



  • 通过值传递的整数数组。

  • 通过引用传递的整数数组,它可以调整大小。

  • 通过值传递的多维整数数组(矩阵)。

  • 通过值传递的字符串数组。

  • 包含整数的结构数组。

  • 包含字符串的结构数组。

除非数组是通过引用显式封送的,否则默认行为将该数组作为 In 参数进行封送处理。 可以通过显式应用 InAttribute和 OutAttribute 特性来更改此行为。

Arrays 示例使用以下非托管函数(这里同时显示其原始函数声明):

  • 从 PinvokeLib.dll 导出的 TestArrayOfInts

    int TestArrayOfInts(int* pArray, int pSize);
  • 从 PinvokeLib.dll 导出的 TestRefArrayOfInts

    int TestRefArrayOfInts(int** ppArray, int* pSize);
  • 从 PinvokeLib.dll 导出的 TestMatrixOfInts

    int TestMatrixOfInts(int pMatrix[][COL_DIM], int row);
  • 从 PinvokeLib.dll 导出的 TestArrayOfStrings

    int TestArrayOfStrings(char** ppStrArray, int size);
  • 从 PinvokeLib.dll 导出的 TestArrayOfStructs

    int TestArrayOfStructs(MYPOINT* pPointArray, int size);
  • 从 PinvokeLib.dll 导出的 TestArrayOfStructs2

    int TestArrayOfStructs2 (MYPERSON* pPersonArray, int size);

PinvokeLib.dll 是一个自定义非托管库,它包含前面列出的函数的实现和以下两个结构变量:MYPOINT 和MYPERSON。 这些结构包含以下元素:

typedef struct _MYPOINT
   int x; 
   int y; 

typedef struct _MYPERSON
   char* first; 
   char* last; 

在该示例中,MyPointMyPerson结构包含嵌入类型。 StructLayoutAttribute 特性经过设置,可确保成员在内存中按它们的出现顺序依次排列。

LibWrap类包含一组由App类调用的方法。 有关传递数组的特定详细信息,请参见下面的示例中的注释。 默认情况下,作为引用类型的数组被作为 In 参数进行传递。 为使调用方接收结果,必须将 InAttribute 和 OutAttribute 显式应用于包含该数组的参数。


' Declares a managed structure for each unmanaged structure.
< StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential )> _
Public Structure MyPoint
   Public x As Integer
   Public y As Integer
   Public Sub New( x As Integer, y As Integer )
      Me.x = x
      Me.y = y
   End Sub 'New
End Structure 

< StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet:=CharSet.Ansi )> _
Public Structure MyPerson
   Public first As String
   Public last As String
   Public Sub New( first As String, last As String )
      Me.first = first
      Me.last = last
   End Sub 'New
End Structure 

Public Class LibWrap
   ' Declares a managed prototype for an array of integers by value.
   ' The array size cannot be changed, but the array is copied back.
   Declare Function TestArrayOfInts Lib "..\LIB\PinvokeLib.dll" ( _
      <[In], Out> ByVal myArray() As Integer, ByVal size As Integer ) _
      As Integer

   ' Declares managed prototype for an array of integers by reference.
   ' The array size can change, but the array is not copied back 
   ' automatically because the marshaler does not know the resulting size.
   ' The copy must be performed manually.
   Declare Function TestRefArrayOfInts Lib "..\LIB\PinvokeLib.dll" ( _
      ByRef myArray As IntPtr, ByRef size As Integer ) As Integer

   ' Declares a managed prototype for a matrix of integers by value.
   Declare Function TestMatrixOfInts Lib "..\LIB\PinvokeLib.dll" ( _
      <[In], Out> ByVal matrix(,) As Integer, ByVal row As Integer ) _
      As Integer

   ' Declares a managed prototype for an array of strings by value.
   Declare Function TestArrayOfStrings Lib "..\LIB\PinvokeLib.dll" ( _
      <[In], Out> ByVal strArray() As String, ByVal size As Integer ) _
   As Integer

   ' Declares a managed prototype for an array of structures with 
   ' integers.
   Declare Function TestArrayOfStructs Lib "..\LIB\PinvokeLib.dll" ( _
      <[In], Out> ByVal pointArray() As MyPoint, _
      ByVal size As Integer ) As Integer

   ' Declares a managed prototype for an array of structures with strings.
   Declare Function TestArrayOfStructs2 Lib "..\LIB\PinvokeLib.dll" ( _
      <[In], Out> ByVal personArray() As MyPerson, ByVal size _
      As Integer ) As Integer
End Class 

// Declares a managed structure for each unmanaged structure. 
[ StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential )] 
public struct MyPoint  

   public int x;  
   public int y; 
   public MyPoint( int x, int y ) 
      this.x = x; 
      this.y = y; 

[ StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi )] 
public struct MyPerson  

   public String first;  
   public String last; 
   public MyPerson( String first, String last ) 
      this.first = first; 
      this.last = last; 

public class LibWrap 

   // Declares a managed prototype for an array of integers by value. 
   // The array size cannot be changed, but the array is copied back. 
   [ DllImport( "..\\LIB\\PinvokeLib.dll" )] 
   public static extern int TestArrayOfInts([In, Out] int[] array, int size ); 
   // Declares a managed prototype for an array of integers by reference. 
   // The array size can change, but the array is not copied back  
   // automatically because the marshaler does not know the resulting size. 
   // The copy must be performed manually. 
   [ DllImport( "..\\LIB\\PinvokeLib.dll" )] 
   public static extern int TestRefArrayOfInts( ref IntPtr array,  
      ref int size ); 
   // Declares a managed prototype for a matrix of integers by value. 
   [ DllImport( "..\\LIB\\PinvokeLib.dll" )] 
   public static extern int TestMatrixOfInts([In, Out] int[,] pMatrix,  
      int row );    
   // Declares a managed prototype for an array of strings by value. 
   [ DllImport( "..\\LIB\\PinvokeLib.dll" )] 
   public static extern int TestArrayOfStrings( [In, Out]  
      String[] stringArray, int size ); 
   // Declares a managed prototype for an array of structures with integers. 
   [ DllImport( "..\\LIB\\PinvokeLib.dll" )] 
   public static extern int TestArrayOfStructs([In, Out] MyPoint[]  
      pointArray, int size );  
   // Declares a managed prototype for an array of structures with strings. 
   [ DllImport( "..\\LIB\\PinvokeLib.dll" )] 
   public static extern int TestArrayOfStructs2( [In, Out]  
      MyPerson[] personArray, int size ); 


Public Class App
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      ' array ByVal
      Dim array1(9) As Integer

      Console.WriteLine( "Integer array passed ByVal before call:" )
      Dim i As Integer
      For i = 0 To array1.Length - 1
         array1(i) = i
         Console.Write( " " & array1(i) )
      Next i

      Dim sum1 As Integer = LibWrap.TestArrayOfInts( array1, array1.Length )
      Console.WriteLine( ControlChars.CrLf & "Sum of elements:" & sum1 )
      Console.WriteLine( ControlChars.CrLf & "Integer array passed ByVal after call:" )
      For Each i In  array1
         Console.Write( " " & i )
      Next i

      ' array ByRef
      Dim array2(9) As Integer
      Dim arraySize As Integer = array2.Length
      Console.WriteLine( ControlChars.CrLf & ControlChars.CrLf & _
         "Integer array passed ByRef before call:" )
      For i = 0 To array2.Length - 1
         array2(i) = i
         Console.Write( " " & array2(i) )
      Next i
      Dim buffer As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem( Marshal.SizeOf( _
         arraySize ) * array2.Length )
      Marshal.Copy( array2, 0, buffer, array2.Length )
      Dim sum2 As Integer = LibWrap.TestRefArrayOfInts( buffer, _
         arraySize )
      Console.WriteLine( ControlChars.CrLf & "Sum of elements:" & sum2 )

      If arraySize > 0 Then
         Dim arrayRes( arraySize - 1 ) As Integer
         Marshal.Copy( buffer, arrayRes, 0, arraySize )
         Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( buffer )

         Console.WriteLine( ControlChars.CrLf & "Integer array passed ByRef after call:" )
         For Each i In  arrayRes
            Console.Write( " " & i )
         Next i
         Console.WriteLine( ControlChars.CrLf & "Array after call is empty" )
      End If

      ' matrix ByVal 
      Const [DIM] As Integer = 4
      Dim matrix([DIM], [DIM]) As Integer

      Console.WriteLine( ControlChars.CrLf & ControlChars.CrLf & _
         "Matrix before call:" )
      For i = 0 To [DIM]
         Dim j As Integer
         For j = 0 To [DIM]
            matrix(i, j) = j
            Console.Write( " " & matrix(i, j) )
         Next j
         Console.WriteLine( "" )
      Next i

      Dim sum3 As Integer = LibWrap.TestMatrixOfInts( matrix, [DIM] + 1 )
      Console.WriteLine( ControlChars.CrLf & "Sum of elements:" & sum3 )
      Console.WriteLine( ControlChars.CrLf & "Matrix after call:" )
      For i = 0 To [DIM]
         Dim j As Integer
         For j = 0 To [DIM]
            Console.Write( " " & matrix(i, j) )
         Next j
         Console.WriteLine( "" )
      Next i

      ' string array ByVal 
      Dim strArray As String() =  { "one", "two", "three", "four", _
        "five" }
      Console.WriteLine( ControlChars.CrLf & ControlChars.CrLf & _
        "String array before call:" )
      Dim s As String
      For Each s In  strArray
         Console.Write( " " & s )
      Next s 
      Dim lenSum As Integer = LibWrap.TestArrayOfStrings( _
         strArray, strArray.Length )
      Console.WriteLine( ControlChars.CrLf & _
         "Sum of string lengths:" & lenSum )
      Console.WriteLine( ControlChars.CrLf & "String array after call:" )
      For Each s In  strArray
         Console.Write( " " & s )
      Next s

      ' struct array ByVal 
      Dim points As MyPoint() = { New MyPoint(1, 1), New MyPoint(2, 2), _
         New MyPoint(3, 3) }
      Console.WriteLine( ControlChars.CrLf & ControlChars.CrLf & _
         "Points array before call:" )
      Dim p As MyPoint
      For Each p In  points
         Console.WriteLine( "x = {0}, y = {1}", p.x, p.y )
      Next p 
      Dim allSum As Integer = LibWrap.TestArrayOfStructs( points, _
         points.Length )
      Console.WriteLine( ControlChars.CrLf & "Sum of points:" & allSum )
      Console.WriteLine( ControlChars.CrLf & "Points array after call:" )
      For Each p In  points
         Console.WriteLine( "x = {0}, y = {1}", p.x, p.y )
      Next p 

      ' struct with strings array ByVal 
      Dim persons As MyPerson() =  { New MyPerson( "Kim", "Akers" ), _
         New MyPerson( "Adam", "Barr" ), _
         New MyPerson( "Jo", "Brown" )}
      Console.WriteLine( ControlChars.CrLf & ControlChars.CrLf & _
         "Persons array before call:" )
      Dim pe As MyPerson
      For Each pe In  persons
         Console.WriteLine( "first = {0}, last = {1}", pe.first, pe.last )
      Next pe 

      Dim namesSum As Integer = LibWrap.TestArrayOfStructs2( persons, _
         persons.Length )
      Console.WriteLine( ControlChars.CrLf & "Sum of name lengths:" & _
         namesSum )
      Console.WriteLine( ControlChars.CrLf & ControlChars.CrLf _
         & "Persons array after call:" )
      For Each pe In  persons
         Console.WriteLine( "first = {0}, last = {1}", pe.first, pe.last )
      Next pe
   End Sub 
End Class 

public class App 

   public static void Main() 
      // array ByVal  
      int[] array1 = new int10 ]; 
      Console.WriteLine( "Integer array passed ByVal before call:" ); 
      forint i = 0; i < array1.Length; i++ ) 
         array1[ i ] = i; 
         Console.Write( " " + array1[ i ] ); 
      int sum1 = LibWrap.TestArrayOfInts( array1, array1.Length ); 
      Console.WriteLine( "\nSum of elements:" + sum1 ); 
      Console.WriteLine( "\nInteger array passed ByVal after call:" ); 
      foreachint i in array1 ) 
         Console.Write( " " + i ); 
      // array ByRef  
      int[] array2 = new int10 ]; 
      int size = array2.Length; 
      Console.WriteLine( "\n\nInteger array passed ByRef before call:" ); 
      forint i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++ ) 
         array2[ i ] = i; 
         Console.Write( " " + array2[ i ] ); 
      IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem( Marshal.SizeOf( size )  
         * array2.Length ); 
      Marshal.Copy( array2, 0, buffer, array2.Length ); 
      int sum2 = LibWrap.TestRefArrayOfInts( ref buffer, ref size ); 
      Console.WriteLine( "\nSum of elements:" + sum2 ); 
      if( size > 0 ) 
         int[] arrayRes = new int[ size ]; 
         Marshal.Copy( buffer, arrayRes, 0, size ); 
         Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( buffer ); 
         Console.WriteLine( "\nInteger array passed ByRef after call:" ); 
         foreachint i in arrayRes ) 
            Console.Write( " " + i ); 
         Console.WriteLine( "\nArray after call is empty" ); 
      // matrix ByVal  
      const int DIM = 5
      int[,] matrix = new int[ DIM, DIM ]; 
      Console.WriteLine( "\n\nMatrix before call:" ); 
      forint i = 0; i < DIM; i++ ) 
         forint j = 0; j < DIM; j++ ) 
            matrix[ i, j ] = j; 
            Console.Write( " " + matrix[ i, j ] ); 
         Console.WriteLine( "" ); 
      int sum3 = LibWrap.TestMatrixOfInts( matrix, DIM ); 
      Console.WriteLine( "\nSum of elements:" + sum3 ); 
      Console.WriteLine( "\nMatrix after call:" ); 
      forint i = 0; i < DIM; i++ ) 
         forint j = 0; j < DIM; j++ ) 
            Console.Write( " " + matrix[ i, j ] ); 
         Console.WriteLine( "" ); 
      // string array ByVal  
      String[] strArray = { "one""two""three""four""five" }; 
      Console.WriteLine( "\n\nString array before call:" ); 
      foreach( String s in strArray ) 
         Console.Write( " "+ s ); 
      int lenSum = LibWrap.TestArrayOfStrings( strArray, strArray.Length ); 
      Console.WriteLine( "\nSum of string lengths:" + lenSum ); 
      Console.WriteLine( "\nString array after call:" ); 
      foreach( String s in strArray ) 
         Console.Write( " " + s ); 
      // struct array ByVal  
      MyPoint[] points = { new MyPoint(1,1), new MyPoint(2,2), new MyPoint(3,3) }; 
      Console.WriteLine( "\n\nPoints array before call:" ); 
      foreach( MyPoint p in points ) 
         Console.WriteLine( "x = {0}, y = {1}", p.x, p.y ); 
      int allSum = LibWrap.TestArrayOfStructs( points, points.Length ); 
      Console.WriteLine( "\nSum of points:" + allSum ); 
      Console.WriteLine( "\nPoints array after call:" ); 
      foreach( MyPoint p in points ) 
         Console.WriteLine( "x = {0}, y = {1}", p.x, p.y );       
      // struct with strings array ByVal  
      MyPerson[] persons = { new MyPerson( "Kim""Akers" ),  
      new MyPerson( "Adam""Barr" ), new MyPerson( "Jo""Brown" )}; 
      Console.WriteLine( "\n\nPersons array before call:" ); 
      foreach( MyPerson pe in persons ) 
        Console.WriteLine( "first = {0}, last = {1}", pe.first, pe.last ); 
      int namesSum = LibWrap.TestArrayOfStructs2( persons, persons.Length ); 
      Console.WriteLine( "\nSum of name lengths:" + namesSum ); 
      Console.WriteLine( "\n\nPersons array after call:" ); 
      foreach( MyPerson pe in persons ) 
        Console.WriteLine( "first = {0}, last = {1}", pe.first, pe.last ); 


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