IELTS 7 test 1


  1. 先做閱讀 √
  2. 翻譯閱讀,不限時間,不查字典 √
  3. 查生詞,語法,修改翻譯 √
  4. 做題
  5. 對答案,對翻譯
  6. 總結全文
  7. 造句

翻譯 reading passage 1


段落 句子
A L1 蝙蝠存在一個問題:它們如何在黑暗中識路呢?
A L2 它們在夜晚捕食,不能使用光來輔助它們尋找獵物和躲避障礙物。
A L3 你可能會說:它們的所作所爲正是問題所在:它們可以改變它們的習慣,並且在白天捕獵就可以避開這些。
A L4 但是白天的經濟(資源)早就被其它生物過度開採完了,比如,鳥類
A L5 考慮到在晚上生存(謀生)和白天可供選擇的資源早已被瓜分完畢,所以自然選擇賦予蝙蝠晚上捕獵的技能
A L6 可能在緣故時期對所有生物而言
A L7 在那個時候,當dinosaur佔領了白天的資源時,我的祖先僅僅可能爲了保命,因爲它們找到一種方法在夜間scraping.
A L8 僅當65百萬年前,dinosour的大量神祕事物存在之後,我們的祖先才能夠在白天大量出現
B L1 蝙蝠存在一個能源(工程)問題:如何認路?如何在無光(缺少光線)的條件下找它們的獵物。
L2 今天,蝙蝠並不是唯一一個要面對這項困難的生物
L3 明顯的夜間飛行的昆蟲找路有幾分prey on?
L4 深海魚和whale有少量或沒有亮光在白天和黑夜
C L5 然而使用光來尋找他們自己的路需要大量的能量,因此眼睛必須能檢測bounces off(照到)場景每一個部分的光線微小的變化
C L6 因此,如果它作爲頭燈(headlight)被用來觀察(illuminate)道路,光源必須更immensely明亮,相比於它作爲其它生物的信號的時候。
C L7 在任何事件(event)中,不管怎樣原因都是能量太貴了。似乎是這樣的,對一些weird深海魚是可能的,除了人類沒有任何動物能夠生產光用來找路
D L1 工程師還想到了什麼?
D L2 有時候盲人似乎對障礙物有一個uncanny的感覺在他們的道路上
D L3 被稱爲“facial 視覺”,因爲據報道,盲人的這種感覺像是一種觸覺在臉上
D L4 有一個報道說,一個完全看不見的男孩能夠在他家周圍的大道上(block)用“facial 視覺”,以一個較快(good speed)的速度騎自行車(tricycle)
D L5 實驗表明,事實上“facial 視覺”和觸覺沒有任何關係,和臉的front也沒有,儘管觸覺(sensation)可能和麪前聯繫起來,就像是phantom limb 的疼痛
D L6 “facial 視覺”的感覺(sensation)被證明是通過耳朵傳遞的
D L7 盲人,沒有意識到事實,用他們腳步或者其它聲音的回聲來感知障礙物的存在
D L8 在這個被發現之前,工程師早就發明了一些工具應用(exploit)這些原理,例如在船上測量海的深度
D L9 在這項技術被髮明之後, 在很短的時間(it was only a matter of time before )武器製造者採用這個原理來檢測submarine
D L10 both sides 二戰時期嚴重依賴這些工具,使用不同的名字(codename)例如 asdic,sonar,radar,RDF,這些用radio多於聲音的回聲
E L1 sonar,radar的發明者(pioneer)當時並不知道這個,但是現在全世界人都知道蝙蝠或確切的說(rather)自然選擇作用在蝙蝠上,在好幾千萬年前就有一個完美的系統。並且他們的雷達實現了feat的檢測和navigation,這些會使工程師由衷的讚美
E L2 我們使用蝙蝠雷達描述這項技術並不正確,因爲蝙蝠並沒有使用radio 波
E L3 它是sonar
E L4 但是雷達和sonar的數學原理underlying是非=非常相似的。很多科學家理解蝙蝠活動的細節是來源於將雷達理論應用在他們身上
E L5 美國動物學家(zoologist) Donald griffin 對蝙蝠上發現sonar做了很大貢獻,並且發明(coined)了一個詞“回聲系統”(echolocation) 表示sonar,radar,不管它是引用到動物身上還是人的發明上。
1 一些(examples)野生動物,不包括蝙蝠,可以不依靠視覺進行navigate
2 多早以前,mammals避免dying out
3 蝙蝠爲什麼要在夜間捕食
4 多麼特殊的一項發現幫助我們理解蝙蝠
5 早期軍隊使用回聲系統
Qusstion 6-9
L1 據報道,盲人被稱爲面部視覺和臉被觸摸的感覺類似。
L2 事實上,這種觸覺和從胳膊或腿上感知到的痛覺非常類似。
L3 這項能力是來自於通過耳朵接受回聲
L4 然而,甚至在這個被理解之前,該原理就已經應用在計算海底深度的設備設計上了
L5 隨後(this was followed by)它被應用於wartime應用設備上,用來查找submarine
10 在雷達被髮明的很久之前,xx是蝙蝠sophisiticated類似雷達系統的原因(resulted in)
11 對於(refer to)蝙蝠來說,雷達並不是一個準確的詞,因爲它們的navigation 系統並沒有應用雷達波
12 雷達和sonar都是基於相似的數學理論
13 詞語"echolocation"在某人的檢測工作第一次被使用


出處 單詞 意思 例句
A1 around searching, looking, or trying to find something
used for saying that someone looks in different places because they want to find something.
She walked in, glanced around the hall, and went out.
used for saying that someone asks many people in order to find something.
I’ll ask around and see if anyone has his address.
A2 prey n. an animal, a bird, etc. that is hunted, killed and eaten by another.
The lion will often stalk its prey for hours.
[preɪ] n. a person who is harmed or tricked by sb, especially for dishonest purposes.
Elderly people are easy prey for dishonest salesmen.
B1 v. if an animal or bird preys on another animal or bird, it hunts and eats it
Cats prey on birds and mice.
A4 economy the relationship between production, trade and the supply of money in a particular country or region.
A4 exploit to use sth well in order to gain as much from it as possible
She fully exploits the humour of her role in the play.
ɪkˈsplɔɪt They were quick to exploit the economic possibilities of the situation.
A5 living
money to buy the things that you need in life
She earns her living as a freelance journalist.
to make a good/decent/meagre living
A5 trade the activity of buying and selling or of exchanging goods or services between people or countries
Trade between the two countries has increased
A5 thoroughly completely and with great attention to detail
[ˈθʌrəli] Wash the fruit thoroughly before use.
A5 favour
to provide suitable conditions for a particular person, group, etc
The warm climate favours many types of tropical plants.
A5 go an attempt at doing sth
It took three goes to get it right.
make a go of something :to make something succeed, especially a business or marriage
Many businesses are struggling hard to make a go of it.
A6 nocturnal
an animal that is nocturnal is active at night:
When there is a full moon, this nocturnal rodent is careful to stay in its burrow.
A6 ancestry
your ancestors who lived a long time ago, or the origin of your family
His wife was of royal ancestry.他的妻子有皇室血統。
A6 mammal
any animal of which the female gives birth to babies, not eggs, and feeds them on milk from her own body 哺乳動物
A7 dinosaur an animal that lived millions of years ago but is now extinct. There were many types of dinosaur, some of which were very large.恐龍
[ˈdaɪnəsɔː(r)] a person or thing that is old-fashioned and cannot change in the changing conditions of modern life
This typewriter's a bit of a dinosaur, isn't it?
A7 dominate
to control or have a lot of influence over sb/sth, especially in an unpleasant way
As a child he was dominated by his father.
A7 mammalian .ADJ 形容詞哺乳類的;哺乳動物的 In zoology, mammalian means relating to mammals
A7 scrap
to fight with sb
A8 mysterious
difficult to understand or explain; strange
A mysterious illness is affecting all the animals
adj:affecting or involving a large number of people or things
Their latest product is aimed at the mass market.
noun:a situation in which a plant, an animal, a way of life, etc. stops existing
The mountain gorilla is on the verge of extinction.居住在山區的大猩猩已瀕臨滅絕。
verb. : to come out of a dark, confined or hidden place
We emerged into bright sunlight. 我們來到明媚的陽光下。
adj. large in amount, value or importance
Substantial numbers of people support the reforms.
B1 absence
n. the fact of sb/sth not existing or not being available; a lack of sth
The case was dismissed in the absence of any definite proof.
n. the activity of applying scientific knowledge to the design, building and control of machines, roads, bridges, electrical equipment, etc
The bridge is a triumph of modern engineering. 這座橋是現代工程的一大成就。
B3 somehow
adverb. in a way that is not known or certain
We must stop him from seeing her somehow.
B4 whale [weɪl] 鯨魚
B5 muddy
containing mud; not clear
a muddy pond
v. to block a road, an entrance, a passage, etc. so that sb/sth cannot get through, see past, etc
An accident is obstructing traffic on the M11.一場事故堵塞了11號高速公路上的交通。


黑暗、晚上 in the dark
at night
白天 all day The sun was shining all day.
all day long I could sit and watch the river all day long.
during the day He works at night and sleeps during the day.
by day Nocturnal animals sleep by day and hunt by night.
daytime The park is open during (the) daytime.
trade economy 在這篇文章中應該是指資源的意思
A6 go back to have been made, built, or started at some time in the past:
It’s a tradition that goes back at least 100 years.
if people go back a particular length of time, they have known each other for that length of time
We go back a long way (=we have been friends for a long time).
B2 sb be not only creatures to do sth


  • You might say that this is a problem of their own making, one that they could avoid simply by changing their habits and hunting by day.(A L3)
  • A L5
  • A L8 倒裝
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