【DynamoRIO 入門教程】四: inc2add.c

例子中的註釋寫到: 執行動態優化,在不干擾目標應用程序行爲的情況下, 只要有價值和可行, 就將 “inc” 指令轉換爲 “add 1”。 說明在 已知底層處理器時 最好的做法是 在運行時執行 微體系結構 特定優化。可見這個例子和上一個 div.c 的區別就是這次我們實實在在進行了代碼替換和優化。

老規矩,先看 dr_client_main

dr_client_main(client_id_t id, int argc, const char *argv[])
    /* We only used drreg for liveness, not for spilling, so we need no slots. */
    drreg_options_t ops = { sizeof(ops), 0 /*no slots needed*/, false };
    if (!drmgr_init() || drreg_init(&ops) != DRREG_SUCCESS)

    /* Register for our events: process exit, and code transformation.
     * We're changing the app's code, rather than just inserting observational
     * instrumentation.
    if (!drmgr_register_bb_app2app_event(event_instruction_change, NULL))

    /* Long ago, this optimization would target the Pentium 4 (identified via
     * "proc_get_family() == FAMILY_PENTIUM_4"), where an add of 1 is faster
     * than an inc.  For illustration purposes we leave a boolean controlling it
     * but we turn it on all the time in this sample and leave it for future
     * work to determine whether to disable it on certain microarchitectures.
    enable = true;

    /* Initialize our global variables. */
    num_examined = 0;
    num_converted = 0;

註釋裏說,這個優化是針對於 奔騰4 處理器的,不過我們是爲了學習 DynamoRIO ,不用管這些。

drreg_options_t ops = { sizeof(ops), 0 /no slots needed/, false };
這一行代碼是我們第一次遇見, drreg_options_t 用來初始化 drreg 擴展,可以看到後面的 drreg_init(&ops)。drreg 是一個輔佐 管理寄存器的擴展,我們可以利用它獲得一個寄存器的使用權。 這裏ops結構體裏的第二個參數 0,用來表示需要的插槽數,因爲本次我們不需要寄存器插槽,因此設爲0。關於該擴展更多的細節我還沒有弄明白,以後再說。

然後就是一堆初始化,把 drmgr 和 drreg 都初始化完成。

dr_register_exit_event(event_exit) 這裏註冊了結束回調函數。

drmgr_register_bb_app2app_event(event_instruction_change, NULL) 也是個關鍵,該函數的作用是爲 在 basic block creation 細分化的4個階段裏的第一個階段 “app2app" ,註冊回調函數。這樣在4個階段之前會先調用 event_instruction_change函數。

剩下幾個變量裏,enable 用來表示決定 需要優化。

event_exit 退出回調函數

static void
    char msg[256];
    int len;
    if (enable) {
        len = dr_snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg) / sizeof(msg[0]),
                          "converted %d out of %d inc/dec to add/sub\n", num_converted,
    } else {
        len = dr_snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg) / sizeof(msg[0]),
                          "decided to keep all original inc/dec\n");
    DR_ASSERT(len > 0);
    msg[sizeof(msg) / sizeof(msg[0]) - 1] = '\0';

    if (!drmgr_unregister_bb_app2app_event(event_instruction_change) ||
        drreg_exit() != DRREG_SUCCESS)

第二部分則是 unregister 函數和 exit 函數。 drreg_exit() 和 drmgr_exit() 都是和 _init()函數相對應的。
關鍵在於那個 drmgr_unregister_bb_app2app_event(event_instruction_change) 函數。
我有了一個疑問,爲什麼有的時候 有 basic block 的unregister函數,有的時候沒有呢?答案在 dr_unregister_bb_event() 的文檔裏:

We do not recommend unregistering for the basic block event unless it aways returned DR_EMIT_STORE_TRANSLATIONS (including when for_trace is true, or if the client has a trace creation callback that returns DR_EMIT_STORE_TRANSLATIONS). Unregistering can prevent proper state translation on a later fault or other translation event for this basic block or for a trace that includes this basic block. Instead of unregistering, turn the event callback into a nop.

文檔裏提到,不建議使用 basic block event 的 unregister函數。除非在bb的回調函數裏返回了DR_EMIT_STORE_TRANSLATIONS,不幸的是,我沒有在這個例子裏找到這個返回值。

再看註冊bb回調函數 event_instruction_change

/* Replaces inc with add 1, dec with sub 1.
 * If cannot replace (eflags constraints), leaves original instruction alone.
static dr_emit_flags_t
event_instruction_change(void *drcontext, void *tag, instrlist_t *bb, bool for_trace,
                         bool translating)
    int opcode;
    instr_t *instr, *next_instr;

    /* Only bother replacing for hot code, i.e., when for_trace is true, and
     * when the underlying microarchitecture calls for it.
    if (!for_trace || !enable)
        return DR_EMIT_DEFAULT;

    for (instr = instrlist_first_app(bb); instr != NULL; instr = next_instr) {
        /* We're deleting some instrs, so get the next first. */
        next_instr = instr_get_next_app(instr);
        opcode = instr_get_opcode(instr);
        if (opcode == OP_inc || opcode == OP_dec) {
            if (!translating)
            if (replace_inc_with_add(drcontext, instr, bb)) {
                if (!translating)

    return DR_EMIT_DEFAULT;

註釋裏寫到,只針對 hot code代碼進行優化,所以只有 for_trace = trace,也就是當前 basic block 要加入到trace 裏時,纔對當前basic block 進行優化。

instrlist_first_app(bb) 用來從bb指令序列裏取出第一條 指令。
instr_get_next_app(instr) 用來獲取instr指令的下一條指令。
instr_get_opcode(instr) 用來獲取instr指令的操作碼。

然後就是用 replace_inc_with_add 函數來進行替換。等會再說這個函數。

ATOMIC_INC 好像是一個內聯彙編,用來保證原子操作。

還有一處讓我疑惑,只有當 translatign 爲false 時才進行 num_examined和 nm_converted的增加。
translating 爲 false表示本次回調函數是爲了 basic block 的創建,當爲true 時,則表示本次回調函數的調用是因爲 地址轉換。這裏的地址轉換我覺得可能是 故障地址轉換。

如果因爲 地址轉換調用 而不進行統計,那爲什麼不把這個 if判斷放在該回調函數的最前面呢?


/* Replaces inc with add 1, dec with sub 1.
 * Returns true if successful, false if not.
static bool
replace_inc_with_add(void *drcontext, instr_t *instr, instrlist_t *bb)
    instr_t *new_instr;
    uint eflags;
    int opcode = instr_get_opcode(instr);

    DR_ASSERT(opcode == OP_inc || opcode == OP_dec);

    /* Add/sub writes CF, inc/dec does not, so we make sure that's ok.
     * We use drreg's liveness analysis, which includes the rest of this block.
     * To be more sophisticated, we could examine instructions at target of each
     * direct exit instead of assuming CF is live across any branch.
    if (drreg_aflags_liveness(drcontext, instr, &eflags) != DRREG_SUCCESS ||
        (eflags & EFLAGS_READ_CF) != 0) {

        return false;
    if (opcode == OP_inc) {

        new_instr =
            INSTR_CREATE_add(drcontext, instr_get_dst(instr, 0), OPND_CREATE_INT8(1));
    } else {

        new_instr =
            INSTR_CREATE_sub(drcontext, instr_get_dst(instr, 0), OPND_CREATE_INT8(1));
    if (instr_get_prefix_flag(instr, PREFIX_LOCK))
        instr_set_prefix_flag(new_instr, PREFIX_LOCK);
    instr_set_translation(new_instr, instr_get_app_pc(instr));
    instrlist_replace(bb, instr, new_instr);
    instr_destroy(drcontext, instr);
    return true;

註釋裏說到,替換後的 add/sub 指令會對標誌寄存器裏的 CF標誌進行操作(注意,CF標誌是進位標誌),而 inc/dec 則不會影響到 CF標誌位。所以,如果我們要把 inc/dec 替換爲 add/sub 則要保證,替換指令位置 後面的一系列指令不會對 CF標誌位進行讀操作。所以我們可以看到 代碼裏用 drreg 對指令進行了活躍度分析。

if (drreg_aflags_liveness(drcontext, instr, &eflags) != DRREG_SUCCESS ||
        (eflags & EFLAGS_READ_CF) != 0)

drreg_aflagsg_liveness 用來進行活躍度分析,如果執行成功,則返回 DRREG_SUCCESS,並且將分析結果 保存在 eflags變量裏面, 結果是 EFLAGS_READ_6bits 這樣一個常量。
另外,我們要注意註釋裏這樣一句話:We use drreg’s liveness analysis, which includes the rest of this block
這個分析涵蓋了 當前 basic block 的剩餘部分,也就是說,這裏的活躍度分析是從 instr 到 basic block 結束的。


INSTR_CREATE_addINSTR_CREATE_sub 都是用來創建指令的,分別創建了 add指令,和 sub指令,新的指令是存放再在變量 new_instr 裏面的,還沒有插入到 basic block 裏。

instr_get_prefix_flag(instr, PREFIX_LOCK)
** instr_set_prefix_flag(new_instr, PREFIX_LOCK)**
從函數名來看,這兩個函數用來獲取/設置 指令前綴,一開始我不知道指令前綴是啥?查了一下,原來是這樣的:


  1. 操作數長度前綴(66H)
  2. 地址長度前綴(67H)
  3. 段超越前綴(2eH、3eH、26H、64H、65H、36H)
  4. 鎖定前綴和重複前綴

那這裏,我們重點關注的就是鎖定前綴,如果原指令存在 鎖定前綴,那麼我們就要給新指令添上鎖定前綴,保持一致。

** instr_set_translation(new_instr, instr_get_app_pc(instr))** 設置 新指令的轉換地址。
我們把 basic block 從原始可執行文件裏 拷貝到 code cache 時,指令的地址必然要發生變化。所以,code cache 裏的每一條指令 都有一個轉換地址,這個地址就是原程序裏 對應指令 的地址。
如今我們創建了一個新指令,也要爲它設置一個轉換地址, 儘管原程序裏 該地址處的指令可能是 inc/dec ,而新指令是 add/sub 。這樣做可能是爲了 以後的故障信息轉換什麼的?
總之,這裏先用 instr_get_app_pc 函數獲取了原指令 的app_pc,即應用程序裏的地址。然後將新地址設置給了新指令 new_instr。

instrlist_replace(bb, instr, new_instr); 在basic block 裏將老指令 instr 替換爲新指令 new_instr ,但是不會銷燬老指令。因此後面跟着一個銷燬函數。

instr_destroy(drcontext, instr) 文檔裏寫到: 執行instr_free(),然後爲instr_create()執行的instr釋放線程局部堆存儲。
但由於這裏我們要銷燬的指令是原始的有 DR自己創建的,所以應該只會執行 instr_free() 這一步。

其中,第一步的麻煩在於要分析 指令快裏 標誌寄存器的活躍度,以此來判斷是否可以進行替換。
第二步,設計的函數較多,創建一個新指令時要考慮到 指令前綴、轉換地址、操作數等關鍵信息。


#include "dr_api.h"
#include "drmgr.h"
#include "drreg.h"

#ifdef WINDOWS
#    define DISPLAY_STRING(msg) dr_messagebox(msg)
#    define ATOMIC_INC(var) _InterlockedIncrement((volatile LONG *)(&(var)))
#    define DISPLAY_STRING(msg) dr_printf("%s\n", msg);
#    define ATOMIC_INC(var) __asm__ __volatile__("lock incl %0" : "=m"(var) : : "memory")

static bool enable;

/* Use atomic operations to increment these to avoid the hassle of locking. */
static int num_examined, num_converted;

/* Replaces inc with add 1, dec with sub 1.
 * Returns true if successful, false if not.
static bool
replace_inc_with_add(void *drcontext, instr_t *inst, instrlist_t *trace);

static dr_emit_flags_t
event_instruction_change(void *drcontext, void *tag, instrlist_t *bb, bool for_trace,
                         bool translating);

static void

dr_client_main(client_id_t id, int argc, const char *argv[])
    /* We only used drreg for liveness, not for spilling, so we need no slots. */
    drreg_options_t ops = { sizeof(ops), 0 /*no slots needed*/, false };
    //dr_set_client_name("DynamoRIO Sample Client 'inc2add'",
    //                  "http://dynamorio.org/issues");
    if (!drmgr_init() || drreg_init(&ops) != DRREG_SUCCESS)

    /* Register for our events: process exit, and code transformation.
     * We're changing the app's code, rather than just inserting observational
     * instrumentation.
    if (!drmgr_register_bb_app2app_event(event_instruction_change, NULL))

    /* Long ago, this optimization would target the Pentium 4 (identified via
     * "proc_get_family() == FAMILY_PENTIUM_4"), where an add of 1 is faster
     * than an inc.  For illustration purposes we leave a boolean controlling it
     * but we turn it on all the time in this sample and leave it for future
     * work to determine whether to disable it on certain microarchitectures.
    enable = true;

    /* Initialize our global variables. */
    num_examined = 0;
    num_converted = 0;

static void
    char msg[256];
    int len;
    if (enable) {
        len = dr_snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg) / sizeof(msg[0]),
                          "converted %d out of %d inc/dec to add/sub\n", num_converted,
    } else {
        len = dr_snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg) / sizeof(msg[0]),
                          "decided to keep all original inc/dec\n");
    DR_ASSERT(len > 0);
    msg[sizeof(msg) / sizeof(msg[0]) - 1] = '\0';

    if (!drmgr_unregister_bb_app2app_event(event_instruction_change) ||
        drreg_exit() != DRREG_SUCCESS)

/* Replaces inc with add 1, dec with sub 1.
 * If cannot replace (eflags constraints), leaves original instruction alone.
static dr_emit_flags_t
event_instruction_change(void *drcontext, void *tag, instrlist_t *bb, bool for_trace,
                         bool translating)
    int opcode;
    instr_t *instr, *next_instr;

    /* Only bother replacing for hot code, i.e., when for_trace is true, and
     * when the underlying microarchitecture calls for it.
    if (!for_trace || !enable)
        return DR_EMIT_DEFAULT;

    for (instr = instrlist_first_app(bb); instr != NULL; instr = next_instr) {
        /* We're deleting some instrs, so get the next first. */
        next_instr = instr_get_next_app(instr);
        opcode = instr_get_opcode(instr);
        if (opcode == OP_inc || opcode == OP_dec) {
            if (!translating)
            if (replace_inc_with_add(drcontext, instr, bb)) {
                if (!translating)

    return DR_EMIT_DEFAULT;

/* Replaces inc with add 1, dec with sub 1.
 * Returns true if successful, false if not.
static bool
replace_inc_with_add(void *drcontext, instr_t *instr, instrlist_t *bb)
    instr_t *new_instr;
    uint eflags;
    int opcode = instr_get_opcode(instr);

    DR_ASSERT(opcode == OP_inc || opcode == OP_dec);

    /* Add/sub writes CF, inc/dec does not, so we make sure that's ok.
     * We use drreg's liveness analysis, which includes the rest of this block.
     * To be more sophisticated, we could examine instructions at target of each
     * direct exit instead of assuming CF is live across any branch.
    if (drreg_aflags_liveness(drcontext, instr, &eflags) != DRREG_SUCCESS ||
        (eflags & EFLAGS_READ_CF) != 0) {

        return false;
    if (opcode == OP_inc) {

        new_instr =
            INSTR_CREATE_add(drcontext, instr_get_dst(instr, 0), OPND_CREATE_INT8(1));
    } else {

        new_instr =
            INSTR_CREATE_sub(drcontext, instr_get_dst(instr, 0), OPND_CREATE_INT8(1));
    if (instr_get_prefix_flag(instr, PREFIX_LOCK))
        instr_set_prefix_flag(new_instr, PREFIX_LOCK);
    instr_set_translation(new_instr, instr_get_app_pc(instr));
    instrlist_replace(bb, instr, new_instr);
    instr_destroy(drcontext, instr);
    return true;

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