Spark-2.4.0 源码学习系列《二》 - SparkContext

SparkContext 是Spark功能的主入口。一个SparkContext 代表一个spark集群的链接,可以用来在集群上创建RDD,累加器和广播变量。每个JVM中只能有一个活动的SparkContext。必须在创建新的SparkContext之前调用 stop()方法来停止当前处于active状态的SparkContext。这个限制最终可能会被移除。

下面我们来看看我们使用 val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf) 创建SparkContext时spark干了哪些事:

首先调用this(new SparkConf)构造函数初始化一个 SparkContext:

   * Create a SparkContext that loads settings from system properties (for instance, when
   * launching with ./bin/spark-submit).
  def this() = this(new SparkConf())


class SparkContext(config: SparkConf) extends Logging {

  // The call site where this SparkContext was constructed.
  private val creationSite: CallSite = Utils.getCallSite()

  // If true, log warnings instead of throwing exceptions when multiple SparkContexts are active
  private val allowMultipleContexts: Boolean =
    config.getBoolean("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", false)

  // In order to prevent multiple SparkContexts from being active at the same time, mark this
  // context as having started construction.
  // NOTE: this must be placed at the beginning of the SparkContext constructor.
  SparkContext.markPartiallyConstructed(this, allowMultipleContexts)

  val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()

  private[spark] val stopped: AtomicBoolean = new AtomicBoolean(false)

    1. 创建变量creationSite: CallSite,查看是哪些user代码在调用SparkContext中的方法。

    2. 创建变量allowMultipleContexts:Boolean,是否允许多个SparkContext同时处于活动状态。默认false,如果设置为true,在检测到多个活动的SparkContext时会日志警告,而不是抛出异常。

    3. SparkContext.markPartiallyConstructed(this, allowMultipleContexts) 标记当前SparkContext为已开始构建状态,防止多个SparkContext同时处于活动状态(该操作需要放在构造函数的最前面)。

    4. 创建常量startTime。

    5. 创建常量stopped,标记SparkContext是否已经停止。

// log out Spark Version in Spark driver log
  logInfo(s"Running Spark version $SPARK_VERSION")

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
   | Private variables. These variables keep the internal state of the context, and are    |
   | not accessible by the outside world. They're mutable since we want to initialize all  |
   | of them to some neutral value ahead of time, so that calling "stop()" while the       |
   | constructor is still running is safe.                                                 |
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  private var _conf: SparkConf = _
  private var _eventLogDir: Option[URI] = None
  private var _eventLogCodec: Option[String] = None
  private var _listenerBus: LiveListenerBus = _
  private var _env: SparkEnv = _
  private var _statusTracker: SparkStatusTracker = _
  private var _progressBar: Option[ConsoleProgressBar] = None
  private var _ui: Option[SparkUI] = None
  private var _hadoopConfiguration: Configuration = _
  private var _executorMemory: Int = _
  private var _schedulerBackend: SchedulerBackend = _
  private var _taskScheduler: TaskScheduler = _
  private var _heartbeatReceiver: RpcEndpointRef = _
  @volatile private var _dagScheduler: DAGScheduler = _
  private var _applicationId: String = _
  private var _applicationAttemptId: Option[String] = None
  private var _eventLogger: Option[EventLoggingListener] = None
  private var _executorAllocationManager: Option[ExecutorAllocationManager] = None
  private var _cleaner: Option[ContextCleaner] = None
  private var _listenerBusStarted: Boolean = false
  private var _jars: Seq[String] = _
  private var _files: Seq[String] = _
  private var _shutdownHookRef: AnyRef = _
  private var _statusStore: AppStatusStore = _

    6. 打日志,显示当前运行的Spark版本

    7. 声明一大堆SparkContext内部使用的变量:

        7.1 _conf: sparkConf

        7.2 _eventLogDir: 事件日志路径

        7.3 _eventLogCodec: 事件日志编解码器

        7.4 _listenerBus: LiveListenerBus,用来异步的传递SparkListenerEvents到已注册的SparkListeners。在LiveListenerBus的start()方法被调用之前,所有已经发布的事件都只会被缓存下来,启动后,这些事件才会被传递到附着的Listener那里。LiveListenerBus通过调用stop()方法结束,结束后,后续的时间都会被丢弃。LiveListenerBus在其内部实现了一个线程安全的ArrayList变体(CopyOnWriteArrayList),用于存放异步事件。

        7.5 _env: Spark运行环境。

        7.6 _statusTracker: 用来监控job和stage进度的低阶状态报告API

        7.7 _progressBar:控制台stage进度条,如果有多个stage,显示的将是多个stage的综合进度。

        7.8 _ui:  spark程序的顶阶用户接口

        7.9 _hadoopConfiguration:hadoop配置

        7.10 _executorMemory: executor内存,单位MB,默认1024M

        7.11 _schedulerBackend:调度系统的后后端接口,允许在TaskSchedulerImpl下植入多个。

        7.12 _taskScheduler:低阶任务调度接口,当前只有一个实现类 org.apache.spark.scheduler.TaskSchedulerImpl(以后再细看)。

        7.13 _heartbeatReceiver: 一个远程 RpcEndPoint的引用。RpcEndpointRef是线程安全的。

        7.14 _dagScheduler: DAG调度器,一个实现了面向stage调度的高阶调度器。它会为每个job生成一个由stage构成的DAG,跟踪哪些RDD和stage的输出已经持久化,并找到运行这个job的最小调度。之后它会将stage以taskSet的形式提交给底层的TaskScheduler(很重要,以后再细看)。

        7.15 _applicationId: spark程序的唯一标识符

        7.16 _applicationAttemptId: spark程序唯一标符的 唯一尝试标识符

        7.17 _eventLogger:一个将事件以日志的形式持久化的SparkListener

        7.18 _executorAllocationManager: executor分配管理器,基于工作负载,动态分配或移除executor的代理。

        7.19 _cleaner: RDD,shuffle和广播变量状态的异步清理器。

        7.20 _listenerBusStarted:LiveListenerBus是否已经启动

        7.21 _jars: 用户提交的jar包路径。多个路径以逗号分隔。

        7.22 _files:用户提交的文件

        7.23 _shutdownHookRef:关闭钩子的引用

        7.24 _statusStore:一个Kv存储的包装类,它提供了获取API数据的方法。

// Used to store a URL for each static file/jar together with the file's local timestamp
  private[spark] val addedFiles = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, Long]().asScala
  private[spark] val addedJars = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, Long]().asScala

  // Keeps track of all persisted RDDs
  private[spark] val persistentRdds = {
    val map: ConcurrentMap[Int, RDD[_]] = new MapMaker().weakValues().makeMap[Int, RDD[_]]()

    8. 创建私有变量addedFiles:一个ConcurrentHashMap用于存储添加的文件。

    9. 创建私有变量addedJars:一个ConcurrentHashMap用于存储添加的jar包。

    10. 创建常量persistentRdds:一个ConcurrentHashMap,用于追踪所有已经缓存了的RDD

// Environment variables to pass to our executors.
  private[spark] val executorEnvs = HashMap[String, String]()

  // Set SPARK_USER for user who is running SparkContext.
  val sparkUser = Utils.getCurrentUserName()

    11. 创建executorEnvs:executor运行环境。实现了一个HashMap,用于存放传递给executor的环境变量。

    12. 创建sparkUser:运行当前SparkContext的用户

private[spark] var checkpointDir: Option[String] = None

  // Thread Local variable that can be used by users to pass information down the stack
  protected[spark] val localProperties = new InheritableThreadLocal[Properties] {
    override protected def childValue(parent: Properties): Properties = {
      // Note: make a clone such that changes in the parent properties aren't reflected in
      // the those of the children threads, which has confusing semantics (SPARK-10563).
    override protected def initialValue(): Properties = new Properties()

    13. 声明checkpointDir:checkPoint路径

    14. 创建localProperties:本地线程中可以被用户使用的属性


 try {
    // 克隆一份SparkConf
    _conf = config.clone()
    // 检查是否有非法或者过期的配置设置,如果有非法配置将抛出异常,过期配置将会被替换成当前支持的配置
    // 检查配置中是否配置了master,没有则抛出异常
    if (!_conf.contains("spark.master")) {
      throw new SparkException("A master URL must be set in your configuration")
    // 检查配置中是否配置了app名称,没有则抛出异常
    if (!_conf.contains("")) {
      throw new SparkException("An application name must be set in your configuration")
    // log out in the Spark driver logs
    logInfo(s"Submitted application: $appName")

    // System property must be set if user code ran by AM on a YARN cluster
    // 当程序运行在yarn集群上时必须设置属性
    if (master == "yarn" && deployMode == "cluster" && !_conf.contains("")) {
      throw new SparkException("Detected yarn cluster mode, but isn't running on a cluster. " +
        "Deployment to YARN is not supported directly by SparkContext. Please use spark-submit.")

    // 如果开启了配置日志,则打印出所有的配置信息
    if (_conf.getBoolean("spark.logConf", false)) {
      logInfo("Spark configuration:\n" + _conf.toDebugString)

    // Set Spark driver host and port system properties. This explicitly sets the configuration
    // instead of relying on the default value of the config constant.
    // 设置driver主机地址
    // 如果driver端口未配置,则设置为0
    _conf.setIfMissing("spark.driver.port", "0")
    // 设置executor ID
    _conf.set("", SparkContext.DRIVER_IDENTIFIER)
    // 加载用户提交的jar包
    _jars = Utils.getUserJars(_conf)
    // 加载用户提交的文件
    _files = _conf.getOption("spark.files").map(_.split(",")).map(_.filter(_.nonEmpty))
    // 如果启动了时间日志,则配置事件日志路径
    _eventLogDir =
      if (isEventLogEnabled) {
        val unresolvedDir = conf.get("spark.eventLog.dir", EventLoggingListener.DEFAULT_LOG_DIR)
      } else {
    // 初始化事件日志编解码器
    _eventLogCodec = {
      val compress = _conf.getBoolean("spark.eventLog.compress", false)
      if (compress && isEventLogEnabled) {
      } else {
    // 初始化ListenerBus,一个用于传递监听到的事件到监听器的Map
    _listenerBus = new LiveListenerBus(_conf)

    // Initialize the app status store and listener before SparkEnv is created so that it gets
    // all events.
    // 在SparkEnv创建前初始化app状态和app监听器,这样这个statusStore可以获取所有的事件
    _statusStore = AppStatusStore.createLiveStore(conf)
    // Create the Spark execution environment (cache, map output tracker, etc)
    // 创建Spark运行环境
    _env = createSparkEnv(_conf, isLocal, listenerBus)

下面我们重点看一下 _env = createSparkEnv(_conf, isLocal, listenerBus)

private[spark] def createSparkEnv(
      conf: SparkConf,
      isLocal: Boolean,
      listenerBus: LiveListenerBus): SparkEnv = {
    // 实际创建的是Driver环境
    SparkEnv.createDriverEnv(conf, isLocal, listenerBus, SparkContext.numDriverCores(master, conf))

    可以看到实际调用的是SparkEnv.createDriverEnv(conf, isLocal, listenerBus, SparkContext.numDriverCores(master, conf)),创建的是driverEnv。关于发driverEnv的底层实现我们以后再讲。


// If running the REPL, register the repl's output dir with the file server.
    // 如果运行了REPL,则注册repl的输出路径到文件服务器
    _conf.getOption("spark.repl.class.outputDir").foreach { path =>
      val replUri = _env.rpcEnv.fileServer.addDirectory("/classes", new File(path))
      _conf.set("spark.repl.class.uri", replUri)
    // 初始化妆台追踪器
    _statusTracker = new SparkStatusTracker(this, _statusStore)
    // 初始化进度条
    _progressBar =
      if (_conf.get(UI_SHOW_CONSOLE_PROGRESS) && !log.isInfoEnabled) {
        Some(new ConsoleProgressBar(this))
      } else {
    // 初始化SparkUI界面接口
    _ui =
      if (conf.getBoolean("spark.ui.enabled", true)) {
        Some(SparkUI.create(Some(this), _statusStore, _conf, _env.securityManager, appName, "",
      } else {
        // For tests, do not enable the UI
    // Bind the UI before starting the task scheduler to communicate
    // the bound port to the cluster manager properly
    // 绑定ui
    // 加载hadoop运行环境
    _hadoopConfiguration = SparkHadoopUtil.get.newConfiguration(_conf)

    // Add each JAR given through the constructor
    // 像task中添加jar依赖
    if (jars != null) {
    // 添加每个node需要下载文件
    if (files != null) {
    // 初始化executor内存,默认1024MB
    _executorMemory = _conf.getOption("spark.executor.memory")

    // Convert java options to env vars as a work around
    // since we can't set env vars directly in sbt.
    // 将java选项转换成环境变量
    for { (envKey, propKey) <- Seq(("SPARK_TESTING", "spark.testing"))
      value <- Option(System.getenv(envKey)).orElse(Option(System.getProperty(propKey)))} {
      executorEnvs(envKey) = value
    Option(System.getenv("SPARK_PREPEND_CLASSES")).foreach { v =>
      executorEnvs("SPARK_PREPEND_CLASSES") = v
    // The Mesos scheduler backend relies on this environment variable to set executor memory.
    // TODO: Set this only in the Mesos scheduler.
    executorEnvs("SPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY") = executorMemory + "m"
    executorEnvs ++= _conf.getExecutorEnv
    executorEnvs("SPARK_USER") = sparkUser

    // We need to register "HeartbeatReceiver" before "createTaskScheduler" because Executor will
    // retrieve "HeartbeatReceiver" in the constructor. (SPARK-6640)
    // 初始化心跳接收器,用于接收心跳
    _heartbeatReceiver = env.rpcEnv.setupEndpoint(
      HeartbeatReceiver.ENDPOINT_NAME, new HeartbeatReceiver(this))
   // Create and start the scheduler
    // 初始化作业调度器、DAG调度器
    val (sched, ts) = SparkContext.createTaskScheduler(this, master, deployMode)
    _schedulerBackend = sched
    _taskScheduler = ts
    _dagScheduler = new DAGScheduler(this)

    // start TaskScheduler after taskScheduler sets DAGScheduler reference in DAGScheduler's
    // constructor
    // 在启动任务调度器

    这里初始化了一堆信息,重要的有ui,_hadoopConfiguration,executorMemory,以及TaskScheduler.这里的createTaskScheduler会根据提供的master URL创建不同的TaskScheduler,返回一个包含scheduleBackend 和 taskScheduler的Tuple.

// 设置应用程序id
    _applicationId = _taskScheduler.applicationId()
    // 设置应用程序尝试id
    _applicationAttemptId = taskScheduler.applicationAttemptId()
    // 程序id保存到sparkConf
    _conf.set("", _applicationId)
    // 设置ui代理
    if (_conf.getBoolean("spark.ui.reverseProxy", false)) {
      System.setProperty("spark.ui.proxyBase", "/proxy/" + _applicationId)
    // 将应用id设置到ui
    // 初始化blockManager

    // The metrics system for Driver need to be set to app ID.
    // So it should start after we get app ID from the task scheduler and set
    // 启动指标系统
    // Attach the driver metrics servlet handler to the web ui after the metrics system is started.
    _env.metricsSystem.getServletHandlers.foreach(handler => ui.foreach(_.attachHandler(handler)))
    // 设置事件日志监听器,并添加到listenerBus
    _eventLogger =
      if (isEventLogEnabled) {
        val logger =
          new EventLoggingListener(_applicationId, _applicationAttemptId, _eventLogDir.get,
            _conf, _hadoopConfiguration)
      } else {

    // Optionally scale number of executors dynamically based on workload. Exposed for testing.
    // 是否启用动态分配
    val dynamicAllocationEnabled = Utils.isDynamicAllocationEnabled(_conf)
    // 初始化executor动态分配管理器
    _executorAllocationManager =
      if (dynamicAllocationEnabled) {
        schedulerBackend match {
          case b: ExecutorAllocationClient =>
            Some(new ExecutorAllocationManager(
              schedulerBackend.asInstanceOf[ExecutorAllocationClient], listenerBus, _conf,
          case _ =>
      } else {
    // 启动executor动态分配管理器

    // 初始化并启动状态清除器
    _cleaner =
      if (_conf.getBoolean("spark.cleaner.referenceTracking", true)) {
        Some(new ContextCleaner(this))
      } else {

    // 设置并启动ListenerBus(主要是额外的listener)
    // 发布环境更新事件
    // 发布程序启动事件

    // Post init
    _env.metricsSystem.registerSource(new BlockManagerSource(_env.blockManager))
    _executorAllocationManager.foreach { e =>

    // Make sure the context is stopped if the user forgets about it. This avoids leaving
    // unfinished event logs around after the JVM exits cleanly. It doesn't help if the JVM
    // is killed, though.
    logDebug("Adding shutdown hook") // force eager creation of logger
    _shutdownHookRef = ShutdownHookManager.addShutdownHook(
      ShutdownHookManager.SPARK_CONTEXT_SHUTDOWN_PRIORITY) { () =>
      logInfo("Invoking stop() from shutdown hook")
      try {
      } catch {
        case e: Throwable =>
          logWarning("Ignoring Exception while stopping SparkContext from shutdown hook", e)
  } catch {
    case NonFatal(e) =>
      logError("Error initializing SparkContext.", e)
      try {
      } catch {
        case NonFatal(inner) =>
          logError("Error stopping SparkContext after init error.", inner)
      } finally {
        throw e




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