服務計算 - 5 | GraphQL簡單web服務與客戶端開發


利用 web 客戶端調用遠端服務是服務開發本實驗的重要內容。其中,要點建立 API First 的開發理念,實現前後端分離,使得團隊協作變得更有效率。


  1. 選擇合適的 API 風格,實現從接口或資源(領域)建模,到 API 設計的過程
  2. 使用 API 工具,編制 API 描述文件,編譯生成服務器、客戶端原型
  3. 使用 Github 建立一個組織,通過 API 文檔,實現 客戶端項目 與 RESTful 服務項目同步開發
  4. 使用 API 設計工具提供 Mock 服務,兩個團隊獨立測試 API
  5. 使用 travis 測試相關模塊


  1. API使用GraphQL規範進行設計
  2. 客戶端使用Vue框架
  3. 服務器使用GraphQL官方提供的生成基於 graphql 的服務器的庫GQLGen進行開發。
  4. 數據庫使用BoltDB實現



項目參照星球大戰API SWAPI編寫







GraphQL 是一個用於 API 的查詢語言,是一個使用基於類型系統來執行查詢的服務端運行時(類型系統由你的數據定義)。GraphQL 並沒有和任何特定數據庫或者存儲引擎綁定,而是依靠你現有的代碼和數據支撐。





  • type Query中定義了所有的查詢查詢方法,在這個類型中的查詢函數會被GQLGEN自動實現解析,並在resolver.go文件中新建空白查詢函數,而我們的任務就是編寫該文件中的函數,返回對應的數據。

    The query root, from which multiple types of requests can be made.
    type Query {
        Look up a specific people by its ID.
            The ID of the entity.
            id: ID!
        ): People
        Look up a specific film by its ID.
            The ID of the entity.
            id: ID!
        ): Film
        Look up a specific starship by its ID.
            The ID of the entity.
            id: ID!
        ): Starship
        Look up a specific vehicle by its ID.
            The ID of the entity.
            id: ID!
        ): Vehicle
        Look up a specific specie by its ID.
            The ID of the entity.
            id: ID!
        ): Specie
        Look up a specific planet by its ID.
            The ID of the entity.
            id: ID!
        ): Planet
        Browse people entities.
        peoples (
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): PeopleConnection!
        Browse film entities.
        films (
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): FilmConnection!
        Browse starship entities.
        starships (
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): StarshipConnection!
        Browse vehicle entities.
        vehicles (
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): VehicleConnection!
        Browse specie entities.
        species (
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): SpecieConnection!
        Browse planet entities.
        planets (
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): PlanetConnection!
        Search for people entities matching the given query.
        peopleSearch (
            The search field for name, in Lucene search syntax.
            search: String!
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): PeopleConnection
        Search for film entities matching the given query.
        filmsSearch (
            The search field for title, in Lucene search syntax.
            search: String!
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): FilmConnection
        Search for starship entities matching the given query.
        starshipsSearch (
            The search field for name or model, in Lucene search syntax.
            search: String!
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): StarshipConnection
        Search for vehicle entities matching the given query.
        vehiclesSearch (
            The search field for name or model, in Lucene search syntax.
            search: String!
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): VehicleConnection
        Search for specie entities matching the given query.
        speciesSearch (
            The search field for name, in Lucene search syntax.
            search: String!
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): SpecieConnection
        Search for planet entities matching the given query.
        planetsSearch (
            The search field for name, in Lucene search syntax.
            search: String!
            The number of entities in the connection.
            first: Int
            The connection follows by.
            after: ID
        ): PlanetConnection
  • 其它部分按照GraphQL規範編寫即可,具體可以查看項目中的schema.graphql文件。這裏的schema.graphql有些臃腫,可以通過實現共同屬性的interface來減少定義的工作量。
  • 具體設計參閱API文檔


  1. 對於普通的通過ID查詢的函數,直接通過數據庫提供的方法查詢對應ID的對象。

    func (r *queryResolver) People(ctx context.Context, id string) (*People, error) {
        err, people := GetPeopleByID(id, nil)
        return people, err
  2. 分頁查詢則需要解析需要的元素數量,起始位置即after遊標在數據庫中的位置,是否有前後頁及當前頁開始和結束位置元素的遊標,用於客戶端在需要的時候獲取前後頁。

     func (r *queryResolver) Peoples(ctx context.Context, first *int, after *string) (PeopleConnection, error) {
         from := -1
         if after != nil {
             b, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(*after)
             if err != nil {
                 return PeopleConnection{}, err
             i, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(string(b), "cursor"))
             if err != nil {
                 return PeopleConnection{}, err
             from = i
         count := 0
         startID := ""
         hasPreviousPage := true
         hasNextPage := true
         // 獲取edges
         edges := []PeopleEdge{}
         db, err := bolt.Open("./data/data.db", 0600, nil)
         defer db.Close()
         db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
             c := tx.Bucket([]byte(peopleBucket)).Cursor()
             // 判斷是否還有前向頁
             k, v := c.First()
             if from == -1 || strconv.Itoa(from) == string(k) {
                 startID = string(k)
                 hasPreviousPage = false
             if from == -1 {
                 for k, _ := c.First(); k != nil; k, _ = c.Next() {
                     _, people := GetPeopleByID(string(k), db)
                     edges = append(edges, PeopleEdge{
                         Node:   people,
                         Cursor: encodeCursor(string(k)),
                     if count == *first {
             } else {
                 for k, _ := c.First(); k != nil; k, _ = c.Next() {
                     if strconv.Itoa(from) == string(k) {
                         k, _ = c.Next()
                         startID = string(k)
                     if startID != "" {
                         _, people := GetPeopleByID(string(k), db)
                         edges = append(edges, PeopleEdge{
                             Node:   people,
                             Cursor: encodeCursor(string(k)),
                         if count == *first {
             k, v = c.Next()
             if k == nil && v == nil {
                 hasNextPage = false
             return nil
         if count == 0 {
             return PeopleConnection{}, nil
         // 獲取pageInfo
         pageInfo := PageInfo{
             HasPreviousPage: hasPreviousPage,
             HasNextPage:     hasNextPage,
             StartCursor:     encodeCursor(startID),
             EndCursor:       encodeCursor(edges[count-1].Node.ID),
         return PeopleConnection{
             PageInfo:   pageInfo,
             Edges:      edges,
             TotalCount: count,
         }, nil
  3. 其次是基於相關字段的分頁查詢,與普通分頁查詢類似,只是多了一個查詢字段的字符串來限定,獲取對應的頁。

    func (r *queryResolver) PeopleSearch(ctx context.Context, search string, first *int, after *string) (*PeopleConnection, error) {
        if strings.HasPrefix(search, "Name:") {
            search = strings.TrimPrefix(search, "Name:")
        } else {
            return &PeopleConnection{}, errors.New("Search content must be ' Name:<People's Name you want to get> ' ")
        from := -1
        if after != nil {
            b, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(*after)
            if err != nil {
                return &PeopleConnection{}, err
            i, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(string(b), "cursor"))
            if err != nil {
                return &PeopleConnection{}, err
            from = i
        count := 0
        hasPreviousPage := false
        hasNextPage := false
        // 獲取edges
        edges := []PeopleEdge{}
        db, err := bolt.Open("./data/data.db", 0600, nil)
        defer db.Close()
        db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
            c := tx.Bucket([]byte(peopleBucket)).Cursor()
            k, _ := c.First()
            // 判斷是否還有前向頁
            if from != -1 {
                for k != nil {
                    _, people := GetPeopleByID(string(k), db)
                    if people.Name == search {
                        hasPreviousPage = true
                    if strconv.Itoa(from) == string(k) {
                        k, _ = c.Next()
                    k, _ = c.Next()
            // 添加edge
            for k != nil {
                _, people := GetPeopleByID(string(k), db)
                if people.Name == search {
                    edges = append(edges, PeopleEdge{
                        Node:   people,
                        Cursor: encodeCursor(string(k)),
                k, _ = c.Next()
                if first != nil && count == *first {
            // 判斷是否還有後向頁
            for k != nil {
                _, people := GetPeopleByID(string(k), db)
                if people.Name == search {
                    hasNextPage = true
                k, _ = c.Next()
            return nil
        if count == 0 {
            return &PeopleConnection{}, nil
        // 獲取pageInfo
        pageInfo := PageInfo{
            StartCursor:     encodeCursor(edges[0].Node.ID),
            EndCursor:       encodeCursor(edges[count-1].Node.ID),
            HasPreviousPage: hasPreviousPage,
            HasNextPage:     hasNextPage,
        return &PeopleConnection{
            PageInfo:   pageInfo,
            Edges:      edges,
            TotalCount: count,
        }, nil


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