

public class FutureTask<V> implements RunnableFuture<V> {
      * FutureTask的狀態 從NEW-->COMPLETEING-->NORMAL
    private volatile int state;
    private static final int NEW          = 0;
    private static final int COMPLETING   = 1;
    private static final int NORMAL       = 2;
    private static final int EXCEPTIONAL  = 3;
    private static final int CANCELLED    = 4;
    private static final int INTERRUPTING = 5;
    private static final int INTERRUPTED  = 6;

    /** callable 對象,封裝了Runnable任務 */
    private Callable<V> callable;
    /** callabel 執行的結果 */
    private Object outcome; // non-volatile, protected by state reads/writes
    /** 執行任務的線程 */
    private volatile Thread runner;
    /** 獲取結果阻塞的鏈條頭結點 */
    private volatile WaitNode waiters;

     * 獲取執行結果,如果狀態不爲NORMAL 則拋異常
     * @param s completed state value
    private V report(int s) throws ExecutionException {
        Object x = outcome;
        if (s == NORMAL)
            return (V)x;
        if (s >= CANCELLED)
            throw new CancellationException();
        throw new ExecutionException((Throwable)x);

     * 傳入callable 構造方法  並初始化狀態
    public FutureTask(Callable<V> callable) {
        if (callable == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();
        this.callable = callable;
        this.state = NEW;       // ensure visibility of callable

      * 構造方法 將runnable及result 轉換爲callable
      * 同時初始化狀態
    public FutureTask(Runnable runnable, V result) {
        this.callable = Executors.callable(runnable, result);
        this.state = NEW;       // ensure visibility of callable

    public boolean isCancelled() {
        return state >= CANCELLED;

    public boolean isDone() {
        return state != NEW;

      * 取消任務 若可中斷,會將執行線程置爲中斷狀態
    public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) {
        if (!(state == NEW &&
              UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, stateOffset, NEW,
                  mayInterruptIfRunning ? INTERRUPTING : CANCELLED)))
            return false;
        try {    // in case call to interrupt throws exception
            if (mayInterruptIfRunning) {
                try {
                    Thread t = runner;
                    if (t != null)
                } finally { // final state
                    UNSAFE.putOrderedInt(this, stateOffset, INTERRUPTED);
        } finally {
        return true;

     * 獲取結果,若狀態未完成,將會進入阻塞不指定阻塞時間
    public V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
        int s = state;
        if (s <= COMPLETING)
            s = awaitDone(false, 0L);
        return report(s);

     *  指定阻塞的時間,超過該時間,報超時。
    public V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
        throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
        if (unit == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();
        int s = state;
        if (s <= COMPLETING &&
            (s = awaitDone(true, unit.toNanos(timeout))) <= COMPLETING)
            throw new TimeoutException();
        return report(s);

     * Protected method invoked when this task transitions to state
     * {@code isDone} (whether normally or via cancellation). The
     * default implementation does nothing.  Subclasses may override
     * this method to invoke completion callbacks or perform
     * bookkeeping. Note that you can query status inside the
     * implementation of this method to determine whether this task
     * has been cancelled.
    protected void done() { }

     * cas 設置狀態
     * 設置結果
    protected void set(V v) {
        if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, stateOffset, NEW, COMPLETING)) {
            outcome = v;
            UNSAFE.putOrderedInt(this, stateOffset, NORMAL); // final state

     * 設置異常狀態
    protected void setException(Throwable t) {
        if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(this, stateOffset, NEW, COMPLETING)) {
            outcome = t;
            UNSAFE.putOrderedInt(this, stateOffset, EXCEPTIONAL); // final state

     * 真正執行任務
    public void run() {
        if (state != NEW ||
            !UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, runnerOffset,
                                         null, Thread.currentThread()))
        try {
            Callable<V> c = callable;
            if (c != null && state == NEW) {
                V result;
                boolean ran;
                try {
                    result = c.call();
                    ran = true;
                } catch (Throwable ex) {
                    result = null;
                    ran = false;
                if (ran)
                    set(result); //設置結果
        } finally {
            // runner must be non-null until state is settled to
            // prevent concurrent calls to run()
            runner = null;
            // state must be re-read after nulling runner to prevent
            // leaked interrupts
            int s = state;
            if (s >= INTERRUPTING)

     *  直接執行這個任務,但是並沒有設置結果
    protected boolean runAndReset() {
        if (state != NEW ||
            !UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, runnerOffset,
                                         null, Thread.currentThread()))
            return false;
        boolean ran = false;
        int s = state;
        try {
            Callable<V> c = callable;
            if (c != null && s == NEW) {
                try {
                    c.call(); // don't set result
                    ran = true;
                } catch (Throwable ex) {
        } finally {
            // runner must be non-null until state is settled to
            // prevent concurrent calls to run()
            runner = null;
            // state must be re-read after nulling runner to prevent
            // leaked interrupts
            s = state;
            if (s >= INTERRUPTING)
        return ran && s == NEW;

     * Ensures that any interrupt from a possible cancel(true) is only
     * delivered to a task while in run or runAndReset.
    private void handlePossibleCancellationInterrupt(int s) {
        // It is possible for our interrupter to stall before getting a
        // chance to interrupt us.  Let's spin-wait patiently.
        if (s == INTERRUPTING)
            while (state == INTERRUPTING)
                Thread.yield(); // wait out pending interrupt

        // assert state == INTERRUPTED;

        // We want to clear any interrupt we may have received from
        // cancel(true).  However, it is permissible to use interrupts
        // as an independent mechanism for a task to communicate with
        // its caller, and there is no way to clear only the
        // cancellation interrupt.
        // Thread.interrupted();

     * 等待鏈表。
    static final class WaitNode {
        volatile Thread thread;
        volatile WaitNode next;
        WaitNode() { thread = Thread.currentThread(); }

     * 喚醒等待的列表
    private void finishCompletion() {
        // assert state > COMPLETING;
        for (WaitNode q; (q = waiters) != null;) {
            if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, waitersOffset, q, null)) {
                for (;;) {
                    Thread t = q.thread;
                    if (t != null) {
                        q.thread = null;
                    WaitNode next = q.next;
                    if (next == null)
                    q.next = null; // unlink to help gc
                    q = next;


        callable = null;        // to reduce footprint

     * 阻塞等待
    private int awaitDone(boolean timed, long nanos)
        throws InterruptedException {
        final long deadline = timed ? System.nanoTime() + nanos : 0L;
        WaitNode q = null;
        boolean queued = false;
        for (;;) {
            if (Thread.interrupted()) {
                throw new InterruptedException();

            int s = state;
            if (s > COMPLETING) {
                if (q != null)
                    q.thread = null;
                return s;
            else if (s == COMPLETING) // 完成了再等待一會
            else if (q == null)
                q = new WaitNode(); //創建等待鏈表
            else if (!queued)
                // 加入鏈接,並重置爲waiters
                queued = UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, waitersOffset,
                                                     q.next = waiters, q);
            else if (timed) {
                nanos = deadline - System.nanoTime();
                if (nanos <= 0L) {
                    return state;
                LockSupport.parkNanos(this, nanos);

     * 在等待鏈表中刪除本節點並重置頭節點
    private void removeWaiter(WaitNode node) {
        if (node != null) {
            node.thread = null;
            for (;;) {          // restart on removeWaiter race
                for (WaitNode pred = null, q = waiters, s; q != null; q = s) {
                    s = q.next;
                    if (q.thread != null)
                        pred = q;
                    else if (pred != null) {
                        pred.next = s;
                        if (pred.thread == null) // check for race
                            continue retry;
                    else if (!UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, waitersOffset,
                                                          q, s))
                        continue retry;

    // cas 操作。查找指定對象的offset 
    private static final sun.misc.Unsafe UNSAFE;
    private static final long stateOffset;
    private static final long runnerOffset;
    private static final long waitersOffset;
    static {
        try {
            UNSAFE = sun.misc.Unsafe.getUnsafe();
            Class<?> k = FutureTask.class;
            stateOffset = UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset
            runnerOffset = UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset
            waitersOffset = UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new Error(e);



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