Hash array mapped trie(HAMT) HASH算法



HAMT實現了幾乎類似哈希表的速度,同時更經濟地使用內存。此外,哈希表可能必須定期調整大小,這是一項昂貴的操作,而HAMT則會動態增長。通常,HAMT性能通過具有N個時隙的多個的較大根表來改善; 一些HAMT變體允許根部懶惰地生長,對性能的影響可以忽略不計。


This file provides an implemention of an immutable mapping using the
Hash Array Mapped Trie (or HAMT) datastructure.

This design allows to have:

1. Efficient copy: immutable mappings can be copied by reference,
   making it an O(1) operation.

2. Efficient mutations: due to structural sharing, only a portion of
   the trie needs to be copied when the collection is mutated.  The
   cost of set/delete operations is O(log N).

3. Efficient lookups: O(log N).

(where N is number of key/value items in the immutable mapping.)


The core idea of HAMT is that the shape of the trie is encoded into the
hashes of keys.

Say we want to store a K/V pair in our mapping.  First, we calculate the
hash of K, let's say it's 19830128, or in binary:

    0b1001011101001010101110000 = 19830128

Now let's partition this bit representation of the hash into blocks of
5 bits each:

    0b00_00000_10010_11101_00101_01011_10000 = 19830128
          (6)   (5)   (4)   (3)   (2)   (1)

Each block of 5 bits represents a number between 0 and 31.  So if we have
a tree that consists of nodes, each of which is an array of 32 pointers,
those 5-bit blocks will encode a position on a single tree level.

For example, storing the key K with hash 19830128, results in the following
tree structure:

                     (array of 32 pointers)
                     +---+ -- +----+----+----+ -- +----+
  root node          | 0 | .. | 15 | 16 | 17 | .. | 31 |   0b10000 = 16 (1)
  (level 1)          +---+ -- +----+----+----+ -- +----+
                     +---+ -- +----+----+----+ -- +----+
  a 2nd level node   | 0 | .. | 10 | 11 | 12 | .. | 31 |   0b01011 = 11 (2)
                     +---+ -- +----+----+----+ -- +----+
                     +---+ -- +----+----+----+ -- +----+
  a 3rd level node   | 0 | .. | 04 | 05 | 06 | .. | 31 |   0b00101 = 5  (3)
                     +---+ -- +----+----+----+ -- +----+
                     +---+ -- +----+----+----+----+
  a 4th level node   | 0 | .. | 04 | 29 | 30 | 31 |        0b11101 = 29 (4)
                     +---+ -- +----+----+----+----+
                     +---+ -- +----+----+----+ -- +----+
  a 5th level node   | 0 | .. | 17 | 18 | 19 | .. | 31 |   0b10010 = 18 (5)
                     +---+ -- +----+----+----+ -- +----+
                     +---+ -- +----+----+----+ -- +----+
  a 6th level node   | 0 | .. | 15 | 16 | 17 | .. | 31 |   0b00000 = 0  (6)
                     +---+ -- +----+----+----+ -- +----+
                       V -- our value (or collision)

To rehash: for a K/V pair, the hash of K encodes where in the tree V will
be stored.

To optimize memory footprint and handle hash collisions, our implementation
uses three different types of nodes:

 * A Bitmap node;
 * An Array node;
 * A Collision node.

Because we implement an immutable dictionary, our nodes are also
immutable.  Therefore, when we need to modify a node, we copy it, and
do that modification to the copy.



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