14.5 InnoDB Locking and Transaction Model

14.5.1 InnoDB Locking
14.5.2 InnoDB Transaction Model
14.5.3 Locks Set by Different SQL Statements in InnoDB
14.5.4 Phantom Rows
14.5.5 Deadlocks in InnoDB
To implement a large-scale, busy, or highly reliable database application, to port substantial code from a different database system, or to tune MySQL performance, it is important to understand InnoDB locking and the InnoDB transaction model.
要實現大規模、繁忙或高度可靠的數據庫應用程序, 要從不同的數據庫系統中移植大量代碼, 或者要優化 MySQL 性能, 瞭解 InnoDB 鎖和 InnoDB 事務模型很重要。
This section discusses several topics related to InnoDB locking and the InnoDB transaction model with which you should be familiar.

  • Section 14.5.1, “InnoDB Locking” describes lock types used by InnoDB.
  • Section 14.5.1, “InnoDB Locking” 描述了innob的鎖類型
  • Section 14.5.2, “InnoDB Transaction Model” describes transaction isolation levels and the locking strategies used by each. It also discusses the use of autocommit, consistent non-locking reads, and locking reads.
  • Section 14.5.2, “InnoDB Transaction Model” 描述了事務的隔離級別使用對應的的鎖定策略,它還討論了autocommit,一致的非鎖定讀和鎖定讀的使用。
  • Section 14.5.3, “Locks Set by Different SQL Statements in InnoDB” discusses specific types of locks set in InnoDB for various statements.
  • Section 14.5.3, “Locks Set by Different SQL Statements in InnoDB”描述了innodb在各種語句會使用什麼類型的鎖
  • Section 14.5.4, “Phantom Rows” describes how InnoDB uses next-key locking to avoid phantom rows
  • .Section 14.5.4, “Phantom Rows” 描述了innodb如何使用next-key locking來避免幻讀行
  • Section 14.5.5, “Deadlocks in InnoDB” provides a deadlock example, discusses deadlock detection and rollback, and provides tips for minimizing and handling deadlocks in InnoDB.
  • Section 14.5.5, “Deadlocks in InnoDB” 提供了一個死鎖案例,討論了死鎖的檢測和回滾,並提供了在InnoDB中最小化和處理死鎖的技巧。
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