
  1. 查詢現在server上的是不是存在mongodb和版本


rpm -qa |grep mongodb


rpm -e --nodeps mongodb-2.4.14-1.el6.x86_64


rpm -qa |grep mongodb


  1. 安裝mongodb


[root@git ~]# mkdir /tools

[root@git ~]# cd /tools/


[root@git tools]# wget

[root@git tools]# ll

總用量 64944

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 66502003 2  18 05:18 mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-3.2.3.tgz


[root@git tools]# mkdir /home/mongodb              #創建MongoDB程序存放目錄

[root@git tools]# mkdir /data/mongodata-p           #創建數據存放目錄

[root@git tools]# mkdir /data/log/mongolog-p         #創建日誌存放目錄


[root@git tools]# tar -zxvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-3.2.3.tgz

[root@git tools]# cdmongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-3.2.3

[root@gitmongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-3.2.3]# cp -r ./*

bin/                 GNU-AGPL-3.0         MPL-2                README               THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES 

[root@gitmongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel62-3.2.3]# cp -r ./* /home/mongodb/



[root@git ~]# echo 'exportPATH=$PATH:/home/mongodb/bin' >> /etc/profile

[root@git ~]# source /etc/profile


## 如果是安裝命令的話,現在就已經可以結束了,但全局生效還是需要重啓######


[root@git ~]# ln -s /home/mongodb/bin/mongo/usr/bin/mongo

[root@git ~]# ll /usr/bin/mongo

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 2  25 13:49 /usr/bin/mongo ->/home/mongodb/bin/mongo









  1[root@test ~]# mongod --help



  4General options:

 5   -h [ --help ]                         show this usageinformation

 6   --version                             show versioninformation

 7   -f [ --config ] arg                   configuration filespecifying

 8                                        additional options

 9   -v [ --verbose ][=arg(=v)]           be more verbose(include multiple times

 10                                         for more verbosity e.g. -vvvvv)

 11  --quiet                              quieter output

 12  --port arg                           #指定mongodb服務的端口號,默認爲:27017

 13  --bind_ip arg                        #在多網卡的機器上指定mongodb服務綁定到哪一個ip

 15   --ipv6                                enable IPv6support (disabled by

 16                                        default)

 17  --maxConns arg                       #指定最大客戶端連接數

 19  --logpath arg                        #指定日誌文件路徑,必須是一個文件,而不是目錄

 20   --syslog                              log to system'ssyslog facility instead

 23                                         offile or stdout

 24  --syslogFacility arg                 syslog facility used for mongodb syslog

 25                                         message

 26  --logappend                          #以追加的方式打印日誌到--logpath參數指定的日誌文件中

 28  --logRotate arg                      set the log rotation behavior

 29                                        (rename|reopen)

 30  --timeStampFormat arg                Desired format for timestamps in log

 31                                        messages. One of ctime, iso8601-utc or

 32                                        iso8601-local

 33  --pidfilepath arg                    full path to pidfile (if not set, no

 34                                        pidfile is created)

 35  --keyFile arg                        private key for cluster authentication

 36  --setParameter arg                   Set a configurable parameter

 37  --httpinterface                      enable http interface

 38  --clusterAuthMode arg                Authentication mode used for cluster

 39                                        authentication. Alternatives are

 40                                         (keyFile|sendKeyFile|sendX509|x509)

 41  --nounixsocket                       disable listening on unix sockets

 42  --unixSocketPrefix arg               alternative directory for UNIX domain

 43                                        sockets (defaults to /tmp)

 44  --filePermissions arg                permissions to set on UNIX domain

 45                                         socketfile - 0700 by default

 46  --fork                                #daemon的形式運行服務進程

 47  --auth                               run with security

 48  --noauth                             run without security

 49  --jsonp                              allow JSONP access via http (has

 50                                         security implications)

 51  --rest                               turn on simple rest api

 52  --slowms arg (=100)                  value of slow for profile and console

 53                                         log

 54  --profile arg                        0=off 1=slow, 2=all

 55  --cpu                                periodically show cpu and iowait

 56                                        utilization

 57  --sysinfo                            print some diagnostic system

 58                                        information

 59  --noIndexBuildRetry                  don't retry any index builds that were

 60                                        interrupted by shutdown

 61  --noscripting                        disable scripting engine

 62  --notablescan                        do not allow table scans

 63  --shutdown                           kill a running server (for init

 64                                        scripts)


 66Replication options:

 67   --oplogSize arg                       size to use (in MB) forreplication op

 68                                         log.default is 5% of disk space (i.e.

 69                                         largeis good)


 71Master/slave options (old; use replica sets instead):

 72  --master                             master mode

 73  --slave                              slave mode

 74  --source arg                         when slave: specify master as

 75                                        <server:port>

 76  --only arg                           when slave: specify a single database

 77                                         toreplicate

 78  --slavedelay arg                     specify delay (in seconds) to be used

 79                                         whenapplying master ops to slave

 80  --autoresync                         automatically resync if slave data is

 81                                         stale


 83Replica set options:

 84   --replSet arg                         arg is<setname>[/<optionalseedhostlist

 85                                         >]

 86  --replIndexPrefetch arg              specify index prefetching behavior (if

 87                                         secondary) [none|_id_only|all]

 88  --enableMajorityReadConcern          enables majority readConcern


 90Sharding options:

 91  --configsvr                          declare this is a config db of a

 92                                         cluster;default port 27019; default

 93                                         dir/data/configdb

 94  --configsvrMode arg                  Controls what config server protocol is

 95                                         inuse. When set to "sccc" keeps server

 96                                         inlegacy SyncClusterConnection mode

 97                                         evenwhen the service is running as a

 98                                        replSet

 99  --shardsvr                           declare this is a shard db of a

100                                        cluster; default port 27018


102 Storage options:

103  --storageEngine arg                  what storage engine to use - defaults

104                                         to wiredTiger ifno data files present

105  --dbpath arg                         #指定數據目錄路徑

107  --directoryperdb                     each database will be stored in a

108                                        separate directory

109  --noprealloc                         disable data file preallocation - will

110                                         oftenhurt performance

111  --nssize arg (=16)                   .ns file size (in MB) for new databases

112  --quota                              limits each database to a certain

113                                         numberof files (8 default)

114  --quotaFiles arg                     number of files allowed per db, implies

115                                         --quota

116  --smallfiles                         use a smaller default file size

117  --syncdelay arg (=60)                seconds between disk syncs (0=never,

118                                         butnot recommended)

119  --upgrade                            upgrade db if needed

120  --repair                             run repair on all dbs

121  --repairpath arg                     root directory for repair files -

122                                        defaults to dbpath

123  --journal                            enable journaling

124  --nojournal                          disable journaling (journaling is on by

125                                        default for 64 bit)

126  --journalOptions arg                 journal diagnostic options

127  --journalCommitInterval arg          how often to group/batch commit (ms)


129 WiredTiger options:

130  --wiredTigerCacheSizeGB arg          maximum amount of memory to allocate

131                                         forcache; defaults to 1/2 of physical

132                                         RAM

133  --wiredTigerStatisticsLogDelaySecs arg (=0)

134                                        seconds to wait between each write to a

135                                        statistics file in the dbpath; 0 means

136                                         do notlog statistics

137  --wiredTigerJournalCompressor arg (=snappy)

138                                         use acompressor for log records

139                                        [none|snappy|zlib]

140  --wiredTigerDirectoryForIndexes      Put indexes and data in different

141                                        directories

142  --wiredTigerCollectionBlockCompressor arg (=snappy)

143                                         blockcompression algorithm for

144                                        collection data [none|snappy|zlib]

145  --wiredTigerIndexPrefixCompression arg (=1)

146                                         use prefixcompression on row-store

147                                         leafpages




[root@git ~]# mongod--dbpath=/data/mongodata --logpath=/data/log/mongolog/mongodb.log --logappend--fork

about to fork child process, waiting untilserver is ready for connections.

forked process: 1965

child process started successfully, parentexiting


[root@git ~]# netstat -tnlp | grep mongod

tcp       0      0     *                   LISTEN      1965/mongod




[root@git ~]# mongo

MongoDB shell version: 3.2.3

connecting to: test

Welcome to the MongoDB shell.

For interactive help, type "help".

For more comprehensive documentation, see

Questions? Try the support group

Server has startup warnings:

2016-02-25T13:52:44.442+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] ** WARNING: You are runningthis process as the root user, which is not recommended.

2016-02-25T13:52:44.442+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]

2016-02-25T13:52:44.442+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]

2016-02-25T13:52:44.442+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] ** WARNING: /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabledis 'always'.

2016-02-25T13:52:44.442+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] **        We suggest setting it to 'never'

2016-02-25T13:52:44.442+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]

2016-02-25T13:52:44.442+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] ** WARNING:/sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag is 'always'.

2016-02-25T13:52:44.442+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] **        We suggest setting it to 'never'

2016-02-25T13:52:44.442+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]

> help
                    help on db methods
             help on collection methods
                    sharding helpers
                    replica set helpers

         helpadmin                   administrativehelp

         helpconnect                 connecting to adb help

         helpkeys                    key shortcuts

         helpmisc                    misc things toknow

         helpmr                      mapreduce


         showdbs                     show databasenames

         showcollections             show collections in current database

         showusers                   show users incurrent database

         showprofile                 show most recentsystem.profile entries with time >= 1ms

         showlogs                    show theaccessible logger names

         showlog [name]              prints out thelast segment of log in memory, 'global' is default

         use<db_name>                setcurrent database
                list objects in collection foo
{ a : 1 } )     list objects in foo wherea == 1

         it                           result of the lastline evaluated; use to further iterate

         DBQuery.shellBatchSize= x   set default number of items todisplay on shell

         exit                         quit the mongo shell

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