
[C:\~]$ ssh [email protected]

Connecting to
Connection established.
To escape to local shell, press 'Ctrl+Alt+]'.

WARNING! The remote SSH server rejected X11 forwarding request.
Last login: Tue Apr  9 17:54:40 2019 from
[root@swust6 ~]# ls
academy.sql  academy.zip  anaconda-ks.cfg  datasets.tar  MegaCli-8.07.14-1.noarch.rpm  MegaSAS.log  novnc.tar  parted-tools.sh  raid.sh  repository.tar  vnc.tar
[root@swust6 ~]# cd /mnt/disk1
[root@swust6 disk1]# ls
[root@swust6 disk1]# cd data/
[root@swust6 data]# ls
academy  academy-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war  academy.sql  academy.zip  app.tar.gz  datasets.tar  novnc.tar  repository.tar  vnc.tar
[root@swust6 data]# cd academy/
[root@swust6 academy]# ls
academy-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war  app  app.tar.gz  bak  config  derby.log  EXPERIMENT_STEP  images  jre  start.sh  templates  truncateAllTableAndInitUser.sql  tu.log  VIDEO_TEMP
[root@swust6 academy]# vi tu.log 
[root@swust6 academy]# tail tu.log 
	at org.xnio.ChannelListeners.invokeChannelListener(ChannelListeners.java:92)
	at org.xnio.conduits.ReadReadyHandler$ChannelListenerHandler.readReady(ReadReadyHandler.java:66)
	at org.xnio.nio.NioSocketConduit.handleReady(NioSocketConduit.java:88)
	at org.xnio.nio.WorkerThread.run(WorkerThread.java:559)
Caused by: org.springframework.security.web.csrf.MissingCsrfTokenException: Could not verify the provided CSRF token because your session was not found.
	at org.springframework.security.messaging.web.csrf.CsrfChannelInterceptor.preSend(CsrfChannelInterceptor.java:55)
	at org.springframework.messaging.support.AbstractMessageChannel$ChannelInterceptorChain.applyPreSend(AbstractMessageChannel.java:158)
	at org.springframework.messaging.support.AbstractMessageChannel.send(AbstractMessageChannel.java:113)
	... 37 common frames omitted
[root@swust6 academy]# cat start.sh 

ps -ef | grep academy | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill

nohup ./jre/bin/java -DSPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=prod,swagger -DSPRING_DATASOURCE_URL="jdbc:mysql://" -DSPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME=root -DSPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD=781117295 -jar academy-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war  --server.port=8080  > tu.log 2>&1 &
[root@swust6 academy]# ps -ef | grep academy
root      3060  2993  0 20:14 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto academy
[root@swust6 academy]# sh start.sh 

 kill [options] <pid|name> [...]

 -a, --all              do not restrict the name-to-pid conversion to processes
                        with the same uid as the present process
 -s, --signal <sig>     send specified signal
 -q, --queue <sig>      use sigqueue(2) rather than kill(2)
 -p, --pid              print pids without signaling them
 -l, --list [=<signal>] list signal names, or convert one to a name
 -L, --table            list signal names and numbers

 -h, --help     display this help and exit
 -V, --version  output version information and exit

For more details see kill(1).
[root@swust6 academy]# tail -f tu.log 
        ██║ ████████║    ██║    ███████╔╝ ╚█████╗     ██║    ██████╗   ███████╔╝
  ██╗   ██║ ██╔═══██║    ██║    ██╔════╝   ╚═══██╗    ██║    ██╔═══╝   ██╔══██║
  ╚██████╔╝ ██║   ██║ ████████╗ ██║       ██████╔╝    ██║    ████████╗ ██║  ╚██╗
   ╚═════╝  ╚═╝   ╚═╝ ╚═══════╝ ╚═╝       ╚═════╝     ╚═╝    ╚═══════╝ ╚═╝   ╚═╝

:: JHipster 🤓  :: Running Spring Boot 1.5.2.RELEASE ::
:: http://jhipster.github.io ::

2019-04-10 20:14:48.194  INFO 3070 --- [           main] com.transwarp.academy.AcademyApp         : Starting AcademyApp on swust6 with PID 3070 (/mnt/disk1/data/academy/academy-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war started by root in /mnt/disk1/data/academy)
2019-04-10 20:14:48.203  INFO 3070 --- [           main] com.transwarp.academy.AcademyApp         : The following profiles are active: prod
2019-04-10 20:14:52.888  INFO 3070 --- [           main] c.h.instance.DefaultAddressPicker        : [LOCAL] [dev] [3.7.5] Interfaces is disabled, trying to pick one address from TCP-IP config addresses: [,]
2019-04-10 20:14:52.888  INFO 3070 --- [           main] c.h.instance.DefaultAddressPicker        : [LOCAL] [dev] [3.7.5] Prefer IPv4 stack is true.
2019-04-10 20:14:52.890  WARN 3070 --- [           main] c.h.instance.DefaultAddressPicker        : [LOCAL] [dev] [3.7.5] Could not find a matching address to start with! Picking one of non-loopback addresses.
2019-04-10 20:14:52.974  INFO 3070 --- [           main] c.h.instance.DefaultAddressPicker        : [LOCAL] [dev] [3.7.5] Picked []:5701, using socket ServerSocket[addr=/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0,localport=5701], bind any local is true
2019-04-10 20:14:52.997  INFO 3070 --- [           main] com.hazelcast.system                     : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] Hazelcast 3.7.5 (20170124 - 111f332) starting at []:5701
2019-04-10 20:14:52.997  INFO 3070 --- [           main] com.hazelcast.system                     : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] Copyright (c) 2008-2016, Hazelcast, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
2019-04-10 20:14:52.997  INFO 3070 --- [           main] com.hazelcast.system                     : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] Configured Hazelcast Serialization version : 1
2019-04-10 20:14:53.261  INFO 3070 --- [           main] c.h.s.i.o.impl.BackpressureRegulator     : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] Backpressure is disabled
2019-04-10 20:14:53.763  INFO 3070 --- [           main] com.hazelcast.instance.Node              : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] Creating TcpIpJoiner
2019-04-10 20:14:53.908  INFO 3070 --- [           main] c.h.s.i.o.impl.OperationExecutorImpl     : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] Starting 32 partition threads
2019-04-10 20:14:53.913  INFO 3070 --- [           main] c.h.s.i.o.impl.OperationExecutorImpl     : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] Starting 17 generic threads (1 dedicated for priority tasks)
2019-04-10 20:14:53.920  INFO 3070 --- [           main] com.hazelcast.core.LifecycleService      : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] []:5701 is STARTING
2019-04-10 20:14:53.921  INFO 3070 --- [           main] c.h.n.t.n.NonBlockingIOThreadingModel    : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] TcpIpConnectionManager configured with Non Blocking IO-threading model: 3 input threads and 3 output threads
2019-04-10 20:14:53.951  INFO 3070 --- [cached.thread-1] c.hazelcast.nio.tcp.InitConnectionTask   : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] Connecting to /, timeout: 0, bind-any: true
2019-04-10 20:14:53.951  INFO 3070 --- [cached.thread-2] c.hazelcast.nio.tcp.InitConnectionTask   : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] Connecting to /, timeout: 0, bind-any: true
2019-04-10 20:14:53.951  INFO 3070 --- [cached.thread-3] c.hazelcast.nio.tcp.InitConnectionTask   : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] Connecting to /, timeout: 0, bind-any: true
2019-04-10 20:14:53.951  INFO 3070 --- [cached.thread-6] c.hazelcast.nio.tcp.InitConnectionTask   : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] Connecting to /, timeout: 0, bind-any: true
2019-04-10 20:14:53.951  INFO 3070 --- [cached.thread-5] c.hazelcast.nio.tcp.InitConnectionTask   : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] Connecting to /, timeout: 0, bind-any: true
2019-04-10 20:14:53.951  INFO 3070 --- [cached.thread-4] c.hazelcast.nio.tcp.InitConnectionTask   : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] Connecting to /, timeout: 0, bind-any: true
2019-04-10 20:14:53.966  INFO 3070 --- [cached.thread-2] c.hazelcast.nio.tcp.InitConnectionTask   : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] Could not connect to: / Reason: SocketException[No route to host to address /]
2019-04-10 20:14:53.967  INFO 3070 --- [cached.thread-2] com.hazelcast.cluster.impl.TcpIpJoiner   : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] []:5702 is added to the blacklist.
2019-04-10 20:14:53.967  INFO 3070 --- [cached.thread-1] c.hazelcast.nio.tcp.InitConnectionTask   : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] Could not connect to: / Reason: SocketException[No route to host to address /]
2019-04-10 20:14:53.967  INFO 3070 --- [cached.thread-1] com.hazelcast.cluster.impl.TcpIpJoiner   : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] []:5703 is added to the blacklist.
2019-04-10 20:14:53.967  INFO 3070 --- [cached.thread-3] c.hazelcast.nio.tcp.InitConnectionTask   : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] Could not connect to: / Reason: SocketException[No route to host to address /]
2019-04-10 20:14:53.967  INFO 3070 --- [cached.thread-3] com.hazelcast.cluster.impl.TcpIpJoiner   : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] []:5701 is added to the blacklist.
2019-04-10 20:14:53.969  INFO 3070 --- [cached.thread-6] c.hazelcast.nio.tcp.InitConnectionTask   : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] Could not connect to: / Reason: SocketException[No route to host to address /]
2019-04-10 20:14:53.969  INFO 3070 --- [cached.thread-6] com.hazelcast.cluster.impl.TcpIpJoiner   : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] []:5703 is added to the blacklist.
2019-04-10 20:14:53.969  INFO 3070 --- [cached.thread-5] c.hazelcast.nio.tcp.InitConnectionTask   : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] Could not connect to: / Reason: SocketException[No route to host to address /]
2019-04-10 20:14:53.969  INFO 3070 --- [cached.thread-4] c.hazelcast.nio.tcp.InitConnectionTask   : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] Could not connect to: / Reason: SocketException[No route to host to address /]
2019-04-10 20:14:53.969  INFO 3070 --- [cached.thread-5] com.hazelcast.cluster.impl.TcpIpJoiner   : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] []:5702 is added to the blacklist.
2019-04-10 20:14:53.969  INFO 3070 --- [cached.thread-4] com.hazelcast.cluster.impl.TcpIpJoiner   : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] []:5701 is added to the blacklist.
2019-04-10 20:14:54.948  INFO 3070 --- [           main] com.hazelcast.cluster.impl.TcpIpJoiner   : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] 

Members [1] {
	Member []:5701 - 6906d1c2-f2af-464b-aecf-6b649d9d5284 this

2019-04-10 20:14:54.979  INFO 3070 --- [           main] com.hazelcast.core.LifecycleService      : []:5701 [dev] [3.7.5] []:5701 is STARTED
2019-04-10 20:14:56.128 DEBUG 3070 --- [           main] i.g.j.c.liquibase.AsyncSpringLiquibase   : Starting Liquibase synchronously
2019-04-10 20:14:57.916 DEBUG 3070 --- [           main] i.g.j.c.liquibase.AsyncSpringLiquibase   : Liquibase has updated your database in 1786 ms
2019-04-10 20:15:02.482  INFO 3070 --- [           main] c.t.academy.config.WebConfigurer         : Web application configuration, using profiles: prod
2019-04-10 20:15:02.491  INFO 3070 --- [           main] c.t.academy.config.WebConfigurer         : Web application fully configured
2019-04-10 20:15:09.619  INFO 3070 --- [           main] com.transwarp.academy.AcademyApp         : Started AcademyApp in 22.823 seconds (JVM running for 24.744)
2019-04-10 20:15:09.619  INFO 3070 --- [           main] com.transwarp.academy.AcademyApp         : 
	Application 'academy' is running! Access URLs:
	Local: 		http://localhost:8080
	Profile(s): 	[prod]
[root@swust6 academy]# ps -ef | grep academy
root      3070     1 99 20:14 pts/0    00:02:07 ./jre/bin/java -DSPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=prod,swagger -DSPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:mysql:// -DSPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME=root -DSPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD=781117295 -jar academy-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war --server.port=8080
root      3238  2993  0 20:15 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto academy
[root@swust6 academy]# free -g
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            125           3         122           0           0         122
Swap:            31           0          31

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