HDS disk port error診斷和處理過程


1 報錯
1.1 Pending SIM 
1.1.1 Drive port temporary error(path1)
1.1.2 Drive port Blocked
1.2 Maintenance有閃動
2 解析
2.1 DF7182和DF9182
Isolation and Recovery Procedures for Common Fibre Loop Error (SIM = DF6XXX, DF7XXX, DF8XXX, DF9XXX)
When a Fibre port error SIM for a drive (PDEV) is reported, this section provides the procedures for judging whether the error is caused by the pertinent drive error or common Fibre Loop error,(如果多塊盤都報光纖鏈路問題,則有可能是普遍性的Fibre Loop問題,則先解決其他問題即可)
and how to recover the error.
As a Fibre port error SIM managed in each PDEV, a Fibre temporary error (REF code = DF6XXX,
DF7XXX) is reported when a warning is issued, and Fibre blocking (REF code = DF8XXX,
DF9XXX) is reported when the equipment is blocked (XXX: Refer to Fig. 5.2-1).
Possible causes for the malfunction are:
(1) Failure of drive specified in FPC
(2) Defects in Fibre Chip for DKF
(3) Defects in Fibre Loop (cable, FSW(Fibre switch))
(4) Other drive failure
(5) HDU Box platter failure
2.2 結論:
2.3 注意點
3 實際情況
3.1 在failed disk時提示應先完成拷貝
3.2 點選Spare Disk後要求確認
3.3 拷貝到熱備盤完成後,該數據盤亮紅燈;
3.4 有下列事件
3.4.1 拷貝到熱備盤開始
3.4.2 Drive blocked
3.4.3 拷貝完成
4 處理過程
4.1 先拷貝到熱備盤
4.2 確定好位置,Replace走流程
4.3 物理更換
4.3.1 換上部件
4.3.2 換下
4.4 熱備盤數據copy back
不到1小時,燈不再快閃,點擊being copy back——OK
4.5 Complete相關日誌
4.6 從Modify模式改回view模式
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