SPEL 表達式解析

Spring Expression Language 解析器


使用 ExpressionParser 基於 ParserContext 將字符串解析爲 Expression,
Expression 再根據 EvaluationContext 計算表達式的值。
  • 將字符串解析爲 Expression
    /** 默認表達式前綴 */
    public static final String DEFAULT_EXPRESSION_PREFIX = "#{";

    /** 默認表達式後綴 */
    public static final String DEFAULT_EXPRESSION_SUFFIX = "}";
     *  表達式前綴
    private String expressionPrefix = DEFAULT_EXPRESSION_PREFIX;
     *  表達式後綴
    private String expressionSuffix = DEFAULT_EXPRESSION_SUFFIX;
     *  表達式解析器
    private ExpressionParser expressionParser;
     *  表達式緩存
    private final Map<String, Expression> expressionCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(256);
     *  評估緩存
    private final Map<BeanExpressionContext, StandardEvaluationContext> evaluationCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(8);
     *  解析上下文
    private final ParserContext beanExpressionParserContext = new ParserContext() {
        public boolean isTemplate() {
            return true;
        public String getExpressionPrefix() {
            return expressionPrefix;
        public String getExpressionSuffix() {
            return expressionSuffix;

    public Object evaluate(@Nullable String value, BeanExpressionContext evalContext) throws BeansException {
        // value 爲 null 或空字符串
        if (!StringUtils.hasLength(value)) {
            return value;
        try {
            // 嘗試從緩存中讀取指定的表達式
            Expression expr = expressionCache.get(value);
            if (expr == null) {
                // 使用表達式解析器解析此表達式
                expr = expressionParser.parseExpression(value, beanExpressionParserContext);
                // 加入緩存
                expressionCache.put(value, expr);
            // 讀取表達式解析上下文
            StandardEvaluationContext sec = evaluationCache.get(evalContext);
            if (sec == null) {
                // 初始化解析上下文
                sec = new StandardEvaluationContext(evalContext);
                // 加載一系列的屬性訪問器
                sec.addPropertyAccessor(new BeanExpressionContextAccessor());
                sec.addPropertyAccessor(new BeanFactoryAccessor());
                sec.addPropertyAccessor(new MapAccessor());
                sec.addPropertyAccessor(new EnvironmentAccessor());
                sec.setBeanResolver(new BeanFactoryResolver(evalContext.getBeanFactory()));
                sec.setTypeLocator(new StandardTypeLocator(evalContext.getBeanFactory().getBeanClassLoader()));
                // 類型轉換服務不爲空,則將其寫入 StandardEvaluationContext 中
                final ConversionService conversionService = evalContext.getBeanFactory().getConversionService();
                if (conversionService != null) {
                    sec.setTypeConverter(new StandardTypeConverter(conversionService));
                // 允許子類實現自定義配置的鉤子函數
                // 寫入緩存
                evaluationCache.put(evalContext, sec);
            // 在標準的解析上下文中解析此表達式
            return expr.getValue(sec);
        catch (final Throwable ex) {
            throw new BeanExpressionException("Expression parsing failed", ex);

    public Expression parseExpression(String expressionString, @Nullable ParserContext context) throws ParseException {
        // 默認爲 true
        if (context != null && context.isTemplate()) {
            return parseTemplate(expressionString, context);
        else {
            return doParseExpression(expressionString, context);

    private Expression parseTemplate(String expressionString, ParserContext context) throws ParseException {
        // 表達式字符串爲空,則返回字面值表達式
        if (expressionString.isEmpty()) {
            return new LiteralExpression("");

        final Expression[] expressions = parseExpressions(expressionString, context);
        if (expressions.length == 1) {
            return expressions[0];
        else {
            return new CompositeStringExpression(expressionString, expressions);

     *  使用配置的解析器解析給定表達式字符串的助手
    private Expression[] parseExpressions(String expressionString, ParserContext context) throws ParseException {
        final List<Expression> expressions = new ArrayList<>();
        // 讀取表達式前綴
        final String prefix = context.getExpressionPrefix();
        // 讀取表達式後綴
        final String suffix = context.getExpressionSuffix();
        // 起始索引
        int startIdx = 0;
        // 起始索引 < 表達式長度
        while (startIdx < expressionString.length()) {
            // 計算前綴索引
            final int prefixIndex = expressionString.indexOf(prefix, startIdx);
            // 前綴索引 > 起始索引
            if (prefixIndex >= startIdx) {
                // #{} 之前存在常量字符串,則創建字面值表達式並寫入 expressions
                if (prefixIndex > startIdx) {
                    expressions.add(new LiteralExpression(expressionString.substring(startIdx, prefixIndex)));
                // 計算前綴之後的索引
                final int afterPrefixIndex = prefixIndex + prefix.length();
                // 計算後綴索引
                final int suffixIndex = skipToCorrectEndSuffix(suffix, expressionString, afterPrefixIndex);
                if (suffixIndex == -1) {
                    throw new ParseException(expressionString, prefixIndex,
                            "No ending suffix '" + suffix + "' for expression starting at character " +
                                    prefixIndex + ": " + expressionString.substring(prefixIndex));
                if (suffixIndex == afterPrefixIndex) {
                    throw new ParseException(expressionString, prefixIndex,
                            "No expression defined within delimiter '" + prefix + suffix +
                            "' at character " + prefixIndex);
                // 去除前綴和後綴之後的字符串
                String expr = expressionString.substring(prefixIndex + prefix.length(), suffixIndex);
                // 去除前後空格
                expr = expr.trim();
                if (expr.isEmpty()) {
                    throw new ParseException(expressionString, prefixIndex,
                            "No expression defined within delimiter '" + prefix + suffix +
                            "' at character " + prefixIndex);
                // 將截取的字符串在指定的上下文中解析成表達式
                expressions.add(doParseExpression(expr, context));
                // 計算新的後綴
                startIdx = suffixIndex + suffix.length();
            else {
                // 在表達式字符串中沒有發現 #{expressions},則寫入字面值表達式
                expressions.add(new LiteralExpression(expressionString.substring(startIdx)));
                startIdx = expressionString.length();
        // 返回解析成功的表達式
        return expressions.toArray(new Expression[0]);

     *  校驗 () [] {} 是否一一配對,並讀取 #{expressions} 正確的後綴索引
    private int skipToCorrectEndSuffix(String suffix, String expressionString, int afterPrefixIndex)
            throws ParseException {
         *  Chew on the expression text - relying on the rules:
         *  brackets must be in pairs: () [] {}
         *  string literals are "..." or '...' and these may contain unmatched brackets
        // 前綴之後的字符索引
        int pos = afterPrefixIndex;
        // #{expressions} 的最大長度
        final int maxlen = expressionString.length();
        // 讀取下一個後綴索引
        final int nextSuffix = expressionString.indexOf(suffix, afterPrefixIndex);
        if (nextSuffix == -1) {
            return -1; // the suffix is missing
        final Deque<Bracket> stack = new ArrayDeque<>();
        while (pos < maxlen) {
            // 後綴索引是否在當前索引處 && 棧爲空
            if (isSuffixHere(expressionString, pos, suffix) && stack.isEmpty()) {
            // 如果 #{expressions} 內部存在 {} [] () 等子表達式
            final char ch = expressionString.charAt(pos);
            switch (ch) {
                case '{':
                case '[':
                case '(':
                    // 前綴 Bracket 入棧
                    stack.push(new Bracket(ch, pos));
                case '}':
                case ']':
                case ')':
                    // 遇到非法後綴字符
                    if (stack.isEmpty()) {
                        throw new ParseException(expressionString, pos, "Found closing '" + ch +
                                "' at position " + pos + " without an opening '" +
                                Bracket.theOpenBracketFor(ch) + "'");
                    // 彈出之前寫入的前綴 Bracket
                    final Bracket p = stack.pop();
                    if (!p.compatibleWithCloseBracket(ch)) {
                        throw new ParseException(expressionString, pos, "Found closing '" + ch +
                                "' at position " + pos + " but most recent opening is '" + p.bracket +
                                "' at position " + p.pos);
                case '\'':
                case '"':
                    // 讀取 ' 或 " 的匹配字符索引
                    final int endLiteral = expressionString.indexOf(ch, pos + 1);
                    if (endLiteral == -1) {
                        throw new ParseException(expressionString, pos,
                                "Found non terminating string literal starting at position " + pos);
                    // 更新 pos
                    pos = endLiteral;
            // 處理下一個字符
        // 存在未配對的 { [ (
        if (!stack.isEmpty()) {
            final Bracket p = stack.pop();
            throw new ParseException(expressionString, p.pos, "Missing closing '" +
                    Bracket.theCloseBracketFor(p.bracket) + "' for '" + p.bracket + "' at position " + p.pos);
        // 當前索引處不是後綴
        if (!isSuffixHere(expressionString, pos, suffix)) {
            return -1;
        // 返回後綴索引
        return pos;

     *  特定的後綴 suffix 是否在 pos 索引處
    private boolean isSuffixHere(String expressionString, int pos, String suffix) {
        int suffixPosition = 0;
        // 從 pos 索引開始,逐個字符和 suffix 進行比較
        for (int i = 0; i < suffix.length() && pos < expressionString.length(); i++) {
            if (expressionString.charAt(pos++) != suffix.charAt(suffixPosition++)) {
                return false;
        // 表達式字符串在完全找到後綴之前就用完了
        if (suffixPosition != suffix.length()) {
            return false;
        return true;

     *  將表達式字符串解析爲 SPEL 表達式
    protected SpelExpression doParseExpression(String expressionString, @Nullable ParserContext context) throws ParseException {
        return new InternalSpelExpressionParser(configuration).doParseExpression(expressionString, context);

Bean 表達式解析器

 *  策略接口:用於在指定的上下文中計算表達式的值
public interface BeanExpressionResolver {

     *  將表達式解析爲指定的值,或原樣返回
    Object evaluate(@Nullable String value, BeanExpressionContext evalContext) throws BeansException;
  • org.springframework.context.expression.StandardBeanExpressionResolver:標準 Bean 表達式解析器
 *  使用 Spring 表達式解析模塊解析 SPEL
public class StandardBeanExpressionResolver implements BeanExpressionResolver {
    /** 默認表達式前綴 */
    public static final String DEFAULT_EXPRESSION_PREFIX = "#{";

    /** 默認表達式後綴 */
    public static final String DEFAULT_EXPRESSION_SUFFIX = "}";
     *  表達式前綴
    private String expressionPrefix = DEFAULT_EXPRESSION_PREFIX;
     *  表達式後綴
    private String expressionSuffix = DEFAULT_EXPRESSION_SUFFIX;
     *  表達式解析器
    private ExpressionParser expressionParser;
     *  表達式緩存
    private final Map<String, Expression> expressionCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(256);
     *  評估緩存
    private final Map<BeanExpressionContext, StandardEvaluationContext> evaluationCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(8);
     *  解析上下文
    private final ParserContext beanExpressionParserContext = new ParserContext() {
        public boolean isTemplate() {
            return true;
        public String getExpressionPrefix() {
            return expressionPrefix;
        public String getExpressionSuffix() {
            return expressionSuffix;

    public StandardBeanExpressionResolver() {
        expressionParser = new SpelExpressionParser();

    public StandardBeanExpressionResolver(@Nullable ClassLoader beanClassLoader) {
        expressionParser = new SpelExpressionParser(new SpelParserConfiguration(null, beanClassLoader));

     * Set the prefix that an expression string starts with.
     * The default is "#{".
    public void setExpressionPrefix(String expressionPrefix) {
        Assert.hasText(expressionPrefix, "Expression prefix must not be empty");
        this.expressionPrefix = expressionPrefix;

     * Set the suffix that an expression string ends with.
     * The default is "}".
    public void setExpressionSuffix(String expressionSuffix) {
        Assert.hasText(expressionSuffix, "Expression suffix must not be empty");
        this.expressionSuffix = expressionSuffix;

     * Specify the EL parser to use for expression parsing.
     * <p>Default is a {@link org.springframework.expression.spel.standard.SpelExpressionParser},
     * compatible with standard Unified EL style expression syntax.
    public void setExpressionParser(ExpressionParser expressionParser) {
        Assert.notNull(expressionParser, "ExpressionParser must not be null");
        this.expressionParser = expressionParser;

    public Object evaluate(@Nullable String value, BeanExpressionContext evalContext) throws BeansException {
        if (!StringUtils.hasLength(value)) {
            return value;
        try {
            // 嘗試從緩存中讀取指定的表達式
            Expression expr = expressionCache.get(value);
            if (expr == null) {
                // 使用表達式解析器解析此表達式
                expr = expressionParser.parseExpression(value, beanExpressionParserContext);
                // 加入緩存
                expressionCache.put(value, expr);
            // 讀取表達式解析上下文
            StandardEvaluationContext sec = evaluationCache.get(evalContext);
            if (sec == null) {
                // 初始化解析上下文
                sec = new StandardEvaluationContext(evalContext);
                sec.addPropertyAccessor(new BeanExpressionContextAccessor());
                sec.addPropertyAccessor(new BeanFactoryAccessor());
                sec.addPropertyAccessor(new MapAccessor());
                sec.addPropertyAccessor(new EnvironmentAccessor());
                sec.setBeanResolver(new BeanFactoryResolver(evalContext.getBeanFactory()));
                sec.setTypeLocator(new StandardTypeLocator(evalContext.getBeanFactory().getBeanClassLoader()));
                final ConversionService conversionService = evalContext.getBeanFactory().getConversionService();
                if (conversionService != null) {
                    sec.setTypeConverter(new StandardTypeConverter(conversionService));
                evaluationCache.put(evalContext, sec);
            // 在標準的解析上下文中解析此表達式
            return expr.getValue(sec);
        catch (final Throwable ex) {
            throw new BeanExpressionException("Expression parsing failed", ex);

     * Template method for customizing the expression evaluation context.
     * <p>The default implementation is empty.
    protected void customizeEvaluationContext(StandardEvaluationContext evalContext) {


  • org.springframework.expression.ExpressionParser:表達式解析器抽象
 *  將表達式字符串解析爲可計算的已編譯表達式。
 *  支持解析模板和標準表達式字符串。
public interface ExpressionParser {
     *  將表達式字符串解析爲可計算的已編譯表達式
    Expression parseExpression(String expressionString) throws ParseException;

     *  將表達式字符串解析爲可計算的已編譯表達式,可指定解析上下文
    Expression parseExpression(String expressionString, ParserContext context) throws ParseException;
  • org.springframework.expression.spel.standard.SpelExpressionParser:SPEL 表達式解析器
 * SpEL parser. Instances are reusable and thread-safe.
 *  此實例是線程安全的
public class SpelExpressionParser extends TemplateAwareExpressionParser {
     *  將表達式字符串解析爲 SPEL 表達式
    protected SpelExpression doParseExpression(String expressionString, @Nullable ParserContext context) throws ParseException {
        return new InternalSpelExpressionParser(configuration).doParseExpression(expressionString, context);

public abstract class TemplateAwareExpressionParser implements ExpressionParser {
    public Expression parseExpression(String expressionString, @Nullable ParserContext context) throws ParseException {
        // 默認爲 true
        if (context != null && context.isTemplate()) {
            return parseTemplate(expressionString, context);
        else {
            return doParseExpression(expressionString, context);

    private Expression parseTemplate(String expressionString, ParserContext context) throws ParseException {
        // 表達式字符串爲空,則返回字面值表達式
        if (expressionString.isEmpty()) {
            return new LiteralExpression("");

        final Expression[] expressions = parseExpressions(expressionString, context);
        if (expressions.length == 1) {
            return expressions[0];
        else {
            return new CompositeStringExpression(expressionString, expressions);

     *  使用配置的解析器解析給定表達式字符串的助手
    private Expression[] parseExpressions(String expressionString, ParserContext context) throws ParseException {
        final List<Expression> expressions = new ArrayList<>();
        // 讀取表達式前綴
        final String prefix = context.getExpressionPrefix();
        // 讀取表達式後綴
        final String suffix = context.getExpressionSuffix();
        // 起始索引
        int startIdx = 0;
        // 起始索引 < 表達式長度
        while (startIdx < expressionString.length()) {
            // 計算前綴索引
            final int prefixIndex = expressionString.indexOf(prefix, startIdx);
            // 前綴索引 > 起始索引
            if (prefixIndex >= startIdx) {
                // #{} 之前存在常量字符串,則創建字面值表達式並寫入 expressions
                if (prefixIndex > startIdx) {
                    expressions.add(new LiteralExpression(expressionString.substring(startIdx, prefixIndex)));
                // 計算前綴之後的索引
                final int afterPrefixIndex = prefixIndex + prefix.length();
                // 計算後綴索引
                final int suffixIndex = skipToCorrectEndSuffix(suffix, expressionString, afterPrefixIndex);
                if (suffixIndex == -1) {
                    throw new ParseException(expressionString, prefixIndex,
                            "No ending suffix '" + suffix + "' for expression starting at character " +
                                    prefixIndex + ": " + expressionString.substring(prefixIndex));
                if (suffixIndex == afterPrefixIndex) {
                    throw new ParseException(expressionString, prefixIndex,
                            "No expression defined within delimiter '" + prefix + suffix +
                            "' at character " + prefixIndex);
                // 去除前綴和後綴之後的字符串
                String expr = expressionString.substring(prefixIndex + prefix.length(), suffixIndex);
                // 去除前後空格
                expr = expr.trim();
                if (expr.isEmpty()) {
                    throw new ParseException(expressionString, prefixIndex,
                            "No expression defined within delimiter '" + prefix + suffix +
                            "' at character " + prefixIndex);
                // 將截取的字符串在指定的上下文中解析成表達式
                expressions.add(doParseExpression(expr, context));
                // 計算新的後綴
                startIdx = suffixIndex + suffix.length();
            else {
                // 在表達式字符串中沒有發現 #{expressions},則寫入字面值表達式
                expressions.add(new LiteralExpression(expressionString.substring(startIdx)));
                startIdx = expressionString.length();
        // 返回解析成功的表達式
        return expressions.toArray(new Expression[0]);

     *  特定的後綴 suffix 是否在 pos 索引處
    private boolean isSuffixHere(String expressionString, int pos, String suffix) {
        int suffixPosition = 0;
        // 從 pos 索引開始,逐個字符和 suffix 進行比較
        for (int i = 0; i < suffix.length() && pos < expressionString.length(); i++) {
            if (expressionString.charAt(pos++) != suffix.charAt(suffixPosition++)) {
                return false;
        // 表達式字符串在完全找到後綴之前就用完了
        if (suffixPosition != suffix.length()) {
            return false;
        return true;

     *  校驗 () [] {} 是否一一配對,並讀取 #{expressions} 正確的後綴索引
    private int skipToCorrectEndSuffix(String suffix, String expressionString, int afterPrefixIndex)
            throws ParseException {
         *  Chew on the expression text - relying on the rules:
         *  brackets must be in pairs: () [] {}
         *  string literals are "..." or '...' and these may contain unmatched brackets
        // 前綴之後的字符索引
        int pos = afterPrefixIndex;
        // #{expressions} 的最大長度
        final int maxlen = expressionString.length();
        // 讀取下一個後綴索引
        final int nextSuffix = expressionString.indexOf(suffix, afterPrefixIndex);
        if (nextSuffix == -1) {
            return -1; // the suffix is missing
        final Deque<Bracket> stack = new ArrayDeque<>();
        while (pos < maxlen) {
            // 後綴索引是否在當前索引處 && 棧爲空
            if (isSuffixHere(expressionString, pos, suffix) && stack.isEmpty()) {
            // 如果 #{expressions} 內部存在 {} [] () 等子表達式
            final char ch = expressionString.charAt(pos);
            switch (ch) {
                case '{':
                case '[':
                case '(':
                    // 前綴 Bracket 入棧
                    stack.push(new Bracket(ch, pos));
                case '}':
                case ']':
                case ')':
                    // 遇到非法後綴字符
                    if (stack.isEmpty()) {
                        throw new ParseException(expressionString, pos, "Found closing '" + ch +
                                "' at position " + pos + " without an opening '" +
                                Bracket.theOpenBracketFor(ch) + "'");
                    // 彈出之前寫入的前綴 Bracket
                    final Bracket p = stack.pop();
                    if (!p.compatibleWithCloseBracket(ch)) {
                        throw new ParseException(expressionString, pos, "Found closing '" + ch +
                                "' at position " + pos + " but most recent opening is '" + p.bracket +
                                "' at position " + p.pos);
                case '\'':
                case '"':
                    // 讀取 ' 或 " 的匹配字符索引
                    final int endLiteral = expressionString.indexOf(ch, pos + 1);
                    if (endLiteral == -1) {
                        throw new ParseException(expressionString, pos,
                                "Found non terminating string literal starting at position " + pos);
                    // 更新 pos
                    pos = endLiteral;
            // 處理下一個字符
        // 存在未配對的 { [ (
        if (!stack.isEmpty()) {
            final Bracket p = stack.pop();
            throw new ParseException(expressionString, p.pos, "Missing closing '" +
                    Bracket.theCloseBracketFor(p.bracket) + "' for '" + p.bracket + "' at position " + p.pos);
        // 當前索引處不是後綴
        if (!isSuffixHere(expressionString, pos, suffix)) {
            return -1;
        // 返回後綴索引
        return pos;

     *  捕獲指定的括號類型並記錄其在表達式中的位置
    private static class Bracket {
         *  括號字符
        char bracket;
         *  括號字符在表達式中的索引
        int pos;

        Bracket(char bracket, int pos) {
            this.bracket = bracket;
            this.pos = pos;

         *  計算結束括號
        boolean compatibleWithCloseBracket(char closeBracket) {
            if (bracket == '{') {
                return closeBracket == '}';
            else if (bracket == '[') {
                return closeBracket == ']';
            return closeBracket == ')';

         *  計算起始括號
        static char theOpenBracketFor(char closeBracket) {
            if (closeBracket == '}') {
                return '{';
            else if (closeBracket == ']') {
                return '[';
            return '(';

         *  計算結束括號
        static char theCloseBracketFor(char openBracket) {
            if (openBracket == '{') {
                return '}';
            else if (openBracket == '[') {
                return ']';
            return ')';


  • org.springframework.expression.ParserContext:解析上下文
 *  解析上下文
public interface ParserContext {
     *  被解析的表達式是否爲模板
    boolean isTemplate();
     *  模板表達式的前綴
    String getExpressionPrefix();
     *  模板表達式的後綴
    String getExpressionSuffix();
     * The default ParserContext implementation that enables template expression
     * parsing mode. The expression prefix is "#{" and the expression suffix is "}".
     * @see #isTemplate()
    ParserContext TEMPLATE_EXPRESSION = new ParserContext() {

        @Override boolean isTemplate() {
            return true;

        @Override String getExpressionPrefix() {
            return "#{";

        @Override String getExpressionSuffix() {
            return "}";


Bean 表達式上下文

public class BeanExpressionContext {
     *  Bean 表達式解析上限文,默認的 beanFactory
     *  org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory
    private final ConfigurableBeanFactory beanFactory;
     *  作用域
    private final Scope scope;


  • org.springframework.expression.Expression:表達式抽象
 *  能夠根據上下文對象評估自身的表達式。
 *  封裝了先前解析的表達式字符串的詳細信息。
 *  提供表達式求值的公共抽象。
public interface Expression {

     *  返回用於創建表達式的原始字符串
    String getExpressionString();

     *  在默認的標準上下文中計算這個表達式
    Object getValue() throws EvaluationException;

     *  在默認的標準上下文中計算這個表達式,並將結果轉換爲指定的類型
    <T> T getValue(@Nullable Class<T> desiredResultType) throws EvaluationException;

     *  根據指定的根對象計算這個表達式
    Object getValue(Object rootObject) throws EvaluationException;

     *  在默認的標準上下文中,根據指定的根對象計算這個表達式
    <T> T getValue(Object rootObject, @Nullable Class<T> desiredResultType) throws EvaluationException;

     *  在指定的上下文中計算這個表達式
    Object getValue(EvaluationContext context) throws EvaluationException;

     *  在指定的上下文中,根據指定的根對象計算這個表達式
    Object getValue(EvaluationContext context, Object rootObject) throws EvaluationException;

     *  在指定的上下文中計算這個表達式,並將結果轉換爲指定類型
    <T> T getValue(EvaluationContext context, @Nullable Class<T> desiredResultType) throws EvaluationException;

     *  在指定的上下文中,根據指定的根對象計算這個表達式,並將結果轉換爲指定類型
    <T> T getValue(EvaluationContext context, Object rootObject, @Nullable Class<T> desiredResultType)
            throws EvaluationException;

     * Return the most general type that can be passed to a {@link #setValue}
     * method using the default context.
    Class<?> getValueType() throws EvaluationException;

     * Return the most general type that can be passed to the
     * {@link #setValue(Object, Object)} method using the default context.
    Class<?> getValueType(Object rootObject) throws EvaluationException;

     * Return the most general type that can be passed to the
     * {@link #setValue(EvaluationContext, Object)} method for the given context.
    Class<?> getValueType(EvaluationContext context) throws EvaluationException;

     * Return the most general type that can be passed to the
     * {@link #setValue(EvaluationContext, Object, Object)} method for the given
     * context. The supplied root object overrides any specified in the context.
    Class<?> getValueType(EvaluationContext context, Object rootObject) throws EvaluationException;

     * Return the most general type that can be passed to a {@link #setValue}
     * method using the default context.
    TypeDescriptor getValueTypeDescriptor() throws EvaluationException;

     * Return the most general type that can be passed to the
     * {@link #setValue(Object, Object)} method using the default context.
    TypeDescriptor getValueTypeDescriptor(Object rootObject) throws EvaluationException;

     * Return the most general type that can be passed to the
     * {@link #setValue(EvaluationContext, Object)} method for the given context.
    TypeDescriptor getValueTypeDescriptor(EvaluationContext context) throws EvaluationException;

     * Return the most general type that can be passed to the
     * {@link #setValue(EvaluationContext, Object, Object)} method for the given
     * context. The supplied root object overrides any specified in the context.
    TypeDescriptor getValueTypeDescriptor(EvaluationContext context, Object rootObject) throws EvaluationException;

     * Determine if an expression can be written to, i.e. setValue() can be called.
    boolean isWritable(Object rootObject) throws EvaluationException;

     * Determine if an expression can be written to, i.e. setValue() can be called.
    boolean isWritable(EvaluationContext context) throws EvaluationException;

     * Determine if an expression can be written to, i.e. setValue() can be called.
     * The supplied root object overrides any specified in the context.
    boolean isWritable(EvaluationContext context, Object rootObject) throws EvaluationException;

     * Set this expression in the provided context to the value provided.
    void setValue(Object rootObject, @Nullable Object value) throws EvaluationException;

     * Set this expression in the provided context to the value provided.
    void setValue(EvaluationContext context, @Nullable Object value) throws EvaluationException;

     * Set this expression in the provided context to the value provided.
     * The supplied root object overrides any specified in the context.
    void setValue(EvaluationContext context, Object rootObject, @Nullable Object value) throws EvaluationException;
  • org.springframework.expression.spel.standard.SpelExpression:SPEL 表達式
public class SpelExpression implements Expression {
    // 編譯表達式之前解釋表達式的次數
    private static final int INTERPRETED_COUNT_THRESHOLD = 100;
    // 在放棄之前嘗試編譯表達式的次數
    private static final int FAILED_ATTEMPTS_THRESHOLD = 100;
     *  表達式
    private final String expression;
     *  AST 節點,保存了已經分割的字符串
     *  org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.CompoundExpression
    private final SpelNodeImpl ast;
     *  解析配置
    private final SpelParserConfiguration configuration;
    // 默認的計算上限文
    private EvaluationContext evaluationContext;
    // 已編譯的表達式
    private CompiledExpression compiledAst;
    // Count of many times as the expression been interpreted - can trigger compilation when certain limit reached
    private volatile int interpretedCount = 0;
    // The number of times compilation was attempted and failed - enables us to eventually give up trying to compile it when it just doesn't seem to be possible.
    private volatile int failedAttempts = 0;

    public Object getValue() throws EvaluationException {
        if (compiledAst != null) {
            try {
                final EvaluationContext context = getEvaluationContext();
                return compiledAst.getValue(context.getRootObject().getValue(), context);
            catch (final Throwable ex) {
                // If running in mixed mode, revert to interpreted
                if (configuration.getCompilerMode() == SpelCompilerMode.MIXED) {
                    interpretedCount = 0;
                    compiledAst = null;
                else {
                    // Running in SpelCompilerMode.immediate mode - propagate exception to caller
                    throw new SpelEvaluationException(ex, SpelMessage.EXCEPTION_RUNNING_COMPILED_EXPRESSION);

        final ExpressionState expressionState = new ExpressionState(getEvaluationContext(), configuration);
        // 解析此表達式
        final Object result = ast.getValue(expressionState);
        return result;


 *  已解析表達式的 AST 中的計算節點
public interface SpelNode {
     *  在 ExpressionState 中計算此節點的值
    Object getValue(ExpressionState expressionState) throws EvaluationException;

     *  在 ExpressionState 中計算此節點的值,返回 TypedValue
    TypedValue getTypedValue(ExpressionState expressionState) throws EvaluationException;

     *  此計算節點是否支持 setValue() 調用
    boolean isWritable(ExpressionState expressionState) throws EvaluationException;

     *  將 newValue 寫入此計算節點
    void setValue(ExpressionState expressionState, @Nullable Object newValue) throws EvaluationException;

     *  返回此 AST 節點的字符串表示
    String toStringAST();

     *  此計算節點的子節點數目
    int getChildCount();

     *  返回指定索引處的 SpelNode
    SpelNode getChild(int index);

     *  返回目標對象的類型
    Class<?> getObjectClass(@Nullable Object obj);

     *  AST node 在表達式字符串中的起始索引
    int getStartPosition();

     *  AST node 在表達式字符串中的結束索引
    int getEndPosition();
  • org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.SpelNodeImpl:AST 計算節點公共抽象
 *  已解析 SPEL 表達式所有 AST 節點的公共抽象
public abstract class SpelNodeImpl implements SpelNode, Opcodes {
    private static final SpelNodeImpl[] NO_CHILDREN = new SpelNodeImpl[0];
     *  高 16 位保存計算節點的起始索引,低 16 位保存計算節點的結束索引
    protected int pos;  // start = top 16bits, end = bottom 16bits
    protected SpelNodeImpl[] children = SpelNodeImpl.NO_CHILDREN;
     *  父節點
    private SpelNodeImpl parent;

     *  指示此表達式節點的結果類型描述符,對於字面值是立即知曉的,對於屬性訪問或方法調用,
     *  需要在實際執行後才知曉
     * Some examples: Ljava/lang/String, I, [I
    protected volatile String exitTypeDescriptor;
  • org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.CompoundExpression:級聯屬性計算節點
 *  標識以 . 分割的表達式序列
public class CompoundExpression extends SpelNodeImpl {
    public CompoundExpression(int pos, SpelNodeImpl... expressionComponents) {
        super(pos, expressionComponents);
        if (expressionComponents.length < 2) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Do not build compound expressions with less than two entries: " +

     *  在 ExpressionState 中計算表達式的值
    protected ValueRef getValueRef(ExpressionState state) throws EvaluationException {
        // 如果是單個子節點
        if (getChildCount() == 1) {
            return children[0].getValueRef(state);
        // 讀取第一個子節點
        SpelNodeImpl nextNode = children[0];
        try {
            // 讀取子節點的值
            TypedValue result = nextNode.getValueInternal(state);
            // 讀取子節點數量
            final int cc = getChildCount();
            // 如果存在 3 個及以上子節點,則逐個解析
            for (int i = 1; i < cc - 1; i++) {
                try {
                    nextNode = children[i];
                    result = nextNode.getValueInternal(state);
                finally {
            try {
                // 將前面子節點的結果作爲計算上下文入棧
                // 讀取子節點
                nextNode = children[cc - 1];
                // 基於前面的計算結果計算新值
                return nextNode.getValueRef(state);
            finally {
                // 彈出激活的上下文
        catch (final SpelEvaluationException ex) {
            // Correct the position for the error before re-throwing
            throw ex;

     *  基於 ExpressionState 計算複合表達式的值
    public TypedValue getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) throws EvaluationException {
        final ValueRef ref = getValueRef(state);
        // 讀取計算值
        final TypedValue result = ref.getValue();
        exitTypeDescriptor = children[children.length - 1].exitTypeDescriptor;
        // 返回計算值
        return result;
  • org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.PropertyOrFieldReference:單個屬性或字段計算節點
 *  表示簡單的屬性或字段引用
public class PropertyOrFieldReference extends SpelNodeImpl {
     *  null 安全
    private final boolean nullSafe;
     *  字段名稱
    private final String name;
    private String originalPrimitiveExitTypeDescriptor;
     *  讀屬性訪問器緩存
    private volatile PropertyAccessor cachedReadAccessor;
     *  寫屬性訪問器緩存
    private volatile PropertyAccessor cachedWriteAccessor;

     *  創建 AccessorLValue
    public ValueRef getValueRef(ExpressionState state) throws EvaluationException {
        return new AccessorLValue(this, state.getActiveContextObject(), state.getEvaluationContext(),

    private TypedValue getValueInternal(TypedValue contextObject, EvaluationContext evalContext,
            boolean isAutoGrowNullReferences) throws EvaluationException {
        // 讀取屬性值
        TypedValue result = readProperty(contextObject, evalContext, name);
        return result;

     *  從當前上下文對象中讀取命名屬性
    private TypedValue readProperty(TypedValue contextObject, EvaluationContext evalContext, String name)
            throws EvaluationException {
        // 讀取目標對象
        final Object targetObject = contextObject.getValue();
        if (targetObject == null && nullSafe) {
            return TypedValue.NULL;
        // 是否存在讀訪問器緩存
        final PropertyAccessor accessorToUse = cachedReadAccessor;
        if (accessorToUse != null) {
            if (evalContext.getPropertyAccessors().contains(accessorToUse)) {
                try {
                    return accessorToUse.read(evalContext, contextObject.getValue(), name);
                catch (final Exception ex) {
                    // This is OK - it may have gone stale due to a class change,
                    // let's try to get a new one and call it before giving up...
            cachedReadAccessor = null;
        final List<PropertyAccessor> accessorsToTry =
                getPropertyAccessorsToTry(contextObject.getValue(), evalContext.getPropertyAccessors());
        // 嘗試使用屬性訪問器讀取上下文中的屬性值
        try {
            for (PropertyAccessor accessor : accessorsToTry) {
                // 當期屬性訪問器能否從上下文中讀取目標屬性
                if (accessor.canRead(evalContext, contextObject.getValue(), name)) {
                    if (accessor instanceof ReflectivePropertyAccessor) {
                        accessor = ((ReflectivePropertyAccessor) accessor).createOptimalAccessor(
                                evalContext, contextObject.getValue(), name);
                    cachedReadAccessor = accessor;
                    // 讀取目標屬性的值並返回
                    return accessor.read(evalContext, contextObject.getValue(), name);
        catch (final Exception ex) {
            throw new SpelEvaluationException(ex, SpelMessage.EXCEPTION_DURING_PROPERTY_READ, name, ex.getMessage());
        // 沒有一個屬性訪問器能讀取值,此 SPEL 表達式無法解析,拋出 SpelEvaluationException 異常
        if (contextObject.getValue() == null) {
            throw new SpelEvaluationException(SpelMessage.PROPERTY_OR_FIELD_NOT_READABLE_ON_NULL, name);
        else {
            throw new SpelEvaluationException(getStartPosition(), SpelMessage.PROPERTY_OR_FIELD_NOT_READABLE, name,

     *  從 propertyAccessors 中過濾出能從 contextObject 中讀取屬性值的訪問器列表
    private List<PropertyAccessor> getPropertyAccessorsToTry(
            @Nullable Object contextObject, List<PropertyAccessor> propertyAccessors) {
        // 目標對象 Class 類型
        final Class<?> targetType = contextObject != null ? contextObject.getClass() : null;
        final List<PropertyAccessor> specificAccessors = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<PropertyAccessor> generalAccessors = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final PropertyAccessor resolver : propertyAccessors) {
            // 讀取屬性訪問器能訪問的上下文類型
            final Class<?>[] targets = resolver.getSpecificTargetClasses();
            if (targets == null) {
                // 通用訪問器能訪問任何類型
            else if (targetType != null) {
                for (final Class<?> clazz : targets) {
                    // 屬性訪問器能訪問的上下文類型列表中包含 contextObject
                    if (clazz == targetType) {
                    // targetType 是當前類型的子類型
                    else if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(targetType)) {
        final List<PropertyAccessor> resolvers = new ArrayList<>(specificAccessors);
        // 返回屬性訪問器列表
        return resolvers;

    private static class AccessorLValue implements ValueRef {
         *  屬性或字段引用
        private final PropertyOrFieldReference ref;
         *  當前上限文對象
        private final TypedValue contextObject;
         *  計算上下文
        private final EvaluationContext evalContext;

        private final boolean autoGrowNullReferences;

        public AccessorLValue(PropertyOrFieldReference propertyOrFieldReference, TypedValue activeContextObject,
                EvaluationContext evalContext, boolean autoGrowNullReferences) {

            ref = propertyOrFieldReference;
            contextObject = activeContextObject;
            this.evalContext = evalContext;
            this.autoGrowNullReferences = autoGrowNullReferences;

        public TypedValue getValue() {
            // 計算值
            final TypedValue value =
                    ref.getValueInternal(contextObject, evalContext, autoGrowNullReferences);
            final PropertyAccessor accessorToUse = ref.cachedReadAccessor;
            if (accessorToUse instanceof CompilablePropertyAccessor) {
                ref.setExitTypeDescriptor(CodeFlow.toDescriptor(((CompilablePropertyAccessor) accessorToUse).getPropertyType()));
            // 返回值
            return value;

        public void setValue(@Nullable Object newValue) {
            ref.writeProperty(contextObject, evalContext, ref.name, newValue);

        public boolean isWritable() {
            return ref.isWritableProperty(ref.name, contextObject, evalContext);

表達式的 token 分類

SPEL 表達式特殊字符
enum TokenKind {
    // 根據優先級排序,運算對象優先
     *  10進制整形字面量
     *  10進制長整形字面量
     *  8進制整形字面量
     *  8進制長整形字面量
     *  字符串字面量
     *  實數字面量
     *  浮點數字面量
     *  左括號
     *  右括號
     *   逗號
     *  標識符
     *  分號
     *  哈希
     *  右方括號
     *  左方括號
     *  左大括號
     *  右大括號
     *  點
     *  加
     *  乘
     *  減





     *  除
     *  大於等於
     *  大於
     *  小於等於
     *  小於
     *  等於
     *  不等於
     *  求餘
     *  取反
     *  賦值
     * instanceof
     *  字符串的正則匹配
     * between

     *   乘方

     *  安全導航
     *  bean 引用
     *  工廠 bean 引用
     *  或
     *  與
     *  自增
     *  自減

    final char[] tokenChars;
    private final boolean hasPayload;  // is there more to this token than simply the kind

    private TokenKind(String tokenString) {
        tokenChars = tokenString.toCharArray();
        hasPayload = tokenChars.length == 0;

    private TokenKind() {

    public String toString() {
        return name() + (tokenChars.length !=0 ? "(" + new String(tokenChars) +")" : "");

    public boolean hasPayload() {
        return hasPayload;

    public int getLength() {
        return tokenChars.length;


  • org.springframework.expression.EvaluationContext:計算上下文
 *  計算上下文
public interface EvaluationContext {

     *  返回默認的根對象
    TypedValue getRootObject();

     *  返回能讀取或寫入屬性的訪問器列表
    List<PropertyAccessor> getPropertyAccessors();

     *  返回定位構造函數的解析器列表
    List<ConstructorResolver> getConstructorResolvers();

     *  返回定位方法的解析器列表
    List<MethodResolver> getMethodResolvers();

     *  返回一個可以根據 Bean 名稱進行查找的 Bean 解析器
    BeanResolver getBeanResolver();

     *  返回一個類型定位器,可以根據短名稱或全限定名查找類型
    TypeLocator getTypeLocator();

     *  返回一個類型轉換器
    TypeConverter getTypeConverter();

     *  返回一個類型比較器
    TypeComparator getTypeComparator();

     *  返回可支持數學操作的 OperatorOverloader
    OperatorOverloader getOperatorOverloader();

     *  將此計算上下文中指定的變量名設置爲目標值
    void setVariable(String name, @Nullable Object value);

     *  在此計算上下文中查找命名對象
    Object lookupVariable(String name);
  • org.springframework.expression.spel.support.StandardEvaluationContext:標準計算上下文
 *  一個強大的和高度可配置的計算上下文
public class StandardEvaluationContext implements EvaluationContext {
     *  計算上下文的根對象
     *  封裝了 org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanExpressionContext 實例
    private TypedValue rootObject;
     *  屬性訪問器列表
    private volatile List<PropertyAccessor> propertyAccessors;
     *  構造函數解析器列表
    private volatile List<ConstructorResolver> constructorResolvers;
     *  方法解析器列表 
    private volatile List<MethodResolver> methodResolvers;
     *  基於反射的方法解析器
    private volatile ReflectiveMethodResolver reflectiveMethodResolver;
     *  bean 解析器
    private BeanResolver beanResolver;
     *  類型定位器
    private TypeLocator typeLocator;
     *  類型轉換器
    private TypeConverter typeConverter;
     *  類型比較器
    private TypeComparator typeComparator = new StandardTypeComparator();
     * 操作符重載
    private OperatorOverloader operatorOverloader = new StandardOperatorOverloader();
     *  變量映射
    private final Map<String, Object> variables = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

     * Create a {@code StandardEvaluationContext} with a null root object.
    public StandardEvaluationContext() {
        rootObject = TypedValue.NULL;

    public List<PropertyAccessor> getPropertyAccessors() {
        return initPropertyAccessors();

    private List<PropertyAccessor> initPropertyAccessors() {
        List<PropertyAccessor> accessors = propertyAccessors;
        if (accessors == null) {
            accessors = new ArrayList<>(5);
            accessors.add(new ReflectivePropertyAccessor());
            propertyAccessors = accessors;
        return accessors;

    public List<ConstructorResolver> getConstructorResolvers() {
        return initConstructorResolvers();

    private List<ConstructorResolver> initConstructorResolvers() {
        List<ConstructorResolver> resolvers = constructorResolvers;
        if (resolvers == null) {
            resolvers = new ArrayList<>(1);
            resolvers.add(new ReflectiveConstructorResolver());
            constructorResolvers = resolvers;
        return resolvers;

    public List<MethodResolver> getMethodResolvers() {
        return initMethodResolvers();

    private List<MethodResolver> initMethodResolvers() {
        List<MethodResolver> resolvers = methodResolvers;
        if (resolvers == null) {
            resolvers = new ArrayList<>(1);
            reflectiveMethodResolver = new ReflectiveMethodResolver();
            methodResolvers = resolvers;
        return resolvers;

    public BeanResolver getBeanResolver() {
        return beanResolver;

    public TypeLocator getTypeLocator() {
        if (typeLocator == null) {
            typeLocator = new StandardTypeLocator();
        return typeLocator;

    public TypeConverter getTypeConverter() {
        if (typeConverter == null) {
            typeConverter = new StandardTypeConverter();
        return typeConverter;


  • org.springframework.expression.PropertyAccessor:屬性訪問器
 * 用於讀寫對象屬性的屬性訪問器
public interface PropertyAccessor {

     *  返回目標對象的類型數組
    Class<?>[] getSpecificTargetClasses();

     * 目標對象 target 名稱爲 name 的屬性是否可以讀取
     * @param context   計算上下文
     * @param target    目標對象
     * @param name  屬性名稱
    boolean canRead(EvaluationContext context, @Nullable Object target, String name) throws AccessException;

     * 從目標對象 target 上讀取名稱爲 name 的屬性的值
    TypedValue read(EvaluationContext context, @Nullable Object target, String name) throws AccessException;

     * 目標對象 target 名稱爲 name 的屬性是否可以寫入
    boolean canWrite(EvaluationContext context, @Nullable Object target, String name) throws AccessException;

     * 將新值 newValue 寫入目標對象 target 名稱爲 name 屬性中
    void write(EvaluationContext context, @Nullable Object target, String name, @Nullable Object newValue)
            throws AccessException;

  • org.springframework.context.expression.BeanExpressionContextAccessor:用於讀取 BeanExpressionContext【DefaultListableBeanFactory】中指定名稱的 bean
 *  SPEL 屬性訪問器,用於訪問 BeanExpressionContext 計算上下文中指定的對象或屬性
public class BeanExpressionContextAccessor implements PropertyAccessor {

     * BeanExpressionContext【DefaultListableBeanFactory】中是否包含指定名稱的 bean
    public boolean canRead(EvaluationContext context, @Nullable Object target, String name) throws AccessException {
        return target instanceof BeanExpressionContext && ((BeanExpressionContext) target).containsObject(name);

     * 讀取 BeanExpressionContext【DefaultListableBeanFactory】中指定名稱的 bean
    public TypedValue read(EvaluationContext context, @Nullable Object target, String name) throws AccessException {
        Assert.state(target instanceof BeanExpressionContext, "Target must be of type BeanExpressionContext");
        return new TypedValue(((BeanExpressionContext) target).getObject(name));

     * 不允許寫入
    public boolean canWrite(EvaluationContext context, @Nullable Object target, String name) throws AccessException {
        return false;

    public void write(EvaluationContext context, @Nullable Object target, String name, @Nullable Object newValue)
            throws AccessException {
        throw new AccessException("Beans in a BeanFactory are read-only");

     * 屬性源對象類型
    public Class<?>[] getSpecificTargetClasses() {
        return new Class<?>[] {BeanExpressionContext.class};

  • org.springframework.expression.spel.support.ReflectivePropertyAccessor:基於反射方式讀寫對象屬性的訪問器
 *  基於反射方式讀寫對象屬性的訪問器
public class ReflectivePropertyAccessor implements PropertyAccessor {
    private static final Set<Class<?>> ANY_TYPES = Collections.emptySet();
    private static final Set<Class<?>> BOOLEAN_TYPES;

    static {
        final Set<Class<?>> booleanTypes = new HashSet<>(4);
        BOOLEAN_TYPES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(booleanTypes);
     *  是否允許寫 
    private final boolean allowWrite;
     *  讀操作緩存 
    private final Map<PropertyCacheKey, InvokerPair> readerCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(64);
     *  寫操作緩衝
    private final Map<PropertyCacheKey, Member> writerCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(64);
     *  類型描述緩存
    private final Map<PropertyCacheKey, TypeDescriptor> typeDescriptorCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(64);
     *  已排序方法緩存
    private final Map<Class<?>, Method[]> sortedMethodsCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(64);
     *  上次執行操作的 InvokerPair
    private volatile InvokerPair lastReadInvokerPair;

    public boolean canRead(EvaluationContext context, @Nullable Object target, String name) throws AccessException {
        if (target == null) {
            return false;

        // 讀取對象類型
        final Class<?> type = target instanceof Class ? (Class<?>) target : target.getClass();
        // 讀取屬性的長度
        if (type.isArray() && name.equals("length")) {
            return true;

        // 創建緩存鍵,如果已經在緩存中則直接返回
        final PropertyCacheKey cacheKey = new PropertyCacheKey(type, name, target instanceof Class);
        if (readerCache.containsKey(cacheKey)) {
            return true;

        // 查找指定屬性的標準 get 方法
        final Method method = findGetterForProperty(name, type, target);
        if (method != null) {
            // 創建 Property 和 TypeDescriptor 並加入緩存中
            final Property property = new Property(type, method, null);
            final TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor = new TypeDescriptor(property);
            // 寫入方法緩存
            readerCache.put(cacheKey, new InvokerPair(method, typeDescriptor));
            // 寫入類型描述符緩存
            typeDescriptorCache.put(cacheKey, typeDescriptor);
            return true;
        else {
            // 嘗試讀取屬性
            final Field field = findField(name, type, target);
            if (field != null) {
                final TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor = new TypeDescriptor(field);
                // 寫入屬性緩存
                readerCache.put(cacheKey, new InvokerPair(field, typeDescriptor));
                // 寫入類型描述符緩存
                typeDescriptorCache.put(cacheKey, typeDescriptor);
                return true;

        return false;

     *  嘗試讀取標準的 get/is 方法
     * @param propertyName  屬性名稱
     * @param clazz 目標對象 Class
     * @param target    目標對象
     * @return
    private Method findGetterForProperty(String propertyName, Class<?> clazz, Object target) {
        Method method = findGetterForProperty(propertyName, clazz, target instanceof Class);
        if (method == null && target instanceof Class) {
            method = findGetterForProperty(propertyName, target.getClass(), false);
        return method;

     * Find a getter method for the specified property.
    protected Method findGetterForProperty(String propertyName, Class<?> clazz, boolean mustBeStatic) {
        // 嘗試查找標準 get 方法
        Method method = findMethodForProperty(getPropertyMethodSuffixes(propertyName),
                "get", clazz, mustBeStatic, 0, ANY_TYPES);
        if (method == null) {
            // 嘗試查找標準 is 方法
            method = findMethodForProperty(getPropertyMethodSuffixes(propertyName),
                    "is", clazz, mustBeStatic, 0, BOOLEAN_TYPES);
        return method;

     * @param methodSuffixes    方法名稱後綴數組
     * @param prefix    方法名稱前綴
     * @param clazz     目標對象類型
     * @param mustBeStatic  是否必須是靜態方法
     * @param numberOfParams    目標方法參數個數
     * @param requiredReturnTypes   目標方法返回值類型
     * @return
    private Method findMethodForProperty(String[] methodSuffixes, String prefix, Class<?> clazz,
            boolean mustBeStatic, int numberOfParams, Set<Class<?>> requiredReturnTypes) {
        // 讀取所有的 public 方法
        final Method[] methods = getSortedMethods(clazz);
        for (final String methodSuffix : methodSuffixes) {
            for (final Method method : methods) {
                 *  方法名稱一致
                 *  && 參數個數一致
                 *  && 查找的是靜態方法,則當前方法的方法修飾符必須包含 static
                 *  && 如果指定的 requiredReturnTypes 不爲空,則此方法的返回值必須在 requiredReturnTypes 中
                if (isCandidateForProperty(method, clazz)
                        && method.getName().equals(prefix + methodSuffix)
                        && method.getParameterCount() == numberOfParams
                        &&(!mustBeStatic || Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())) &&
                        (requiredReturnTypes.isEmpty() ||
                                requiredReturnTypes.contains(method.getReturnType()))) {
                    return method;
        return null;

     * Return class methods ordered with non-bridge methods appearing higher.
    private Method[] getSortedMethods(Class<?> clazz) {
        return sortedMethodsCache.computeIfAbsent(clazz, key -> {
            // 讀取所有的 public 方法
            final Method[] methods = key.getMethods();
            Arrays.sort(methods, (o1, o2) -> (o1.isBridge() == o2.isBridge() ? 0 : o1.isBridge() ? 1 : -1));
            return methods;

    protected boolean isCandidateForProperty(Method method, Class<?> targetClass) {
        return true;

    public TypedValue read(EvaluationContext context, @Nullable Object target, String name) throws AccessException {
        Assert.state(target != null, "Target must not be null");
        final Class<?> type = target instanceof Class ? (Class<?>) target : target.getClass();

        if (type.isArray() && name.equals("length")) {
            if (target instanceof Class) {
                throw new AccessException("Cannot access length on array class itself");
            // 讀取數組的長度
            return new TypedValue(Array.getLength(target));
        // 從緩存中讀取
        final PropertyCacheKey cacheKey = new PropertyCacheKey(type, name, target instanceof Class);
        InvokerPair invoker = readerCache.get(cacheKey);
        lastReadInvokerPair = invoker;
        // 1)如果是方法緩存
        if (invoker == null || invoker.member instanceof Method) {
            Method method = (Method) (invoker != null ? invoker.member : null);
            if (method == null) {
                method = findGetterForProperty(name, type, target);
                if (method != null) {
                    // Treat it like a property...
                    // The readerCache will only contain gettable properties (let's not worry about setters for now).
                    final Property property = new Property(type, method, null);
                    final TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor = new TypeDescriptor(property);
                    invoker = new InvokerPair(method, typeDescriptor);
                    lastReadInvokerPair = invoker;
                    readerCache.put(cacheKey, invoker);
            if (method != null) {
                try {
                    // 設置訪問標識
                    // 通過反射的方式讀取值
                    final Object value = method.invoke(target);
                    return new TypedValue(value, invoker.typeDescriptor.narrow(value));
                catch (final Exception ex) {
                    throw new AccessException("Unable to access property '" + name + "' through getter method", ex);

        // 如果是屬性緩存
        if (invoker == null || invoker.member instanceof Field) {
            Field field = (Field) (invoker == null ? null : invoker.member);
            if (field == null) {
                field = findField(name, type, target);
                if (field != null) {
                    invoker = new InvokerPair(field, new TypeDescriptor(field));
                    lastReadInvokerPair = invoker;
                    readerCache.put(cacheKey, invoker);
            if (field != null) {
                try {
                    // 設置訪問標識
                    // 讀取值
                    final Object value = field.get(target);
                    return new TypedValue(value, invoker.typeDescriptor.narrow(value));
                catch (final Exception ex) {
                    throw new AccessException("Unable to access field '" + name + "'", ex);

        throw new AccessException("Neither getter method nor field found for property '" + name + "'");

    private static final class PropertyCacheKey implements Comparable<PropertyCacheKey> {
         *  目標對象類型
        private final Class<?> clazz;
         *  屬性名稱 
        private final String property;
         *  目標對象是否是 Class
        private final boolean targetIsClass;

    private static class InvokerPair {
         *  反射調用成員(Method 或 Field)
        final Member member;
         *  調用的返回值類型描述符 
        final TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor;
        public InvokerPair(Member member, TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor) {
            this.member = member;
            this.typeDescriptor = typeDescriptor;

 *  封裝了一個對象和描述該對象類型的描述符
public class TypedValue {
     * {@link TypedValue} for {@code null}.
    public static final TypedValue NULL = new TypedValue(null);
     *  目標對象
    private final Object value;
     *  類型描述符
    private TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor;
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