Linux C语言实现读取ini配置文件


 * config.h - declarations/definitions for reading configuration files
 * Gang He - [email protected] .


 * Set line length in configuration files 
#define LINE_LEN 128

 * Define return error code value
#define ERR_NONE 0        /* read configuration file successfully */
#define ERR_NOFILE 2      /* not find or open configuration file */
#define ERR_READFILE 3    /* error occur in reading configuration file */
#define ERR_FORMAT 4      /* invalid format in configuration file */
#define ERR_NOTHING 5     /* not find section or key name in configuration file */

 * Read the value of key name in string form
int getconfigstr(const char* section,        /* points to section name */
                 const char* keyname,        /* points to key name */
                 char* keyvalue,             /* points to destination buffer */
                 unsigned int len,           /* size of destination buffer */
                 const char* filename);      /* points to configuration filename */

 * Read the value of key name in integer form
int getconfigint(const char* section,         /* points to section name */
                 const char* keyname,         /* points to key name */
                 int* keyvalue,               /* points to destination address */
                 const char* filename);       /* points to configuration filename */




/* config.c */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "config.h"

static int isremark(const char* line);
static int isjoint(const char* line);
static char* readline(char* line, int n, FILE *stream);
static int getsection(const char* line, char* section, unsigned int seclen);
static int getkeyname(const char* line, char* keyname, unsigned int keylen);
static int getkeyvalue(const char* line, char* keyvalue, unsigned int valen);
static int getkeyadd(const char* line, char* keyvalue, unsigned int valen);

static char* readline(char* line, int n, FILE *stream)
  static char* rs;

  rs = fgets(line, n, stream);
  if ( strlen(line) >= 1 ) {
    line[strlen(line) - 1] = line[strlen(line)];
  return rs;

static int isjoint(const char* line)
  unsigned int i;
  unsigned int sign = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < strlen(line); i++) {
    if ( line[i] == ' ' || line[i] == '\t' || line[i] == '\\' ) {
      if ( line[i] == ' ' || line[i] == '\t' ) {
        if ( sign < 1 ) sign++;
      } else {
        if ( sign > 0 ) sign++;
        else return 0;
    } else {
      return 0;

  if ( sign == 2 )
    return 1;
    return 0;


static int isremark(const char* line)
  unsigned int i;

  for (i = 0; i < strlen(line); i++) {
    if ( isgraph(line[i]) ) {
      if ( line[i] == '#' ) 
        return 1;
        return 0;

  return 1;

static int getsection(const char* line, char* section, unsigned int seclen)
  unsigned int start, mid, end;

  for (start = 0; start < strlen(line); start++) {
    if ( isgraph(line[start]) ) {
      if ( line[start] != '[' )
        return 0;
  if ( start >= strlen(line) )
    return 0;

  for (end = strlen(line); end > 1; end --) {
    if ( isgraph(line[end]) ) {
      if (line[end] != ']' ) 
        return 0;

  if ( end <= 1 )
    return 0;

  if ( end - start < 2 )
    return 0;

  for (mid = start + 1; mid < end; mid++) {
    if ( !isalnum(line[mid]) ) 
      return 0;

  if ( seclen > end - start - 1 ) {
    memcpy(section, &line[start + 1], end - start - 1);
    section[end - start - 1] = '\0';
    return (end - start - 1);
  else {
    memcpy(section, &line[start + 1], seclen - 1);
        section[seclen - 1] = '\0';
    return (seclen -1);


static int getkeyname(const char* line, char* keyname, unsigned int keylen)
  unsigned int start, mid, end;

  for (start = 0; start < strlen(line); start++) {
    if ( isgraph(line[start]) ) {
      if ( !isalnum(line[start]) )
        return 0;

  if ( start >= strlen(line) )
    return 0;

  for (end = start; line[end] != '=' && end < strlen(line); end++) {
    if ( !isalnum(line[end]) && line[end] != ' ' && line[end] != '\t' )
      return 0;

  if ( end >= strlen(line) )
    return 0;

  for (end = end - 1; !isalnum(line[end]); end--) {

  for (mid = start; mid <= end; mid++) {
    if ( line[mid] == ' ' || line[mid] == '\t' ) 
      return 0;

  if ( keylen > end - start + 1 ) {
    memcpy(keyname, &line[start], end - start + 1);
    keyname[end - start + 1] = '\0';
    return (end - start + 1);
  else {
    memcpy(keyname, &line[start], keylen - 1);
        keyname[keylen - 1] = '\0';
    return (keylen -1);


static int getkeyvalue(const char* line, char* keyvalue, unsigned int valen)
  unsigned int start, end;
  int len;

  for (start = 0; line[start] != '=' && start < strlen(line); start++) {

  for (start = start + 1; !isgraph(line[start]) && start < strlen(line); start++) {

  if ( start >= strlen(line) )
    return 0;

  for (end = start; line[end] != ' ' && line[end] != '\t' && end < strlen(line); end++) {

  if ( valen > end - start ) {
    memcpy(keyvalue, &line[start], end - start);
    keyvalue[end - start] = '\0';
    len = end - start;
  else {
    memcpy(keyvalue, &line[start], valen - 1);
        keyvalue[valen - 1] = '\0';
    len =  valen -1;

  if ( end >= strlen(line) ) 
    return len;
    if ( isjoint(&line[end]) )
      return -len;
    return len;


static int getkeyadd(const char* line, char* keyvalue, unsigned int valen)
  unsigned int start, end;
  int len;

  for (start = 0; !isgraph(line[start]) && start < strlen(line); start++) {

  if ( start >= strlen(line) )
    return 0;

  for (end = start; line[end] != ' ' && line[end] != '\t' && end < strlen(line); end++) {

  if ( valen > end - start ) {
    memcpy(keyvalue, &line[start], end - start);
    keyvalue[end - start] = '\0';
    len = end - start;
  else {
    memcpy(keyvalue, &line[start], valen - 1);
        keyvalue[valen - 1] = '\0';
    len =  valen -1;

  if ( end >= strlen(line) ) 
    return len;
    if ( isjoint(&line[end]) )
      return -len;
    return len;


int getconfigstr(const char* section,
            const char* keyname,
            char* keyvalue,
            unsigned int len,
            const char* filename)
  int step = 0;
  int rs = 0;
  int ra = 0;
  FILE* stream;
  char line[LINE_LEN];
  char sec[LINE_LEN];
  char ken[LINE_LEN];
  char kev[LINE_LEN];

  if( (stream  = fopen(filename, "r") ) == NULL )
    return 0x2;

  while ( !feof(stream) ) {
    if ( readline(line, 100, stream) == NULL ) {
      return 0x3;

    if ( !isremark(line) ) {
      if ( step == 0 ) {
        if ( getsection(line, sec, LINE_LEN) ) {
          if ( strcmp(sec, section) == 0 )
            step = 1;
      } else if (step == 1) {
        if ( getkeyname(line, ken, LINE_LEN) ) {
          if ( strcmp(ken, keyname) == 0 ) {
            rs = getkeyvalue(line, kev, LINE_LEN);
            if ( rs > 0 ) {
              strncpy(keyvalue, kev, len);
              return 0x0;
            } else if ( rs < 0 ) {
              step = 2;
              rs = abs(rs);
            } else {
              return 0x4;

      } else {
        ra = getkeyadd(line, kev + rs, LINE_LEN - rs);
        if ( ra > 0 ) {
              strncpy(keyvalue, kev, len);
              return 0x0;
        } else if ( ra < 0 ) {
              rs += abs(ra);
        } else {
              return 0x4;




  return 0x5;


int getconfigint(const char* section,
            const char* keyname,
            int* keyvalue,
            const char* filename)
  int rs;
  char kev[12];

  memset(kev, 0, 12);
  rs  = getconfigstr(section, keyname, kev, 12, filename);
  if ( rs == 0 )
    *keyvalue = atoi(kev);
  return rs;



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