GNOME 3 更新一天比一天好

距離GNOME 3正式完成還有一段時間,不過爲了滿足大家的好奇心,GNOME項目團隊已經上線了全新的GNOME 3官網,並在這裏介紹了GNOME 3的一些核心功能和專注領域。

通過GNOME 3,GNOME項目從零開始爲當今用戶和技術提供了全新的現代化桌面設計。GNOME的新桌面將典雅帶到了一個全新的水平,我們將雜亂感一掃而空,建造了一個簡潔易用的桌面,這也是我們迄今設計的最漂亮的GNOME桌面,使用了新的視覺主題、精美的新字體和精雕細琢的動畫效果。

GNOME Shell 的 GNOME 3 桌面環境進行了進一步優化。

桌面默認字體調整爲 Cantarell

Owen made sure that the new desktop uses the new GNOME font by default. The result is much nicer text and an altogether more beautiful desktop.



In case you missed it, David Zeuthen added the long-awaited calendar redesign. It’s both beautiful and practical. Personally, I love having my tasks next to the date grid; it’s really handy.


Another of Owen’s contributions, the implementation of Jimmac‘s workspace switching design is slick, and it has been getting really good feedback from those who have used it. The new switcher makes it easy to change workspaces and to move windows between them. The animated transitions are really satisfying, too.




Florian Müllner has been doing a great job refining our visuals (among other things). He recently removed the labels from the icons in ‘the dash’ (the application launcher bar on the left) and enlarged the icons in the application view. These changes mitigate some of the issues we’ve seen with the labels getting cut off, and they give a generally nicer layout. The styling of the search bar has been improved also.



GNOME 3對系統設置進行了重新設計,比以往任何時候都易於使用。根據該網站提供的最新消息,GNOME 3正在進行最後的緊張開發,預計在2011年4月才能問世。

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