
**JLink Warning: CPU could not be halted
ROMTableAddr = 0xE00FF000
* JLink Info: Core did not halt after reset, trying to disable WDT.
**JLink Warning: CPU did not halt after reset.
**JLink Warning: CPU did not halt after reset.
**JLink Warning: CPU could not be halted
* JLink Info: Core did not halt after reset, trying to disable WDT.
**JLink Warning: CPU did not halt after reset.
**JLink Warning: CPU could not be halted
* JLink Info: Core did not halt after reset, trying to disable WDT.
**JLink Warning: CPU did not halt after reset.
**JLink Warning: CPU could not be halted
* JLink Info: SYSRESETREQ has confused core. Trying to reconnect and use VECTRESET.
* JLink Info: Found SWD-DP with ID 0x0BB11477
* JLink Info: Found Cortex-M0 r0p0, Little endian.
**JLink Warning: Failed to reset CPU. VECTRESET has confused core.
**JLink Warning: CPU did not halt after reset.
**JLink Warning: CPU could not be halted
* JLink Info: Core did not halt after reset, trying to disable WDT.
**JLink Warning: CPU did not halt after reset.
**JLink Warning: CPU could not be halted
**JLink Warning: Could not set S_RESET_ST
***JLink Error: DAP error while reading DP-Ctrl-Stat register.
**JLink Warning: CPU could not be halted
Error: Flash Download failed  -  Target DLL has been cancelled


本篇帖子旨在記錄錯誤現象,最開始單片機在未接其他大的外設設備(例如:顯示屏模塊和其他耗電的外設模塊時), 單片機是能夠正常燒錄的,但是,由於後面其他外設設備接在單片機IO口上,沒有注意到這個只是使用JLink來給整個產品供電,會造成供電電壓不足發生,纔會導致以上燒錄錯誤產生,單片機的供電電壓3.3V未到達,MCU未工作起來。

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