Kubernetes Local Persistent Volume源碼分析 頂 原 薦

Author: [email protected]

摘要:上一篇博客”深度解析Kubernetes Local Persistent Volume“對local volume的基本原理和注意事項進行了分析,本文將進行源碼分析,涉及scheduler、pv controller相關的代碼,希望能剖析local volume的delay scheduleing、pv node affinity的內部機制。

VolumeBinder in Scheduler

VolumeBinder是Kubernetes default scheduler中的一個模塊。


// VolumeBinder sets up the volume binding library and manages
// the volume binding operations with a queue.
type VolumeBinder struct {
	Binder    persistentvolume.SchedulerVolumeBinder
	BindQueue *workqueue.Type
  • 它維護着一個FIFO類型的BindQueue,BindQueue中存放着待Volume Bind的Pods;
  • Binder(persistentvolume.SchedulerVolumeBinder)是PV Controller內的功能子模塊,用於提供給scheduler在調度時處理PV/PVC Binding和Dynamic Provisioning。


SchedulerVolumeBinder用於調度時Volume Bind的考慮,以保證調度後的Node也滿足Pod所需的PV NodeAffinity需求,而不僅是Resource Request等其他Predicate Policies得到滿足。它實際上是基於StorageClass的VolumeBindingMode爲WaitForFirstConsumer來決定要延遲Bind PV,然後schduler predicate時等待並確保Pod的all PVCs均成功Bind到滿足條件的PVs時,纔會最終觸發Bind API完成Pod和Node的Bind。


// SchedulerVolumeBinder is used by the scheduler to handle PVC/PV binding
// and dynamic provisioning.  The binding decisions are integrated into the pod scheduling
// workflow so that the PV NodeAffinity is also considered along with the pod's other
// scheduling requirements.
// This integrates into the existing default scheduler workflow as follows:
// 1. The scheduler takes a Pod off the scheduler queue and processes it serially:
//    a. Invokes all predicate functions, parallelized across nodes.  FindPodVolumes() is invoked here.
//    b. Invokes all priority functions.  Future/TBD
//    c. Selects the best node for the Pod.
//    d. Cache the node selection for the Pod. (Assume phase)
//       i.  If PVC binding is required, cache in-memory only:
//           * Updated PV objects for prebinding to the corresponding PVCs.
//           * For the pod, which PVs need API updates.
//           AssumePodVolumes() is invoked here.  Then BindPodVolumes() is called asynchronously by the
//           scheduler.  After BindPodVolumes() is complete, the Pod is added back to the scheduler queue
//           to be processed again until all PVCs are bound.
//       ii. If PVC binding is not required, cache the Pod->Node binding in the scheduler's pod cache,
//           and asynchronously bind the Pod to the Node.  This is handled in the scheduler and not here.
// 2. Once the assume operation is done, the scheduler processes the next Pod in the scheduler queue
//    while the actual binding operation occurs in the background.
type SchedulerVolumeBinder interface {
	// FindPodVolumes checks if all of a Pod's PVCs can be satisfied by the node.
	// If a PVC is bound, it checks if the PV's NodeAffinity matches the Node.
	// Otherwise, it tries to find an available PV to bind to the PVC.
	// It returns true if all of the Pod's PVCs have matching PVs or can be dynamic provisioned,
	// and returns true if bound volumes satisfy the PV NodeAffinity.
	// This function is called by the volume binding scheduler predicate and can be called in parallel
	FindPodVolumes(pod *v1.Pod, node *v1.Node) (unboundVolumesSatisified, boundVolumesSatisfied bool, err error)

	// AssumePodVolumes will:
	// 1. Take the PV matches for unbound PVCs and update the PV cache assuming
	// that the PV is prebound to the PVC.
	// 2. Take the PVCs that need provisioning and update the PVC cache with related
	// annotations set.
	// It returns true if all volumes are fully bound, and returns true if any volume binding/provisioning
	// API operation needs to be done afterwards.
	// This function will modify assumedPod with the node name.
	// This function is called serially.
	AssumePodVolumes(assumedPod *v1.Pod, nodeName string) (allFullyBound bool, bindingRequired bool, err error)

	// BindPodVolumes will:
	// 1. Initiate the volume binding by making the API call to prebind the PV
	// to its matching PVC.
	// 2. Trigger the volume provisioning by making the API call to set related
	// annotations on the PVC
	// This function can be called in parallel.
	BindPodVolumes(assumedPod *v1.Pod) error

	// GetBindingsCache returns the cache used (if any) to store volume binding decisions.
	GetBindingsCache() PodBindingCache

SchedulerVolumeBinder Interface包含如下三個方法:

  • FindPodVolumes:該方法被scheduler進行VolumeBindingChecker predicate policy執行時候調用,用於檢查Pod的PVCs是否都能被該Node滿足。如果PVC已經Bound成功,會檢查是否對應的PV的NodeAffinity是否與Node能匹配上。如果PVC還沒有Bound被Bound,將試圖從PV cache中查找是否有合適的PV能與該PVC進行Bound。返回值unboundVolumesSatisified,boundVolumesSatisfied分別表示:
    • unboundVolumesSatisified:bool,true表示Pod的所有PVCs都已經成功Bound,或者可以Dynamic Provisioned(local volume目前只支持static provisioned),否則返回false。
    • boundVolumesSatisfied:bool,true表示已經Bound的Volumes能滿足PV的NodeAffinity。
  • AssumePodVolumes:當scheduler完成predicate和priority調度邏輯後,接着會執行該方法。爲Pod中那些還沒被Bound的PVCs尋找合適的PVs,並更新PV cache,完成PVs和PVCs的prebound操作(對於需要Dynamic Provisioning的PVC加上Annotation:"pv.kubernetes.io/bound-by-controller")。如果是需要Dynamic Provisioning的PVCs,那麼更新PVC cache中這些PVCs的相關Annotations:"volume.alpha.kubernetes.io/selected-node=$nodeName",也相當於prebound操作。返回值allFullyBound,bindingRequired分別表示:
    • allFullyBound:bool,true表示Pod對應的所有PVCs都已經完成Bound,否則返回false。
    • bindingRequired:bool,true表示還有volume binding/provisioning的API操作還需要進行,否則返回false。
  • BindPodVolumes:根據podBindingCache中信息,調用API完成PV,PVC的PreBind,然後PV Controller watch到這一事件再去完成真正的Bound操作。
  • GetBindingsCache:返回PodBindingCache內容。



// NewVolumeBinder sets up the volume binding library and binding queue
func NewVolumeBinder(
	client clientset.Interface,
	pvcInformer coreinformers.PersistentVolumeClaimInformer,
	pvInformer coreinformers.PersistentVolumeInformer,
	storageClassInformer storageinformers.StorageClassInformer) *VolumeBinder {

	return &VolumeBinder{
		Binder:    persistentvolume.NewVolumeBinder(client, pvcInformer, pvInformer, storageClassInformer),
		BindQueue: workqueue.NewNamed("podsToBind"),

scheduler volumebinder.NewVolumeBinder負責:

  • 調用persistentvolume.NewVolumeBinder完成Binder對象的初始化,需要pvInformer, pvcInformer,storageClassInformer。
  • 創建podsToBind BindQueue,用於存放待Bind的Pods FIFIO隊列。

在Scheduler NewConfigFactory中調用volumebinder.NewVolumeBinder完成其初始化,其中很重要的部分是完成pvcInformer, pvInformer, storageClassInformer的初始化,然後傳遞給persistentvolume.NewVolumeBinder完成Binder的創建。


// NewConfigFactory initializes the default implementation of a Configurator To encourage eventual privatization of the struct type, we only
// return the interface.
func NewConfigFactory(
	schedulerName string,
	client clientset.Interface,
	nodeInformer coreinformers.NodeInformer,
	podInformer coreinformers.PodInformer,
	pvInformer coreinformers.PersistentVolumeInformer,
	pvcInformer coreinformers.PersistentVolumeClaimInformer,
	replicationControllerInformer coreinformers.ReplicationControllerInformer,
	replicaSetInformer extensionsinformers.ReplicaSetInformer,
	statefulSetInformer appsinformers.StatefulSetInformer,
	serviceInformer coreinformers.ServiceInformer,
	pdbInformer policyinformers.PodDisruptionBudgetInformer,
	storageClassInformer storageinformers.StorageClassInformer,
	hardPodAffinitySymmetricWeight int32,
	enableEquivalenceClassCache bool,
	disablePreemption bool,
) scheduler.Configurator {
	stopEverything := make(chan struct{})
	schedulerCache := schedulercache.New(30*time.Second, stopEverything)

	// storageClassInformer is only enabled through VolumeScheduling feature gate
	var storageClassLister storagelisters.StorageClassLister
	if storageClassInformer != nil {
		storageClassLister = storageClassInformer.Lister()

	// On add and delete of PVs, it will affect equivalence cache items
	// related to persistent volume
			// MaxPDVolumeCountPredicate: since it relies on the counts of PV.
			AddFunc:    c.onPvAdd,
			UpdateFunc: c.onPvUpdate,
			DeleteFunc: c.onPvDelete,
	c.pVLister = pvInformer.Lister()

	// This is for MaxPDVolumeCountPredicate: add/delete PVC will affect counts of PV when it is bound.
			AddFunc:    c.onPvcAdd,
			UpdateFunc: c.onPvcUpdate,
			DeleteFunc: c.onPvcDelete,
	c.pVCLister = pvcInformer.Lister()


	if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.VolumeScheduling) {
		// Setup volume binder
		c.volumeBinder = volumebinder.NewVolumeBinder(client, pvcInformer, pvInformer, storageClassInformer)

				AddFunc:    c.onStorageClassAdd,
				DeleteFunc: c.onStorageClassDelete,


	return c

scheduler volumebinder.NewVolumeBinder的調用前提是Enable VolumeScheduling Feature Gate。

volumeBinder in PV Controller

前面提到,scheduler volumebinder.NewVolumeBinder在初始化Binder時是通過persistentvolume.NewVolumeBinder完成的,因此這裏我們將對persistentvolume.volumeBinder進行分析。

PV Contorller中的volumeBinder就是前面提到的SchedulerVolumeBinder Interface的實現,實現了其中的FindPodVolumes、AssumePodVolumes、BindPodVolumes、GetBindingsCache這些接口。


type volumeBinder struct {
	ctrl *PersistentVolumeController

	pvcCache PVCAssumeCache
	pvCache  PVAssumeCache

	// Stores binding decisions that were made in FindPodVolumes for use in AssumePodVolumes.
	// AssumePodVolumes modifies the bindings again for use in BindPodVolumes.
	podBindingCache PodBindingCache

// NewVolumeBinder sets up all the caches needed for the scheduler to make volume binding decisions.
func NewVolumeBinder(
	kubeClient clientset.Interface,
	pvcInformer coreinformers.PersistentVolumeClaimInformer,
	pvInformer coreinformers.PersistentVolumeInformer,
	storageClassInformer storageinformers.StorageClassInformer) SchedulerVolumeBinder {

	// TODO: find better way...
	ctrl := &PersistentVolumeController{
		kubeClient:  kubeClient,
		classLister: storageClassInformer.Lister(),

	b := &volumeBinder{
		ctrl:            ctrl,
		pvcCache:        NewPVCAssumeCache(pvcInformer.Informer()),
		pvCache:         NewPVAssumeCache(pvInformer.Informer()),
		podBindingCache: NewPodBindingCache(),

	return b

volumeBinder struct主要包含pvController實例、pvCache、pvcCache、podBindingCache。



type podBindingCache struct {
	mutex sync.Mutex

	// Key = pod name
	// Value = nodeDecisions
	bindingDecisions map[string]nodeDecisions

// Key = nodeName
// Value = bindings & provisioned PVCs of the node
type nodeDecisions map[string]nodeDecision

// A decision includes bindingInfo and provisioned PVCs of the node
type nodeDecision struct {
	bindings      []*bindingInfo
	provisionings []*v1.PersistentVolumeClaim

type bindingInfo struct {
	// Claim that needs to be bound
	pvc *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim

	// Proposed PV to bind to this claim
	pv *v1.PersistentVolume

VolumeBindingChecker Predicate

在Scheduler NewConfigFactory時完成VolumeBinder的創建,然後CheckVolumeBinding Predicate Policy註冊到default scheduler。注意默認的所有predicate policies的執行是有先後順序的:

predicatesOrdering = []string{CheckNodeConditionPred, CheckNodeUnschedulablePred,
		GeneralPred, HostNamePred, PodFitsHostPortsPred,
		MatchNodeSelectorPred, PodFitsResourcesPred, NoDiskConflictPred,
		PodToleratesNodeTaintsPred, PodToleratesNodeNoExecuteTaintsPred, CheckNodeLabelPresencePred,
		CheckServiceAffinityPred, MaxEBSVolumeCountPred, MaxGCEPDVolumeCountPred,
		MaxAzureDiskVolumeCountPred, CheckVolumeBindingPred, NoVolumeZoneConflictPred,
		CheckNodeMemoryPressurePred, CheckNodePIDPressurePred, CheckNodeDiskPressurePred, MatchInterPodAffinityPred}



func (c *VolumeBindingChecker) predicate(pod *v1.Pod, meta algorithm.PredicateMetadata, nodeInfo *schedulercache.NodeInfo) (bool, []algorithm.PredicateFailureReason, error) {
	if !utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.VolumeScheduling) {
		return true, nil, nil

	node := nodeInfo.Node()
	if node == nil {
		return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("node not found")

	unboundSatisfied, boundSatisfied, err := c.binder.Binder.FindPodVolumes(pod, node)
	if err != nil {
		return false, nil, err

	failReasons := []algorithm.PredicateFailureReason{}
	if !boundSatisfied {
		glog.V(5).Infof("Bound PVs not satisfied for pod %v/%v, node %q", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, node.Name)
		failReasons = append(failReasons, ErrVolumeNodeConflict)

	if !unboundSatisfied {
		glog.V(5).Infof("Couldn't find matching PVs for pod %v/%v, node %q", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, node.Name)
		failReasons = append(failReasons, ErrVolumeBindConflict)

	if len(failReasons) > 0 {
		return false, failReasons, nil

	// All volumes bound or matching PVs found for all unbound PVCs
	glog.V(5).Infof("All PVCs found matches for pod %v/%v, node %q", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, node.Name)
	return true, nil, nil
  • 需要確認VolumeScheduling Feature Gate Enabled。
  • 調用volumeBinder.FindPodVolumes檢查Pod的PVCs是否都能被該Node滿足。



func (c *configFactory) MakeDefaultErrorFunc(backoff *util.PodBackoff, podQueue core.SchedulingQueue) func(pod *v1.Pod, err error) {
	return func(pod *v1.Pod, err error) {

		// Retry asynchronously.
		// Note that this is extremely rudimentary and we need a more real error handling path.
		go func() {
			defer runtime.HandleCrash()
			podID := types.NamespacedName{
				Namespace: pod.Namespace,
				Name:      pod.Name,
			origPod := pod

			// When pod priority is enabled, we would like to place an unschedulable
			// pod in the unschedulable queue. This ensures that if the pod is nominated
			// to run on a node, scheduler takes the pod into account when running
			// predicates for the node.
			if !util.PodPriorityEnabled() {
				entry := backoff.GetEntry(podID)
				if !entry.TryWait(backoff.MaxDuration()) {
					glog.Warningf("Request for pod %v already in flight, abandoning", podID)
			// Get the pod again; it may have changed/been scheduled already.
			getBackoff := initialGetBackoff
			for {
				pod, err := c.client.CoreV1().Pods(podID.Namespace).Get(podID.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
				if err == nil {
					if len(pod.Spec.NodeName) == 0 {
					} else {
						if c.volumeBinder != nil {
							// Volume binder only wants to keep unassigned pods
				if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
					glog.Warningf("A pod %v no longer exists", podID)

					if c.volumeBinder != nil {
						// Volume binder only wants to keep unassigned pods
				glog.Errorf("Error getting pod %v for retry: %v; retrying...", podID, err)
				if getBackoff = getBackoff * 2; getBackoff > maximalGetBackoff {
					getBackoff = maximalGetBackoff


  • 如果pod.Spec.NodeName不爲空,並且volumeBinder不爲空(意味着Enable VolumeScheduling Feature Gate),則調用podBindingCache.DeleteBindings將該pod對應的bindingDecisions從podBindingCache中刪除,因爲volumeBinder僅處理unassigned pods。
  • 如果該Pod已經被API刪除了,並且volumeBinder不爲空(意味着Enable VolumeScheduling Feature Gate),同樣的調用podBindingCache.DeleteBindings將該pod對應的bindingDecisions從podBindingCache中刪除,因爲volumeBinder僅處理unassigned pods。


NewConfigFactory中註冊了從unscheduled pod queue中刪除pod(意味着調度成功)的Event handler:deletePodFromSchedulingQueue。


func (c *configFactory) deletePodFromSchedulingQueue(obj interface{}) {
	var pod *v1.Pod
	if err := c.podQueue.Delete(pod); err != nil {
		runtime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("unable to dequeue %T: %v", obj, err))
	if c.volumeBinder != nil {
		// Volume binder only wants to keep unassigned pods

deletePodFromSchedulingQueue的處理邏輯,除了將pod從podQueue中刪除外,如果volumeBinder不爲空(意味着Enable VolumeScheduling Feature Gate),還需要同MakeDefaultErrorFunc一樣,調用podBindingCache.DeleteBindings將該pod對應的bindingDecisions從podBindingCache中刪除,因爲volumeBinder僅處理unassigned pods。




前面分析VolumeBindingChecker Predicate的時看到,其中調用了volumeBinder.FindPodVolumes。


  • 如果PVC已經Bound成功,會檢查是否對應的PV的NodeAffinity是否與Node能匹配上。
  • 如果PVC還沒有Bound被Bound,將試圖從PV cache中查找是否有合適的PV能與該PVC進行Bound。返回值unboundVolumesSatisified,boundVolumesSatisfied分別表示:
    • unboundVolumesSatisified:bool,true表示Pod的所有PVCs都已經成功Bound,或者可以Dynamic Provisioned(local volume目前只支持static provisioned),否則返回false。
    • boundVolumesSatisfied:bool,true表示已經Bound的Volumes能滿足PV的NodeAffinity。

// FindPodVolumes caches the matching PVs and PVCs to provision per node in podBindingCache
func (b *volumeBinder) FindPodVolumes(pod *v1.Pod, node *v1.Node) (unboundVolumesSatisfied, boundVolumesSatisfied bool, err error) {
	podName := getPodName(pod)

	// Warning: Below log needs high verbosity as it can be printed several times (#60933).
	glog.V(5).Infof("FindPodVolumes for pod %q, node %q", podName, node.Name)

	// Initialize to true for pods that don't have volumes
	unboundVolumesSatisfied = true
	boundVolumesSatisfied = true

	// The pod's volumes need to be processed in one call to avoid the race condition where
	// volumes can get bound/provisioned in between calls.
	boundClaims, claimsToBind, unboundClaimsImmediate, err := b.getPodVolumes(pod)
	if err != nil {
		return false, false, err

	// Immediate claims should be bound
	if len(unboundClaimsImmediate) > 0 {
		return false, false, fmt.Errorf("pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims")

	// Check PV node affinity on bound volumes
	if len(boundClaims) > 0 {
		boundVolumesSatisfied, err = b.checkBoundClaims(boundClaims, node, podName)
		if err != nil {
			return false, false, err

	if len(claimsToBind) > 0 {
		var claimsToProvision []*v1.PersistentVolumeClaim
		unboundVolumesSatisfied, claimsToProvision, err = b.findMatchingVolumes(pod, claimsToBind, node)
		if err != nil {
			return false, false, err

		if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.DynamicProvisioningScheduling) {
			// Try to provision for unbound volumes
			if !unboundVolumesSatisfied {
				unboundVolumesSatisfied, err = b.checkVolumeProvisions(pod, claimsToProvision, node)
				if err != nil {
					return false, false, err

	return unboundVolumesSatisfied, boundVolumesSatisfied, nil


  • getPodVolumes:將PVCs分成boundClaims、unboundClaims、unboundClaimsImmediate。
  • checkBoundClaims:如果boundClaims不爲空,則checkBoundClaims Bound的PV的NodeAffinity是否與Node Labels匹配,如果匹配成功,則boundVolumesSatisfied爲true。
  • findMatchingVolumes:如果claimsToBind不爲空,則調用findMatchingVolumes從pvcache中選擇匹配條件的size smallestPV,如果沒有匹配成功的,則調用checkVolumeProvisions檢查是否dynamic provision。




// getPodVolumes returns a pod's PVCs separated into bound (including prebound), unbound with delayed binding,
// and unbound with immediate binding
func (b *volumeBinder) getPodVolumes(pod *v1.Pod) (boundClaims []*v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, unboundClaims []*bindingInfo, unboundClaimsImmediate []*v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, err error) {
	boundClaims = []*v1.PersistentVolumeClaim{}
	unboundClaimsImmediate = []*v1.PersistentVolumeClaim{}
	unboundClaims = []*bindingInfo{}

	for _, vol := range pod.Spec.Volumes {
		volumeBound, pvc, err := b.isVolumeBound(pod.Namespace, &vol, false)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, nil, err
		if pvc == nil {
		if volumeBound {
			boundClaims = append(boundClaims, pvc)
		} else {
			delayBinding, err := b.ctrl.shouldDelayBinding(pvc)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, nil, err
			if delayBinding {
				// Scheduler path
				unboundClaims = append(unboundClaims, &bindingInfo{pvc: pvc})
			} else {
				// Immediate binding should have already been bound
				unboundClaimsImmediate = append(unboundClaimsImmediate, pvc)
	return boundClaims, unboundClaims, unboundClaimsImmediate, nil


  • boundClaims:已經Bound的PVCs,包括prebound;
  • unboundClaims:需要delay binding的unbound PVCs;
  • unboundClaimsImmediate:需要immediate binding的unbound PVCs;

那麼什麼樣的PVCs是delay binding的呢?我們看看shouldDelayBinding的邏輯:

func (ctrl *PersistentVolumeController) shouldDelayBinding(claim *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim) (bool, error) {
	if !utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.VolumeScheduling) {
		return false, nil

	if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.DynamicProvisioningScheduling) {
		// When feature DynamicProvisioningScheduling enabled,
		// Scheduler signal to the PV controller to start dynamic
		// provisioning by setting the "annSelectedNode" annotation
		// in the PVC
		if _, ok := claim.Annotations[annSelectedNode]; ok {
			return false, nil

	className := v1helper.GetPersistentVolumeClaimClass(claim)
	if className == "" {
		return false, nil

	class, err := ctrl.classLister.Get(className)
	if err != nil {
		return false, nil

	if class.VolumeBindingMode == nil {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("VolumeBindingMode not set for StorageClass %q", className)

	return *class.VolumeBindingMode == storage.VolumeBindingWaitForFirstConsumer, nil
  • 如果VolumeScheduling Feature Gate Disenable,則PVC都不屬於deley binding。
  • 如果DynamicProvisioningScheduling Feature Gate Enable,則檢查PVC的Annotation是否包含"volume.alpha.kubernetes.io/selected-node",如果包含該Annotation,則該PVC不屬於delay binding。
  • 如果PVC對應的storageClass爲空或者該storageClass不存在,則該PVC不屬於delay binding。
  • 如果PVC對應的storageClass存在,且storageClass的VolumeBindingMode爲空,則該PVC不屬於delay binding。
  • 只有當PVC對應的storageClass存在,且storageClass的VolumeBindingMode爲WaitForFirstConsumer,該PVC才屬於delay binding。


如果getPodVolumes返回的claimsToBind不爲空,則調用findMatchingVolumes從pvcache中選擇匹配條件的size smallestPV,如果沒有匹配成功的,則調用checkVolumeProvisions檢查是否dynamic provision。


// findMatchingVolumes tries to find matching volumes for given claims,
// and return unbound claims for further provision.
func (b *volumeBinder) findMatchingVolumes(pod *v1.Pod, claimsToBind []*bindingInfo, node *v1.Node) (foundMatches bool, unboundClaims []*v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, err error) {
	podName := getPodName(pod)
	// Sort all the claims by increasing size request to get the smallest fits

	chosenPVs := map[string]*v1.PersistentVolume{}

	foundMatches = true
	matchedClaims := []*bindingInfo{}

	for _, bindingInfo := range claimsToBind {
		// Get storage class name from each PVC
		storageClassName := ""
		storageClass := bindingInfo.pvc.Spec.StorageClassName
		if storageClass != nil {
			storageClassName = *storageClass
		allPVs := b.pvCache.ListPVs(storageClassName)

		// Find a matching PV
		bindingInfo.pv, err = findMatchingVolume(bindingInfo.pvc, allPVs, node, chosenPVs, true)
		if err != nil {
			return false, nil, err
		if bindingInfo.pv == nil {
			glog.V(4).Infof("No matching volumes for Pod %q, PVC %q on node %q", podName, getPVCName(bindingInfo.pvc), node.Name)
			unboundClaims = append(unboundClaims, bindingInfo.pvc)
			foundMatches = false

		// matching PV needs to be excluded so we don't select it again
		chosenPVs[bindingInfo.pv.Name] = bindingInfo.pv
		matchedClaims = append(matchedClaims, bindingInfo)
		glog.V(5).Infof("Found matching PV %q for PVC %q on node %q for pod %q", bindingInfo.pv.Name, getPVCName(bindingInfo.pvc), node.Name, podName)

	// Mark cache with all the matches for each PVC for this node
	if len(matchedClaims) > 0 {
		b.podBindingCache.UpdateBindings(pod, node.Name, matchedClaims)

	if foundMatches {
		glog.V(4).Infof("Found matching volumes for pod %q on node %q", podName, node.Name)




// checkVolumeProvisions checks given unbound claims (the claims have gone through func
// findMatchingVolumes, and do not have matching volumes for binding), and return true
// if all of the claims are eligible for dynamic provision.
func (b *volumeBinder) checkVolumeProvisions(pod *v1.Pod, claimsToProvision []*v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, node *v1.Node) (provisionSatisfied bool, err error) {
	podName := getPodName(pod)
	provisionedClaims := []*v1.PersistentVolumeClaim{}

	for _, claim := range claimsToProvision {
		className := v1helper.GetPersistentVolumeClaimClass(claim)
		if className == "" {
			return false, fmt.Errorf("no class for claim %q", getPVCName(claim))

		class, err := b.ctrl.classLister.Get(className)
		if err != nil {
			return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to find storage class %q", className)
		provisioner := class.Provisioner
		if provisioner == "" || provisioner == notSupportedProvisioner {
			glog.V(4).Infof("storage class %q of claim %q does not support dynamic provisioning", className, getPVCName(claim))
			return false, nil

		// Check if the node can satisfy the topology requirement in the class
		if !v1helper.MatchTopologySelectorTerms(class.AllowedTopologies, labels.Set(node.Labels)) {
			glog.V(4).Infof("Node %q cannot satisfy provisioning topology requirements of claim %q", node.Name, getPVCName(claim))
			return false, nil

		// TODO: Check if capacity of the node domain in the storage class
		// can satisfy resource requirement of given claim

		provisionedClaims = append(provisionedClaims, claim)

	glog.V(4).Infof("Provisioning for claims of pod %q that has no matching volumes on node %q ...", podName, node.Name)

	// Mark cache with all the PVCs that need provisioning for this node
	b.podBindingCache.UpdateProvisionedPVCs(pod, node.Name, provisionedClaims)

	return true, nil
  • checkVolumeProvisions主要檢查對應的PVC的storageClass的TopologySelectorTerm與Node Labels是否能匹配成功。
  • 如果匹配成功,則調用UpdateProvisionedPVCs更新podBindingCache的bindingDecisions。



scheduleOne invoke assumeAndBindVolumes


// scheduleOne does the entire scheduling workflow for a single pod.  It is serialized on the scheduling algorithm's host fitting.
func (sched *Scheduler) scheduleOne() {
	pod := sched.config.NextPod()
	suggestedHost, err := sched.schedule(pod)
	// Tell the cache to assume that a pod now is running on a given node, even though it hasn't been bound yet.
	// This allows us to keep scheduling without waiting on binding to occur.
	assumedPod := pod.DeepCopy()

	// Assume volumes first before assuming the pod.
	// If no volumes need binding, then nil is returned, and continue to assume the pod.
	// Otherwise, error is returned and volume binding is started asynchronously for all of the pod's volumes.
	// scheduleOne() returns immediately on error, so that it doesn't continue to assume the pod.
	// After the asynchronous volume binding updates are made, it will send the pod back through the scheduler for
	// subsequent passes until all volumes are fully bound.
	// This function modifies 'assumedPod' if volume binding is required.
	err = sched.assumeAndBindVolumes(assumedPod, suggestedHost)
	if err != nil {

	// assume modifies `assumedPod` by setting NodeName=suggestedHost
	err = sched.assume(assumedPod, suggestedHost)
	// bind the pod to its host asynchronously (we can do this b/c of the assumption step above).
	go func() {
		err := sched.bind(assumedPod, &v1.Binding{

在sched.schedule(pod)完成pod的predicate,priority後,先調用sched.assumeAndBindVolumes,然後再調用sched.assume進行pod assume,最後調用sched.bind進行Bind操作。

assumeAndBindVolumes add assume pod to BindQueue


// assumeAndBindVolumes will update the volume cache and then asynchronously bind volumes if required.
// If volume binding is required, then the bind volumes routine will update the pod to send it back through
// the scheduler.
// Otherwise, return nil error and continue to assume the pod.
// This function modifies assumed if volume binding is required.
func (sched *Scheduler) assumeAndBindVolumes(assumed *v1.Pod, host string) error {
	if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.VolumeScheduling) {
		allBound, bindingRequired, err := sched.config.VolumeBinder.Binder.AssumePodVolumes(assumed, host)
		if err != nil {
			sched.config.Error(assumed, err)
			sched.config.Recorder.Eventf(assumed, v1.EventTypeWarning, "FailedScheduling", "AssumePodVolumes failed: %v", err)
			sched.config.PodConditionUpdater.Update(assumed, &v1.PodCondition{
				Type:    v1.PodScheduled,
				Status:  v1.ConditionFalse,
				Reason:  "SchedulerError",
				Message: err.Error(),
			return err
		if !allBound {
			err = fmt.Errorf("Volume binding started, waiting for completion")
			if bindingRequired {
				if sched.config.Ecache != nil {
					invalidPredicates := sets.NewString(predicates.CheckVolumeBindingPred)

				// bindVolumesWorker() will update the Pod object to put it back in the scheduler queue
			} else {
				// We are just waiting for PV controller to finish binding, put it back in the
				// scheduler queue
				sched.config.Error(assumed, err)
				sched.config.Recorder.Eventf(assumed, v1.EventTypeNormal, "FailedScheduling", "%v", err)
				sched.config.PodConditionUpdater.Update(assumed, &v1.PodCondition{
					Type:   v1.PodScheduled,
					Status: v1.ConditionFalse,
					Reason: "VolumeBindingWaiting",
			return err
	return nil



// AssumePodVolumes will take the cached matching PVs and PVCs to provision
// in podBindingCache for the chosen node, and:
// 1. Update the pvCache with the new prebound PV.
// 2. Update the pvcCache with the new PVCs with annotations set
// It will update podBindingCache again with the PVs and PVCs that need an API update.
func (b *volumeBinder) AssumePodVolumes(assumedPod *v1.Pod, nodeName string) (allFullyBound, bindingRequired bool, err error) {
	podName := getPodName(assumedPod)

	glog.V(4).Infof("AssumePodVolumes for pod %q, node %q", podName, nodeName)

	if allBound := b.arePodVolumesBound(assumedPod); allBound {
		glog.V(4).Infof("AssumePodVolumes for pod %q, node %q: all PVCs bound and nothing to do", podName, nodeName)
		return true, false, nil

	assumedPod.Spec.NodeName = nodeName
	// Assume PV
	claimsToBind := b.podBindingCache.GetBindings(assumedPod, nodeName)
	newBindings := []*bindingInfo{}

	for _, binding := range claimsToBind {
		newPV, dirty, err := b.ctrl.getBindVolumeToClaim(binding.pv, binding.pvc)
		glog.V(5).Infof("AssumePodVolumes: getBindVolumeToClaim for pod %q, PV %q, PVC %q.  newPV %p, dirty %v, err: %v",
		if err != nil {
			return false, true, err
		if dirty {
			err = b.pvCache.Assume(newPV)
			if err != nil {
				return false, true, err

			newBindings = append(newBindings, &bindingInfo{pv: newPV, pvc: binding.pvc})

	// Don't update cached bindings if no API updates are needed.  This can happen if we
	// previously updated the PV object and are waiting for the PV controller to finish binding.
	if len(newBindings) != 0 {
		bindingRequired = true
		b.podBindingCache.UpdateBindings(assumedPod, nodeName, newBindings)

	// Assume PVCs
	claimsToProvision := b.podBindingCache.GetProvisionedPVCs(assumedPod, nodeName)

	newProvisionedPVCs := []*v1.PersistentVolumeClaim{}
	for _, claim := range claimsToProvision {
		// The claims from method args can be pointing to watcher cache. We must not
		// modify these, therefore create a copy.
		claimClone := claim.DeepCopy()
		metav1.SetMetaDataAnnotation(&claimClone.ObjectMeta, annSelectedNode, nodeName)
		err = b.pvcCache.Assume(claimClone)
		if err != nil {

		newProvisionedPVCs = append(newProvisionedPVCs, claimClone)

	if len(newProvisionedPVCs) != 0 {
		bindingRequired = true
		b.podBindingCache.UpdateProvisionedPVCs(assumedPod, nodeName, newProvisionedPVCs)



  • 爲Pod中那些還沒被Bound的PVCs尋找合適的PVs,並更新PV cache,完成PVs和PVCs的prebound操作(對於需要Dynamic Provisioning的PVC加上Annotation:"pv.kubernetes.io/bound-by-controller")。
  • 如果是需要Dynamic Provisioning的PVCs,那麼更新PVC cache中這些PVCs的相關Annotations:"volume.alpha.kubernetes.io/selected-node=$nodeName",也相當於prebound操作。返回值allFullyBound,bindingRequired分別表示:
    • allFullyBound:bool,true表示Pod對應的所有PVCs都已經完成Bound,否則返回false。
    • bindingRequired:bool,true表示還有volume binding/provisioning的API操作還需要進行,否則返回false。
  • 如果allFullyBound爲false,並且bindingRequired爲true,則將pod加入到volumeBinder的BindQueue。

BindQueue中的Pods由bindVolumesWorker進行逐個處理,其中會調用volumeBinder.BindPodVolumes完成volume binding operation,下面我們看看bindVolumesWorker幹了啥。


bindVolumesWorker負責循環處理volumeBinder中的BindQueue內的Pods,完成volume bind。我們得先知道bindVolumesWorker在哪裏啓動的。


// Run begins watching and scheduling. It waits for cache to be synced, then starts a goroutine and returns immediately.
func (sched *Scheduler) Run() {
	if !sched.config.WaitForCacheSync() {

	if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.VolumeScheduling) {
		go sched.config.VolumeBinder.Run(sched.bindVolumesWorker, sched.config.StopEverything)

	go wait.Until(sched.scheduleOne, 0, sched.config.StopEverything)

在default scheduler啓動時,如果VolumeScheduling Feature Gate Enable,則會啓動bindVolumesWorker goroutine。


// bindVolumesWorker() processes pods queued in assumeAndBindVolumes() and tries to
// make the API update for volume binding.
// This function runs forever until the volume BindQueue is closed.
func (sched *Scheduler) bindVolumesWorker() {
	workFunc := func() bool {
		keyObj, quit := sched.config.VolumeBinder.BindQueue.Get()
		if quit {
			return true
		defer sched.config.VolumeBinder.BindQueue.Done(keyObj)

		assumed, ok := keyObj.(*v1.Pod)
		if !ok {
			glog.V(4).Infof("Object is not a *v1.Pod")
			return false

		// TODO: add metrics
		var reason string
		var eventType string

		glog.V(5).Infof("Trying to bind volumes for pod \"%v/%v\"", assumed.Namespace, assumed.Name)

		// The Pod is always sent back to the scheduler afterwards.
		err := sched.config.VolumeBinder.Binder.BindPodVolumes(assumed)
		if err != nil {
			glog.V(1).Infof("Failed to bind volumes for pod \"%v/%v\": %v", assumed.Namespace, assumed.Name, err)
			reason = "VolumeBindingFailed"
			eventType = v1.EventTypeWarning
		} else {
			glog.V(4).Infof("Successfully bound volumes for pod \"%v/%v\"", assumed.Namespace, assumed.Name)
			reason = "VolumeBindingWaiting"
			eventType = v1.EventTypeNormal
			err = fmt.Errorf("Volume binding started, waiting for completion")

		// Always fail scheduling regardless of binding success.
		// The Pod needs to be sent back through the scheduler to:
		// * Retry volume binding if it fails.
		// * Retry volume binding if dynamic provisioning fails.
		// * Bind the Pod to the Node once all volumes are bound.
		sched.config.Error(assumed, err)
		sched.config.Recorder.Eventf(assumed, eventType, "FailedScheduling", "%v", err)
		sched.config.PodConditionUpdater.Update(assumed, &v1.PodCondition{
			Type:   v1.PodScheduled,
			Status: v1.ConditionFalse,
			Reason: reason,
		return false

	for {
		if quit := workFunc(); quit {
			glog.V(4).Infof("bindVolumesWorker shutting down")

bindVolumesWorker會調用volumeBinder.BindPodVolumes進行podBindingCache中的volume binding operation。



// BindPodVolumes gets the cached bindings and PVCs to provision in podBindingCache
// and makes the API update for those PVs/PVCs.
func (b *volumeBinder) BindPodVolumes(assumedPod *v1.Pod) error {
	podName := getPodName(assumedPod)
	glog.V(4).Infof("BindPodVolumes for pod %q", podName)

	bindings := b.podBindingCache.GetBindings(assumedPod, assumedPod.Spec.NodeName)
	claimsToProvision := b.podBindingCache.GetProvisionedPVCs(assumedPod, assumedPod.Spec.NodeName)

	// Do the actual prebinding. Let the PV controller take care of the rest
	// There is no API rollback if the actual binding fails
	for i, bindingInfo := range bindings {
		glog.V(5).Infof("BindPodVolumes: Pod %q, binding PV %q to PVC %q", podName, bindingInfo.pv.Name, bindingInfo.pvc.Name)
		_, err := b.ctrl.updateBindVolumeToClaim(bindingInfo.pv, bindingInfo.pvc, false)
		if err != nil {
			// only revert assumed cached updates for volumes we haven't successfully bound
			// Revert all of the assumed cached updates for claims,
			// since no actual API update will be done
			return err

	// Update claims objects to trigger volume provisioning. Let the PV controller take care of the rest
	// PV controller is expect to signal back by removing related annotations if actual provisioning fails
	for i, claim := range claimsToProvision {
		if _, err := b.ctrl.kubeClient.CoreV1().PersistentVolumeClaims(claim.Namespace).Update(claim); err != nil {
			glog.V(4).Infof("updating PersistentVolumeClaim[%s] failed: %v", getPVCName(claim), err)
			// only revert assumed cached updates for claims we haven't successfully updated
			return err

	return nil
  • 根據podBindingCache中保存的信息,調用API完成PVC和PV的Binding,也就是preBound。PV Controller watch到這一事件後去執行真正的Volume Bound操作。
  • 根據podBindingCache中保存的信息,調用API完成PVCs的claimsToProvision的更新,PV Controller watch到這一事件後會執行Dynamic Volume Provisioning。



本文對VolumeBinder in Scheduler、volumeBinder in PV Controller進行了源碼分析,瞭解了local volume scheduling是如何實現delay Scheduling、pv node affinity的。

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