擴展和嵌入Python 解釋器(Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter)--摘要





Python is an interpreted, object-oriented programming language. This document describes how to write modules in C or C++ to extend the Python interpreter with new modules. Those modules can define new functions but also new object types and their methods. The document also describes how to embed the Python interpreter in another application, for use as an extension language. Finally, it shows how to compile and link extension modules so that they can be loaded dynamically (at run time) into the interpreter, if the underlying operating system supports this feature.

本文檔描述瞭如何使用C或C++撰寫Python 解釋器擴展模塊.這些模塊能夠定義新的函數,新對象類型和其方法.本文檔描述如何將Python 解釋器嵌入到其它程序裏,作爲擴展語言.最後,展示瞭如何編譯和鏈接擴展模塊以使它們動態載入到解釋器裏.

This document assumes basic knowledge about Python. For an informal introduction to the language, see the Python Tutorial. The Python Reference Manual gives a more formal definition of the language. The Python Library Reference documents the existing object types, functions and modules (both built-in and written in Python) that give the language its wide application range.

本文檔假定熟悉 Python基本知識.

For a detailed description of the whole Python/C API, see the separate Python/C API Reference Manual.

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