangePCRn -p 10 -v abcdef\n");
    printf("-***********PCR_TEST END:***************-\n");


編譯時,注意後面的參數 -ltspi:

/test-pcr# gcc pcr_test.c -o pcr_test -ltspi

(注:因爲之前就已經通過傳入參數,更改了PCR [0]和PCR[10]的值,所以顯示結果就非0了。
/test-pcr# ./pcr_test -p 16 -v 123 //修改PCR16的值,向其中擴展操作,值爲123)

root@shm-Junyi-M580:/home/shm/TPM/test-tpm/test-pcr# ./pcr_test 
|***********PCR_TEST START:***************|
 1-Create Context : Success
 2-Context Connect : Success
 3-Get TPM Handle : Success
 4-Get the SRK handle : Success
 5-Get the SRK Policy : Success
PCR 00 f86ce8ad33b4f0a9cab79849bf9c1d2bcaa3d8b3
PCR 01 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
PCR 02 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
PCR 03 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
PCR 04 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
PCR 05 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
PCR 06 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
PCR 07 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
PCR 08 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
PCR 09 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
PCR 10 d8c9e7c6e026fe6259f3cd4445949561d5692668
PCR 11 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
PCR 12 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
PCR 13 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
PCR 14 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
PCR 15 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
PCR 16 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
PCR 17 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
PCR 18 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
PCR 19 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
PCR 20 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
PCR 21 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
PCR 22 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
PCR 23 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

 ========Command line arguments:========
argv[0]: ./pcr_test

|  -p PCR regiter to extend(0-23)
|  -v Value to be extended into PCR(abc...)
|  Note: -v argument is optional and a default value will be used if no value is provided
|      Example: ChangePCRn -p 10 -v abcdef
-***********PCR_TEST END:***************-
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