



代碼實現如下:(IDE : VS2017)

#include <windows.h>//Sleep()函數需要包含的頭文件
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mutex>
using namespace std;

static const int kItemRepositorySize = 10; // Item buffer size.
static const int kItemsToProduce = 100;   // How many items we plan to produce.

class ItemRepository
 int item_buffer[kItemRepositorySize]; // 產品緩衝區, 配合 read_position 和 write_position 模型環形隊列.
 size_t read_position; // 消費者讀取產品位置.
 size_t write_position; // 生產者寫入產品位置.

 std::mutex item_counter_mtx_for_producer;//互斥量,保證多個生產者對緩衝區的互斥訪問
 size_t item_counter_for_producer; //生產者計數變量

 std::mutex item_counter_mtx_for_consumer;//互斥量,保證多個消費者對緩衝區的互斥訪問
 size_t item_counter_for_consumer; //消費者計數變量

 std::mutex mtx;   // 互斥量,保護產品緩衝區
 std::condition_variable repo_not_full; // 條件變量, 指示產品緩衝區不爲滿.
 std::condition_variable repo_not_empty; // 條件變量, 指示產品緩衝區不爲空.
}gItemRepository; // 產品庫全局變量, 生產者和消費者操作該變量.

void ProduceItem(ItemRepository *ir, int item)
 std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(ir->mtx);
 while (((ir->write_position + 1) % kItemRepositorySize) == ir->read_position)
 { // item buffer is full, just wait here.
  std::cout << "Producer is waiting for an repo_not_full notification...\n";
  (ir->repo_not_full).wait(lock); // 生產者等待"產品庫緩衝區不爲滿"這一條件發生.

 (ir->item_buffer)[ir->write_position] = item; // 寫入產品.
 (ir->write_position)++; // 寫入位置後移.
 std::cout << "Producer thread: " << std::this_thread::get_id() << "is producing the:" << item << "^th item..." << std::endl;

 if (ir->write_position == kItemRepositorySize) // 寫入位置若是在隊列最後則重新設置爲初始位置.
  ir->write_position = 0;

 (ir->repo_not_empty).notify_all(); // 通知消費者產品庫不爲空.
 lock.unlock(); // 解鎖.

int ConsumeItem(ItemRepository *ir)
 int data;
 std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(ir->mtx);
 // item buffer is empty, just wait here.
 while (ir->write_position == ir->read_position)
  std::cout << "Consumer is waiting for an repo_not_empty notification...\n";
  (ir->repo_not_empty).wait(lock); // 消費者等待"產品庫緩衝區不爲空"這一條件發生.

 data = (ir->item_buffer)[ir->read_position]; // 讀取某一產品
 (ir->read_position)++; // 讀取位置後移

 std::cout << "Consumer thread " << std::this_thread::get_id()
  << " is consuming the " << data << "^th item" << std::endl;

 if (ir->read_position >= kItemRepositorySize) // 讀取位置若移到最後,則重新置位.
  ir->read_position = 0;

 (ir->repo_not_full).notify_all(); // 通知生產者產品庫不爲滿.
 lock.unlock(); // 解鎖.

 return data; // 返回產品.

void ProducerTask() // 生產者任務
 bool ready_to_exit = false;
 while (1)

  if (gItemRepository.item_counter_for_producer<kItemsToProduce)
   ProduceItem(&gItemRepository, gItemRepository.item_counter_for_producer);
  else ready_to_exit = true;


  if (ready_to_exit == true) {

void ConsumerTask() // 消費者任務
 bool ready_to_exit = false;
 while (1)
  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(gItemRepository.item_counter_mtx_for_consumer);
  if (gItemRepository.item_counter_for_consumer < kItemsToProduce)
   int item = ConsumeItem(&gItemRepository); // 消費一個產品.
  else ready_to_exit = true;


  if (ready_to_exit == true) break;

void InitItemRepository(ItemRepository *ir)
 ir->write_position = 0; // 初始化產品寫入位置.
 ir->read_position = 0;  // 初始化產品讀取位置.
 ir->item_counter_for_consumer = 0;   // 初始化計數位置.
 ir->item_counter_for_producer = 0;   // 初始化計數位置.

int main()
 //ItemRepository gItemRepository;

 std::thread producer1(ProducerTask); // 創建生產者線程.
 std::thread producer2(ProducerTask);// 創建消費之線程.
 std::thread producer3(ProducerTask);
 std::thread consumer1(ConsumerTask);
 std::thread consumer2(ConsumerTask);
 std::thread consumer3(ConsumerTask);
 return 0;


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